Central Washington University College of the Sciences Department of Physics Date: January 7, 2005 Prepared by: Bruce Palmquist ___________________________ ______________________________ Department Chair College Dean Page 1 I. Departmental/Unit Mission and Goals A. Departmental mission statement: The Physics department emphasizes the fundamental and practical nature of physics in general education, service and majors courses. Our students at all undergraduate levels pursue the intellectual excitement of beginning to understand the structure of matter itself and the widely applicable experiences of problem solving, quantitative reasoning, and scientific inquiry skills. Throughout our major programs, stress is placed on careful development of key concepts and skills in a logical sequence, often using either guided or self-paced inquiry. This emphasis on concept and skill development is intended to produce the habits of independent study and self improvement essential to success after graduation. B. General description of department that provides an overview and context for the rest of the self-study: The CWU physics department has five faculty members and one regular adjunct. However, five is a misleading number because only one of those five is a fulltime tenured physics faculty member. There is one other fulltime faculty member who is tenure-track. One faculty member is tenured but has a halftime appointment in science education. One faculty member is fulltime nontenure track in physics and one faculty member is nontenure track with a joint appointment in two other divisions on campus. We have averaged 5.5 graduates per year for the past six years. This is more than the average number of physics degrees for Bachelor’s degree granting institutions (American Institute of Physics annual survey). About half of these students earn a B.S. and half earn a B.A. The thing that stands out about the physics department is the versatility of its faculty members. All faculty members teach a variety of upper and lower division courses using appropriate pedagogy. They do research with students at all undergraduate levels ranging from first year students to senior physics majors. The research projects range from those that are purely for the benefit of the students to those that significantly advance physics and physics-related fields as evidenced by peerreviewed publications. Over the past few years, physics faculty have been deeply involved in CWU’s science education program, Office of Undergraduate Research and the Douglas Honors College as well as many campus committees. Finally, physics faculty and physics students are engaged in public outreach ranging from giving school science presentations to being local experts in physics related issues. The following paragraphs describe the department in more depth. C. Effective Teaching: Effective teaching means using a variety of techniques to help all students learn physics concepts, skills and principles. Physics faculty members use collaborative learning, hands-on activities, writing assignments, and conceptual questioning strategies in nearly every physics course. These strategies help students integrate what they are learning into existing schema and help them modify those schema as needed. In addition, different teaching techniques match different student learning styles ensuring that every student has a chance to be successful. All of these activities take time and resources above and beyond the standard lecture preparation. The physics department is different than most science departments at CWU in that we are generalists when it comes to teaching. All faculty members teach a variety Page 2 of upper and lower division physics courses. (For example, we don’t hire a nuclear physicist like the chemistry department might hire an organic chemist.) In addition, physics faculty feel that it is important to teach courses that involve more direct instruction (so called lecture courses) and courses that are inquiry-based (laboratories). The department rotates through most upper division and every lower division course every few years. This gives students the opportunity to see a variety of teachers and a variety of teaching styles. It allows faculty members to understand where each course fits into the entire curriculum. Finally, the experience from teaching upper level courses can inform lower division courses. For example, the frontiers of physics taught in quantum mechanics can be introduced in a simple and appropriate way in general physics courses. D. Undergraduate Research: Effective teaching means involving students in scientific inquiry at all levels of physics. All physics majors complete an independent research project of their own design with a faculty member. Over the past two years, all of our graduates but one presented at SOURCE, the local Symposium of Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression. One third of the presenters won an award of honorable mention or higher. In addition, we integrate scientific inquiry into lower division courses. Most of our first year physics students design at least one experiment in their first year physics labs. CWU physics faculty members are good at leading students from where they are at in terms of physics skills. We don’t believe in a “one-size-fits-all” philosophy of scientific inquiry. E. Outreach/Service: In order to solidify concepts, students apply their physics knowledge and skills outside the classroom through physics-related clubs and physics-related service learning opportunities. The department sponsors an active physics club (called the Society of Physics Students) and an active astronomy club. Both of these clubs engage in public outreach via school visits and on-campus science demonstrations. We consider this an important aspect of our teaching load because many students learn a lot about leadership and organization through these clubs. In addition, physics faculty serve as local experts on physics related issues. Andy Piacsek works with the community on measuring wind farm noise, a controversial issue in the Kittitas Valley. Mike Braunstein is an expert on “stray” electromagnetic fields from power lines. Bruce Palmquist writes an astronomy column in the local newspaper. David Laman teaches rope rescue instruction, a service where lives depend on the proper application of physics principles. Sharon Rosell advises our student club. F. Faculty Scholarship: Physics faculty members engage in scholarship for pedagogical as well as professional reasons. One advantage to doing scholarship at a smaller school such as CWU is the opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary research. Every physics faculty member active in scholarship is working with faculty from other departments. This is a result of our second 5-year-goal (see below) and our mutual interests. Page 3 G. List programmatic goals This is a list of our 5-year Goals for 2000-2005. Dept Goal 1. All students will present/publish the results of an undergraduate research project at a venue outside the physics department a. b. c. Promote refereed or competitive out-of-department venues such as SOURCE, WA, AAPT, SPS Zone meeting, and regional or national conferences. Require students in all upper division seminar, lab or inquiry-based courses to either participate in a department seminar or the end-of-thequarter poster presentation. Encourage students to participate in science honors program (added 2004) Specific actions taken during the self-study period Require participation in SOURCE, end of quarter poster session, or department seminar in PHYS 494 Dept Goal 2. Physics faculty and students will participate in interdisciplinary projects with other departments on campus. Examples include physics faculty and students doing research with other departments, faculty and students from other departments doing research with physics faculty, physics faculty writing curriculum with faculty from other departments, and university-wide initiatives such as assessment projects or writing across thecurriculum. Specific actions taken during the self-study period Bruce Palmquist participated in Senior Writing Project with faculty from english, history, Family and Consumer Sciences, biology, chemistry, and psychology Bruce was an Academic Service Learning Fellow with faculty from all four colleges Mike Braunstein and Andy Piacsek worked on the STEP grant with faculty from other departments Mike worked on Labview grant proposal with Industrial and Engineering Technology Bruce worked on the math department interdisciplinary curriculum project As a member of the general education committee, Sharon Rosell is working to revise the general education program at CWU, possibly with the introduction of learning communities Mike developed a virtual instrument used to obtain data for a family and consumer sciences Masters Degree. Mike was a committee member for an IET Masters Degree project Page 4 Dept Goal 3. Improve student preparation for post-graduate opportunities and careers. a. b. c. Maintain and enhance the quality of graduate school preparation. Enhance the quality of preparation for industrial careers. 1. Develop cooperative education opportunities with regional industries. 2. Promote career awareness throughout the curriculum. 3. Encourage student use of the Career Services office Enhance our methods of preparing students for teaching related careers. Specific actions taken during the self-study period Andy Piacsek attended physics/industry conference in California Upgraded curriculum for PHYS 393 (recently renumbered 492), our lab teaching course Students have been informed of career and summer research opportunities through the national Society of Physics Students office Dept Goal 4. Be a strong component of Central Washington University’s preparation for students in a technological society. a. b. Maintain and enhance the use of computers in general education and service courses. Expand the use of scientific inquiry in general education and service courses. Specific actions taken during the self-study period Major technology upgrade in lower division labs Four out of five department faculty received CWU Essential Instructional/Research Equipment grant to augment technology for instructional and UGR needs Andy Piacsek acquired funds for a physics of musical sound computer lab, to be shared with Geology Andy and Mike are Co-PI’s on the CWU NSF STEP Grant Dept Goal 5. Increase our recruitment and retention activities. a. b. c. d. e. Develop a standard presentation (including video, poster, and nice handouts) for community college visits. Participate in outreach activities with local high schools (at least EHS). Develop a system to monitor or majors. Contact majors once each quarter. Promote our minor to departments with natural affinities with physics. Promote physics major and minor in PHYS 182 course. Specific actions taken during the self-study period Continued participation in CWU orientations and open houses Andy Piacsek started making recruiting visits to CCs Bruce Palmquist and Jennie Patten (past secretary) developed a student handbook, acknowledgement letters, and flyers to promote major and minor in physics Jennie sends us a list of our majors to contact Page 5 Bruce developed a flyer promoting the physics major and minor Made an interactive CD-ROM on physics-related careers available in the student study area Jennie significantly upgraded alumni database. 1. Identify and describe major program activities that will enable goals and objectives to be reached. Some of the past activities that have helped us reach our goals are listed above. 