Table of Contents I Department/Unit Mission and Goals ........................................................................................... 2 II Description of Programs ............................................................................................................. 12 III Faculty .......................................................................................................................................... 23 IV Students ........................................................................................................................................ 24 V Facilities and Equipment ............................................................................................................ 28 VI Library and Technological Resources ....................................................................................... 30 VII Analysis of the Review Period .................................................................................................... 32 VIII Future Directions ......................................................................................................................... 37 IX Suggestions for the Program Review Process ........................................................................... 42 Appendices and Attachments .............................................................................................................. 43 Appendix A: Course/Faculty Instructional Methods and Activities ............................................... 43 Appendix B: Senior Assessment Materials........................................................................................ 45 Appendix C: Faculty Profile ............................................................................................................... 70 Appendix D: Faculty Vitae ................................................................................................................. 71 Appendix E: Comparative Quantity and Efficiency Measures with COTS Departments ........... 72 1 Program Review Self Study Contents Year 2006 – 2007 POLITICAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Overview: The self-study is prepared through the leadership of the department chair by the faculty of the department and is both descriptive and evaluative; it provides basic information on the nature of the department’s programs and gives the faculty’s assessment of the program’s strengths and weaknesses. A program of self-study is the faculty’s opportunity to scrutinize itself, to publicize its accomplishments and examine its shortcomings. The following outline for the contents of the self-study combines elements from academic norms, accreditation standards, and performance-based budgeting issues. The contents of the outline were compiled from a variety of sources. Departments are asked to fill out each category concisely, with appropriate supporting data for each item. Evidence may be included in the appendices. I. DEPARTMENT/UNIT MISSION AND GOALS IA. General description of department that provides an overview and context for the rest of the self-study The Department of Political Science consists of six full-time equivalent faculty members, along with miscellaneous (approximately two) adjuncts, with varying interests and expertise. As our web site and mission states, “The Department of Political Science believes that its primary purpose is to pursue knowledge and understanding of the political aspects of the human endeavor; to transmit this knowledge to others; to relate this knowledge to the real world in creative, critical, and constructive ways; and to encourage through pedagogical means a real interest in politics.” Political Science is one of the departments of the social sciences within the College of the Sciences, the largest College (in total number of Departments, faculty and majors) on the CWU campus. In terms of faculty (FTEF), Majors, and Student Coursework (FTE), we are one of, but not the, smallest departments in the College. Indeed, during the period we ranked tenth (out of twelve) in terms of faculty, and between tenth and eleventh in terms of students each academic year. Political Science, within the human or social sciences, is “the study of governments, public policies, and political behavior,” and “uses both humanistic and scientific perspectives and skills to examine all countries and regions of the world,” (American Political Science Association, Therefore, “our Department is concerned not only with governmental actors but also with nongovernmental organizations such as the private economic sector and with citizen behavior and attitudes. Political Science encompasses the study of American politics, the political systems of other countries, political and economic organizations of a non-state nature, international relations, and political philosophy, theory, and ethics.” (Department web site) Since its existence as free-standing Department in the mid-1960s, political science has attempted to promote an understanding of the political world on the CWU campus. Naturally, it also has gone 2 through some changes, and the current department is no different. In fact, in the preceding five years we have had a fair degree of turnover in faculty and other changes to the Department make up and curriculum, and anticipate more in the future. Two of our most senior faculty (Drs. Robert Jacobs in 2002, and Jim Brown (also Chair) in 2005, with over 50 years of service to the University and Department between them) retired during the period, and another, Dr. Michael Launius, took administrative leave to run the Office of International Studies and Programs. We have also hired some adjunct and non-tenure-track faculty to fill in the gaps in our program. During the period, the University faculty also voted to unionize and a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) was negotiated which went into effect for the 2006-07 year. Thus, one could say we are somewhat in flux, and this review comes at a time of some uncertainty and examination about our future direction. IB. List programmatic goals 1. Identify and describe major program activities that will enable goals to be reached. 2. Identify what data will be used to measure (assess) whether goals are achieved. (NOTE: Goals 1-3 came from the Departmental Mission; Goals 4-7 from Strategic Plans.) Goal 1: To Pursue Knowledge and Understanding of the Political Aspects of the Human Endeavor. 1) Activities: this goal basically entails the entire program and its faculty, as this is what we do, what we are about, our raison d’etre. We primarily attempt to achieve this goal through our research and professional development in our discipline, but as Central’s Latin motto reminds us, “By Teaching, We Learn,” we also pursue this goal through our courses. 2) Measurement: this is a difficult goal to measure, but all of the members of the Department participate in scholarly activities that contribute in a small way to this goal, including scholarship of discovery, application, and teaching. While we will go into more detail in the “Faculty” section, below, we would note here that the Department’s research activities have increased over the period. The relatively large number of “new” special topics, “current issues” and seminar courses the Department has offered in the last five years – 27 in all, included summer sessions - also demonstrates that the faculty are learning about new topics and keeping abreast of new and current developments in the field and in the “real world” of politics outside the academy. Goal 2: To Transmit this Knowledge to Others, and Relate it to the World in Creative, Critical and Constructive Ways. 1) Activities: the major program activities that support this goal include the courses the Department offers, public presentations that Faculty members make to the campus and larger communities, and the publication and other dissemination of faculty knowledge through scholarly and popular media of communication (journals, books, newspapers, radio, television, speeches, etc.). 2) Measurement: this can be measured through faculty efforts to disseminate their ideas. In this vein, the Department is quite active (and successful, at least in terms of quantity if not effect): One measurement is our publications and dissemination of expertise in various outlets, mentioned above. Notably, over the last five years, the Department has increased its output and prominence in both scholarly and popular venues. Probably the best example of our success in this area is in our Department’s presence as expert commentators in the mass media. Four members have been or are involved in writing regularto-irregular columns for the Ellensburg Daily Record newspaper. Prof. Matt Manweller also has a 3 weekly radio show, and now a local cable-access discussion program; the Department also participates in giving public addresses and presentations to the campus, local and larger communities of which we are a part. (More on this is discussed below). Another way to measure it is through our subject matter. In our courses during the period, the Department as a whole had an average score of 4.67 (out of 5) on the Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEOI), Question 18, “Instructor Applied Course Material to Real World Issues,” above the College and University averages both overall (4.54, and 4.53, respectively). Department scores were also higher each and every quarter during the period under review. Goal 3: To Encourage through Pedagogical Means, a Real Interest in Politics. 1) Activities: again, this seems to be an inherent part of everything we do, if “pedagogical means” (or teaching) is construed widely. However, primarily we do this through our course offerings to students, though we do it indirectly for the rest of campus, the Ellensburg community, and others through our public presentations, appearances and contributions to media outlets, etc. 2) Measurement: here’s the sticky part: measuring success. We would note, however, like a lot of things, just because they are difficult to measure or calibrate does not mean they are not worthy or worth doing. Indeed, one might argue that the more important a goal is, the harder it is to tell if you’ve achieved it. Nevertheless, we believe there are some measures of student interest: -Our majors, and FTE, have been increasing over the last five years, at rates greater than the overall increase at the University. Since very few students come to Central (or any school) intending on majoring in Political Science, and we thus recruit most all of our majors “in house,” this to us seems to indicate we are creating interest in politics on campus. -Our courses appear to give students an appreciation for politics and political science. For example, responses to Item 17, “Instructor Developed an Appreciation for the Field,” on the SEOI for the period are higher than average: Dept. Average: COTS Avg.: Univ. Avg.: 4.37 (out of 5) 4.31 4.36 Here, however, though we were greater overall, we were ahead of the University and College averages on these measures only 9 out of 14 quarters. So, there is room for improvement. Goal 4: To Increase the Department’s Offerings and Strengthen Its Program through Additional Faculty in Traditional Areas of Weakness, Thereby Providing a Comprehensive Political Science Program That Better Prepares Majors and non-Majors as Citizens and Workers in a Pluralistic Society. 1) Activities: the Department activities in this realm are curriculum development, and gathering research about, and lobbying the higher administration for, more faculty resources in those areas of our program we believe are weaknesses in our department. In particular, our strongest need historically has been in the area of Comparative Politics: Latin America (Central and South American politics), along with International Relations. We also have emerging needs in the areas of Native American politics and state and local politics, in the American politics sub-field. 2) Measurement: Here, it is quite simple: the addition of a faculty member and courses in these subject areas. We have some evidence from students that courses in these areas would be of interest. We were able to have an Adjunct non-tenure track faculty member who offered a few courses 4 in Latin American and Native American politics, and developed some for our curriculum, but this was an arbitrary and almost random effect since this person was the life-partner of one of our faculty, who since took a job elsewhere. We have put a request for another Tenure-Track faculty in this area in our budget request for the last three biennia, and in Spring of 2006 the Department Chair put in a “Spheres of Distinction” proposal along these lines. Overall, however, we have not been able to achieve this goal, in large part due to lack of support by the administration. (Note: in 2006-07, the Latin American Studies Program received a “Spheres of Distinction” grant for the creation of a Latino Studies Center to be added to its purview, along with a tenure-track Director of Latino Studies, and after some consultation decided to tentatively place this position (Latino Studies/Politics), assuming a successful search, in our Department. While we welcome this initiative, we would note, however, this isn’t exactly what we asked for, being Hispanic-American rather than Latin American politics, and was an external decision.) Goal 5: Increase Support for the Department’s Operations. 1) Activities: These activities include delivering an efficient and effective program, and making higher administration aware of our limited budget and resource allocations, and lobbying effectively for increases. 