Central Washington University Staff Telework Agreement

Central Washington University
Staff Telework Agreement
Employee Title
1. This agreement confirms the voluntary and mutual arrangement by the department and the employee. The
employee has reviewed, understands and agrees to abide by the department’s and CWU’s Telework Guidelines.
2. Terms of Employment The employee understands that this telework agreement is not a contract of employment
between the University and the employee and does not provide any contractual rights to continued
employment. The employee remains obligated to comply with university policies that would apply if the
employee were working at the regular worksite. Work products developed by the employee while
telecommuting remain the property of Central Washington University. Work hours and leave scheduling while
teleworking continue to conform to applicable policies and/or collective bargaining agreements.
3. Length of Commitment & Reversibility
 Requirement of Position: This arrangement will begin _____________ and continue until ______________.
Continuation of agreement may be revoked at the option of the employer.
 Voluntary: This arrangement will begin _________________ and continue until _________________ or until
ended by the employee or employer. Should the employee wish to terminate the arrangement a minimum of
14-calendar days’ notice must be provided to the employer. Continuation of the agreement is subject to review
and may be revoked at the option of the employer. The employer shall normally provide a minimum of 14calendar days’ notice prior to termination of the agreement.
4. Accountability and Performance Measurement The completed Telework Assignment must be attached and
incorporated into this agreement. The following date has been assigned for the supervisor and employee to
review the telework assignment. Review Date: ____________________.The employee agrees to stay current
on work group events, facilitate communication with customers and co-workers who may be affected by the
telework arrangement, and keep the supervisor informed of progress on assignments and any problems
encountered while teleworking. Employee agrees to structure his or her time to ensure attendance at required
meetings as designated by the supervisor.
5. Equipment, Insurance, Office Supplies University-owned resources may only be used for university business.
The employee is responsible for providing any repair/replacement resulting from any damage done to or loss of
the aforementioned property during the period of removal. The university assumes no responsibility for any
damage to, wear, or loss of the employee’s personal property. The employee agrees to return in good working
order and in a timely fashion all university-owned items upon request or if the telework agreement is
discontinued for any reason. If legal action is necessary to regain possession of university-owned property, and
if the University prevails, the employee agrees to pay cost
6. Site Safety The employee agrees to maintain a hazard-free environment in and around the work location.
Representatives of the university may make visits to the employee’s telework site, at a mutually agreed upon
time, to ensure that the designated work space is safe and to maintain, inspect or retrieve university-owned
items such as equipment and/or supplies. The employee will be covered by workers’ compensation for jobrelated injuries that occur in the course and scope of employment while teleworking. The employee remains
liable for injuries to third parties and/or members of the employee’s family on the employee’s premises.
7. Signatures. Signing this agreement means that it has been reviewed and agreed upon.
Employee Signature
Supervisor Signature
Appointing Authority Signature
Completed Telework Assignment form
Original: Personnel File Copies: Employee, Supervisor, ITS, EH&S