ASCWU-BOD Public Meeting June 4, 2013 6:00 PM BOD Conference Room “Together We Aspire, Together We Achieve” Call To Order: Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm Introductions Jackie Sperlich Mary Orthmann Bryan Elliott Kj Stilling Clint Wylie Brianne Wood Kelsey Furstenwerth Approval Of Minutes: Bryan motions to approve the minutes from last week and Brianne seconds with one abstention. Motion carries. Additions Or Corrections To Agenda: Bryan would like to add ESC recognition packet to the agenda. He would also like to motion to add to new business, supplies request for 2013-2014 for the NEW Bod. Mary would like to add club senate by-laws changes under club recognition. Brianne would like to have a discussion item on student trustees. Approval of Agenda: Bryan moves to approve the agenda with the above corrections and additions. Clint seconds and the agenda is approved. Officer Reports: Executive Vice President: Clint Wylie he would like to say that he is thankful to work with all of you and he has two people for university standings committee and he is excited to graduate! Vice President for Clubs and Organizations: Mary Orthmann She is very honored to work with all you this year and is looking forward to next year. Vice President for Academic Affairs: Jaclyn Sperlich SAS had their last meeting this week and they are still funding some summer events. She would like to thank everyone for her transition into the BOD mid year and thank you for the experience overall. Vice President for Equity and Community Affairs: Bryan Elliot Recognition packets are in, their final budget was left with a few thousand extra dollars and they were able to fund a lot of great programs. Thanks to everyone who also made his transition into the BOD smooth. Vice President for Student Life and Facilities: Kelsey Furstenwerth she is excited that both of her boards are going to maintain summer committees for next fall. She is sad to be leaving but she is excited for next year! Wellington will be at the commencement ceremonies and thanks for a great year! Vice president for Legislative Affairs: Brianne Wood they concluded WSA’s meeting yesterday, Josh was elected as outreach officer and Matt Baird as vice president of WSA. Honor cords were handed out to dedicated seniors! She will be attending a conferences and speaking there as a representative of CWU in the voter initiative. She is looking forward to seeing all of you in the future! President: KJ Stilling This year has been bittersweet but it has been a great year! He would like to thank everyone for all of their direct and indirect influences throughout this year and to pat yourselves on the back! This week is still full of events, finals and honors and graduations and the Board of Trustees meeting on Friday. Thank you all. Committee Appointments for Academic Year 2013-14 Jerod Baker-Athletic Compliance Committee Clint entertains motion to recommend Jerod Baker, Bryan motions and Jackie seconds. Angelica Orta- Art Selection and Permanent Collection Committee as the Art Student Representative Rori McCrackin as an alternate for the art committee Clint entertains a motion to recommend the above names for the arts selection committee, Bryan so moves and Kelsey seconds with one abstention. Student Academic Senate Appointments Cody Ogren- reappointment LLSC department representative Jackie would like to entertain a motion to appoint Cody Ogren, Kelsey so moves and Mary seconds. Motion carries. Club Senate By-law changes: Under section G. Edit “Any outstanding allocations on June 30 of the current year will automatically be lost” and change to “However, any allocations made prior to June 30th for the summer will not be lost.” Jackie so moves to approve the above changes, Clint seconds. “By-laws are the associated students of Central Washington University senate of student organization…All receipts much be turned into campus life accounting within two weeks following the scheduled report back to club senate. If receipts are not turned in by the scheduled time, no funds can b received by the requesting club, and previously allocated funds are put back into the club senate budget.” ESC Organization Recognition: MECHA- they started in the early 60’s and they are one of the only organizations from this time period that is still influential on campuses nationwide. They have been activates for equality, higher educations and helping and supporting student organizations. Bryan entertains to recognize Mecha, Mary so moves and Kelsey seconds. FASA- they want to help diversity and spread Filipino culture outside of food! Even though it’s delicious! We are one part of a greater association nationwide! They host at least 3 large events at different schools and promote and grow more as organizations and do as much as they can for Ellensburg and CWU. Bryan entertains a motion to recognize FASA, Clint so moves and Kelsey seconds. ABLE- she is the treasurer, they stand for access belonging learning and equality, they are a support group for varying abilities. They are trying to raise awareness on campus and throughout the community. She is here because they would like to be recognized by the BOD! Bryan entertains a motion to recognize ABLE, Mary so moves and Brianne seconds. Bryan would like to suggest the idea of suspending the by-laws to approve the organizations that were unable to attend the meeting tonight due to a lack of information sent out on his own part. Clint entertains a motion to suspend the by-laws section 7 to approve the organizations VIP, FGSO and BSU with the contingency plan that they must appear at the next