2. Identify what data will be used to measure (assess) whether objectives are achieved. Dept Goal 1. All students will present/publish the results of an undergraduate research project at a venue outside the physics department. Assessed by the student’s portfolio coversheet. Dept Goal 2. Physics faculty and students will participate in interdisciplinary projects with other departments on campus. Assessed by faculty Structured Performance review. Dept Goal 3. Improve student preparation for post-graduate opportunities and careers. Assessed by interactions with students. Dept Goal 4. Be a strong component of Central Washington University’s preparation for students in a technological society. Assessed by review of department lab curriculum. Dept Goal 5. Increase our recruitment and retention activities. Assessed by Structured Performance review (to evaluate faculty participation in outreach) and department student flow sheet (to evaluate progress from student inquiry to graduation). H. Centrality/Essentiality: Highlight the centrality and/or essentiality of your unit to the university’s mission and its relevance to the university and college strategic goals. 1. Centrality to the university’s mission Central Washington University’s mission is to prepare students for responsible citizenship,responsible stewardship of the earth and enlightened and productive lives. Faculty, staff, students and alumni serve as an intellectual resource to assist central Washington, the state and the region in solving human and environmental problems. The physics department and the physics major are central to the mission of the university for a number of reasons. First, physics is the most fundamental of sciences. The other sciences are built upon the fundamental findings of physics. While this is a philosophical reason for the physics department’s centrality, this reason manifests itself in three practical ways. First, physics faculty members are resources for other departments on campus. Mike Braunstein has worked with faculty from Family and Consumer Sciences on a project using LabView, an instrument control system. David Laman has mentored biology students in his laser lab. Bruce Palmquist and Mike Braunstein have served on master’s committees for students Page 6 in other disciplines. Second, upper level physics majors provide valuable input to students and faculty in other departments such as Math, IET, Chemistry, and Education. For example, IET classes typically dig deeper into the subject matter when the professor is questioned by students who look at the fundamental nature of the technological issues like a physics major does. Third, physics courses provide a rich inquiry experience because faculty engagement in upper level physics courses supports curriculum and service courses. For example, a biology major benefits because her general physics instructor is engaged in teaching upper level and lower level physics. Physics faculty, staff, students and alumni serve as resources to Central Washington in a number of ways. In the past five years, 21% of our graduates have spent time teaching physics in the public schools. Physics faculty serve as local experts on physics related issues as described earlier. The physics club engages in public outreach via science demonstrations to entertain and inform the public about science issues. Finally, we serve students in Central Washington who are place bound by family and jobs. At least two of the outcomes every graduating physics major must meet deal directly with skills for enlightened and productive lives: Outcome 3 is “communicate scientific ideas through both oral and written means to peers and the public”. Outcome 4 is “use physics or physics-related knowledge to contribute to their community”. The student created and faculty mentored undergraduate research project that each physics major completes teaches the habits of mind needed to lead enlightened and productive lives. 2. Promotion of university’s strategic goals within the department Dept Goal 1. Provide for an outstanding academic and student life on the Ellensburg campus. The CWU physics department adds to the academic life in a number of areas. First, students in our general education and service courses engage in scientific inquiry. Thus, students need not major in science in order to be introduced to scientific inquiry as a way of learning about the world. Second, all of our majors do a mentored research project. This project further enhances their physics knowledge and skills. In addition, their subsequent presentation helps them strengthen their communication skills. Third, our faculty and students are involved in a variety of intellectual campus outreach activities such as Douglas Honors College (DHC) lectures, planetarium shows and observing sessions for student groups. These last two activities also strengthen the student life on campus. Student life is also strengthened via our active student clubs: the Society of Physics Students and the astronomy club. Dept Goal 2. Provide for an outstanding academic and student life at the university Centers. The department does not offer any courses or services at the university centers. Dept Goal 3. Develop a diversified funding base to support our academic and student programs. Two department faculty members are active in the STEP program. STEP is an NSF funded program for recruitment, enrollment and retention of students in the sciences. It also provides funding for sophomores to do a faculty mentored research project. This supports the physics department goal of students engaging in scientific inquiry at all levels of the curriculum. Over the past five years, faculty have applied for funding from various NSF programs and the Page 7 Petroleum Research Fund. In addition, physics faculty have been very competitive in securing internal funding allowing us to deal with a lack of increase in our base budgets. Dept Goal 4. Build mutually beneficial partnerships with industry, professional groups and the communities surrounding our campus locations Physics department members are active in professional organizations such as Sigma Pi Sigma (the physics honor society), Pacific Northwest Association of College Physics, American Association of Physics Teachers, National Science Teachers Association, and American Physical Society. In recent years, physics faculty have served as officers in the first three organizations listed. One faculty member has a strong working relationship with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland. He has mentored student research projects at this facility and he conducts his own research there, with CWU student assistance, during the summer. Another faculty member has initiated research at Oakridge National Laboratory. CWU faculty and students reach out to local schools via science demonstrations, planetarium shows and star parties. Dept Goal 5. Strengthen the university’s position as a leader in the field of education. The B.A. and B.S. degrees lead to an endorsement in physics teaching. In the past five years, 21% of our graduates have spent time teaching physics in the public schools. One faculty member has a joint appointment in physics and science education. Dept Goal 6. Create and sustain productive, civil and pleasant campuses and workplaces. Physics department staff are very helpful. As the occupant of the only department office on the second floor of Lind Hall, the physics secretary acts as map, guide, lost-and-found, and general information source for any student needing assistance. The department technician offers his services to other departments on an as-needed basis. In addition, he has developed a shop training program to help faculty members be safe and effective shop users. 1. I. Promotion of the College of the Sciences mission within the department. The College of the Sciences (COTS) mission and goals overlap with the CWU mission and goals. Thus, the physics department correlates to COTS goals in a similar way to the CWU goals. Describe departmental governance system (provide organizational chart for department, if appropriate): Since the physics department is so small, nearly every decision is a collaborative effort of all department employees. While the department chair is the focal point of most department decisions, the chair seeks the advice, consensus and approval of the department on all issues that affect the department. The department chair sets the agenda for department meetings and keeps the meetings flowing. The department chair supervises a full-time technician and a half-time secretary. Chair Bruce Palmquist Tenured Faculty Michael Braunstein Bruce Palmquist (1/2 time shared with Science Ed. Program) Page 8 Tenure-Track faculty David Laman Full Time Non-Tenure Track for entire review period Sharon Rosell Full Time Non-Tenure Track for part of review period Andy Piacsek (currently shared with Office of Undergraduate Research and Douglas Honors College) Part Time faculty John St. George Staff Margo Alden, secretary (1/2 time shared with Science Ed. Program) Don Williamson, Scientific Technician II Committees Department Committee of the Whole: All faculty and staff discuss and vote on department issues. Only faculty vote on faculty issues. Personnel Committee Michael Braunstein (chair), Lisa Ely (Geological Sciences) and Martha Kurtz (Chemistry/Science Education) review reappointment, tenure, promotion, and post-tenure review. The Personnel Committee chair, along with the department chair, signs off on merit I and II requests. II. Description and explanation of programs – explain the role and provide data about departmental participation in each of the following programs or areas: Undergraduate Programs We have six undergraduate programs. Three of them are degree-granting majors, one is a transfer-oriented program, and two are minors. All of our degree-granting majors have a math minor embedded within them. Bachelor of Science Major in Physics – This major is designed for students who intend to go to graduate school in physics or a related field or who intend to work in a physicsrelated field after graduation. This major provides a solid background in all major areas of physics including analytical mechanics, quantum mechanics and thermodynamics. It is 110 credits. All graduates with this major will have met the following outcomes: Apply the following concepts to analyze and interpret the physical behavior of systems of intermediate complexity: classical mechanics, modern physics, thermodynamics, classical field theory, and quantum mechanics Apply the following mathematical tools to analyze and interpret the physical behavior of systems of intermediate complexity: integral and differential calculus, vector mathematics, vector calculus, differential equations, approximation techniques, linear algebra and eigenvalues Communicate scientific ideas through both oral and written means to peers and the public. Include evidence for meeting this outcome. Page 9 Use physics or physics-related knowledge to contribute to their community. Include evidence for meeting this outcome. Identify and apply at least three of the following resources as appropriate in analyzing physical systems: library resources and internet resources plus one of the following: expert opinion, analog analysis, physical intuition, experimental techniques, and analytical techniques In addition, they will have met two of the following four outcomes: Apply the following technologies to analyze the behavior of physical systems: computers, electronic, mechanical, and optical. Understand and value the relationship between physics and other areas of knowledge Understand, value and be able to apply the process of science