Central Washington University Employee Council of Civil Service Employees Minutes of the Meeting February 17, 2009 The basic purpose of the Employee Council shall be to provide civil service employees with a forum for sharing timely information and facilitating employee recognition. The Employee Council does not perform any function of organized labor and is not intended in any way to supplant collective negotiations or employee organizations provided for in RCW 41.06. http://www.cwu.edu/~hr/minutes/purpose.doc AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Approval of the Minutes 3. Michael Horne, Mentoring Program 4. Sub Committee Reports 5. Speaker-Ryan Hopkins, Outdoor Pursuits & Rentals 6. Procedures for Employee of the Month 7. Selection of Employee of the Month 8. For The Good of The Order/New Business 9. HR Announcement 10. Adjournment The Employee Council of Civil Service Employees meeting in the Library, Room 153, was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by Elaine Ames. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Minutes from January were approved. To view past minutes, please visit: http://www.cwu.edu/~hr/minutes/index.html. HR MENTORING PROGRAM Michael Horne, Training and Development Administrator, presented the CWU Mentoring Program. The kick-off orientation date is projected for April. PROCEDURES FOR EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH Cindy Hunt, Vice Chair, handed out copies of the Procedure for Employee of the Month. A lengthy discussion followed. A motion was approved to table for further discussion at the March meeting. .SELECTION OF EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH The council voted on Employee of the Month for February. The winner will be announced at a later date. Please look for the Employee of the Month winner in the University Bulletin and on the Campus Intranet. Information is posted after the presentations and announcements have been made. See current and previous winners online: http://www.cwu.edu/~hr/ec/index.html. Civil Service Employee of the Month nomination forms can be found on the Human Resources website: http://www.cwu.edu/~hr/forms/eotmnominate.doc. You can also call Human Resources at x1202 to obtain a nomination form. Anyone may nominate a civil service employee who has worked for Central Washington University for at least two years. SUB COMMITTEE REPORTS Civil Service Employee Appreciation Ceremony will be held April 7th. Debbie Thomas and Jamie Thomas are working on the agenda. Volunteers are needed, if interested call Debbie Thomas at 2688. The President’s Address to Civil Service is scheduled for April 13th in the SURC Ballroom at 10:30 a.m. to noon and again from 2:30-4:00 p.m. President Gaudino and Sherer Holter will be the speakers. Debbie Thomas is working on the program and flyers. If you would like to help with this project, contact Debbie Thomas at 2688. Phil Patzik reported on the Parking Committee. The committee met last Thursday, 2/12/09. Parking will increase in September, 2009, by 5% and 8% the following year. Daily parking will increase to $5.00. Early Childhood Learning –A copy of the letter regarding the Early Childhood Learning Center was sent to the VP of Business and Financial Affairs again in November. The Display Case for the EOM of 2008 in Bouillon Hall lobby is in the design stage. FEBRUARY SPEAKER Ryan Hopkins, Outdoor Pursuits & Rentals, University Recreation Dept., was our February speaker. The recreation center offers many opportunities for students, faculty and staff including rock climbing, challenge course, river floats, river rafting as well as rentals for camping, skiing and other sport activities. For more information, you may visit their web site at www.cwu.edu/~rec or contact the department by calling 963-3510. TEAM OF DISTINCTION AWARD The council voted on the 2008 Team of Distinction Award and the winner will be announced at the Employee Appreciation Ceremony. Team of Distinction Award nomination form for 2009 is on line at http://www.cwu.edu/~hr/ec/teamawardnominate.html. December 31, 2009. Nominations will be accepted through “The purpose of the program is to give members of the university community who are concerned about improving the university’s climate a positive way to direct their energy and an opportunity to connect with other university members who also want to take action to improve their community.” FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER/NEW BUSINESS Elaine Ames reminded us that the Presidential Advisory Council meeting minutes are located on the web at http://www.cwu.edu/president/cab-minutes. She encourages the council members and civil service employees to read the minutes. Phil Backlund will be our speaker for the May meeting. We do not have a speaker for April or May, if you have any suggestions please contact Mary Tosch, toschm@cwu.edu. Mal Stewman, Program Support Supervisor, from the Center for Student Empowerment was selected to be on the Wildcat Shop Advisory Board. iTunes website: http://www.apple.com/itunes/download. Cost savings and revenue generating suggestions for CWU can be accessed at http://www.cwu.edu/~web/savingssuggestion.html. The 2008 Employee of the Year will be announced at the Employee Appreciation Ceremony on April 7th. HR ANNOUNCEMENTS Sherer Holter, HR, announced timekeeper training will be available in the near future. She also mentioned that Training and Development is offering a new 2-hour class called Generations in the Workplace. Look for this class to be offered in the near future. Human