College of Arts & Humanities Professional Record Requirements for Faculty 180 Tenure and Promotion Materials to include Recommendation letter from Dean Recommendation letter from college personnel committee Recommendation letter from Chair Recommendation letter from department personnel committee Signed comments from individual faculty members (optional) Copy of department’s current Personnel Guidelines. Recommendation letters by Chair, personnel committees, and Dean from all prior reviews Faculty 180 The Dean will upload letter. The Chair of the Committee will upload letter. The Chair will upload letter. The Chair of the Committee will upload letter. Faculty may provide letters to the chair of the personnel committee to be uploaded. Upload to section: “Faculty Review: Reappointment/Post-Tenure Guidelines” Upload letters to section: “Faculty Review: Prior Recommendation Letters from All Prior Reviews” Copy of original signed contract. Upload contract to section: “Faculty Review: Copy of Original Signed Contract Letter” Candidate self-statement Upload to section: “Faculty Review: Personal Statement”. Do NOT use the other 3 sections labeled “Personal Statement” – those are for other colleges Place in appropriate teaching section(s). SEOIs are automatically loaded as of Spring 2015. Material documenting teaching Material documenting scholarship/creative activity Place in appropriate scholarship section(s). Material documenting service Place in appropriate service section(s). Other supporting materials (optional) Place in appropriate section(s).