Develop an understanding of ideas through self-directed means See the B.S. major portfolio cover sheet in Appendix B for more details. Bachelor of Arts Major in Physics – This major is designed for students who intend to go tograduate school in a science-related field or who intend to work in a sciencerelated field after graduation. This is the recommended major for students who want to teach physics at the high school level. This major provides a solid background in nearly all major areas of physics. This major does not require coursework in analytical mechanics, quantum mechanics, optics, computational physics, or thermodynamics. This major is 83 credits allowing students to double major or earn a strong minor or certification in another field. All graduates with this major will have met the following outcomes: Apply the following concepts to analyze and interpret the physical behavior of systems of intermediate complexity: classical mechanics, modern physics, and classical field theory. Apply the following mathematical tools to analyze and interpret the physical behavior of systems of intermediate complexity: integral and differential calculus, vector mathematics, vector calculus, differential equations, approximation techniques, linear algebra and eigenvalues. Communicate scientific ideas through both oral and written means to peers and the public. Use physics or physics-related knowledge to contribute to their community. Identify and apply at least three of the following resources as appropriate in analyzing physical systems: library resources and internet resources plus one of the following: expert opinion, analog analysis, physical intuition, experimental techniques, and analytical techniques Page 10 In addition, they will have met two of the following four outcomes: Apply the following technologies to analyze the behavior of physical systems: computers, electronic, mechanical, and optical. Understand and value the relationship between physics and other areas of knowledge Understand, value and be able to apply the process of science Develop an understanding of ideas through self-directed means See the B.A. major portfolio cover sheet in Appendix B for more details. Bachelor of Science Major in Physics - Engineering Specialization – This is a “3-2” program in which students earn a B.S. degree in physics from CWU and an undergraduate engineering degree from an engineering school. This major provides a solid background in all major areas of physics. All graduates with this major will have met the following outcomes: Apply the following concepts to analyze and interpret the physical behavior of systems of intermediate complexity: classical mechanics, modern physics, thermodynamics, classical field theory, and quantum mechanics Apply the following mathematical tools to analyze and interpret the physical behavior of systems of intermediate complexity: integral and differential calculus, vector mathematics, vector calculus, differential equations, approximation techniques, linear algebra and eigenvalues. Communicate scientific ideas through both oral and written means to peers and the public. Use physics or physics-related knowledge to contribute to their community. Identify and apply at least three of the following resources as appropriate in analyzing physical systems: library resources and internet resources plus one of the following: expert opinion, analog analysis, physical intuition, experimental techniques, and analytical techniques In addition, they will have met two of the following four outcomes: Apply the following technologies to analyze the behavior of physical systems: computers, electronic, mechanical, and optical. Understand and value the relationship between physics and other areas of knowledge Understand, value and be able to apply the process of science Develop an understanding of ideas through self-directed means See the B.S. major portfolio cover sheet in Appendix B for more details. Note about the similarity of our undergraduate programs: The BA and BS degrees have similar outcomes. But, they are not redundant. Nor are they a drain on department resources. If one of them were eliminated, the other would be significantly weakened. The BA requires fewer courses than the B.S. But, it provides about half of the students in PHYS 317, 318, 333, 334 (modern physics and modern physics labs), PHYS 331 Page 11 (laboratory techniques), and PHYS 381-3 (electromagnetic theory). If the BA major were eliminated, we would not be able to offer those courses on a schedule for the BS majors. If the BS major were eliminated, we would lose a significant number of students who want to get a graduate degree in science. 56% of BS graduates have gone on to graduate work in science. Only 20% of BA graduates have gone on to graduate work in science. Pre-Engineering program – This is a two-year program that prepares students to transfer to the engineering school of their choice. We typically advise two or three students a year. They do not generally register as pre-engineering majors as they are only here a year or two gathering prerequisites. Most of our students transfer to WSU. A few transfer to UW. A few transfer to smaller schools like St. Martin's. Physics minor – Most of physics minors are from majors that have a strong physics component built in such as math or IET. Students earning this minor may receive a teaching endorsement if they pass the PRAXIS and have or concurrently earn another science teaching endorsement. Astronomy minor - Students earning this minor may receive a teaching endorsement if they pass the PRAXIS and have or concurrently earn another science teaching endorsement. Graduate Programs The physics department has no graduate programs. Occasionally, faculty members serve on student’s Master’s committees or mentor Individual Studies projects. At this time, the department is not interested in starting a general MS program in physics. We feel it would drain significant resources from our Bachelor’s programs. In addition, it would be redundant in the state. General Education contributions We offer three courses that are primarily for general education: PHYS 101 (Introductory Astronomy of Stars and Galaxies), PHYS 102 (Introductory Astronomy of the Solar System), PHYS 101Lab (Introductory Astronomy Lab), PHYS 103 (Physics of Musical Sound), and PHYS 103Lab (Physics of Musical Sound Lab). The astronomy courses are offered every fall (101/101Lab), spring (102/101Lab) and summer (101L plus either 101 or 102). They are always full. The main reason for this is our emphasis on observational astronomy. The labs are offered at night to take advantage of Ellensburg’s clear, dark skies. There is student demand for more sections of astronomy. But, we are constrained by faculty numbers and the difficulty of teaching more than two nights a week from 9pm-11pm. In addition, either PHYS 101 or 102 is a requirement for the Earth Science Teaching major. PHYS 103 is typically 75% filled. PHYS 111 (Introductory Physics) and PHYS 181 (General Physics) are part of the general education program. These courses are overenrolled. We could offer more lab sections of these courses if we had the resources. Most students in these courses are taking them as service courses for their major. Additionally, these courses could be more effective as General Education offerings if the Department and the faculty resources to offer more, and hence smaller sections. Page 12 Teacher Preparation contributions The primary certifiable physics teaching major is the B.A. Our general education courses, especially PHYS 101 and 102, serve a number of elementary education majors and earth science teaching majors. Students earning the Broad Area Science Teaching minor must take either PHYS 111-113 or PHYS 181-183. In addition, one physics department faculty member has a joint appointment with the CWU science education program. Certificate Programs The physics department has no certificate programs. Service to other programs In addition to those mentioned above in the General Education and Teacher Preparation sections, we service a number of majors in our Introductory Physics (PHYS 111-113) and General Physics (PHYS 181-183). The table below shows which majors require either PHYS 111-113 or 181-183. Program Douglas Honors College Biology BA Chemistry Teaching Chemistry BA Chemistry BS Chemistry , BioChem. BS Energy Studies minor Flight tech., Airway Science BS Geology, BS Env. Geo. Sci. BA Env. Geo. Sci. BS IET, Construction Manufact. BS IET, Elect. Eng. Tech. BS IET, Comp. Eng. Tech. BS IET, Elect. Sys. Spec. BS IET, Industrial Technology BS IET, Mech. Eng. Tech. BS IET, Contruction Safety BS Math BS Middle Level Math/Sci. minor Sci. Ed. Broad Area Teach. minor Pre-Dentistry program Pre-Engineering 111 x* x x x x x x x 112 x* x x x x x 113 x* x x x x x 181 x* x x x x x 182 x* x x x x x x x* x x x* x x x* x or x x* x x x x* x x x x x x x x x x x x or or or x x x x x x x x x x x* x x or x x x x x* x x or or or or or or x* 183 x* x x x x x x* x x x or x x x x x x or x x x x x x Page 13 Pre-Medical program x x x or x Pre-Optometry program x x x or x Pre-Veterinary program x x x or x * means the course is one option in a longer list of options. x x x x x x Summer Session The department typically offers PHYS 111/111lab and either PHYS 101/101Lab or 102/101Lab each summer. A. Analyze currency of curricula in discipline with specific supporting details and evidence (such as professional benchmarks, national trends, paradigm shifts, theoretical constructs). How does the quality of the curriculum compare to recognized standards promulgated by professionals in the discipline? Comparison of Curriculum for the Physics Major We have compared the requirements for the physics major at CWU to the programs at thirty other institutions that offer the B.S. in physics, have no graduate program, and graduate a number of physics majors each year similar to the number graduated by CWU (<10). As far as the core theoretical courses are concerned (general physics, modern physics, analytical mechanics, electricity and magnetism, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, calculus, differential equations, linear algebra) the curricula are very similar across the board. We have, however, noted the following differences: • Optics - CWU has an optics requirement for its physics majors, while an optics requirement is unusual for most departments. Based on student scores on the Major Field Achievement Test (MFAT) and anecdotal information, we discovered that our graduates were deficient in optics. When we offered it as an elective, it was either under enrolled or simply not offered due to lack of enrollment. We made it a part of the B.S. major to assure that it would be offered on a regular basis (every other year). • Computational Physics - Most physics programs do not require a course in computational physics while CWU does. We made this course a part of the B.S. major to assure that it would be offered on a regular basis (every other year, rotating with optics). • Mathematical Physics - Many departments require a course in mathematical physics, but CWU does not. • Research - A research requirement is not uncommon, however it is not required at all institutions as it is at CWU. Some institutions that require a research project also require that the research project be documented in a thesis format ("Capstone" requirement). The thesis requirement is absent from the CWU physics research requirement. Not all physics faculty at CWU require that students present at the annual undergraduate research symposium (SOURCE), however, the presence of a thesis requirement might cause students to take