2) Measurement: This can easily be measured by the Department’s budget. In fact, while the budget has increased over the last 5 years, it has stayed relatively flat, with most increases simply being a transfer of funds from the Provost’s Office to cover photocopier/ing expenses. In Fall, 2005, the goods and services line was “adjusted for a total increase of $1,473. Of this total $1,137 merely represents a transfer of base funds and copier expenses from the provost’s office; while this has already been added to your base, in the case of shared departmental copiers some adjustments of both budget and expenses may remain to be made. The remaining $336 is an increase of 5% over the 20042005 base, and will be transferred to the departmental budget for the 2005-2006 academic year, thereafter regularly recurring in the departmental base.” (COTS Dean Memo, September 2005). This was the first increase in several years. Goal 6: Develop and Refine the Department’s Ability to Assess Students’ Knowledge of the Fundamentals of Political Science, and the Faculty’s Abilities to Teach It. This goal is discussed more fully under “Assessment,” below. However, we have implemented a two-credit hour Senior Assessment exit course (POSC 489) since 1999. We have toyed with varying ways to improve our measurement and knowledge. Goal 7: Increase Faculty Support for Travel and Professional Development. 1) We have actively tried to support our faculty in gaining access to professional development funding, and have tried to supplement external sources of support. In particular, we have tried to utilize summer revenues to supplement faculty travel to conferences, etc., and for other legitimate professional development activities or materials. 2) The simplest way to measure this goal is to examine the amount allocated for travel/professional development. We attempted to increase support for faculty travel through money allocated by the Faculty Senate and Summer revenues, and appear to have been moderately successful. Below is the amount the Department reimbursed faculty for travel each academic year. 2001-02: $2242 2002-03: $2562 2003-04: $2265 2004-05: $4499 2005-06: $2434 5 However, we would note that under the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), faculty are now allocated $700 in travel from the Faculty Affairs office, which has reduced the role of the department in this area. In addition, uncertainty in how Summer revenues will be redistributed to Departments raises questions as to how much the Department will be able to supplement these activities. C. Centrality/Essentiality – present an assessment of the centrality and/or essentiality of your unit to the university’s mission or to the extent to which the unit is essential to the expected operations of a comprehensive university. Given that the stated Mission of the University is to “prepare students for responsible citizenship, [emphasis added] as responsible stewards of the earth, and to lead enlightened and productive lives,” our Department obviously plays a central and essential role in at least the first and third objectives, and an indirect role in the second. -By its very nature, political science deals directly with issues of responsible citizenship and what it means to be part of a community. Twenty-four centuries ago, Aristotle made the claim for political science that it is “the study which [pursues The Good] and has most authority and control over the rest.” One could say, then, that political science is truly essential to all the sciences and all learning. Indeed, if to be a citizen, especially in a democracy, means to be informed, interested and involved in its civic life, then political science plays a key role in civic education and engagement. Our courses and curricula thus directly relate to this part of the University Mission. -We prepare students for responsible citizenship in other ways, as well: through internship and other professional opportunities with politically-related organizations and institutions; through Departmental colloquia and other campus events we sponsor or participate in; and through advising politically-oriented student groups. -We have a limited role in preparing them to be “responsible stewards of the earth,” though we are involved in teaching environmental politics and policy through the Public Policy program and public policy courses; and we did offer a current issues 460 course, on Comparative Environmental Policy, in Winter, 2004. -We also prepare students for enlightened and productive lives through teaching them to think critically and for themselves, especially about the political system if not more generally. 1. Describe how each of the relevant six strategic goals for the university are being promoted within the department. CWU Goal I: Provide for an outstanding academic and student life on the Ellensburg campus. We support this goal through the following ways: -Political science courses are a necessary and vital contribution to an undergraduate liberal arts education. -The department regularly contributes to campus colloquia and other events, whether participating in, or sponsoring them. Some examples: The Political Science Department Colloquium 6 on the Midterm Elections, Nov. 2002; Campus Panel on Terror and Torture in the American Mind (May, 2004); Margaret Mead Film Festival; Yong Soo Lee’s “Comfort Woman Testimony and Symposium,” in October, 2005. Members of the Department also participate regularly as part of University-related events such as CALL (Central Adult Lifelong-Learning) luncheons and on ad-hoc panels like College Civics Week and the like. -The department sponsors a relatively large number of student internships and independent study projects directly related to the political world, which provide our students with professional and practical research and work experience they don’t receive in the classroom. These are detailed elsewhere in this document. -The department offers a wide variety of courses covering the sub-fields of the discipline that broaden our students’ knowledge about the political world: American politics (their own country), International Politics (politics between nations), comparative politics (other countries and regions outside the US, including Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East), and political thought (major thinkers and canons of the field). Furthermore, since 2000 the department added two courses that specifically allow faculty and students to delve into topics of current events/interest, Political Science 460 (Current Issues in Comparative Politics), and 470 (Current Issues in International Politics). This addition has enabled us the flexibility to offer courses of direct relevance to the contemporary political scene, such as: Global Feminisms; Public Opinion, Mass Media, and US Foreign Policy; War and Democracy; China-Taiwan Relations; North Korean Nuclear Crisis; World Demography and Politics; and Politics of Globalization. These compliment ad hoc “special topics” courses we have offered, such as Politics of Developing Nations, American Indian Politics (now a permanent course), and Race and Ethnicity in American Politics. -We contribute courses to and strengthen the quality of other majors (such as Law and Justice and Flight Technology) and interdisciplinary programs (such as Asia-Pacific Studies, Public Policy, Women Studies, Social Science, and the soon-to-be American Indian Studies, and Film and Video Studies, programs) by bringing important political and governmental perspectives to these areas of study. CWU Goal II: Provide for an outstanding academic and student life at the university centers. The Department does not offer a formal program at any of the Centers. It does offer three upper division courses in the public law sequence at two of the west side centers that contribute to the General Studies – Social Science program and as electives for the Law and Justice Dept. (or whomever takes them). Given new funding for this degree program, the department could expand offerings at Yakima or at the centers. There is some discussion of using some additional funding from the State for expansion in the GS-SS program, which may involve the Department. CWU Goal III: Develop a diversified funding base to support our academic and student programs. Enhance visibility of and knowledge about the university and its programs throughout the state and the Pacific Northwest. Expand Central Washington University's student base through recruiting and retention. Expand sources of revenue to support university initiatives. Though this goal seems more logically directed towards other units of the University, the Department has put forth initiatives in the college and university development effort; 7 department faculty have participated in other externally funded programs when opportunities have come up. -Prof. Launius was involved in the NSF Environmental Studies Undergraduate Research Grant in China in 2002-04, and in 2005 went on a Fulbright Hays fellowship with members of one of our “Center partners” (Edmonds Community College) to South Africa and Namibia. -Prof. Wirth has been involved trying to gain outside funding for symposia on education policy and Native American/Indigenous education efforts. -Prof. Schaefer applied for a grant with the United States Institute of Peace. We also have participated in University orientation and recruitment efforts during the summer and the academic year. As far as “enhancing the visibility and knowledge about the university and its programs throughout the state and the Pacific Northwest,” and beyond, our faculty have definitely contributed to this goal. We would reiterate the points made earlier about our profile in the media and other public venues made above. Some examples: Prof. Manweller’s “Election Will Decide Fate of Nation” column in October 2004 was disseminated widely across the nation via the Internet. Prof. Launius gave a speech on US Foreign Policy to students in China and Korea, and Prof. Yoon’s expertise on the plight of the Korean “Comfort Women” has also received international attention. CWU Goal IV: Build mutually beneficial partnerships with industry, professional groups, institutions, and the communities surrounding our campus locations. Our Department has been very active in seeking out and cooperating with various individuals, organizations and institutions related to the field, particularly with internships for our students. These include various local, state, and national political/governmental offices, non-profits, interest groups and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), etc. These include: the Washington State Legislature, the Washington State Secretary of State’s Office, the Kittitas County Prosecutors’ Office, Kittitas Valley Volunteer Legal Services, Office of the County Auditor, the Ellensburg City Manager, Office of State Rep. Janea Holmquist, Office of US Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, among others. Furthermore, Department members have been involved with community and civic life in other ways. Prof. Rex Wirth has been active with Native American community in the region through Tribal Leaders Congress on Education and organizing a Symposium on Indigenous Education at the 2006 Congress of the Americas. Prof. Manweller has been involved with the Washington Policy Center and Association of Washington Business, and is Chair of the Kittitas County Republican Party. CWU Goal V: Strengthen the university's position as a leader in the field of education. The state discontinued offering a Certification in Political Science/Civics/Government in 1998, and so we therefore discontinued our Political Science: Teaching version of the major. We still, do, however, contribute indirectly to this goal through the Social Science Major and Social Studies endorsement through one course: Political Science 210, American Politics. We believe it is a valuable part of teacher education in social science. 