ASCWU-BOD Public Meeting October 8, 2013 5:30 PM Wellington Event Center Call To Order 5:32 pm Introductions Cassie Spencer Jacob Mary Kelsie Scott Bryan Arturo (Turtle) Approval of Minutes: Bryan would like to entertain a motion to approve the minutes from the October 1st public meeting. Jacob so moves and Scott seconds the motion is approved for the minutes Additions or corrections to the agenda: Bryan would like to entertain a motion to approve the agenda for today’s meeting. Mary so moves and Scott seconds no further discussion 6-0-1 agenda is approved. Officer Reports Executive Vice President: Jacob Wittman He went to web training and updated the BOD committee website to make it more users friendly and has ordered for Central Transit advertisement to be placed within the Residence Halls. He has been going through inventory through the front cabinet and creating a supplies list. He began analyzing the Board of Directors’ Budget and started creating a fiscal responsibility plan power point. He was elected to Chair to the Services and Activities Committee. Vice President for Clubs and Organizations: Mary Orthmann She had the first club senate meeting last week and it was awesome. If you are not a recognized club please come to the meeting but if you are a recognized club attendance is mandatory. The next meeting will be next Wednesday October 16th at 7pm in Science Building Room 147. She and her office have been working on the new funds packet and there are a lot of changes that are being made soon. Vice President for Academic Affairs: Kelsie Miller I hope everyone has been keeping up on their homework and enjoying their classes! Yesterday Student Academic Senate had their first Executive Board meeting; it went very well and I am looking forward to working with some very motivated Senators! This Thursday is the first General Student Academic Senate, and it is at 6 pm in SURC 301. The meeting schedule for the quarter is as follows: October 24 th at 6pm in Black 150, November 7th at 6pm in Black 150, November 21st at 6 pm in SURC 301, and December 5th at 6pm in SURC 301. Additionally I would like to also remind students to be checking their emails soon for the Quarter to Semester Conversion Survey. Vice President for Equity and Community Affairs: Spencer Flores Today was the second portion of the Kittitas county job fair, we gave free pizza and local businesses came. Also National Coming out Day is Oct. 11. October is Blindness Awareness Month. A.B.L.E. will be having an event. She has been currently working on a WHAT IS ESC campaign. Mr. and Ms. Central is today in SURC Ballroom at 7:30pm. She also went to the first Inclusivity and Diversity Committee meeting. Vice President for Student Life and Facilities: Scott Kazmi He hopes you’ve all had an excellent start to the quarter and that his office has been very busy with Bi-Mart Night and Fred Meyer night. We had over 1,800 transactions over the two hour span at Fred Meyer. One other event tomorrow from 7-9pm in the community field will be Wellington Wildfire. Free food, challenge course, and it’s the giant pep rally of the year. The meeting time for Student Union Advisory board in SURC BOD Conference room will be every other Monday at noon. Rec advisory board at 1pm starting Oct. 11 and will be every other Friday. Vice president for Legislative Affairs: Cassie Dubore Yesterday was the final day to register to vote or change your address. Thank you to all my volunteers for your help. The voter registration paper count was 427 and still waiting on the total from the electronic. We beat UW and my next event will be Get Out the vote. Will be meeting with the County Auditor for the Election Assistant Center. First Washington Student Association meeting will be Thursday, October 10, 2013 at 4pm in the BOD conference room. President: Bryan Elliott Last week we had the Board of Trustee and BOD Fireside Chat and the following day went to the BOT meeting and hope to build that relationship. Tomorrow he will be meeting with the mayor about Central Transit for concerns that have been brought to our attention. Next week’s BOD public meeting will be in Des Moines and will have a plan for Club Recognition. A Quarter to Semester survey will be established so we can have student feedback to give to the Faculty Senate. Motions: Bryan would like to entertain a motion to approve the minutes from the October 1 st public meeting. o Jacob so moves and Scott seconds the motion is approved for the minutes. Bryan would like to entertain a motion to approve the agenda for today’s meeting. o Mary so moves and Scott seconds no further discussion 6-0-1 agenda is approved Jacob would like to entertain a motion to recommend the following individuals to the committees (Please see the section under Committee Application for a list of recommended students). o Scott so moves and Cassie seconds 7-0-0. Motion passes Mary would like to entertain a motion to recognize the following clubs (please see the section under Club Recognition for a list of Clubs). o Kelsie so moves and Jacob seconds 6-0-1. I move to appoint the following students to the Student Academic Senate for the 2013-2014 academic year (Please see section under SAS Senator Recognition for a list of students). o Scott so moves and Jacob second the motion. 