their research experience more seriously. • Intermediate/Advanced Laboratory - Most programs have some sort of laboratory requirement. The standard seems to be a semester of intermediate laboratory and a semester of advanced laboratory. The modern physics laboratory at CWU fills the role of the advanced laboratory. The electronics laboratory is meant to cover the role of an intermediate laboratory, however it is not clear whether or not this is really the case. • Electronics - A dedicated requirement in electronics is uncommon. Students at CWU are required to take a dedicated electronics laboratory. Page 14 • Senior Seminar - Many programs require a senior seminar course in which students fulfill a speaking requirement by presenting reviews of core material from each of the major courses. There is no such specific requirement at CWU. However, all of our graduates must present either a poster or paper at SOURCE, the local research symposium. Analysis of Major Points from Strategic Programs for Innovations In Undergraduate Physics The Strategic Programs for Innovations In Undergraduate Physics project report makes a number of recommendations for departments that want to maintain a thriving undergraduate physics program. We review each of these recommendations relative to the undergraduate physics program at CWU. • Leadership for the Undergraduate Program - Collective responsibility for the undergraduate program is required. In thriving departments "faculty members agreed that the undergraduate program was everyone's responsibility". This is certainly the case at CWU, where there is only an undergraduate program. • Mission and Vision - Departments need to articulate a mission and have a realistic vision of growth based on the department size and available resources. It is not clear that the CWU physics department has a strategic plan for expanding its size and resources, although we have acknowledged that the effort required to make the first leap for a department of our current size is rather significant and might strain the available resources. • Substantial Majority of Engaged Faculty - All faculty should be engaged in the undergraduate physics program and involved in sustaining innovations that keep the program thriving. While all CWU physics faculty are actively engaged in undergraduate physics, innovations are difficult to sustain in an environment that requires a heavy teaching load and a peer reviewed level research program for probationary faculty. • Administrative Support - Strong administrative support is a mark of a thriving undergraduate physics program. Departments that don't have strong support of the administration need to take steps to improve the situation. The physics department at CWU has not taken sufficient steps to convince the administration that additional faculty and financial resources are required for continued improvement of the department. • Supportive, Encouraging and Challenging Environment and Recruitment - The thriving department has an active recruitment program that sells the program as a challenging but rewarding course of study. While the CWU physics department has some semblance of an internal recruitment program from the general physics courses, we do not have any significant external recruitment effort. • Advising - Thriving departments provide active advising. The CWU physics department does a good job in this respect. • Career Mentoring - Thriving departments provide career path advising for their students. It is not clear that the CWU physics department provides sufficient career advisement to its students. • Introductory Physics Courses - It is suggested that introductory physics courses are a key component in undergraduate programs since it is in these courses that first contact is made with potential physics majors. It is clear that from the Strategic Programs study that the best departments "work very hard at making the introductory courses as good as possible". In addition, they typically assign only their "best and experienced faculty" to Page 15 these courses and only rotate new faculty members into these courses after an apprenticeship period with more experienced faculty. Such a system for running the introductory physics classes at CWU would be virtually impossible due to the extremely small size of the physics department. • Flexible Majors Program - The Strategic Programs study found that thriving departments "have developed a set of requirements for the major with considerable flexibility to meet the needs of students with a broad spectrum of career interests". Again, such a flexible major requiring different courses for different career tracks would be very difficult due to the small size of the department. The department does have a track for training physics majors to be secondary school physics teachers, however this track does not train students to be professional physicists. Some departments offer an applied physics track that is geared toward students that wish to obtain a masters degree in physics related engineering discipline. Such a track would be an attractive addition to the CWU physics program, given sufficient faculty and resources to run the program. • 3/2 Dual-Degree Engineering Programs - It has been found that 3/2 programs attract students who would not otherwise consider a physics program. The department at CWU has a 3/2 program but it does not have reciprocal relationships or dual admission relationships with engineering schools. • Undergraduate Research - The Strategic Programs study found that all of the thriving departments studied "had thriving undergraduate research programs". The study also states "Most undergraduate research programs focus on work in the summer after the junior year and during the senior year, often culminating in a significant research thesis or report". While CWU physics has an undergraduate research requirement, the importance of this requirement as part of the educational experience does not seem to be sufficiently appreciated by the students: students believe that a mere few hours of work per week will result in significant progress; there is difficulty recruiting students for summer research unless money for student stipends is available; not requiring formal documentation of the research (such as a thesis) makes the act of research seem almost like a prolonged laboratory course. However, faculty in the department do require that their research students make a presentation at the annual CWU undergraduate research symposium, and at least one faculty member has provided summer research opportunities at a National Laboratory. It would also seem that a major roadblock to getting students to take their research experience seriously is the very heavy course load that they have in their junior and senior years. • Physics Clubs and Common Rooms - The Strategic Programs study indicates that all thriving departments have an active physics club or Society of Physics Students (SPS) chapter. Our SPS club won outstanding chapter awards in1998-1999, 1999-2000, and 2003-2004. The study also indicates that most thriving departments provide a common space for their majors to study and socialize. The CWU physics department provides a very nice comfortable reading room for its majors. This room includes a refrigerator, microwave, toaster oven, sink, and two computers with Internet access. • Informal Student/Faculty Interactions - Unfortunately, these events are few and far between at CWU. Last year we had a get-together once a week discuss the latest physics topic from Phys. Rev. Lett., but the physics majors weren't required to be there and as a result never showed up. This might say something about the level of interest in physics that our majors have. Page 16 • Alumni Relations - According to the Strategic Programs study, thriving physics departments keep in touch with their alumni. For the most part, the CWU physics department doesn't keep in touch with its alumni as well as it should. This self study required us to determine the whereabouts of our recent graduates. This may stimulate a better graduate tracking plan. • Physics Education Research - The Strategic Programs study indicates that thriving physics departments have some faculty members who are aware of the findings of physics education research. In this case the CWU physics department is in good shape, as we have all attended workshops on physics education and use materials generated by physics education research. One of the faculty members has a joint appointment in the university’s science education program and is active in science education reform. A. Describe and analyze the effectiveness of the process for reviewing curriculum and making alterations. What and how are data gathered in order to make curricular decisions? What criteria are used to make the decisions? Our main motivations for changing major programs are direct student feedback and results from the Major Field Achievement Test (MFAT). One recent change was based on student performance on the Thermodynamics content section of the MFAT. Students were scoring low on a consistent basis. We reviewed our curriculum and noticed that the only required course in which thermodynamics was even occasionally taught was in general physics, a first year course. We received similar anecdotal comments from our graduates. Thus, we made thermodynamics a major requirement rather than an elective. About four years ago, we started offering out main upper division course sequences every other year. This was in response to two issues. First, students wanted more predictability in course offerings. Formerly, we had either offered the sequences every other year and canceled them if enrollment was low. Or, we waited until enough students wanted the course before we offered it. Now, students know that PHYS 381-383 will be offered 2004-5, 2006-7, etc. and PHYS 351-2 and 474 will be offered 2005-6, 2007-8, etc. B. Effectiveness of instruction – What evidence is gathered and used in the department to evaluate the effectiveness of instruction? Describe how the department addresses the scholarship of teaching with specific supporting documentation including each of the following? 