Why Are HIP Practices so Important to Students?... Where and how are we accomplishing these at CWU? HIGH IMPACT PRACTICES: • Create an environment that helps students get to know each other and support the development of long-term friendships; • Provide the opportunity to work collaboratively in diverse teams; • Enhance students’ intellectual capacity and the ability to utilize the content they are learning in the classroom in real-life experiences; • Encourage innovation, entrepreneurship, and community involvement; • Increase the skills, behaviors and competencies employers seek in new employees. 6/20/2013 Excerpt from High-Impact Educational Practices: What They Are, Who Has Access to Them, and Why They Matter, 1 by George D. Kuh (AAC&U, 2008) Continued check list of where and how this is happening at CWU… • Devote considerable time and effort to purposeful tasks • Regular daily decision and deepened student investment in the activity as well as their commitment to their academic program and college. • Puts students in circumstances that essentially demand they interact with faculty and peers about substantive matters, typically over an extended period of time • Students get feedback and making anonymity impossible. • Increases the likelihood that students will experience diversity through contact with people who are different from themselves. • Regular evaluative performance provided from a faculty, peer, mentor, staff member • Apply what they are learning to different settings on and off campus. Learning is deep, meaningful and integrate and synthesize learning. • Life changing experiences, transformative experiences “just connect” 6/20/2013 Excerpt from High-Impact Educational Practices: What They Are, Who Has Access to Them, and Why They Matter, by George D. Kuh (AAC&U, 2008) 2 Review of Standards that develop into HIP accepted practices: Program to Review: (name) ______________________________ Department:_________________Date:_______ Program provides the opportunity… Y N ….to devote considerable time and effort to purposeful tasks. N Notes: …for regular daily decisions and deepened student investment in the activity as well as their commitment to their academic program and college. Y N Notes: ….puts students in circumstances that essentially demand they interact with faculty and peers about substantive matters, typically over an extended period of time. Y N Notes: …for students to receive frequent individual contact, which makes anonymity impossible. Y Score Notes: Y N ...to increase the likelihood that students will experience diversity through contact with people who are different from themselves. Y N Notes: … for regular evaluative performance provided from a faculty, peer, mentor, staff member. Notes: …to apply what they are learning to different settings on and off campus. Learning is deep, meaningful and itengerate and synthesizes learning. Y N Y N …for life changing experiences, transformative experiences and the spaces to “just connect.” Y N Notes: …creates an enviornment tha thelps students get to know each other and suppor the development of long-term friendships. Y N Notes: Notes: …provides the opportunity to work collaboratively in diverse teams. Notes: Y N Y N Y N …enhances students' intellectual capacity and the ability to utilize the content they are learning in the classroom in real-life experiences. Notes: …encourages innovation, entrepreneurship, and community involvment. Notes: …increases the skills, behaviors and competencies employers seek in new employees. Notes: Total Score 0 - Not doing 1- Rarely Doing 6/20/2013 3- Doing somewhat reguarly 5- Doing all the time 3 Student Success and Engagement Many high Impact Practices Already Exist at CWU! • Common intellectual experiences • Learning communities • Collaborative assignments and projects • Diversity and global learning • Service-learning and community-based learning • Internships • Capstone courses and projects • Writing-intensive courses • Undergraduate research and creative activities 6/20/2013 4 Specifically.... Some of a few examples for CWU HIP Practices. How would we/do we know of their effectiveness and how they meet the standard of an HIP? • • • • • • • • • • LLCs DHC Study abroad Civil Rights Pilgrimage SOURCE University 101 Orientation Phase II & IV STAR CAMP One book One Campus • Careers in Higher Ed Cohort Initiative • Learning Commons • ARC • ELP Tools: Map-WORKS • Internships 6/20/2013 5 Student Success and Engagement Full Circle The students input High impact practices (HIPs) are those that engage learning over time and provide educational benefits, especially for traditionally underserved students. They result in higher retention rates and greater community-based engagement among other outcomes. Asking Students…. Are You Already Involved in High Impact Practices? – – – – – – Investing significant time and effort in your course work? Interacting with faculty & peers about substantive issues? Experiencing diversity? Experiencing frequent feedback? Reflecting and integrating learning? Applying knowledge to new domains? Asking Students… 6/20/2013 6 How do we raise the CWU achievement through HIPs? • Make it possible for every student to participate in at least 2 HIPs • Available to every student • Assess effectiveness • Change the climate of CWU to understand and initiate HIP opportunities for all students 6/20/2013 7