Document 17563105

Standard 2.C.9
Related Material:
Initial Comments:
Larsen, Ron; Maki, Sarah
2009 Section 2.C.1, 2.C.2, 2.C.3, Policy 2.1 (page 81)
Statement (from NWCCU Eligibility Requirements or Accreditation Standards)
The General Education component of undergraduate programs (if offered) demonstrates an
integrated course of study that helps students develop the breadth and depth of intellect to
become more effective learners and to prepare them for a productive life of work, citizenship, and
personal fulfillment. Baccalaureate degree programs and transfer associate degree programs
include a recognizable core of general education that represents an integration of basic knowledge
and methodology of the humanities and fine arts, mathematical and natural sciences, and social
sciences. Applied undergraduate degree and certificate programs of thirty (30) semester credits or
forty-five (45) quarter credits in length contain a recognizable core of related instruction or general
education with identified outcomes in the areas of communication, computation, and human
relations that align with and support program goals or intended outcomes.
MSU's Response
<START Replace this text with your response.>
The basic structure of a response is a couple of paragraphs and a list of illustrative examples.
Typically, use one or two paragraphs to state how MSU fulfills the requirement or meets the
standard, and then list examples (often websites, but can be appended materials) demonstrating
your point(s). If you list a website, provide a complete web address.
The goal is not to use a lot of unnecessary words, but to demonstrate to the reader how MSU fulfills
the requirement or meets the standard.
Note: Some of the standards pack several items into one statement, and these will take more than
a couple of paragraphs. Responses for this type of standard often have multiple authors. Submit
responses for the parts of the standard that are in your area of responsibility and assume other
authors will cover other required components. If possible, work together with the other authors to
develop a coordinated response.
<END of text to replace>