BOD meeting, Clint withdraws his motion. Clint motions to suspend the by-laws section 7, motion dies. Bryan would like to add that this is not at the fault of the organizations but is completely his fault for his lack of initiative. He would like to thank the board for this democratic process. Communications: Communications may be submitted to KJ Stilling in person or via email Clint from Bob, that there was a recommendation that the BOD proxy there authority to the Dean of Student Success to appoint three students to the student conduct counsel. Old Business: Establishment of pay rates for BOD 2013-14 - $12/hr & $12.50 Summer - $14/hr academic months Allotment of funds for Summer Publicity $500 BOD apparel expense allotment $1000 New Business Memorandum of Understanding between the Associated Students of CWU and the City of Ellensburg- He wants to present this to the board to look over and wait until the language is officially written for the new BOD to approve of next year. It will be an interlegal agreement. Jackie would also like to add that legal documents should be sent out in advance that allows officers to review the material for more than a few moments to properly approve. Brianne would like to add that she thought it was going to be a yearly contract but this put the city’s grant at risk so they decided to agree upon a two-year decision plan. Bryan motions to pend support to the new BOD until the interagency agreement is created, Clint so moves. Clint withdraws his motion. Bryan entertains a motion that the BOD supports the stipulations in this report starting from “therefore be it resolved The ASCWU-BOD will contribute $75,000.00/year to the City of Ellensburg towards the operation of a City run public transit system. The City of Ellensburg will ensure there is a minimum of (1) CWU student position(s) on all City public transportation related committees. The student(s) serving on this committee will be a member of the ASCWU-BOD or their designee. Any ridership fees imposed upon CWU students must come before the ASCWU-BOD for approval prior to implementation. Ellensburg Public Transit will adequately reflect the demographics of our community and the City of Ellensburg will ensure there are adequate transportation routes and stops in areas that are historically populated by CWU students. The ASCWU-BOD reserves the right to withdraw funding at any point if the City does not meet its obligations as outlined in this memorandum. The City reserves the right to suspend student representation on transportation committee(s) and/or impose fees on students of CWU without ASCWU-BOD approval if the ASCWU-BOD does not meet its funding obligations. This Memorandum will take effect on 1 July 2013 and continue until 1 June 2015. After which the Memorandum will be renewed yearly by the ASCWU-BOD to sincerely” Clint so moves and Mary seconds with one abstention. Summer BOD supplies- Bryan is looking for $4000.00 from the remaining BOD Budget. In terms of the printing station, Brianne’s only concern is that if is it used for students that there is a specific fund that is allocated for student printing funds. Jackie would like to add that the tents are a great idea for the summer and events. She is uncomfortable in supplying things for next year that should be allocated for next year, and she suggests that we only support summer events. Brianne would like to ask if there has been an inventory on what each office before they order new supplies and have duplicates in the office. Bob would like to add that anything over $200.00 must be brought to the board. Brianne would like to motion that the purchase of tents should not exceed $1600.00, Jackie would like to make a friendly amendment that the tents that they are used for the BOD offices and their subsidiaries offices. Brianne accepts and Clint seconds. Kj would like to add that we have the opportunity to maximize the quality of tents and increase the amounts for the tents. Brianne would like to make an amendment to increase the amount to no more than $2500.00. Clint seconds. Jackie would like to add that its too much money for tents and Bryan would like to respectively disagree. The second amendment is the vote in the amendment of the amount change, one opposed and one abstained. We do not have to vote on the friendly amendment. All of those in favor, one opposed and one abstention. Student Trustees Discussion- Only one applicant as applied, Matt Baird. Her recommendation would be to wait on this decision for more applicants. He is highly involved on campus and may be over allocated at this point to appoint him to this position. Jackie would like to recognize the gallery. Cassie Dubore recognized: and she doesn’t believe that this should be passed on to the incoming successor. Brianne motions to go into executive session at 7:20 pm, Jackie seconds. Back into session at 7:24. Brianne entertains a motion that we delegate the student trustees be delegated to the new incoming BOD. She yields. Mary so moves and Clint seconds. All in favor with one abstention. Issues/Concerns/Announcements This is the last BOD Public Meeting for current BOD officers A reminder that the BOT has invited the BOD to attend the last meeting of the academic year, this Friday at 8:45-9:45 in Barge. We do have SURC Governance meeting this Thursday at 3:00 in the BOD Conference Room. Public Comments: Public Comments may be submitted to KJ Stilling in person or via email Public comments may also be presented at the time of the meeting Adjournment: Clint motions to adjourn, Bryan seconds. All in favor and the meeting is adjourned at 7:27 pm.