8 CWU Goal VI: Create and sustain productive, civil, and pleasant campuses and workplaces. Develop an effective sense of community throughout the university. . Reward the individual accomplishments of faculty and staff. Establish university-wide standards of professionalism. Value diversity of background, experience, belief, and perspective as a means to improve the quality of the educational experience and to achieve civility. The Department itself has traditionally had an informal, friendly, and collegial atmosphere, though there have been admittedly been a few exceptions over the last 5 years. Thankfully, these were limited and isolated events. The unique character of the Department nevertheless builds bonds of unity, pride and loyalty among our members. It is safe to say that for the most part, working in Political Science is a relatively pleasant experience. Individual accomplishments of faculty have been rewarded through promotion and salary advancement as part of the Salary Administration Board process, which included review of merit achievement and CWU career contributions, from higher administration during 2001-04. As welcome as these efforts were, they also were mainly based on comparisons with peer institutions, were not always fully funded, and some department faculty feel they did little if nothing to correct underlying issues of salary inequity and compression. All of these are matters now under the purview of Collective Bargaining, and so the Department role is uncertain. The Department also attempts to support faculty in their endeavors which can lead to professional success and accomplishment, including financially, in whatever ways we can, budget and other resources permitting. We have upheld our own standards of professionalism, which emphasizes service to students and the larger community, even if we try not to take ourselves too seriously. Of equal importance, the Department values diversity, broadly conceived, as a community of scholars in a field which highly values academic freedom along with diverse viewpoints, agendas of inquiry, and populations, naturally should. D. Describe departmental governance system (provide organizational chart for department, if appropriate). Perhaps ironically, given our field of study, the Department of Political Science has a rather informal and simple governance structure. There are essentially two formal institutions, the Department Chair and the Personnel Committee. The Department Chair is chiefly involved in conducting the day-to-day administrative and decision-making functions of the Department and other roles such as signatory authority, supervision of support staff, and liaison with the Dean of the College of the Sciences and higher administration, etc. The Chair also has an independent evaluation and oversight role on personnel matters. During four of the five years under review, Dr. Jim Brown was Chair of the Department. A full professor who had previously served in the position in the 1980s, he brought experience and stability to the position. Upon his rather sudden retirement at the end of 2004-05, Associate 9 Professor Todd Schaefer was elected by the Department and formally appointed by the Dean, and in 2005-06 was in his first year in that or any such capacity. He continues his term in 200607. The Personnel Committee works in conjunction with the Chair to deliberate and formally recommend upon matters of reappointment, tenure, promotion, merit and the like. The Chair of the Personnel Committee, a tenured faculty member, organizes and directs its operations, meetings, and business. For 2001-04, Todd Schaefer was the Chair; and for 05-06 (and continuing) Prof. Bang-Soon Yoon has held that post. Voting is limited by the CBA contract (previously, from 2001-05, the Faculty Code) to tenured members for tenure, and appropriately "ranked" members for each rank (absent the candidate, of course), though tenure-track assistant professors participate in the deliberations except for their own reappointment. On other matters, the Department generally operates on a Committee of the Whole approach, owing to its small size. All full-time faculty are allowed to attend, participate in, and vote at faculty meetings, except where personnel and other related matters are concerned; adjunct faculty are allowed to attend and participate only. Department meetings, held periodically (at least once per term) when important matters are at hand or enough issues arise to warrant them, are the informal consulting and decision-making mechanism for greater-than-mundane issues that affect the department collectively or multiple members of its faculty. The Department also creates ad-hoc committees such as faculty searches, as well, which may or may not equal the whole, though we attempt to maximize participation where feasible. Department policies and procedures follow that in the Department Personnel manual and those of the College and University policies. The Department is supported by a Secretary Senior (on a part-year contact) and a work-study student assistant who are vital to its operations. In Summer of 2006, we undertook a search to replace Ms. Linda Rubio, our Secretary and guiding star for the past five years; happily, Ms. Cyndie Strawder took the job and began in September 2006. We note this only because, like with our faculty, our staff is in transition or relatively new as well. 10 As of 2006, the Department consisted of: Faculty Full Professors Dr. Michael Jennings (Administrative Appointment as Associate Vice-President for Faculty Affairs) Dr. Michael Launius (On Administrative Leave; Director of Office of International Studies) Dr. Todd Schaefer (also Department Chair) Dr. Rex Wirth (also Director, Public Policy) Dr. Bang-Soon Yoon (also Director, Women Studies) Assistant Professors Dr. Barbara Flanagan Dr. Mathew Manweller Visiting Lecturer Dr. Cameron Otopalik Emeriti Dr. Jim Brown Dr. Robert Jacobs (also Adjunct Lecturer) Dr. Thomas Kerr Dr. Robert Yee (Adjunct) Lecturers Mr. Scott Turnbull Staff: Ms. Cyndie Strawder (Secretary Senior) Ms. Marie Anchilo (Student Assistant) 11 II. Description of programs – (briefly describe to provide context for reviewers) 1) Undergraduate Programs The Department offers two versions of the same major: a “large plan” and a “small plan.” The large plan is for students without another major or a minor, and is 62 credits, and small plan is for those with a second major or minor, and is 47 credits. Both plans share these characteristics: -A core curriculum of the lower-division courses in the major sub-fields of political science: POSC 101, Introduction to Politics (5 credits); POSC 210, American Politics (5 cr.); POSC 260, Comparative Politics (5 cr.); POSC 270, International Politics (5 cr.); And an Upper-Division Theory Core, which consists of ONE course of the theory sequence: POSC 481, Early Political Thought (5 cr.) POSC 482, Early Modern Political Thought (5 cr.) POSC 483, Recent Political Thought (5 cr.) POSC 485, American Political Thought (5 cr.) A requirement that students complete an exit course, POSC 489, Senior Assessment (2 credits), that assesses their knowledge of the field and ability to convey it to others, and their faculty’s delivery of it. The two plans differ only in how many upper-division electives students must take (35 in the large plan, 20 in the small). We also have a Political Science Minor, which consists of the core (minus political theory and Senior Assessment) and 10 elective credits. 2) Graduate Programs The Political Science Department does not offer any graduate programs. Some of our faculty do, however, participate on an ad-hoc basis as committee members on graduate student theses and the like in other departments such as Psychology and Resource Management, when requested. 3) General Education contributions The Department contributes one course to each of the three sub-parts of the Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth Requirement under General Education (please see the official University Catalog for more details): a) Within “Perspectives on the Cultures and Experiences of the United States,” we offer multiple sections of Political Science 210, American Politics, each year. b) Within “Perspectives on World Cultures,” we offer multiple sections of Political Science 270, International Politics, each year. c) Within “Foundations of Human Adaptation and Behavior,” we offer multiple sections of Political Science 101, Introduction to Politics, each year. Two of these courses (101 and 270) are “W” or “writing-intensive” parts of General Education. More information on the number of sections and students served is provided below. 12 We believe, however, that Political Science 260, Comparative Politics, does fall within the purview of the “World Cultures” and may ask for consideration of that course within that category. Secondly, we believe that now that 300-level courses are allowed and even encouraged under general education, that Political Science 270 International Politics could easily be a 300-level course, as it was prior to the incarnation of the current General Education structure. 4) Teacher Preparation contributions As noted above, the state has discontinued offering a Certification in Political Science/Civics/Government. We do, however, contribute to the Social Science Major and Social Studies endorsement through one course: Political Science 210, American Politics. 5) Certificate Programs The Department does not offer any certificate programs. IIA. Curriculum: Describe currency of curricula in discipline. How does the curriculum compare to recognized standards promulgated by professionals in the discipline? There are no official curricular standards per se as put forth by the American Political Science Association or the like. Given the wide diversity and size of political science programs throughout the country, this is probably understandable. However, the American Political Science Association lists various organized sections and other sub-fields of the discipline within its organizations. In particular, the APSA “Fields of Interest” designation for Members includes the following major sub-classifications: American Politics Comparative Politics International Politics Political Philosophy (Theory) Public Administration Public Policy Public Law and Courts Notably, our curriculum covers all of these areas, with at least one course or more. Furthermore, our core curriculum of Introduction to Politics, American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Politics, and one of four Theory courses follows this motif quite closely. (Note: public administration, public policy, and public law are all part of American Politics, though have somewhat of an autonomous tradition within the field. At CWU, Public Policy is also an inter-disciplinary major with Economics, Geography, and Political Science). At some schools, there is no Introduction to Politics course, as the Introduction to American Politics (survey) course serves that function. This compares quite closely and favorably to undergraduate programs at University of Washington, Eastern Washington University, and Western Washington University, and indeed others around the nation. We would note, however, that our “sister schools” in the state all have more faculty in their Departments than do we. Western Washington has 13 full-time faculty, and Eastern, eight. As a result, they offer more, and a wider variety of, courses, especially upper division. 13 IIB. programs. Describe the process for reviewing curriculum and making alterations to The Department uses an informal, ad hoc process for reviewing curriculum and making alterations. In essence, faculty who wish to add courses to the curriculum initiate discussions with the Chair and complete the necessary paperwork to go through the process of getting the course approved by the curriculum committee. Department members can review the proposal and provide input. Periodically, the Department reviews its course offerings and removes those (if the registrar hasn’t already) which have not been offered recently. IIC. Effectiveness of Instruction - Describe how the department addresses the scholarship of teaching with specific supporting documentation including each of the following: 1. Effectiveness of instructional methods to produce student learning based upon programmatic goals including innovative and traditional methods – examples include: a. Collaborative research between student and faculty b. Inquiry-based, open ended learning c. Use of field experiences d. Classic lectures e. Lecture and inquiry based guided discussions f. Service learning or civic engagement -See attached chart of faculty instructional activities (Appendix A). 2. Innovative instructional methods -Various members of the Department utilize other innovative, or at least, nontraditional, methods of instruction in their courses. Some use simulation exercises or games that have students role play (such as members of Congress in a committee or countries in the international system or “model” United Nations), class debates, poster presentations, etc. 3. What evidence other than Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEOI) is gathered and used in the department to evaluate the effectiveness of instruction? -As of 2004-05, the Department has begun implementing a peer evaluation of instruction procedure of tenure-track and non-tenure track faculty. One course per year is sampled (all course syllabi and SEOIs are examined already as part of performance review), consisting of the chair or a tenured member has discussion with the instructor about the course and how they approach it; a review of the syllabus; classroom visit with an evaluation form; and a formal letter of evaluation. Also, portions of the Senior Assessment questionnaire, which is a required part of our Senior Assessment course given to all graduating majors in their last or second-to-last quarter, have a number of items assessing the quality of teaching the department. We discuss those results under assessment, below. 14 4. Departmental teaching effectiveness – report a five-year history of the “teaching effectiveness” department means as reported on SEOIs, indexed to the university mean on a quarter-by-quarter basis. -The Department does relatively well on the Student Evaluation of Instruction survey measure. Overall, for all courses/quarters under the period, the Department had a score of 4.33; the College, 4.29; and the University, 4.32, out of 5. On a quarter-by-quarter basis, the Department received ratings above the College and University means 9 out of the 15 terms. (See below) Average Response (Dept. Score) on SEOI for Instructor Effectiveness 2001-2002 Fall Winter Spring Department 4.28 4.36 4.42 COTS 4.24 4.26 4.32 CWU 4.26 4.3 4.33 2002-2003 Department COTS CWU Fall 2003-2004 Department COTS CWU Fall 2004-2005 Department COTS CWU Fall 2005-2006 Department COTS CWU Fall Winter 4.34 4.29 4.33 Spring 4.36 4.25 4.31 Winter 4.28 4.34 4.36 Spring 4.39 4.31 4.33 Winter 4.28 4.28 4.3 4.23 4.37 4.38 Spring 4.44 4.27 4.33 Winter 4.15 4.28 4.31 4.36 4.35 4.35 4.25 4.28 4.35 Spring 4.51 4.29 4.31 4.33 4.35 4.35 Also, our senior assessment exit survey asks students to rate teaching quality, the results of which are discussed elsewhere. IID. Required measures of quantity for academic programs for the last five years. 