1. Effectiveness of instructional methods to produce student learning based upon programmatic goals including innovative and traditional methods. It is difficult to measure instructional effectiveness. Physics faculty reflect on their SEOI scores to ascertain one measure of the effectiveness of the instructional methods used in that course. In addition, Mike Braunstein and David Laman have started a peer review of teaching program in the department. Finally, department faculty recognize that effective teaching originated in using the best method for the intended instructional goal. In general, each physics course uses a variety of instructional strategies. We do this for three reasons. a. Students have different learning styles. Some students learn best by hearing information. Some students learn best by seeing information. Some students learn best by discussing information with classmates. Page 17 b. That is why physics department courses are a combination of lecture, class discussion, small group discussion and problem solving. Different sets of knowledge and skills require different teaching techniques. Different knowledge and skills require different teaching techniques. For example, a student doesn’t learn how to use an oscilloscope via lecture. Thus, physics faculty pick the best teaching technique for the desired outcome. Below is a table that summarizes the BA and BS major outcomes along with the pedagogical tools that best help students meet that outcome. Physics Major Outcome Required Pedagogical Techniques Apply physics concepts Solving problems, small group discussion, lecture Apply mathematical tools Solving problems, small group discussion, lecture Communicate scientific Lab reports, presentations ideas Use physics knowledge to Presentations contribute to community Identify and apply Lecture, self study resources Apply technologies Lab work, lab reports Understand and value the Small group discussion relationship between physics Understand, value and be Lab work, lab reports, self study able to apply the process of science Develop an understanding Self study of ideas through selfdirected means The table in Appendix C shows which instructional methods are used in each course. c. 2. Faculty members have different teaching strengths. It does not make sense for someone who does an excellent job leading class discussions and developing hands-on and minds-on assignments to primarily lecture to students. Physics faculty are allowed to teach to their strengths while working to integrate other teaching techniques for the reasons stated in a. and b. above. Describe the information technologies faculty regularly and actively utilize in the classroom to foster student learning. Department faculty use computer simulations, scientific instruments, computer-based labs, computer-enhanced demonstrations, and computer-based presentation software. Page 18 C. Required measures of quantity for academic programs for the last five years. FTES and Number of Graduates for the past six years FTES Lower Division FTES Upper Division FTES Graduate FTES Overall Average FTES Number of Graduates Degrees (BA & BS) 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 51.0 56.6 59.1 57.8 56.7 66.8 5.1 5.5 5.2 4.7 4.6 6.5 56.1 62.1 64.2 62.4 0.1 61.4 73.3 6 8 5 4 7 3 We have averaged 5.5 degrees per year for the past six years. According to the American Institute of Physics annual survey, the average number of physics degrees for Bachelor’s degree granting institutions ranges from 3 to 4 per year. The median number is typically 2 or 3. Thus, we produce more majors per year than the typical Bachelor’s degree granting institution. D. Required measures of efficiency for each department for the last five years 1. SFR (FTES/FTEF) disaggregate data Student Faculty Ratio (SFR) Overall Average FTES FTEF SFR (FTES/FTEF) E. 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 62.1 64.2 62.4 61.4 73.3 5.08 12.2 4.63 13.9 4.22 14.8 4.77 12.9 5.12 14.3 Required measures of efficiency for each department for the last five years 2. Average class size Ave Class Size 1998-99 1999-00 (PHYS) Lower Division size 34.1 32.9 Upper Division size 4.0 4.4 Overall Average 18.5 18.7 size 2000-01 2001-02 36.7 5.1 24.8 49.5 5.5 30.9 Ave Class Size 1998-99 1999-00 (COTS) Lower Division size 38.0 40.8 Upper Division size 19.9 20.4 2000-01 2001-02 40.4 19.0 44.4 22.2 Page 19 2002-03 2003-04 47.7 4.9 28.5 47.5 8.3 32.5 2002-03 2003-04 43.7 22.5 43.2 23.3 Overall Average size 27.0 28.2 Ave Class Size 1998-99 1999-00 (CWU) Lower Division size 31.5 32.3 Upper Division size 20.3 19.6 Overall Average 24.1 24.1 size F. 26.8 30.8 2000-01 2001-02 31.9 19.1 23.6 34.8 21.3 26.2 30.8 31.1 2002-03 2003-04 34.6 22.3 27.0 35.6 22.9 27.6 Assessment of students and programs 1. Describe and analyze the results of how students are assessed as they enter the program. Students must meet with an advisor to discuss interests and assess math and science preparation to date. The students file a “four-year plan”. The advisor and student keep a copy of the plan for advising purposes. In addition, the advisor determines if the student’s math background is good enough for timely degree completion. Typically, the first meeting between a potential major and an advisor takes one hour. The one hour meeting is an effective way to determine the student’s skills and interests. This meeting sets the tone for the close studentfaculty contact that continues throughout the student’s time at CWU. The department just formalized the pre-admission four-year plan this year. We will monitor the efficacy of that requirement over the next year. 2. Describe and analyze the results of how students are assessed as they exit the major/program. What data exists within the department to demonstrate that students achieve the program and student learner goals? There are three main end-of-major assessments: Major Field Achievement Test (MFAT), capstone research project, and a portfolio. The department chair reviews the list of people taking the MFAT each quarter. The advisor, department secretary and chair remind students when it is time to take the test. We offer undergraduate research as a credit bearing class. The BA requires 2 cr. of PHYS 495 (a 2 cr. class) and the BS requires 4 cr. of PHYS 495. We just implemented the portfolio for students who applied for the major starting the 2002-03 school year. Thus, our first majors with a portfolio requirement just graduated this past school year. We will keep these portfolios on file in the office and compare the quality of the evidence provided from year to year. See Appendix B for more portfolio information. 3. What data are gathered about program graduates and their successes? e.g. survey data about employer and student satisfaction, alumni? (Include data from Institutional Research.) The only data we have received on a regular basis for the past five years are student scores on the MFAT. Our student's scores on the MFAT, a standardized test taken nationwide range from the 70 th percentile to the 25 th percentile. Most of our students present the results of their undergraduate research at SOURCE. Page 20 The portfolio is new so we have no exit results for that assessment. We just developed a rubric to evaluate student’s capstone research projects so there is a uniform feedback format in the department. Only a few of our students return the survey from Institutional Research given to all CWU graduates. We do not do a formal survey of our graduates. We do gather anecdotal data via informal email and in-person discussions. III. 4. Describe faculty involvement in assessment. Advisors meet with their advisees once a quarter to review portfolio requirements and help advisees decide what evidence to put in their portfolio. 5. Describe and provide evidence of how programs are assessed in department and how these assessments results are used to change or adapt program/major curriculum, faculty, or resources. The BS and BA major portfolio cover sheet are in the Appendix B of this report. MFAT scores are kept on file in the department office. At this time, we do not have a systemic method of assessing programs. Specific examples of program revisions based on MFAT scores and anecdotal information from graduates and students is described above. 6. What steps need to be taken in order to ensure that all of the appropriate assessment activities including programmatic and student are being accomplished? We need to develop a formal mechanism to evaluate student portfolios. In addition, we need to develop a protocol to relate data from student portfolios to necessary curriculum revisions. Faculty A. Faculty profile – What levels of commitment do faculty demonstrate for mentoring student research, professional service activities, scholarly activities including grant writing and teaching? See appendix for the table summarizing faculty activity. The physics faculty excel in service. Despite being a small department, we do more than our share of service. The table in Appendix A actually under represents our service activities. For example, Bruce Palmquist volunteers to write a weekly astronomy column for the local newspaper. This is counted as a single instance of service rather than 52 instances of service. B. Copies of faculty vitae. See Appendix D. C. Departmental teaching effectiveness – report a five-year history of the “teaching effectiveness” department means as reported on SEOIs, indexed to the university mean on a quarter-by-quarter basis “Teaching Effectiveness” Student evaluation of Instruction Scores SEOI Scores Fall Winter Spring 1999-00 Physics 3.9 4.2 4.0 The Sciences 4.2 4.2 4.3 Page 21 CWU 4.3 4.3 4.3 2000-01 Physics The Sciences CWU 4.0 4.3 4.3 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 2001-02 Physics The Sciences CWU 3.5 4.2 4.3 3.9 4.3 4.3 3.9 4.3 4.3 2002-03 Physics The Sciences CWU 3.7 4.3 4.3 3.9 4.2 4.3 3.9 4.4 4.3 2003-04 Physics 3.7 4.0 3.7 The Sciences 4.3 4.3 4.4 CWU 4.3 4.3 4.4 All of the physics department “teaching effectiveness” scores are within one standard deviation of the COTS and CWU average. D. Scholarship per T/TT FTEF – Report scholarly activities including grant writing (both funded & unfunded, specify funding agency) per tenured and tenure-track FTEF Grant activity per FTEF (and FTEF+FTNTT) over the past six years External grants submitted External grants funded Internal grants submitted Internal grants funded 1998-99 total 1999-00 total 2000-01 total 2001-02 total 2002-03 total 2003-04 total Total Number/FTE F (total F) during study period 2 (NSF, AAS) 1 NSF 0 1 NSF 1 (NSF) 2.8 (2) 1 NSF 3 (5) 1.2 (1.1) 0 0 1 3 (4) 1 NSF (2 NSF) 3 (4) 2 (NSF, PRF) 0 7 (9) 0 1 NSF (2 NSF) 0 2 (3) 9 (12) 3.6 (2.7) 0 0 1 2 (3) 3 (4) 0 (1) 6 (9) 2.4 (2) Department faculty have applied for funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the American Astronomical Society (AAS), and the Petroleum Research Fund (PRF). Since nearly half of our faculty are full time nontenure track, we have included their contributions on the tables in this section. E. Service per T/TT FTEF a. Report the number of department faculty memberships on university, college, department, Center for Teaching and Learning, State-level committees per tenured and tenure-track FTEF in the preceding calendar year. Department Committees: For the most part, the physics department acts as a Committee of the whole. During the past year, each tenured and tenure-track FTEF was on one additional department committee, either the secretary search committee (Laman and Palmquist, committee chair) or personnel committee Page 22 (Braunstein, committee chair). College Committees: NA. Center for Teaching and Learning Committees: There is one CTL member in the department, Bruce Palmquist. He was on two CTL committees: the earth science educator search committee and the CTL scholarship committee. He has chaired the scholarship committee for the past six years. University Committees: The three tenure stream faculty were on a total of seven universitycommittees. Mike Braunstein was on the faculty senate. David Laman was on the SOURCE committee. Bruce Palmquist was on the curriculum committee and the CWU Director of Assessment search committee. State-Level Committees: David Laman is on the Pacific Northwest Association of College Physics Board of Directors. In addition, our two FTNTT faculty are on four state or national committees. b. IV. Report the number of department faculty leadership positions in professional organizations per tenured-and-tenure-track FTEF for the preceding calendar year. David Laman is on the Pacific Northwest Association of College Physics Board of Directors. FTNTT faculty member Sharon Rosell is on the Pacific Northwest Association of College Physics Board of Directors and is also treasurer of the organization. She is the Zone Councilor for the northwest region of the national Society of Physics Students’ organization. Students – For five years A. Numbers of graduates/program BA Degrees BS Degrees B. 