EMPower Mentor Application Please provide the following contact information: Applicant’s Name: ______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ____________________________________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________________________ Social Media: __________________________________________________________________ Preferred method of contact: Telephone_____ Email _____ Social Media _____ Becoming a Native American STEM mentor represents the beginning of a powerful journey. Many mentors/mentees end up forming relationships that last far beyond the mentoring experiences. They often become friends, allies, and lifelong colleagues in STEM. The mentoring experience for Native Students is often different than that of mainstream students. The values orientation of Native students is sometimes subtly and sometimes dramatically different than that of the University. Research and experience has shown that those who have navigated these challenges themselves are best suited to assist others. The STEM fields also present their own unique challenges and opportunities for Native students. The challenges are often easy to see while the opportunities may appear unclear, distant or even invisible. Assisting other students in navigating these challenges is rewarding. These considerations make this a somewhat “different application”. We pay special attention to “the match” of mentor and mentee. Tribal, social, cultural, leadership and communication styles are a few of the factors we use. Please answer the questions to the full extent you are comfortable. Being is specific helpful. Completing this application represents your desire to help other students. Page 1 of 4 EMPower Mentor Application To help facilitate an effective mentor/mentee match please respond to the following: 1. Reason(s) for wanting to be a mentor: 2. Provide a brief summary of your relevant experience: i.e. education, work, experience, specialized skills, etc. 3. Is there a particular area field of study you would most like to work on with a mentee? If so, please provide details: Time Requirements: 4. We require one hour each week to be set aside to meet with your mentee. Time spent outside of this requirement will vary according to the needs and desires of each mentor/mentee pair. Is it possible for you to provide this time for the program? Yes____ No____ 5. Along with the requirement to meet with your mentee weekly, there will be a mentor training that will take place within the first month of becoming a mentor. This training generally lasts a half day and lunch is provided. This training will not interfere with your class schedule and is generally planned for a weekend day. Is it possible for you to provide this time for the program? Yes____ No____ *Once a month in October and November we will have a guest speaker or skill building event and we ask that you please attend. These meetings take place in the evening and dinner is provided. In the instance that you have little ones, they are always welcome. Page 2 of 4 EMPower Mentor Application 6. The EMPower mentoring program will try to match mentors with mentees of a similar background if requested. Which tribal group/communities/traditions/cultures do you have the most experience with? Which tribal language(s) do you have the most familiarity with? 7. What characteristics would you be looking for in a mentee? 8. Please share any additional thoughts, comments or recommendations. Thank you. Page 3 of 4 EMPower Mentor Application In order to achieve the best match for mentor and mentee we ask you to fill out the following communication and cultural values survey. All the answers are a continuum and there is no right or wrong answer. Please place an X nearest the value you share or answer that best represents your feelings, experiences or views. INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM \__ __ __ __ __ __ __/ GROUP CONSENSUS DIRECTNESS \__ __ __ __ __ __ __/ POLITENESS FAMILY OR COMMUNITY FINANCIAL SECURITY \__ __ __ __ __ __ __/ PERSONAL FINANCIAL SECURITY LISTENING SILENTLY \__ __ __ __ __ __ __/ SPEAKING FORCEFULLY CHARGING AHEAD \__ __ __ __ __ __ __/ MOVING WITH A GROUP SUPPORTIVE FAMILY \__ __ __ __ __ __ __/ SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY PREPARATION FOR THE FUTURE \__ __ __ __ __ __ __/ BEING IN THE MOMENT TRIBAL IDENTITY \__ __ __ __ __ __ __/ INDIVIDUAL IDENTITY FAMILY \__ __ __ __ __ __ __/ DETERMINED BY BIOLOGY FAMILY DETERMINES BY KINSHIP (CULTURE) WISDOM \__ __ __ __ __ __ __/ KNOWLEDGE CALMNESS \__ __ __ __ __ __ __/ EXCITABILITY QUIETNESS \__ __ __ __ __ __ __/ LOUDNESS LEARNING BY OBSERVATION \__ __ __ __ __ __ __/ LEARNING BY DOING NATURAL SPACES \__ __ __ __ __ __ __/ URBAN SPACES Page 4 of 4