1. Number of students served in general education, education and supporting courses. -From 2001-05, the Department ran 61 sections of General Education courses (POSC 101, 210, 270), with a total enrollment of 2407, or 12,035 credit hours (or 267.4 FTE). This averages out to 12.2 sections of 481.4 students (2407 credit hours or 53.5 FTE) per year. 2. Graduation Efficiency Index -According to Institutional Research, there are not enough data on Political Science to calculate this measure. 15 3. Number of students with 125% or more of excess credits over the amount required in majors. -According to Institutional Research, excluding double majors, 94.7 percent of political science majors graduate within 125 percent of the credits they need, which is above the University average of 87.3 percent. IIE. Required measures of efficiency for each department for the last five years 1. SFR (FTES/FTEF) disaggregate data Student FTE 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 Lower Division 55.7 50.7 65.0 61.6 65.0 Upper Division 42.9 49.0 45.4 58.0 62.8 Total 98.6 99.7 110.4 119.6 127.8 Faculty FTE FTEF: 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 6.08 5.55 5.46 5.5 N/A Est. Student-Faculty Ratio: FTE/FTEF 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 Lower Division 9.16 9.13 11.9 11.2 N/A Upper Division 7.06 8.83 8.31 10.5 N/A Total 16.2 17.96 20.21 21.7 N/A Average: 8.11 8.98 10.1 10.85 N/A 16 2. Average Class size Institutional Research Data: Lower Division Upper Division Overall Average 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 36.3 36.6 38.8 40.1 37.5 35.1 12 17.4 18.9 18.9 16 18.6 18.9 24.4 25.2 27 22.3 24.1 From SAFARI data, excluding 290, 490 and 496’s (internships and independent studies): 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Lower Division: 34.5 38.1 34.2 Upper Division: 17.3 18.1 19.0 2004-05 2005-06 Lower Division: 36.3 33.3 Upper Division: 17.1 18.8 IIF. Assessment of programs and students 1. Describe and provide results of how students are assessed as they enter the program. -Currently, students are not formally assessed as they enter the program. Given students declare their majors at different points in their career, thus having different levels of knowledge and experience, and possibly even courses at other institutions, this doesn’t seem practical, though presumably is necessary for real assessment of effects. 2. Describe and provide results of how students are assessed as they exit the major/program. What data exists within the department to demonstrate that students achieve the program and student learner goals? -Students are formally assessed as they exit the major through our Senior Assessment course, POSC 489, which is required of all majors in their last or second-to-last quarter at CWU. An overview of our assessment mechanism follows. STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES (Program Level) - POLITICAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Graduating political science majors will be expected to: Be thoroughly familiar with the structure and organization of the discipline of Political Science. Specifically, the student will understand the differences in subject matter between the four traditional subfields of American Politics, Comparative Politics (the study of other political systems), International Politics, and Political Thought and Philosophy. Demonstrate an understanding of basic concepts and facts in each of the above four subfields. Besides the evaluative procedures and tasks in the courses themselves, students will demonstrate this knowledge in the end-of-major capstone course. Acquire the analytical skills and tools useful to and associated with the discipline of Political Science. 17 Demonstrate a familiarity with scholarly resources available to CWU students (such as the library and internet resources) and demonstrate how to utilize these resources in carrying out a research project - a project which is also part of the capstone course. All of the courses in the major contribute to the achievement and measurement of these objectives. The most relevant course-level assessment of the objectives is the Senior Assessment course itself (POSC 489), required of all graduating seniors. Students are required to take this course no earlier than their last or second-to-last quarter before graduation and after they have taken the core (though there is no technical prerequisite, it is highly recommended that they not do so; the Department is in the process of making the core pre- or at least co-requisites, along with Senior standing, for enrollment in the course. As part of the course, they must write a research paper and take a comprehensive exam, both relatively equally weighted, and thus “pass” the course with a C- or higher in order to graduate. A departmental survey is also administered to all students in the course, which is also a course requirement. The first two are “our assessment of them,” so to speak, and the last is “their assessment of us.” A copy of the most recent course syllabus is attached in Appendix B. ASSESSMENT RESULTS The results of our assessment instrument (namely, the 489 course) are difficult to briefly summarize. The vast majority of our students do pass the course with a C- or higher; every quarter, however, approximately one or two students fail to make the grade. The test appears to be more of a problem than the paper, though there is some correlation. Almost all of these particular students do, however, redeem themselves and “pass” upon re-taking the course, making it difficult to tell how much of it is failure to learn, and how much is “senioritis” or failure to take the exit course seriously. We have denied degrees to a handful of students in the last five years, though the “C- requirement” only took full effect for those entering or using the 2003-04 catalog. Assessment of the Assessment: The Paper We have tinkered with the research paper project over the years. However, the common denominator is that it consists of a 10-12 page “traditional” research paper on some topic within the field, which the student must go out, research using authoritative sources in the relevant areas, and then write a paper containing an argument and thesis, backed up by evidence through citations to said authoritative sources. One difficulty is getting the students to work on a major writing assignment which is not directly related to course content; in other words, as an assessment course, we aren’t supposed to be teaching students content, but rather assessing their skills. Thus, the paper is somewhat akin to an independent study – and as any professor can tell you, some students do quite well at working independently and carrying out their own research, and others do not. We also have the “senioritis” issue here, too, meaning that our response has been to become more draconian about deadlines and meeting the various stages of the assignment. The bulk of students seem to do reasonably well on the paper, however. This experience has led to the conclusion that - with understandable variation, given student ability most of our majors achieve the objectives embodied in this work. Still, this exercise does raise the question of whether we should teach more about research and writing as a process and less about content (per se) in our upper-division “content” courses. 18 The Test When the ETS dropped the Political Science GRE in the late 1990s (part of the impetus for creating the course, though not the only one), we developed our own test bank of short-answer questions. The exam consists of 50 short-answer questions, and covers the core courses in the major. Given trial and error, and variation in the number and type of faculty who have taught core courses, as well as variation in student success, we have likewise tinkered with the exam format somewhat over the last five years. While students generally do not do quite as well on the test as the paper (with some variation), most students do pass the exam. The average grade for the exam over the last five years is 69.8 – certainly not as high as one would hope, but on the other hand retaining 70% of their knowledge from core courses they may not have had for years isn’t terrible. We don’t have any way to compare them, except across time (and the scores do seem, with some variation, to be improving) but we have been able to match some of the factual knowledge questions with similar questions from polls of the general public; by this standard, our students do quite well. For example, almost 80% of our students could name the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, whereas only 10% of the general public can; only 35% of the public can name both of their US Senators, while 70% of our students can; 74% of Americans know the Prime Minister of Great Britain, while 98% of our majors do; and 39% of the public (given a multiple choice) know the President’s veto can be overridden by a 2/3 vote of the Congress, whereas 77% of our students (who were merely asked to explain what can happen after the President vetoes a bill) knew this fact. One problem is the test evaluates their core knowledge at the end, even though they may not have taken courses in that area (or that course) for several years. This is a basic issue with the structure of the major; however, due such issues as our small faculty, scheduling difficulties, and not to mention general student interest, we have not altered the basic structure of the major. We will likely discuss altering the structure, content and/or nature of the exam in the future. The Survey The Survey is collected by the Department secretary, who types the results into a (parallel) form. We then circulate the results (the actual individual surveys by each student per course/quarter) to the faculty members, similar to the SEOI, though SEOIs are of course aggregated. Thus, each faculty member sees and reads the anonymous results. The Department keeps a record of all the surveys. Much of this data is qualitative and open-ended, and difficult to summarize. However, there are several measures that indicate the department is doing a good to excellent job. Over the past 5 years, we do rate quite highly on student measures of teaching(3.75/5), accessibility (4.35/5), and recommending the department/major to others (80% would do so, only 2% would not; 18% might). [Please note question wording, which is a more difficult standard than the usual scale!] More importantly, on some of the open-ended questions, there is evidence students think highly of the department and their education, how well prepared they are for the future, and in particular how they have grown/evolved in their perceptions about politics. Coding the comments for positive, mixed, and neutral, out of 173 student responses on “did your education prepare you well for future? (grad school, job, etc.), 76% (131) of the students gave positive responses, and only 9% (16) gave negative ones. The effect on student thinking on politics is more difficult to summarize, but leaves the strong impression that students do come away changed and even enlightened from their major experience. (For a better sense of these opinions, we 19 strongly recommend the reader see attachments on Qs 9 and 16 in the Appendix B). The largest criticisms to arise from the survey and student comments have to do with lack of preparation for jobs, lack of departmental guidance in job search or career opportunities, and requirements for applications to real world, such as internships. (We would note in response that many of these functions are supposedly performed by Career Services, though the critique nevertheless stands.) On the other hand, other students feel we do not provide enough training in being political scientists and for graduate school. In addition, certain courses are singled out as being less than useful (most notably, Political Science 101). In asking students about department weaknesses and holes in the program and courses we should offer, students note Middle East politics, European politics, and Latin America most frequently, in that order. (Unfortunately, this question also emits off-the-wall, or at least difficult to summarize, responses; see attachment on Q14). General Conclusions We recognize our assessment regime and mechanism of the course in particular is not perfect; various faculty have offered criticisms and potential improvements, though this is limited by program demands themselves (especially teaching loads and distributions in the department). At the same time, we recognize there is no “magic bullet” here, and it has served us better than our previous experience. We would note that it does appear that students, with natural degrees of variation, do appear to learn the basics of political science, and more importantly to think for themselves and develop their own views of the political world. 3. What data are gathered about program graduates and their successes? e.g. survey data about employer and student satisfaction, alumni? (Include data from Institutional Research surveys.) -Currently, no data are gathered about graduates, other than anecdotally. Again, this seems a job for the Alumni Office, and in any event in the past was not emphasized at the Department level. We do, however, note some that have gone on to graduate and law school, and who are working in the field, elsewhere in this report. 