Montana State University Associated Students of MSU Senate SUB Conference Room 335

Montana State University
Associated Students of MSU Senate
SUB Conference Room 335
January 28th, 2016
Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Senate Speaker, Joshua B. Soares.
Minutes recorded by ASMSU Senate Secretary, Mackenzie Johnson.
Roll Call: Lynn (absent), Murdoch (seat vacancy), O’Keefe (absent)
Review of previous minutes
Glose (seconded)
Minutes approved
Public Comment
Anna Diffenderfer, NTT Instructor; Program Leader, Sustainable Food
Food pantry by the students and for the students
Alex Patterson: Student; President, Queer Straight Alliance
QSA sent in demands to administration for 5 inclusive campus changes
o Creating a LGBTQIA specific staff position
o Gender neutral bathrooms by 2020
o Inclusive language
o Allow students to use preferred name
o Pairing program with other LGBTQIA students in the dorms
Working with communications to get the word out to the University
General questions about funding, name changes, compromises
Senate Reports
Windham – Met with Ellen from KGLT who will be presenting her budget to us next week and
it’s looking great
Leach – SUB Pub will have a first event on March 3rd and merchandise will follow
Glose – FPUB recommended sight A for the new dining hall location and President Cruzado will
approve soon
Sanders – Arts and Exhibits budget is going well and mission statement is being revised
Zoltek – Majors event March 7th for underclassmen still deciding on a major
Unfinished Business
2016-R-1 second reading support for the 2017 Academic Calendar
Campbell move to approve (seconded)
General questions on purpose, calendar layout
Roll call vote:
o Yes: Campbell, Collins, Dufner Glose, Jones, Leach, Manley, Marts, O’Leary,
Oswald, Pappas, Sanders, Stimac, Windham, Zoltek
o No: None
o 15-0 Motion passes
New Business
2016-B-1 Election Schedule Reform First Reading
2016-R-2 Support for the MSU Food Pantry Plan First Reading
EHHD Senate seat appointment
Proposals on how to interview all three candidates
o General questions
Motion to ask one question at a time to all three applicants (passes)
Motion to have 1 minute opening, 3 questions, 1 minute closing (passes)
Motion to make the first question, “What makes you qualified for this position?” (passes)
Motion to make the second question “What do you hope to improve within their college
and university if elected?” (passes)
Motion to make the third question, “What do you see the responsibilities of a Senator
being?” (passes)
Allison Hicks, EHHD seat applicant
Answers all three questions with one minute opening and closing statement
Motion to decide when we will vote and discuss each candidate (passes)
o Discuss her cuteness and qualifications
o Vote: 13-2, Allison Hicks appointed
Andrew Sprague, Letters & Science seat applicant
Answers all three questions with one minute opening and closing statement
Megan Potts, Letters & Science seat applicant
Answers all three questions with one minute opening and closing statement
Deliberation on both candidates
Motion to suspend the rules to allow Potts applicant (passes)
Vote 14-1 Megan Potts appointed
Swearing in of Hicks and Potts
Admin Reports
President Levi Birky
Retreat was great
Heightened PR, senator initiative
Meeting on LGBTQIA
ASGL and Faculty Senate met this week, culinary arts passed in Faculty Senate
MAS conference call on Tuesday
Monthly leadership meeting with President Cruzado
PSAP passed at university council, looking to appoint
Leadership Institute falls under Provost, ASMSU is advisory role
Possible change of Columbus day to Indigenous Peoples day
SUB Pub is actually happening
Employee of the month: Melissa Dawn, Arts and Exhibits
Senator of the month: Garrett Leach
Vice President Capp
Polling location
P.A.C.E calendared out all events
Potential hiring of SPA liaison
NACA nationals booked
Attended QSA partnership meeting
Levi and I had our 1 year Facebook anniversary yesterday
Business Manager Cowles
Budgets due on Friday for everyone
Talk to your program directors
Tier changes
POS system set up soon
Replacing some computers
Two reappropriations next week
SUB Pub funds
Remind people to be respectful with University leaders
MSU budget council meeting
Chief Justice Kirby
Looking at 2016-B-1 next week
Discuss changing college during tenure
Senate Speaker Josh Soares
Sign up to volunteer for the Suicide Prevention Summit
Feedback on minutes
Senate Speaker Pro-Tempore Spencer Pappas
QSA meeting
Gym just made two gender inclusive bathroom stalls
Funding board approved club sports slight increase in fees
Senate Reports
Windham – Human battleship, apparel soon
Collins - Go to the suicide summit, possible Olympic lifting class
Stimac – SAA has spots open on the board
Jones – Seat allocation for next spring
 Questions on remedy for extra EHHD seat
Glose – Ordering apparel on Monday
O’Leary – move to adjourn (seconded)
Motion passes
Meeting adjourned at 7:44 pm