6-0-1 Bryan would like to entertain a motion to approve the allocation of no more than $220 to the Chamber of Commerce. o Scott so moves and Kelsie seconds. 5-1-1. Motion passes Bryan would like to entertain a motion to allocate no more than $200 Des Moines visit for the food Expenditure. o Scott so moves and Cassie seconds. 6-0-1 motion passes Bryan would like to entertain a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:17pm. o Scott so moves and Jacob seconds. 7-0-0. Motion passes. Communications: Communications may be submitted to Bryan Elliott in person or via email Committee Applications Jacob would like to entertain a motion to recommend the following individuals to the committees: Caitlyn Snyder to the Academic Appeals Committee. Omar Freemire to the SURC Union Board and Board of Academic Appeals and Academic Standing Council Emily Danko to the Board of Academic Appeals and Academic Standing Council and Service and Activities Committee Scott so moves and Cassie seconds 7-0-0. Motion passes Club Recognition SIPOH Club: First 3 Tuesdays of every month meet in Black Hall from 6-7p Trombone Club: Meet every Monday night in Music Building from 5:30pm to 6:30pm Pre-Pharmacy Club: Science Hall 301 at 5pm every other Monday SCEC: Black Hall 201 (no time was given) Catholic Campus Ministry: Mass every Sunday in the SURC. Economics Association Club: Wednesday 4:30 at Shaw 409 Kappa Sigma: Black Hall 150 7pm on Sundays National Association for Music Educators Club: McIntyre Music Building 150 Nutrition Science Club: First and Third Tuesdays of the Month in Food room in Michaelsen Hall Public Health and Pre-Nursing Club meet Thursday at 1pm Purser 138 PESH Club: Meet in Purser Hall at 5pm first and second Wednesday of the Month. No Kid Hungry Club: First Monday every month at 5pm in Purser WORD: Black Hall Tuesdays at 5pm Mary would like to entertain a motion to recognize the following clubs (fill in the clubs). Kelsie so moves and Jacob seconds 6-0-1. October 16th at 7pm it is required to have a Club Senator there in Science Hall 147. ESC Recognition N/A SAS Senator Recognition I move to appoint the following students to the Student Academic Senate for the 2013-2014 academic year: Terri Pace to Executive Board for Douglas Honors College Chandler Foster to Executive Board for College of Education and Professional Studies Megan Epperson to General SAS for English Derek Whittom to General SAS for Computer Science Trevor Marckmann to General SAS for Communication James Brown to General SAS for Anthropology Claire Held to General SAS for Nutrition Scott so moves and Jacob seconds the motion. 6-0-1 Old Business: New Business • Chamber of Commerce Membership The BOD received a bill from the Chamber of Commerce informing that BOD are members and have decided to continue their membership. Bryan would like to entertain a motion to approve the allocation of no more than $220 to the Chamber of Commerce. Scott so moves and Kelsie seconds. 5-1-1. Motion passes • Endorsement of Semester Conversion Survey BOD is creating a survey to asses student input about Quarter to Semester Kelsie would like to entertain a motion of support of the BOD for the Quarter to Semester Conversion Survey. Scott so moves and Mary seconds. 7-0-0 • Request for Des Moines Visit Food Expenditure BOD is having a reception with Des Moines students and providing sub sandwiches before the public meeting Tuesday, October 15th, 2013. This is a great opportunity to have interaction with the students from the Des Moines center. Bryan would like to entertain a motion to allocate no more than $200 Des Moines visit for the food Expenditure. Scott so moves and Cassie seconds. 7-0-1 motion passes Issues/Concerns/Announcements • Club Recognition Oct. 14 Clubs recognition: The BOD’s meeting will be in Des Moines on Tuesday. So, Monday during the Executive board we are having a club recognition meeting at 5:30pm in the BOD Conference room. You will receive an email stating that you are going to be recognized. Tell your friends and fellow club members. Scott and Jacob are working with the Rec center to create an app to show how busy the Recreation Center on the CWU mobile app. Wellington Wildfire will be tomorrow, Wednesday October 9 from 7pm to 9pm. Mr. and Ms. Central will be held in the SURC Ballroom at 7:30 pm Faculty Senate meeting November 6, 2013. Public Comments: Public Comments may be submitted Bryan Elliott in person or via email Public comments may also be presented at the time of the meeting Student didn’t know about the quarter to semester conversion and when will this be placed into effect? Club recognition packets online are difficult to work with because most members filling out the form had to go back and redo because they were missing information. We would need to create a list of information needed from clubs that are trying to be recognized. o Mary said thank you for the feedback and I need feedback on the online forms to be able to improve the club recognition process. Adjournment: Bryan would like to entertain a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:17pm. Scott so moves and Jacob seconds. 7-0-0. Motion passes.