4. Describe faculty involvement in assessment. -Faculty individually assess students’ knowledge and skills through the requirements in their courses, such as research projects, exams, debates and oral reports, etc. The faculty are involved in varying degrees with the Senior Assessment course, as several different members have taught it over the years (currently, however, only the chair has the “workload units” to do it). All faculty are given results of the course survey, and performance of students on exams and papers which they are welcome to review if they wish. -As for instructional assessment, all faculty administer the SEOI in their courses; we are developing a peer evaluation of instruction mechanism; and the senior assessment survey includes items on teaching in the department. -Program assessment is done primarily through a combination of the Senior Assessment course and informal faculty review. All faculty are given copies of 20 the senior assessment survey. 5. Describe and provide evidence of how programs are assessed in the department and how these assessment results are used to change or adapt program/major curriculum, faculty, or resources. -We have only one program, the Political Science major. The results of our assessment haven’t been used directly to alter the major program. We have identified certain weaknesses and strengths in instruction and curriculum, but haven’t yet made a formal implementation of changes, though we plan on discussing both the results of the assessment course and linkages of it to Department in the near future. See also 7., below. 6. How does your department implement and assess students’ critical thinking, quantitative symbolic reasoning, information literacy, and writing skills? We implement and assess these skills through our major courses. All of our courses deal with critical thinking in some form or fashion, and writing is a required part of almost all of our upper-division courses (see Appendix A). Assessment is done primarily through the paper project in the 489 course (though we don’t really assess quantitative symbolic reasoning, except for logical arguments within the paper’s structure). 7. If there are weaknesses or omissions in student and programmatic assessment, how does the department plan on addressing these issues? Weaknesses: -Our learning objectives aren’t concretely linked to specific courses, and faculty have not agreed upon basic knowledge in the core. -In terms of the Senior Assessment course specifically, there are weaknesses in both the paper and exam portions of the course. A few students are don't understand how to effectively structure a paper, and some fail to utilize enough - in terms of quality and quantity - scholarly sources, and more (about 50 percent), don't follow proper citation format. As noted, there is also not complete consensus on the material which should be included in the exam (variations in instructor preferences) but also the fact that there is not complete consensus within the field itself. -We would also note several difficulties: 1) It is hard to get students to take the course seriously and avoid “senioritis;” therefore, poor performance may not equal lack of knowledge. 2) Not all students take the core at CWU (transfers especially) 3) There is no pre-test of knowledge, since declare their majors at different times, etc. 4) Diversity among faculty perspectives and academic freedom in teaching these courses – this seems to be more of a problem in the international and comparative areas where naturally there is more diversity in content and approaches than American politics, but nevertheless the issue remains. Actions: -In terms of addressing these shortcomings, the Department plans to review the Senior 21 Assessment course, and reevaluate its structure, goals, content, etc., during the next academic year or so (2007-08?). Given we have new faculty members who have come on board since the original incarnation of the current regime, plus our own experiences with it, we may very well alter our approach in the future. IIG. University Centers 1. What programs and courses does the department currently offer at the university centers? –As mentioned above, the Department currently only offers the Public Law Sequence (350, 451, 452) as upper-level elective offerings for Law and Justice and general elective requirements. This may change, however. 2. What facilities, financial, and administrative resources support these offerings? -Classrooms at Des Moines and Lynnwood; Enrichment funds through the Associate Vice-President for Undergraduate Studies provide financing for an adjunct faculty to teach these courses. 3. How has the program been evaluated to ensure that quality is independent of the location of delivery? -Not exactly, as we don’t really have a “program” there. The Chair does receive SEOIs and occasionally feedback from the instructor and/or students of the courses offered. 4. What are the problems and issues that the department faces in delivering curriculum at the university centers? –The Department hasn’t encountered many problems, except for the funding source, though obviously physical distance from the Centers precludes direct oversight of the courses and activities at the Centers. 5. Are there unmet student or faculty needs that the department has encountered? -We have no way of knowing the answer to this question; there may be more demand for upper-division courses, as part of some kind of minor program (though that also raises the question about lower-division courses that we cannot offer because they compete with Community Colleges). It is possible that there could be a demand for International Politics (currently POSC 270) as a General Education and upper-division course, if it were to be reclassified back to 370. We are not suggesting this change, and have no data to support our assertion, but it is a logical possibility. Given the creation of the new “General Studies – Social Sciences” major, there likely will be needs in upper-level US and international politics that relate to other departments or programs there. 22 III. Faculty A. Faculty profile – What levels of commitment do faculty demonstrate for mentoring student research, professional service activities, scholarly activities including grant writing and teaching? (Designate graduate or undergraduate publications or creative activities.) Sample table on following sheet. -See Faculty Teaching Methods (Appendix A), and especially Faculty Profile in Appendix C. B. Copies of faculty vitae -See attached Appendix D (note: not in electronic form). Faculty awards for distinction -Prof. Rex Wirth was awarded the SOURCE Undergraduate Research Mentorship Award for 2004 (2003-04). C. 23 IV. Students – For five years IV A. Numbers of degrees awarded in: 1. major program(s) 20002001 20012002 20022003 20032004 20042005 20052006 Total Political Science (Large Plan) 6 5 10 10 5 8 44 15 20 19 26 19 30 129 21 25 29 36 24 38 173 Political Science (Small Plan) All 24 2. minor program(s) Minor and Degree Major Political Science Asia/Pacific Studies & Minor Foreign Language Communication Studies 2000- 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 20052001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Total 1 1 Flight Technology 1 Foreign Language 2 3 1 2 1 History History Teaching Broad Area Individual Studies 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 3 1 3 Law and Justice 1 Public Relations 1 1 Journalism 1 5 1 1 Social Science 2 1 6 4 2 13 2 2 6 1 Social Services Sociology 1 1 1 1 1 Special Education K-12 Subtotal Political Science History Teaching Teaching Minor All 3. 1 1 1 45 1 6 12 6 10 1 1 7 12 6 10 10 1 46 certificate program(s) [none] IV B. Number of graduate assistants per year per department not programs (by headcount). [Dept. does not have a graduate program] IV C. Student accomplishments (include SOURCE, career placement information, etc.). List those graduate students working in field; those placed in doctoral programs. -Students from Prof. Wirth’s policy seminar regularly present at SOURCE (CWU Symposium on University Research & Creative Expression), and occasionally students of other 25 professors do as well. During the period under review, 20 students did so – 7 in 2002; 1 in 2003; 5 in 2004; 3 in 2005; and 5 in 2006. -about half of the students of Prof. Wirth who present at SOURCE also present in the student portion of the National Social Science Association meeting in Las Vegas, NV each Spring. -As for Career Placement information, we have only anecdotal evidence (though as Noam Chomsky notes, the plural of anecdote is data), since there is no systematic way to track our majors. However, several of our graduates from the time period under review are in some way working in the “field,” broadly construed. Examples: Shawn Bills (2003), is regional office director for US Senator Patty Murray, in Yakima, WA; Althea Cawley-Murphree (2001) is Communications Director for Gov. Christine Gregoire, Olympia, WA, and previously was lead policy analyst for the Housing Authority of Snohomish County; Colin McLaurin (2001) is Legislative Analyst for the National Association of Realtors in Washington, DC; Jessica Lautz (2001) is Research Analyst at Westat, a federal government contractor dealing with special education policy in Washington, DC; Josh Dazey (2002) worked as a staffer for state Sen. Harold Hochstatter (Olympia) and for the Second Amendment Foundation in Bellevue, WA and was Communications Director for (before going on to law school); Emily Washines(2006) is Native American Liaison for CWU Admissions; Robert “Bo” McHaney (2005) is Legislative Assistant to State Rep. Mary Skinner (R-Yakima). -During the period, we had a number of students go on to graduate school: Jessica Lautz, MPP, American University; Althea Cawley-Murphree, MA, Evans School of Public Policy, University of Washington; Scott Leadingham, PhD Program in Public Policy, Indiana University; Kevin Bourgault, MA/ABD in Environmental Studies and Policy, Duke University; Andrew Nicholas, MPP, American University; Casey Rettenmeier, Masters in Education, Pacific Lutheran University; Jake Santestevan, MA in Political Science, Univ. of Montana; Jameson Kelleher, now getting an MA in International Affairs; Michael Skiff, who is pursuing an MPA at University of Nebraska-Omaha. -During the period, we had many students go on to law school, though these are the only confirmed ones: Jamie Danielson (Univ. of Oregon); Josh Dazey (Georgetown University); Trevor Zandell (Gonzaga University); Christina Morovics (Australian National University); Roslyn Sterling (Gonzaga). IV. D. Provide one masters project; two will be randomly selected during site visit. -Again, we do not have a graduate program. IV. E. Numbers served in general education, education, and supporting courses -see II.D. above for this information. IV. F. Describe departmental policies and advising services for students. -Students receive ad hoc advising by coming into the Department, and usually visiting with the Department Chair, or by individual discussions with faculty members. Throughout the year, we also participate in new student orientations, transfer orientation, and the Career Center’s Major Fair. -As far as major advising is concerned, prior to students being accepted into the major, they complete a Major Declaration (and Advising) Form wherein they list the core and elective courses they’ve already taken, along with a rough plan as to when (and what) they will take for their remaining courses. (Form is attached or pasted below.) They then ask for an advisor, or one is assigned to them. One copy is given to the student, one to the advisor, and the Department keeps one on file. This form then forms (no pun intended) the basis, along with the 26 CAPS report, of strategy for the student’s academic career. Students are expected to meet with their advisor periodically. The Chair also currently sends out an email in Fall Quarter to all majors with senior standing reminding them to review their CAPS report and meet with an advisor over the last two quarters. A reminder is also made during the Senior Assessment course, taken in the last or second-to-last quarter before graduation, though admittedly that may be too late for some. IV. G. Describe other student services offered through the department including any professional societies or faculty-led clubs or organizations and their activities. -During the period under review, there was a political science student club, the Political Enlightenment Society (2000-03(?)), which undertook several campus events of a non-partisan but political education nature. These included: having certain faculty members speak on important political events (such as Prof. Launius on North Korea in Spring 2002); and having Lt. Gov. Brad Owen, State Sen. Joyce Mulliken, and Kittitas County Commissioner Perry Huston come to CWU to talk on what it means to be a Democrat, Republican, and Libertarian, respectively, etc. However, as student clubs are prone to do, the club went kaput when enthusiastic students graduated. -The Department is also a member (Mu Lambda Chapter) of Pi Sigma Alpha, the Political Science Honorary Society. Juniors and Seniors who have attained a 3.0+ grade point average in Political Science courses, and meet other requirements, may join the national honorary society. The Mu Lambda Chapter, established in 1981, served as a vehicle for the organization of campus events and addresses by people interested in or involved in politics. It, too, however, has fallen on hard times, as few students applied, and even fewer participated in its activities, becoming mostly a honor bestowed upon graduation. -It is the goal of the department to put more emphasis on renewing both Pi Sigma Alpha and the Student Club (whatever its name may be) in coming years. 