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 3 5 1 1 3 2 3 3 4 3 4 1 Numbers served in general education, education, supporting courses Annual Average FTE for General Education & Service Courses Course Gen Ed Courses Service Courses Physics 101 Physics 102 Physics 103 Subtotal Physics 111 Physics 112 Physics 113 Physics 181 Physics 182 Physics 183 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 8.8 9.1 9.3 9.6 5.3 14.1 9.4 5.6 4.5 5.8 14.9 10.6 5.4 5.1 6.0 15.3 12.4 5.8 5.5 1.1 6.0 3.1 6.8 16.4 12.0 6.1 5.2 8.4 5.8 4.0 Page 23 5.2 3.7 3.3 12.2 8.4 6.6 6.7 11.3 6.2 5.4 5.4 4.0 4.4 13.8 14.3 8.2 6.0 11.5 7.6 5.3 Physics 211 Physics 212 Physics 213 Subtotal Total Gen Ed and Service Gen Ed & Service FTES Overall FTES Ratio of Gen Ed and Service FTES to Overall FTES 9.1 4.3 3.9 36.8 50.9 10.4 6.8 3.5 41.8 56.7 7.6 0.5 1.8 43.8 59.1 41.5 57.9 44.6 56.8 52.9 66.7 50.9 56.1 .91 56.7 62.1 .91 59.1 64.2 .92 57.9 62.4 .93 56.8 61.4 .93 66.7 73.3 .91 As the above table shows, the primary contribution to our FTES comes from general education and service courses, over 90%. Thus, we have very little control over our student population. In other words, we can make significant revisions to our major programs but have little impact on our FTES. Student accomplishments (include SOURCE, McNair Scholars, career placement information, disaggregate data for undergraduate and graduate students, etc.) List those graduate students working in field; those placed in doctoral programs. PHYSICS DEPARTMENT GRADUATES (1999-2004) Last First Degree Yr Source Known Careers or Grad School Placements Graduated Presenter Burdyshaw Chad E BS 1999 PhD, E.E. Univ of Mississippi Faix Timothy J BA 1999 MSEd CWU HS teaching Tri Cities Forrest Matthew BS 1999 Hoffman Paul BA 1999 MS Optics (Applied) WSU Masiello Paul E. BA 1999 Graduated Law School Stanfield John N. BS 1999 Forest Firefighter Bruce David BA 2000 MSEd CWU -Teaching in Italy Cramer Loren P BA 2000 PhD Materials Science WSU Hamilton Dennis J BA 2000 Air Force Pilot Johnson Terra BA 2000 Mull Stephen BS 2000 Taught Middle School Science - Nursing School Substitute teaching Stambaugh Justin J BS 2000 Steffin Karl BA 2000 Wilson Paul A BS 2000 Page 24 X X MS Fuel Cell Technology UC-Davis Almost Ph.D. Physics - Maryland Public High School Teaching X Ph.D. Chem - Montana Cramer Rod BS 2001 Grad school U of Portland never finished Comstock Robert L BS 2001 Faix Jonathon BS 2001 Roberts Karen K BA 2001 Grad School WSU Walker Clarence R BS 2001 Business Owner Baxter Sean C BS 2002 Making terrain rendering Software Gile Ryan BS 2002 Haley Caleb M BA 2002 Air force Pilot Vanderploeg Steven J. BS 2002 Applying to Eng. Grad Schools Good Apollo BA 2003 Army Grogan Jared BS 2003 H.M. Working in boat engineeering firm - Applying for Grad School, McNair Scholar Hadley Kathryn Z BS 2003 X Getting PhD U of O Astrophysics Research Lundeby Joshua D BA 2003 X Air force Pilot Powers Matthew BS 2003 X At U of IL, Will apply for grad school in cosmology Rowswell Samuel A BS 2003 H.M. Jacobson Zach BA 2003 X Teaching at Wenatchee C.C. Wagner Gregory D BA 2004 X HS teaching in WA Schwab Jonathan I BA 2004 X Getting another BA in Biology Miller Seth W BS 2004 Award Residence Hall Supervisor Award Grad MS Scripps C. Advising services for students All tenured, tenure track, and full time non-tenure track faculty advise students. In order to be admitted to the physics major, a student must first meet with an advisor. Typically, that faculty member will become the student’s advisor. However, the department chair may assign a different advisor based on the student’s interests and the relative advising load for an individual advisor. Majors are required to meet with their advisor each quarter to discuss progress towards meeting major outcomes and to plan the next quarter’s schedule. Two faculty members teach in the STEP program. Through this program, students who are interested in science get early mentoring and research experiences. D. Other student services offered through the department including any professional societies or faculty-led clubs or organizations The physics department sponsors two clubs and one professional honor society. The Society of Physics Students and the CWU astronomy club are active in outreach to Page 25 the campus and the community. Sigma Pi Sigma is a physics honor society. We induct qualified students into this honor society in the spring. V. Library and technological resources. A. Describe program’s general and specific requirements for library resources in order to meet its educational and research objectives. Indicate ways in which the present library resources satisfy and do not satisfy these needs. In order to meet physics program requirements the library needs to provide access to a range of resources. These are listed in their typical order from most to least immediate needs: texts and periodicals in the collection or available online in full text format; databases to search for literature resources; access to literature in larger collections; means to add appropriate texts and periodicals to the collection; expertise in applying library resources to the teaching, scholarship, and service missions of the department. The library currently meets these needs in the following ways: 1. Texts and periodicals in the collection. The library maintains a collection of 750,000 titles, with approximately 10,000 of these identified as physics or closely allied fields (PCAF) (we will use the term PCAF to refer to library resources associated with physics, astronomy, some areas of mathematics, and some areas of physical chemistry: library classifications QA, QB, QC, and QD), and holds subscriptions or provides access to approximately 380 PCAF journal titles. Some of the journal titles currently subscribed to by the library are listed below. The library currently has an annual budget of approximately $3,000 to add to the PCAF collection. The library uses input from physics faculty in determining how to apply these resources for additions to the PCAF collection. These resources are generally adequate to the teaching and service needs of the department. Faculty and students have ready access in the collection to a variety of materials – for instance multiple texts that cover the full range of subjects in the physics undergraduate curriculum - that support the curriculum of the department, and the library has proven responsive to requests for additions to the collection in support of these missions. The collection has proven less effective in supporting the scholarship needs of the department. A variety of factors are recognized as contributing to this, including trends of rapidly rising costs of periodical literature coupled to a library budget that has not kept pace, and the diverse and changing scholarship needs of the physics department. Over the past few years faculty have repeatedly experienced difficulty in carrying out their scholarship roles due to the difficulties of accessing current literature given the limited nature of the collection. Some of the gaps in this support are filled by other library resources that are identified below, though it still should be noted that this is an incompletely resolved problem. Some currently maintained subscriptions to the Periodical Literature in PCAF : American Journal of Physics The Physics Teacher Reviews of Modern Physics Physical Review Letters (after 2003, the subscription is online only) Page 26 There are approximately 120 PCAF journals titles with online access. There are also a variety of non-PCAF periodical subscriptions frequently used by and useful to physics faculty and students: Scientific American Science News New Scientist Science Nature 2. Databases to search for literature resources: The databases to which the library currently subscribes that are most pertinent specifically to PCAF include: Web of Science; SPIN Web; and ACS publications. In support of other teaching, scholarship and service missions the library provides access to additional databases. Those most used by physics faculty and students include: ERIC; Article First – First Search; Research Library Periodicals – Proquest; Oxford Reference Online; Electronic Collections Online – First Search; MathSciNet; Papers First – First Search; Proceedings First – First Search. The library maintains excellent internet access for these databases through the library web site from on-campus computers, and also supports log-in internet access to the databases from off-campus. Further, the library has maintained an excellent record of providing support for these databases. 3. Access to literature in larger collections: The library has two very effective programs for providing access to literature in larger collections: Summit, the ORBIS Cascade alliance; and Inter-Library Loan. In particular, physics faculty have found Summit, which provides rapid access to collections of higher education libraries across the Pacific Northwest, absolutely invaluable. We have high praise for the service provided by Summit with one caution: Summit currently has no feature that allows it to serve the “browsing” role of a physical collection, something that we consider a very important aspect of library support for both faculty and students. We encourage the library to pursue this, perhaps developing an innovative approach to this problem. Inter-Library Loan has also proven useful, although response has frequently proven too slow to support curriculum and scholarship needs. 4. Means to add appropriate texts and periodicals to the collection: Physics faculty make recommendations to add to the PCAF collection through a library representative from the department. See #1 above for details of the resources available for this. In general, this approach has proven satisfactory and the library has proven responsive within the limited resources available. Physics faculty did experience a significant lack of responsiveness during a period two years ago when the PCAF periodical subscriptions were being revised and redirected, but those problems appear now to be resolved. 5. Expertise in applying library resources to the teaching, scholarship, and service missions of the department: The library provides expertise through its faculty in support of the physics department mission, and the physics department has Page 27 found this support generally satisfactory. This expertise is delivered through individual interaction with library faculty (for instance students asking questions of librarians, faculty meeting individually with librarians) and also through library curriculum (for instance, librarians will conduct a class or classes on using library resources as part of a course in the physics department). B. For example, what is the role of the library and library resources in out programs? Where are the gaps? This would be the place to comment on periodicals that have been defended or that we can afford to begin with. 1. Describe information literacy proficiencies expected for students at the end of major coursework. 