Resource web site is www.cwu.edu/~hr. ADJOURNMENT/NEXT MEETING The Employee Council meeting was adjourned at 3:32 p.m. The next Employee Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 17, 2009. Present – Delegate (D), Alternate (A) Dale Hubbard, Facilities Management – D Mary Tosch, Financial Management – D Phil Patzik, Information Technology Services – D Sandy Sperline, Information Technology Services – A Debbie Thomas, Instructional Support Unit A – D Linda MacLeod-Garcia, Instructional Support – A Cindy Hunt, Instructional Support: Unit B – D Dale Brubaker, Library Services and Academic Computing – D Kathleen Sheldon, Student Affairs & Enrollment Management – D Elaine Ames, Student Affairs –D Joe Bach, Student Affairs – A Elizabeth Inman, University Centers, D Joanna Rois, University Relations & President Office - D Absent Laura Anderson, Business Support – D Monica Wallace, Business Support – D Cari Callahan, Business Support, D Jim Bertella, Dining Services – D Brent Callahan, Dining Services - A Mark Pantano, Facilities Management - A Chris Stebbins, Facilities Management – A Bonnie Beekley, Instructional Support: Unit B – A Beata Miller, Library Services and Academic Computing - A Cookie Ringe, Student Affairs & Enrollment Management – A Susan Adolfi, University Centers – A Also Present Sherer Holter, Human Resources If you have any questions regarding Employee Council or the Employee of the Month program, please contact your Employee Council Representative (http://www.cwu.edu/~hr/ec/delegates.html), or Human Resources at x1205. Annual Service Award Program The annual service award program for classified and exempt staff (commonly called “Appreciation Awards”) will be held the afternoon of Tuesday, April 7th in the Student Union and Recreation Center Ballroom, room 215. Employees being honored this year include: 40 years: LaVelle Clerf 35 years: Linda Baker, Peggy Gomez, Pamela Wilson 30 years: Otto Bach, Danila Belford, Kevin Higgins, Kathleen McDaniel, Judy Paul, Gregory Poe, Richard Varnum, Nancy Verkist, Margo Winegar 25 years: Ronald Breckon, Rhonda Busch-Gehlen, Patrick Ferrell, William Glessner, Camie Hedrick, Shelly Johnson, Keith Jones, Steven Rittereiser, Edwin Torres-Pagan 20 years: Susan Adolfi, Elaine Ames, Ann Arango, Jack Baker, Larry Bergman, Joyce Bloxham, Sunny Bloxham, Shirley Burgess, Debbie Cummings, Linda Fine, Star Heger, Debra Hoover, Steven Horowitz, Michael Launius, Susan Lund, Dave Mataya, Diane Pellegrini, Patricia Rice, Frances Sienia, John Storlie, Sheryl Sutton 15 years: Chris Buchanan, Sharon Damm, Victoria Dicken, David Hart, Velma Henry, Lynn Linnell, Rhonda McKinney, Lisa Saucier, Pamela Scott, Dianne Semko, Scherry Sinclair, Kariann Taylor, Tracy Terrell, Kim Thomas 10 years: Charlene Alder, Lorinda Anderson, Melissa Anderson, Mateo Arteaga, John Beasley, Dale Brubaker, John Cerney, Gregory Coles, Cheryl Coles, Gerald Connolly, Pam Coppersmith, Darcie Correa, Mary Gifford, Jeffrey Goede, Rebecca Gubser, Doreen Harrington, Michelle Hill, Shirley Hood, J George Hugo, Paul Johnson, Traci Klein, David Kopczynski, Mark Lundgren, Linda MacLeod-Garcia, Cody Mertell, Kelly Minor, Kerry Neubauer, Kurt Newman, William Newman, Marisa Nielsen, Bobbie Peterson, Michael Posada, Steve Pott, Shirley Pruitt, Eugene Rau, Wade Richardson, Vanna Ritchie, Teresa Rominger, Roy Savoian, Catherine Scarlett, Janet Shields, Patricia Snowden, Robert Storlie, Robert Trumpy, Christine Tufts, Stephen Waldeck, Tinja Wyman If you were employed 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, or 40 years ago and your name is not on this list, please call Jamie Thomas in Human Resources (1205) immediately so she can check your status. Do note, however, that the 10 year list is composed of those hired between July 1, 1998 to June 30, 1999; the 15 year list is July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1994; the 20 year list is July 1, 1988 to June 30, 1989; the 25 year list is July 1, 1983 to June 30, 1984; the 30 year list is July 1, 1978 to June 30, 1979; the 35 year list is July 1, 1973 to June 30, 1974; and the 40 year list is July 1, 1968 to June 30, 1969. Shared Leave Requests The following individual(s) are in need of shared leave: Gini Silva – University Housing & New Student Programs, Connie Bennett and Kerrie Overland – Facilities Management, and Melissa Anderson – Student Health & Counseling. CWU employees may donate leave to a fellow employee: 1) who is suffering from or has a relative or household member who is suffering from an extraordinary or severe illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition; or, 2) who has been called to service in the uniformed services; and, where the fact of either 1) or 2) has caused or is likely to cause the employee to take leave without pay or terminate his or her employment. You may donate annual (vacation) and sick leave in eight-hour blocks. A minimum balance of 80 hours of annual leave must be maintained. Excess annual leave (that over 240 hours) that will otherwise be lost may not be donated. A minimum balance of 176 hours of sick leave must be maintained. All or a portion of your personal holiday may also be donated. The shared leave donation form can be downloaded from the HR forms section of the Human Resources home page (http://www.cwu.edu/~hr/forms/shared_leave_donation_form.doc ) or requested from the HR office by calling extension 1202. Requests to donate leave must be approved by your supervisor before forwarding to HR and are subject to approval by your department head and Human Resources.