27 V. Facilities & Equipment (The facilities section is for departments who rely heavily upon laboratory or studio space for instruction.) V. A. Describe facilities available to department and their adequacy. -The classroom facilities with technology appear to be adequate, for the most part. Indeed, at the beginning of the review period, we had no (or very few) “smart” classrooms at all, and now there are a number of them in many medium-sized and large rooms. However, in the Psychology Building, our “home” building, there are still limitations given that there are only limited rooms of certain size (especially large ones) with such capabilities; and therefore, being the very kind of rooms which people might want to use said technology, competition for use of these rooms is often fierce. Faculty who put in specific requests for such technology thus end up being sent all across campus, which is sometimes difficult due to scheduling (getting from one class to another in time). -However, on another note, we would argue our physical facilities in terms of office and storage space within the Psychology Building are limited. Our previous chair was successful in “territorial aggrandizement” as he put it, by gaining an extra office which we made into a faculty/student lounge and meeting room. But we were forced to convert one of our offices that was a student mini-computer lab to a faculty office when we added Cameron Otopalik, as a FTNTT. We also have no storage closets, and our outer office shares copier and other space with Law and Justice to some extent. If we add any faculty, or want to alter our administrative procedures, we need more office space. V. B. Describe equipment available to department and its adequacy. -Our office equipment is fine, though we would argue that as we don’t use laboratory or other equipment, computers are instead the primary equipment for teaching and research in political science, and these need to be updated regularly. During the period under review, we were able to obtain some new upgraded computers for some faculty through a University “trade in” program. Essentially, the Department exchanged outdated computers/CPUs - or CPUs with outdated operating systems (which were a potential information security risk) - for new ones at half the cost (i.e., the ITS department covered half of it), not counting monitors. While this program has been extended, and put into the base, it is unclear how often (or old) computers will be eligible. We would like to go on the record saying that regular computer upgrades are essential for faculty in political science. -Second, we would again note that we share our photocopier with the Law and Justice Department, and are unable to fully fund it ourselves. If they leave the building (which is part of the University Master Plan), our ability to have such a machine is in doubt. Again, this is a vital piece of equipment, and sharing with Psychology (given their large size) is not practical. Other than this, the Department has the equipment with which to do its job. V. C. Describe technology available to department and its adequacy. -The technology – namely “smart” classrooms with computers, Internet and intranet access, video projectors, and the like – are generally fine. However, they often vary as to their newness or uniformity in operation. As one faculty member put it, “The process to use the technology varies across rooms on campus and in the building. In some rooms, one jumps through hoop A, B, and C and then in another room, the process is different. It deters people from using the technology we’ve paid for.” Another noted that all computers should have zip, CD, and disk drives. Again, there is limited availability for these classrooms, depending upon class size. 28 -One of the biggest limits to the use of technology is in fact training and skill in using it; several of newer faculty are already familiar, and some of the longer-serving have used it as well, but finding time and ability to take courses or seminars to learn how to use new technologies (and thus assessing whether they are applicable) is difficult. This is one area where the University needs to invest more time, effort and resources into faculty development, and likewise give faculty reassigned time to pursue these activities. 29 VI. Library and Technological Resources VI. A. Describe program’s general and specific requirements for library resources in order to meet its educational and research objectives. Indicate ways in which the present library resources satisfy and do not satisfy these needs. -Since we are a social science, and short of interviewing political actors or engaging in politics ourselves, by necessity we rely upon gathering and analyzing data and information, so library resources are crucial to our “educational and research objectives.” All of our upper-division courses require some kind of research project component, and library materials are generally the primary means by which all students interact with the field. Given the increased emphasis on research and scholarship by the University, in similar fashion faculty also need strong library resources. -The library resources for the department have, over the past five years, generally been “less than adequate,” in the estimation of most faculty, but the situation has been improving the last few years. -For example, according to data provided by library collections, at the beginning of the review period, the library budget for purchases of books and monographs for the department was restored (following a cut) to where it had been two years earlier (199899), at $3234, but this was over $500 less than its level in 1996-97. When inflation is taken into account, this amounts to be a net cut over time. It has increased, however, to $4629 for 2005-06, which is notable – but this remains LESS than the level of inflation during the period under review. (Assuming 3% inflation, probably somewhat low, the actual budget should be $5016 to equal what we had in 1996-97.) The journal holdings for the department have also stagnated; after years of cutting, the library held only 26 titles in the field in 2001; this has leveled off after a decline to 21 (the budget, however, has increased from $4500 to $8000, perhaps part of the problem?). -On the other hand, there have been some positive developments. The library has expanded its electronic database resources to include such services as Lexis-Nexis, JSTOR, and the like. We now have access to SUMMIT, an electronic interlibrary loan system pooling the holdings of libraries in the Northwest region, which helps considerably in gaining access to research materials. However, this does not replace or reduce the ability to find research materials in our home library, and may even lead to important delays in the case of source competition between people at various institutions; but at the same time, we welcome the expanded research base. -Given the increased emphasis by the administration on faculty (and even student) research, then, we believe that our library resources are less than ideal. They remain adequate in some respects and deficient in others (especially in terms of foreign and international politics), though overall there has been some improvement over five years ago. VI. B. Describe information literacy proficiencies expected of students at the end of major coursework. 1. What instruction in information literacy is provided? -We have no “information literacy proficiencies” required of our majors beyond the ability to locate, evaluate, gather and use relevant information in researching and studying politics. Instruction in library and electronic information skills is done ad hoc in the department by individual instructors through the curriculum in their assignments 30 and class activities. (We would point out that it is not the sole role of the major department to instruct students in information literacy – other departments, the library staff, the University 101 course, and general education courses do as well.) 2. How are these proficiencies assessed? -Information literacy skills are assessed via individual instructors and through the grades given on relevant course assignments, and more directly is assessed via the research paper assignment in POSC 489, Senior Assessment. Indeed, in Senior Assessment students are required to identify high-quality and relevant sources for their paper assignment through a tentative bibliography which is handed in with their paper outline prior to the paper itself being written/due. Part of the final paper grade, then, is based on whether they have found high-quality research to back up their arguments, etc. in their paper. VI.C. Describe the information technologies faculty regularly and actively utilize in the classroom. -Use of technology varies by instructor and is also affected by classroom facilities. Over the five-year period, the Psychology Building (our “home” building) went from having no “smart classrooms” to where now a number of them (roughly half) do. However, this is also limited by size, as there are few large classrooms in the building and most yet not all have technology capabilities, thus limiting their use. We are often forced to go outside our building to Black Hall and the like, or instead be placed in Farrell, Michaelsen, or L&L (with or without technology). -At the beginning of the review period, very few of our instructors used any form of technology beyond a VCR, nor was it available. With the adaptation of classrooms, and the addition of some new faculty, that is changing. The most common form of technology continues to be Video players, but others include: -Blackboard course management software (2 use) -Internet/WWW (most faculty use in and out of classroom for teaching) -Information databases (Lexis-Nexis; JSTOR; etc.[4 faculty]) -text supplementary programs(?) -Power point and other presentation software -SPSS statistics software (limited usage) Nevertheless, as Socrates and Plato demonstrated so well, political science also remains a thought-and-talk discipline, so technology is less crucial to our field than some others. Still, we would welcome more opportunities, resources and training in the pedagogical uses of technology. Once the department has completed the above sections, there will be a planned departmental retreat where the last three sections will be discussed. The results of that discussion will be added to the self-study document. These sections are among the most important and will be the basis for academic planning by the department. 31 VII. Analysis of the Review Period (NOTE: The Following was the Consensus of the Department at the Retreat): VII A. What has gone well in the department? Include major accomplishments of the past five years? 1. Despite turnover in faculty personnel, and increased student demand, we were able to retain two tenure-track faculty lines, one in 2002-03 and the other for 2006-07. These two replacements were in needed, vital areas (American Politics/Public Law, and Political Theory/Comparative: Middle East). The Department successfully completed competitive, national searches to fill these positions. Though obviously it is still early, appearances suggest we were able to hire highly qualified individuals to replace two excellent faculty. We were also able to procure non-tenure-track lecturers to help fill in some of the remaining gaps. 2. The Department saw a significant increase in the number of majors and student FTE. While the University did as well, we increased at a rate greater than overall enrollment growth. For example, according to data from the College of the Sciences (presumably, originally from Institutional Research), Political Science showed a 15% increase over the last three years – greater relatively speaking than the University or College of the Sciences. CWU: COTS: POSC: FTE 2003-04 FTE 2005-06 Percent Change 8649.4 2814.0 110.4 9034.5 2999.3 127.4 + 4.4 + 6.6 +15.4 3. The Department has broadened its course offerings to meet new interests, demands, and the changing environments of the contemporary political scene. As noted, we developed a number of new courses under the “contemporary issues” rubric to adapt to new issues and developments, and we also created new courses for emerging inter-disciplinary studies areas such as Native American Studies and Film and Video Studies. These added to the University’s mission and goals in the areas of civic engagement, diversity, and global understanding/international education. 4. The research and scholarly productivity/output of the faculty increased significantly during the period. More faculty were involved in scholarly activities, and in publishing or disseminating research. While noted elsewhere, it is important to put this in context. Two members coauthored undergraduate textbooks; one had their dissertation published as a scholarly book; and several had chapters in scholarly edited volumes. More articles were published, and papers given at conferences. Previously, faculty only had occasional articles published and presented at conferences. 5. Members of the Department sponsored or participated in a number of events and activities that contribute to the community, showcase our academic expertise, and increase our public visibility. These include (as mentioned), the Colloquium on the 2002 (midterm) Elections; the panel on Terror and Torture in American Life following Abu Ghraib in 2004; the Comfort Woman Testimony and Exhibition; and the punditry of various faculty in local media outlets, such as professors who write regular columns in the Ellensburg Daily Record and occasional 32 interviews for Yakima-area television stations or Prof. Manweller’s discussion show on the KCWU cable access channel. 