2. What instruction in information literacy is provided? Learning opportunities for information literacy are provided in the physics program through: information literacy instruction in the general education program; upper division physics curriculum that requires students to apply information literacy (for example, literature summaries as part of course requirements); the undergraduate research requirement for all physics majors, with a significant component of that research dedicated to identifying and understanding appropriate literature on the research topic; the physics seminar course that requires students to use the literature in the preparation of assignments for the course; incorporation of current literature in the discussion of topics in the established physics curriculum, and finally informal encouragement and instruction of students to use literature resources (e.g., faculty modelling appropriate information literacy techniques when students ask questions during office hours, and discussion of current literature in casual conversations between students and faculty). Because of the multifaceted approach to information literacy these are assessed in a variety of ways: assessment based on individual interaction between students and faculty; instructor assessment of assignments that require information literacy; a departmental assessment through the physics major portfolio requirements; and external assessment of undergraduate research projects. These opportunities are intended to provide students with the ability to identify, access, and appropriately use literature resources for specific topics in PCAF, and more generally as a foundation for students to engage in life-long learning. VI. Reflections A. What has gone well in the department? What accomplishments have occurred in the past five years? 1. Our students have been successful at top quality graduate schools such as Cambridge University (England), University of Maryland, University of Mississippi, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, University of Oregon, Washington State University, and University of Montana. In the past five years, 21% of our graduates have started a masters program and 71% have finished (as far as we know). 18% of our graduates have entered a doctorate program, including Ph.D. and J.D. Half of them have finished (as far as we know). Page 28 2. All majors must do an independent research project. 3. Since we implemented an undergraduate research requirement for graduation, 90% of our students have presented their student created, faculty mentored research at SOURCE. One third of them have earned an award or honorable mention. Some students have presented their work at professional conferences. 4. Our student clubs are very active in outreach including giving science presentations to local school children. 5. David Laman and Mike Braunstein have done research at national labs during the summer. Dr. Laman has spent two summers at Pacific Northwest National Lab. One summer he mentored two CWU students at the lab. Dr. Braunstein has spent one summer at Oak Ridge National Lab. 6. The past five years has brought an increase in submission of internal and external grant proposals. 7. The Society of Physics Students has won an outstanding chapter award for three of the past six years. 8. We were awarded a small capital grant to do a significant technology upgrade in lower division lab rooms. This allowed us to increase the use of data-gathering probes that interface with computers in the PHYS 111 and PHYS 181 series. We also used the capital funds to create an upper division computer lab for use in PHYS 361. Last year, we received an internal instructional computing grant to outfit a computer lab fir PHYS 103. 9. The number of faculty who presented at professional conferences over the review period has increased compared to the previous five years. 10. Most physics faculty have served on or held an office in regional and national committees and organizations. Sharon Rosell was on the Pacific Northwest Association of College (PNACP) Board of Directors. Currently, she is the PNACP treasurer. She is also a Zone Councilor for the National Society of Physics Students. Bruce Palmquist served on the Higher Education Coordinating Board Admission Standards committee. David Laman is on the PNACP Physics Board of Directors. Michael Braunstein was President of Washington Section of the AAPT. 11. There have been significant enrollment increases in general education courses, both first year physics sequences and the second year physics sequence. 12. There has been increased interaction with other campus departments, as evidenced in section I of this report, and interdisciplinary programs such as the undergraduate research program and the Douglas Honors College. Page 29 B. 13. Physics faculty have taken significant leadership roles across the campus. Mike Braunstein was faculty senate chair for one year. Andy Piacsek is the current director of the Office of Undergraduate Research. Bruce Palmquist originated and directs the elementary education major/science education minor program offered through the CWU-SeaTac center at Green River Community College in Auburn, WA. 14. All five physics faculty have given or are scheduled to give talks at CWU’s Natural Science Seminar. 15. Bruce Palmquist was named Distinguished University Professor – Public Service in 2004. 16. We implemented a plan to rotate our upper division course every other year. This guaranteed that courses would be offered when needed. 17. We developed an astronomy minor in order to utilize faculty expertise in the area (Mike Braunstein), equipment (observatory on the roof of Lind hall), Ellensburg’s relatively dark skies, and student interest. What challenges have existed over the past five years? What has the department Done to meet these challenges? What challenges still exist? What will/can the department do to meet these challenges? What can the university provide to help the department meet these challenges? Challenge 1. Formerly offered upper level courses sporadically. They were typically under enrolled Long term solution Short term action plus increased faculty resources to offer electives in physics, physics related, and interdisciplinary fields 2. Some students are not well prepared to study physics (e.g., poor math skills) What we have done short term We offer our upper level courses every other year. We have drastically reduced the number of electives. BS majors are required to take nearly every physics course. Faculty doing more remedial tutoring during office hours and class. 3. There are constraints on our program due to resources available such as: a) Curriculum development Work nights and weekends. b) Grant writing Work nights and weekends. More focused and real faculty development opportunities. (No talking heads at Fall faculty meetings.) Implement a university-wide individualized faculty Plan scheme. Faculty could get an Page 30 More university support for the SI program. Offer a math-prep course the summer before freshman year so students are ready to take calculus right away. c) Effective student mentoring Mentoring undergraduate students with minimal compensation. Participate in STEP program which offers early research mentoring d) First quarter service class sizes have grown too large for effective pedagogy and current room We split 111 into 2 sections and dropped the trailing PHYS 111 course. increased the .FTE hour for adjunct. we have allowed the increase in class enrollment e) We’d like to offer more general ed, upper division, special topics, and interdisciplinary courses Increased offerings of the general ed courses currently in the catalog. Teach occasional 2 credit current topics course in physics. f) Access to up-to-date equipment Seek external and internal funding for some equipment. Successful getting internal grants. Modify research projects that are not affected by Lind Hall failings such as noisy power and vibrations. It is difficult to build a vibrant program with only 2.5 tenure stream faculty members. 4. Facility is insufficient to meet our instructional and research needs 5. We lack a critical mass of faculty and students a) Reassign time impediment b) It is difficult to make a class schedule with so few degrees of freedom c) Need more tutoring services for students in service courses. Two tenured faculty have not taken sabbaticals that are long overdue because of worries over who would teach their classes. In order to assign each faculty member the appropriate number of contact hours, the chair has assigned one person to teach the lecture and one or two others to teach the labs. This is counter to department philosophy. Faculty doing more remedial tutoring during office hours and class. SPS club does some volunteer tutoring. Page 31 adjusted load for grant writing with an appropriate plan. Implement a university-wide Individualized Faculty Plan scheme. Faculty could get an adjusted load for student mentoring with an appropriate plan. Short term action plus split 181 into two sections. Implement a university-wide individualized faculty Plan scheme. Faculty could get an adjusted load for curriculum planning with an appropriate plan. Get external funding. CWU can get funding for Science Phase II. Improved focus on physics recruiting by admissions office (especially women and minorities). Additional faculty resources for the department Additional faculty resources for the department. Additional faculty resources for the department. Improve focus on physics recruiting by admissions office. University support for a science tutoring center similar to math and writing centers (recognize science We use department funds for some course tutoring. d) Lack of a speaker series 6. The cost of running the department has increased while our goods and services budget has stayed constant. 7. Additional responsibilities transferred to faculty and staff with no commensurate resources applied. Examples include: entering own grades, SEOI summaries, payroll, budget reconciliation, etc. Physics faculty speak at other venues such as the Natural Science Seminar. We have occasionally used AIP women and minority speaker series. Faculty have organized speaker visits on their own time. We have used summer profits to purchase some items. We added lab fees to general ed and service courses. Faculty and secretary work off hours to do these tasks. For example, the secretary comes in during the summer to do payroll. 8. Half-time secretary for only nine months. 9. Physics faculty want to teach labs and do most of their own grading. The CWU productivity measures disfavor physics’ approach to these effective teaching strategies. 10. Morale issues with faculty rewards We hire good secretaries. 11. Limited access to online physics journals Use ORBIS/CASCADE. as a “basic” skill). More university support for the SI program. Additional faculty resources for the department. Seek external or internal funding for a physics speaker series. CWU should implement a performance-based budget plan with goods and service increases tied to certain standards. We would at least like to see an audit of what offices are doing with the time they no longer need to spend doing these tasks. For example, the registrar’s office used to enter grades. How has their performance improved now that they no longer do that? Those offices should share the costs with the departments. For example, help us with paper costs for the SEOIs that we must now print out. Increase hours to 75% time. We use undergraduate student graders for some courses. Adjusted faculty teaching load associated with an appropriate faculty plan. We volunteer, exercise, and spend time with family (i.e. focus on the more important issues in life). More focused and real faculty development opportunities. (For example, listening to people talk at Fall faculty meetings is not a development opportunity.) Better access to online physics journals via CWU and WA joining more inter-state consortia. Improve focus on physics recruiting by admissions office (especially women and minorities) 12. We have a gender and minority Two physics faculty are involved in imbalance. the STEP program Page 32 C. Describe ways the department or unit might increase quality, quantity, and/or efficiency. Provide evidence that supports the promise for outstanding performance. (Note: some items may be listed in more than one section.) First, we’d like to comment on the significant steps the physics department has already taken to improve quantity and efficiency. Most important, we now offer upper level courses every other year on a predictable schedule. About five years ago, we realized that our scheme for offering upper division courses was to poll the students, determine what the students had taken and offer what they hadn’t taken. Quality 1. Increased use of faculty leaves for professional development. This will allow faculty to enhance existing areas of expertise as well as develop new areas of expertise. For example, instead of hiring a nuclear physicist, a current faculty member can get trained at a national lab for a year to add nuclear physics to her/his academic skill set. 2. Foster interdisciplinary enrollment in upper division courses. This will allow students to better learn the linkages between sciences. It will also increase enrollments in upper division courses. For example, chemistry majors could take quantum mechanics from the physics department and physics majors could take physical chemistry from the chemistry department. 