Central Washington University Employee Council of Civil Service Employees March 17, 2009

Central Washington University
Employee Council of Civil Service Employees
Minutes of the Meeting
March 17, 2009
The basic purpose of the Employee Council shall be to provide civil service employees with a forum for sharing
timely information and facilitating employee recognition. The Employee Council does not perform any function of
organized labor and is not intended in any way to supplant collective negotiations or employee organizations
provided for in RCW 41.06. http://www.cwu.edu/~hr/minutes/purpose.doc
Call to order
Approval of the Minutes
Speaker – David Winters, Wine Festival
Sub Committee Reports
Procedures for Employee of the Month
Selection of Employee of the Month
For The Good of The Order/New Business
HR Announcement
The Employee Council of Civil Service Employees meeting in the Library, Room 153, was called to order at
2:05 p.m. by Elaine Ames.
Minutes from February were approved with corrections. Parking Committee report was incorrect when stating
parking will increase in September, 2009, by 5% and 8% the following year. This was approved; however, more
information was needed and the committee tabled the topic for further discussion.
To view past minutes, please visit: http://www.cwu.edu/~hr/minutes/index.html.
Wine Festival
David Winters, Program Assistant of the World Wine Program in Continuing Education, spoke about the World Wine
Program which has been offering consumer classes and trade training certificates since 2002. The World Wine
Program now has a 4 year degree offered in Global Wine Studies which focuses on the marketing of wine on a global
basis. The World Wine Program will hold a Wine Festival on May 9, 2009 from 3-7 p.m. in downtown Ellensburg in
partnership with the Ellensburg Chamber of Commerce. Details will be announced soon. More information about
CWU World Wine Program can be found on their website: http://www.cwuce.org/wine-education.
Discussion continued on the procedures for Employee of the Month. A motion was approved to conduct a survey.
Amy Zukowski volunteered to gather questions for the survey and bring them back to the council for review. If you
have any suggestions for questions, please email Amy at azukowsk@cwu.edu.
The council voted on Employee of the Month for March. The winner will be announced at a later date.
Please look for the Employee of the Month winner in the University Bulletin and on the Campus Intranet.
Information is posted after the presentations and announcements have been made. See current and previous
winners online: http://www.cwu.edu/~hr/ec/index.html.
Civil Service Employee of the Month nomination forms can be found on the Human Resources website:
http://www.cwu.edu/~hr/forms/eotmnominate.doc. You can also call Human Resources at x1202 to obtain a
nomination form. Community members, CWU students and administrators as well as civil service employees are
encouraged to nominate a civil service employee who deserves recognition and has worked for CWU at least two
The CWU Employee Appreciation Ceremony will be held April 7th at 1:30 PM. Employee Council will recognize
Employee’s of the Month for 2008 and name the Employee of the Year.
The President’s Address to Civil Service Employees is scheduled for April 13th in the SURC Ballroom at 10:30
a.m.-noon and again from 2:30-4:00 p.m. President Gaudino and Sherer Holter will be the speakers. Debbie
Thomas is working on the program and flyer. Kathleen Sheldon is preparing name tags and will have a schedule
for the greeters out soon.
Phil Patzik reported the Parking Committee is still discussing an increase for next year. See parking minutes at
Early Childhood Learning – Joe Bach and Elaine Ames met with Bill Vertrees, Interim VP of Business and
Financial Affairs. Mr. Vertrees will take the letter to the President’s Cabinet and then have a response to the letter.
The Display Case for the 2008 Employee of the Month winners in Bouillon Hall lobby is in the design stage
according to Laura Anderson. They do have a back drop in the case at this time.
The trophy for Team of Distinction Award will be ready to be awarded at the Employee Appreciation Award on April
Team of Distinction Award nomination form for 2009 is on line at
December 31, 2009.
Nominations will be accepted through
“The purpose of the program is to give members of the university community who are concerned about improving
the university’s climate a positive way to direct their energy and an opportunity to connect with other university
members who also want to take action to improve their community.”
Elaine Ames reminded us that the Presidential Advisory Council (PAC) meeting minutes are located on the web at
Elaine mentioned elections will be held spring quarter for Employee Council members. Please check the list of
Employee Council members to see if your term is about to expire and if you wish to continue let your group know
so they can cast their vote for you. If you have no desire to continue on the Employee Council, let them know that
also, so someone else can run.
Guest Speaker for April will be Kirk Eslinger, Human Resources, and for May the speaker will be Phil Backlund,
Communications Dept. Kirk will be talking about the Workforce Enrichment Program.
iTunes website: http://www.apple.com/itunes/download.
Cost Savings and Revenue Generating suggestions for CWU can be accessed at
Michael Horne, Training and Development Administrator, has resigned. The program is in transition, however, some
of the training classes will go on as scheduled. Check the HR website for updates: www.cwu.edu/~hr.
The Employee Council meeting was adjourned at 3:00 pm. The next Employee Council meeting is scheduled for
Tuesday, April 21, 2009.
Present – Delegate (D), Alternate (A)
Laura Anderson, Business Support – D
Mary Tosch, Financial Management – D
Phil Patzik, Information Technology Services – D
Sandy Sperline, Information Technology Services – A
Debbie Thomas, Instructional Support Unit A – D
Linda MacLeod-Garcia, Instructional Support – A
Cindy Hunt, Instructional Support: Unit B – D
Bonnie Beekley, Instructional Support: Unit B – A
Dale Brubaker, Library Services and Academic Computing – D
Kathleen Sheldon, Student Affairs & Enrollment Management – D
Elaine Ames, Student Affairs –D
Joe Bach, Student Affairs – A
Elizabeth Inman, University Centers, D
Joanna Rois, University Relations & President Office - D
Monica Wallace, Business Support – D
Cari Callahan, Business Support, D
Jim Bertella, Dining Services – D
Brent Callahan, Dining Services – A
Dale Hubbard, Facilities Management – D
Mark Pantano, Facilities Management - A
Chris Stebbins, Facilities Management – A
Beata Miller, Library Services and Academic Computing - A
Cookie Ringe, Student Affairs & Enrollment Management – A
Susan Adolfi, University Centers – A
Also Present
Sherer Holter, Human Resources
If you have any questions regarding Employee Council or the Employee of the Month program, please contact your
Employee Council Representative (http://www.cwu.edu/~hr/ec/delegates.html), or Human Resources at
Shared Leave Requests
The following individuals are in need of shared leave: Gini Silva – University Housing & New Student Programs,
Kerrie Overland – Facilities Management, and Melissa Anderson – Student Health & Counseling.
CWU employees may donate leave to a fellow employee: 1) who is suffering from or has a relative or household
member who is suffering from an extraordinary or severe illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition;
or, 2) who has been called to service in the uniformed services; and, where the fact of either 1) or 2) has caused or is
likely to cause the employee to take leave without pay or terminate his or her employment.
You may donate annual (vacation) and sick leave in eight-hour blocks. A minimum balance of 80 hours of annual
leave must be maintained. Excess annual leave (that over 240 hours) that will otherwise be lost may not be donated.
A minimum balance of 176 hours of sick leave must be maintained. All or a portion of your personal holiday may also
be donated.
The shared leave donation form can be downloaded from the HR forms section of the Human Resources home page
(http://www.cwu.edu/~hr/forms/shared_leave_donation_form.doc) or requested from the HR office by calling
extension 1202. Requests to donate leave must be approved by your supervisor before forwarding to HR and are
subject to approval by your department head and Human Resources.