6. We attempted to obtain, and were moderately successful at procuring, outside funding for research activities. Prof. Launius was involved in part of a multi-faculty, inter-disciplinary effort which landed a National Science Foundation Grant for Undergraduate Research on the Environment in China. He also was awarded a Fulbright-Hays Exchange to South Africa and Namibia. Prof. Yoon received a Fulbright Fellowship (or Fulbright Scholar) to South Korea. Prof. Schaefer and Yoon were awarded sabbatical leaves during the period as well. Profs. Wirth and Schaefer both applied for outside funding for research to Spain, and Kenya, respectively, though were unsuccessful. 7. Student involvement in research and professional activities continued, and a number of them went on to secure jobs in the related areas of the field. We have clearly re-built the Department’s presence in the Washington State Legislative Intern Program in Olympia, and around ten students per year (an increase) undertook internships in Washington DC, Olympia, and other positions in the region. We went from 5 student interns with 27 credit hours in 200102, to 8 with 61 in 2002-03, 12 with 71 in 2003-04, 11 with 78 in 2004-05, and 10 with 60 in 2005-06. A number of them are now working as Legislative Assistants at the State or Federal levels, and we have one student in the Governor’s office. Again, this is detailed elsewhere 8. During the period, Profs. Bang-Soon Yoon and Todd Schaefer were successfully promoted to Full Professor. VII. B. What challenges exist? What has the department done to meet these challenges? Challenge 1. Faculty and support personnel staffing suffers from lack of continuity/stability and inadequacy to cover needs when changes occur: -During the timeframe, two faculty and the Secretary Senior retired, twp parttime (temporarily) adjuncts and two FTNTT instructors at different times and for different purposes, were hired, but most followed significant gaps in staffing. Indeed, the adjuncts (NFTNTT) were mostly due to fortuitous circumstances. -The reality is that the department is barely able to do what it does now, and in fact is probably under-serving its potential student and institutional capacity were it to have adequate personnel. This is compounded by the following factors: a)several of our faculty get reassigned time for inter-disciplinary programs or chair functions; b)the differential specialization of faculty given the small size of the department (i.e., while there is overlap in lower division offerings for coverage, in terms of upperdivision courses and research, etc., faculty are unable to pinch hit for others); c) One tenured/tenure-track faculty line is currently being taken by a member on leave with an administrative post, and another administrator brought in from the outside was tenured within the department, thus taking up potential resources; d) when faculty are gone due to retirement, sabbatical, research leave, or illness, or staff members resign or retire, the Department is unable to quickly replace them because there is no adjunct pool in the Ellensburg area, and resources may or may not be forthcoming to do so. (We nevertheless appreciate the support the administration has 33 shown in supporting the hiring of tenure-track and non-tenure track faculty over the past five years). -The Department “met” these challenges either by partially replacing faculty or taking the loss in staffing - for example, neither Profs. Yoon or Schaefer were fully replaced while on sabbatical. Faculty did, however, cover some of Prof. Swarthout’s classes during his illness at the end of Winter, 2006, and an overload for one faculty was used to replace one of his courses for Spring quarter, but the rest of his classes had to be cancelled both because other faculty were booked, and in any event those courses couldn’t be taught by others due to differential areas of expertise. -Faculty aren’t given much for professional development, and find it difficult to attend conferences and do research. For example, many of our faculty study international or foreign politics, and have had to struggle to get support for their research activities, or simply had to spend their own time and money to do these things or not do them at all. Challenge 2. Difficulties in delivering program and meeting diverse demands: -The Department is so stretched covering lower division and general education courses, that we are unable to offer regular upper division courses as part of the major (and general) electives as regularly as we should. Most upper-level courses are offered in alternate years, but some are not offered for years at a time, depending upon availability and competing demands. We have added some current events courses to keep things fresh, and also to offer courses in other interdisciplinary programs - the tradeoff is that this likewise takes away from standard offerings already in the curriculum. Some of these are in areas where students would like to see more courses. -The Department has continued to offer all of its lower-division core and general education courses once every quarter, and tries to offer popular upper-division courses as much as possible; enrollment for lower-division courses is usually set at 35 or higher if feasible. The new Chair has tried to match historical enrollment “demand” figures for these courses to judge how many sections to offer, while pushing some of them off to summer session. Otherwise, it remains problematic. -In particular, the Department suffers in the ability to offer upper-division courses in the International Relations sub-field, and some comparative politics areas. This is due to a combination of lack of faculty expertise (e.g., Latin America) or a “utility infielder” faculty that is overstretched (to some extent, the problem with I.R.). Challenge 3. Faculty are overtaxed, and find it difficult to balance competing professional demands on their time and energy: -Demands on the faculty and department to increase efficiency, enrollment, and advising as well as ramp up scholarly productivity and contribute meaningful service to the community have contributed to increased faculty stress, workload and difficulty in doing all things well. -Faculty have had generally limited flexibility in scheduling, etc, though as mentioned above, department has been supportive of research leaves and some flexibility in scheduling loads during the year; this will be the subject of ongoing planning. There has been little ability up to this point to fully address this challenge. 34 Challenge 4. Senior Assessment: -while we have a clear assessment regime, the 489 course, which is the only feasible mechanism, we continue to struggle with the best way to accurately measure our students’ skills, knowledge, and learning. -On the other hand, as a response, the Department went ahead with the creation of its own assessment instruments, and the survey has provided us with extremely useful feedback; while the assessment instruments within the course itself, and indeed, the process as a whole, could use some reevaluation and adaptation, making it a course and graduation requirement increased the status and seriousness of assessment within the department for faculty and students. Challenge 5. Lack of Institutional Appreciation for Department and its role, discipline, and challenges, coupled with lack of political power on campus: -First, it is obvious the Department has not been (nor able to be) a major “player” in the University. Second, as a small, traditionally undergraduate-centered department, in a discipline where grants, major research projects and the like are less common, coupled with being in a large College (Sciences) dominated by programs which share the opposite characteristics, it is difficult to attract attention. For example, the campus-wide emphasis on “civic engagement” and responsible citizenship has been undertaken outside of the Department; in addition, much of the department’s involvement in recent initiatives has been in a supporting role in interdisciplinary programs. Admittedly, the Department perhaps has not taken advantage of these “opportunities” as it might have, but these were not initiated by the Department and were driven by other institutional agendas and agencies. Communication and external relations with higher administration are sporadic and turbid. It seems as if the Department’s existing contributions, such as in the area of community service and civic engagement (through media publicity, student internships and the like) are little noticed. Granted, the Department could likewise be more aggressive in its advocacy, and better promote itself. Still, the impression and probably the reality of institutional neglect persists. Positive responses to Department initiatives would signal more appreciation and support from the administration. Challenge 6. University Expectations challenge Department’s traditional and primary mission of undergraduate education. -We are asked to do more research and publication, without commensurate increases in institutional support; we don’t have a graduate program, and indeed are too small to legitimately offer one, yet are expected to publish on par with larger departments that have graduate research and teaching assistants; university emphasis on undergraduate research, while admirable, is usually unrealistic given our student abilities, and in any event in political science is unlikely to produce peer-review quality material, since there is a large gap in the field between graduate and undergraduate education. It also goes against departmental goal of teaching students to think about politics, rather than be political scientists, since very few of our students go on to graduate school in the field. -The Department has tried to provide more resources for travel, etc. (see below and elsewhere), and has tried to accommodate faculty as best it can. Challenge 7. Faculty Development and Reward: 35 -Faculty feel there is a lack of institutional support for faculty development and appropriate reward structures; while new hires have been treated relatively well in comparison to full professors (in their day) in terms of salary and startup, etc., and some senior members of the Department benefited somewhat from the Salary Adjustment Plan in the early 2000s - which was never fully funded or implemented - adequate pay and incentives for performance, and the issue of salary compression for tenured faculty members remains. -These issues are outside the purview of the Department to address; the administration, union, and other institutions must do so, though the Department will make the case for them. Challenge 8. Curricular Limitations: -we have no prerequisites for upper-division courses, which might help teaching and learning at the upper division/elective level. Similarly, we could probably improve both assessment and student research and writing skills by having a junior-level entryinto-the-major course, but do not have the ability to staff it without sacrificing existing course offerings, especially given what was noted above about tradeoffs in meeting major and general education demands. Furthermore, the Department relies in part on students from other majors in its upper-division courses. We already have difficulty offering the Senior Assessment course as it is. -The Department does not have a solution to this issue. VII C. What resources have been provided in the last 5 years? 1. The administration did give us tenure-track replacement faculty for 2 retirements, and temporary replacements to fill in during searches and an administrative leave – thus, two FTNTT at different points. They have also allowed us to hire adjunct lecturers on an ad-hoc basis, including an emeritus faculty who offers one course per term. However, as mentioned above, we remain with no way to fill short term gaps, and nontenure-track faculty are not exactly complete substitutes for tenure-track. 2. The Department budget has stayed essentially flat, and for the most part we have enough merely maintain current operations; we could do more in terms of support for faculty and student activities. We did see a small increase at the end of the period (5 percent for 2005-06). 3. The University has invested in technology in classrooms, including a number in the Psychology Building, our home; the department has been able to purchase upgrades to some of its computers for faculty through special programs, but would not have been able to do otherwise. 4. Through return of summer revenues to the department, it has been able to provide additional support for faculty development and travel, such as matching funds, for trips to conferences and the like; we also have been able to purchase items such as a VCR/DVD/TV for classroom use so we do not have to rely on other departments. However, given summer enrollment variations, this source is highly unreliable and erratic. Additionally, since summer is now under a different set of revenue-sharing rules, and there is a separate faculty development fund outside the Department that is funded by summer, this source of resources is even more uncertain. 5. As mentioned, the library budget for political science materials has been increased so it is closer to restoring where it had been ten years ago; there now is a dedicated 36 political science (social science) librarian - Marcus Kieltyka - who assists students, faculty, and indeed whole classes. We would also praise the library staff for their assistance and attempts to address our problems. However, we - and more importantly, our students - continue to think our library holdings are lacking in some important respects, especially in certain subject areas such as those outside American and Asian politics. 