3. The class of 2003 was the first to submit a major portfolio as an exit assessment. We need to do a better job implementing the portfolio. That means requiring the students to add representative artifacts, discussing the reasons for those specific artifacts, and using the information in those portfolios to revise our curriculum as needed. This will give us a better idea what our graduates know and can do. In turn, we can use this information to improve our program. 4. We need better designed classroom facilities. Lind Hall is lacking a medium sized classroom (around 50 students) that is useful for small group activities and that has the technology for Just in Time teaching techniques. This would allow us to split our large service courses into two classes of about 50 students each. These students would benefit from small group activities such as desktop experiments, collaborative problem solving and problem-based learning. 5. A new tenure-track position in physics targeting a person who has the demonstrated ability to attract students, bring in external funding, and involve students in research. This new faculty member could recruit new students for mentored research opportunities. Page 33 Quantity 1. Improve department website. This would allow students to get a better idea of our programs. We could put a survey on-line to assess student interest in a variety of initiatives such a student club activities, how to make the department better, etc. 2. We need better designed classroom facilities. Lind Hall is lacking a medium sized classroom (around 50 students) that is useful for small group activities and that has the technology for Just in Time teaching techniques. This would allow us to split our large service courses into two classes of about 50 students each. These students would benefit from small group activities such as desktop experiments, collaborative problem solving and problem-based learning. 3. A new tenure-track position in physics targeting a person who has the demonstrated ability to attract students, bring in external funding, and involve students in research. This new faculty member could recruit new students for mentored research opportunities. Efficiency 1. VII. We have allowed enrollment in general education and service courses to increase beyond optimal levels. This does not support promise for outstanding performance. 2. We need better designed classroom facilities. Lind Hall is lacking a medium sized classroom (around 50 students) that is useful for small group activities and that has the technology for Just in Time teaching techniques. This would allow us to split our large service courses into two classes of about 50 students each. These students would benefit from small group activities such as desktop experiments, collaborative problem solving and problem-based learning. 3. Foster interdisciplinary enrollment in upper division courses. This will allow students to better learn the linkages between sciences. It will also increase enrollments in upper division courses. For example, chemistry majors could take quantum mechanics from the physics department and physics majors could take physical chemistry from the chemistry department. Future directions A. What are the current national trends in the discipline? How has the program responded to these trends? We addressed this in great detail in section II, item A of this report. Some highlights from this ection and the rest of the report include: Trend Response 1. Increased role of undergraduate research. Undergraduate research is a required component of our major degrees. Page 34 B. C. 2. Increased emphasis on introductory level physics courses based on the findings of physics education research. We have increased the use of “new” pedagogical techniques such as collaborative learning, all faculty develop skills teaching intro classes. 3. Enrollment in undergraduate physics programs is declining. There is less support for pure physics, compared to engineering-related fields, at the national level. Enrollment in out first year physics courses and general education courses has been increasing for at least two reasons. First, we have improved instruction in these courses as described in number 2 above and in section II, item C of this report. Second, independent of our actions, the enrollment increase at CWU has led to more students interested in physics. How do faculty members set goals for professional development? How does the faculty envision the balance of teaching, service, research and creative activities? 1. We set goals based on immediate challenges (e.g., student needs, pedagogical improvement) and availability of opportunities (e.g., enroll in an assessment workshop because it is the only one offered) 2. Given the choice between two or more opportunities, we follow through on professional development opportunities that enhance primary goals of physics department as described in section I, item C of this report. As a department, we support the idea of individualized faculty plans to accomplish a department-level balance of teaching, scholarship and service. For example, some faculty might choose to teach more and have their advancement based on a rubric that weighs teaching more than scholarship and service. This would allow a faculty member to set professional development goals based on a specific plan. In addition, the plan would describe the balance between teaching, service, research and creative activities for that faculty member. What is your five year vision of the department? 1. Increase number of graduates by 25%. 2. Increase the number of externally funded grant proposals to an average of one per year for the department. 3. Deliver excellent curriculum in the service courses as evidenced by peer review of teaching, SEOI scores, and pedagogical presentations at professional meetings. 4. Increase professional development opportunities in the following areas. state-of-the-art pedagogical methods collaborations with national research labs/ research universities interdepartmental collaborations. Provide excellent preparation of physics majors for entry into a broad range of post-baccalaureate opportunities in, at least, the following ways. Page 35 a) b) Develop a graduate school preparation seminar for senior physics majors Develop a relationship with at least two new regional companies or labs for internship opportunities D. If faculty or staff retirements are anticipated, how would replacement positions be targeted to optimize departmental goals? A replacement position would be targeted at a tenure-track faculty who has the demonstrated ability to attract students, bring in external funding, and involve students in research. Mike Braunstein has facilitated discussions with the University of Washington and appropriate CWU staff about CWU taking ownership of the Manastash Ridge Observatory (MRO). If this comes to pass, hiring a faculty member with the above skills plus the ability to run a small observatory would be our top priority. Even if CWU does not take ownership of MRO, the growth in our general education and service courses, along with the continued involvement of department faculty in other CWU activities (such as science education, Science Honors program, etc.) indicates hiring a physics “generalist” with the above skills would benefit the department and CWU. While we don’t expect a retirement, there is the potential for a significant reassignment of physics faculty, which would have an equivalent impact of a retirement. For example, full time non-tenure track faculty member Andy Piacsek has skills that make him in demand for other positions on campus such as Undergraduate research Director and Douglas Honors College teaching. He could be hired to another position on campus that would reduce his time in the physics department to zero. E. What new or reallocated resources are required to pursue these future directions? 1. A new tenure-track position in physics targeting a person who has the demonstrated ability to attract students, bring in external funding, and involve students in research. 2. Convert existing full-time non-tenure-track positions that show long-term evidence of being needed to tenure-track positions once those full-time nontenure-track positions become open. Sharon Rosell has been a full time nontenure track faculty member in the physics department for over 15 years. Her position is critical to the success of the department. Andy Piacsek has taught in the department for over eight years, some of them full time, all of them on the non-tenure track. Both of them replaced tenure-track faculty, thus reducing the number of tenure-track physics faculty. (Prof. Rosell replaced Robert Bennett. Prof. Piacsek replaced Will Sperry.) 3. Improved facilities including: a) b) Stopgap solution: clean power in Lind Hall, 54-student lecture hall with “Just in Time” teaching technology. Long term solution: new, state-of-the-art facilities for research and teaching (such as Science Phase II). Page 36 4. Faculty reward system aligned to our vision statement (linked to an Individualized faculty Plan) 5. Recruitment resources such as a specific plan for increasing the number of recruits specifically interested in majoring in physical and geological science and targeted recruiting of such majors. 6. Reward system for non-tenure-track faculty comparable to that available for tenure-track faculty. For example, allow non-tenure-track to apply for one quarter research leaves. VIII. Suggestions for the program review process or contents of the self-study? We weren’t sure how to answer section VII, item B (How do faculty members set goals for professional development? How does the faculty envision the balance of teaching, service, research and creative activities?) Currently, we don’t set goals for faculty development because university sponsored faculty development opportunities are few and far between. When they do arise, we typically take them even if they don’t meet our exact need. For example, two years ago, David Laman and Mike Braunstein attended a Critical Thinking workshop facilitated by Ian Quitadamo, Martha Kurtz and Bruce Palmquist. This workshop may not have fit Drs. Laman and Braunstein’s needs exactly. But, they participated because the opportunity was there and they didn’t know when the next appealing opportunity would come along. We feel a better item would be simply: What are the professional development goals for faculty in your department? How do these goals fit individual faculty member’s balance of teaching, service, research and creative activities? Page 37