37 VIII. Future directions – Based upon the information and analysis in the self study: VIII A. Describe the department’s aspirations for the next three and five years. 1. Staff the Program with Sufficient Faculty to meet current/existing needs; fill regional, topical and disciplinary holes, and expand our course offerings and better provide service to the community. -As mentioned, with additional faculty members - especially in the areas of Comparative Politics: Latin America and Comparative Politics: Russia and Eastern Europe; International Relations; Native American Politics, Ethnic Minority Politics, and State and Local Government, and possibly Public Policy we could meet existing enrollment demands in general education and upperdivision courses, various interdisciplinary needs, as well as expand the program. This would enable us to better meet university goals of educating for responsible citizenship in a global world, and in the areas of multi-cultural and multinational education, and diversity. We would note, too, that these are areas of relevance to the Central Washington region. 2. (Continue to) Increase our Research, Scholarly, and Grant-Writing Activity. -Although we do not have a graduate program, and see undergraduate education as our primary mission, current faculty value scholarly work and believe it holds the key to keeping faculty vibrant, active, and engaged. This is one area of clear expansion and increased quality over the last five years, and we would like it to continue. This would support our goals of disseminating our knowledge to a broader audience. 3. Achieve regular, periodic scheduling of course offerings, and teach everything in our catalog (regular courses) every 2 or so years. -This is obvious, but one of the difficulties for student and faculty planning and course offerings has been lack of effective planning and faculty resources (FTEF) to actually to do this. While we will use workload planning under CBA to help, additional staff is necessary to achieve this objective. 4. Develop Flexibility in Program Activities and Workloads to accommodate variations in faculty career goals (not only in terms of mixes in teaching, research, and service, but other areas). -While fairly self-explanatory, we believe that the department should be given the ability to flexibly alter faculty work assignments to meet their career goals as well as balance them with program needs. The Department has a commitment (as it has shown in the past) to the adjust to the needs of its members, and through planning, consensus, and compromise should be allowed to do so. 5. Continue to Refine our Assessment of Student Learning; reassess the Senior Assessment Course and its measures and content. -While there has clearly been useful information from our 489 course, it needs improvement, and what (apparently valid) lessons we can draw from it have not been fully applied in practice. 38 6. Improve Career Advisement, Discussions and “Applications” to Life After Graduation for Student Majors. -This was one criticism/suggestion for improvement arising from our survey of graduating seniors in the Senior Assessment course. -We would also like to reestablish Department student organizations such as the Pi Sigma Alpha Honor Society, and a department campus club. 7. Increase Department involvement in training students for civic engagement and making an impact on society and the political world. -The Department could take a more active role in these areas. 8. Create and Sustain a Better Environment for Faculty and Student Work. -Achieve adequate (improved and larger) facilities and space; -technical and technology support for faculty research and teaching; -addition of student study and computer lounge, part of which was lost due to addition of FTNTT faculty office 9. Improve, or at least provide adequate mentoring of, Junior Faculty; assist the continuing Professional Development of Tenured Faculty. -We believe faculty need to be supported in their professional growth. -While we see the formal mentoring “role model” process as inappropriate, at the same time we recognize we have new faculty who should be assisted in their early learning stages of their career. At the same time, older/existing faculty need opportunities for retraining, recharging and the like. 10. Strike a Balance between General Education, Interdisciplinary, and Major Course Offerings. -To the degree that these conflict, especially in terms of upper-division elective offerings, we need to find a better mix in terms of - to use a Congressional metaphor - “servicing and courting our various constituencies.” To some extent, this applies to FTEF and faculty staffing needs. 11. Attempt to Change Structure or Alignment of Courses in Curriculum to Enhance Relevance and Visibility of Program. -We have done this to some extent; we hope to re-examine how we add and remove courses, what is most important to the program, etc. VIII. B. In this context, describe ways the department or unit might increase quality, quantity, and/or efficiency. Provide evidence that supports the promise for outstanding performance. –Ways to Improve (Increase “Efficiency,” etc.): 1. We would exceed target goals for, - and increase FTE, student degrees, numbers of majors, etc. - even more than we are given more faculty resources and faculty (staffing). Given pedagogical concerns and room availability, we are at our limit in terms of general lower-division courses with caps of 35, and upper-division with 25. 39 2. Faculty development in pedagogy and scholarship would likely increase quality, but there is a cycle of diminishing returns in terms of quantity - in other words, increasing quantity of output (be it students, research, or workload “widgets”) might negatively impact the quality of the program: to some extent there is a tradeoff between quality and quantity. 3. Better flexibility in departmental workloads, administrative expectations, and how the department is able (or allowed to) deliver its program and meet institutional demand could help quantity, quality and efficiency. 4. We intend to reassess our assessment regime, especially what we do and how we do it, to hopefully improve, or at least better measure, student outcomes. 5. We could create a junior-level orientation course into the major that would socialize students into the field, teach them writing and study skills, etc. (like History does). However, we don’t have the faculty resources, barring major curricular changes or institutional demands, to effectively staff it. 6. A major and career advising “fair” or forum for department majors might help some students in their academic and employment careers (goal 6 above). 7. Better planning for the future would help, but the political and economic uncertainties the Department faces leave us at a loss to suggest radical changes, given an overtaxed faculty in a “do more with less” environment. In other words: most of the above would be quite difficult if not impossible under present circumstances. -Evidence of Quality, Quantity, and Efficiency: It is difficult to prove the future (the question seems like a “if you build it, they will come” proposition), but we would point to the following that we are already doing: 1. In the area of teaching, we show a generally high degree of quality in terms of our student evaluations in both course SEOIs and the Senior Survey; we are rated even more highly for rapport and access, etc.; and our student majors, graduates, and overall FTE have been increasing. 2. As mentioned earlier, according to our Senior Assessment Exit Survey, the Department receives high marks for the quality of education it provides, and clearly has a profound or at least significant impact on its majors in terms of their own understanding, comprehension, and thinking about politics and public affairs. 3. Again, as mentioned, our research productivity has increased, and faculty have made notable achievements outside the classroom in a variety of venues that credit the university. 4. The Department has increased its efficiency in terms of student output (degrees granted) and especially, per capita FTE (FTE/FTEF) at rates greater than comparable departments or the University as a whole. We previously noted FTE growth, but 40 actually, in terms of faculty output, we compare favorably: the Department consistently ranked 10th in size in faculty, and between 10th and 11th in size in students in COTS over the last five years, yet when one compares FTE per faculty member the department in each year in the five-year period (1999-04, the only years for which we have comparative data), we moved from 10th to 7th. In other words, while we are one of the smallest departments in the College in absolute terms, in terms of students served per faculty member, we are near the middle. Thus, we rank more highly than our size would indicate, and are thus more efficient relatively speaking. (See Appendix E.) 5. More attention to career advising, or at least badgering, of our students, coupled with internship encouragement and advertising, might lead to more students going on to work and/or study in the field or other areas. But this is pure speculation. VIII. C. What resources would the department need to pursue these future directions? 1. Funding for, and the hiring of, two new tenure-track lines. While the exact makeup of the positions would be determined, we clearly have needs in the areas of Comparative politics (especially Latin America and Russia); International politics; and some aspects of American Politics (State/Local, Native American, etc.) We also anticipate requiring a replacement tenure-track position in the short-term future for a retirement. 2. Reassigned time, and flexibility in workloads, etc., from the administration, for faculty to pursue varied, innovative, and evolving goals. Currently, despite new provisions for individual workload planning under the CBA, we are constrained by traditional expectations of workload and departmental goals in terms of program delivery. 3. Real (or at least, additional) support (both temporal and financial) for Faculty Development. The CBA has created a guaranteed $700 fund, which is welcome, but this is clearly inadequate and merely replaces the old funds which were re-distributed to departments from summer revenues. Also, flexibility in scheduling for workshops and the like would be helpful, as currently faculty have little time to take advantage of what opportunities there are, even as more such programs are needed. 4. More Office Space, facilities, and accessories, along with regular computer and technology upgrades. In terms of storage and faculty office space, we are at our limits with our current facilities; in fact, we had to “borrow” one office from Law and Justice. More room – especially given burdens of record storage, etc. – would be greatly appreciated. 5. Full-time Support Staff/Secretarial position. The Department has functioned with a part-time, cyclical support person supplemented (during the regular year) with a student assistant, but in fact workload and informational demands on the support staff has increased dramatically, and help during part of the summer months would also improve departmental operations. At a minimum, hiring a work-study student for the summer would be helpful. 6. Increased Library Monograph, Periodicals, and Electronic Resources Budget to increase holdings and better support faculty and student research without going to archives elsewhere (except for obscure or rare items). Faculty and students could better carry out their research work with better facilities and holdings. 7. Alteration and Creativity in Course Scheduling, Calendar, and Academic Scheduling by the University. Allow faculty to get away from every day, 50-min. modules, or at least don’t penalize the Department for experimenting with scheduling and the like when enrollment doesn’t follow. Consider moving to a Semester System, or go to a “real” quarter system of four terms, where faculty could choose which term not to teach. Examine other universities and colleges for innovations 41 in how schedules are arranged and courses offered. Admittedly, this is a large structural change beyond our Department, and there may be ramifications in doing so we aren’t aware of. VIII.D. How does the faculty envision their professional career and responsibilities within the balance of teaching, service, research and creative activities? -By way of introduction, the Department continues to stress, and pride itself on, its role in undergraduate teaching, and believes this is the primary mission at an institution such as CWU. However, faculty also are committed to scholarly and service activities, and while believing these are not mutually exclusive, does recognize that there is an inherent tradeoff between all three. One cannot expect faculty to do more in all of these areas and expect that all of it will be done better. -Absent any flexibility (or changes to the status quo) in Department program delivery or workload, we expect that our jobs will remain essentially the same. Teaching will continue to take the bulk of our time, and juggling it with research and service responsibilities will continue to be a tough balancing act. -If the Administration wants improvement, or at least increased faculty activity, in the areas of research and service, they need to make resources (again, financial and/or temporal) available to adequately do so. When push comes to shove, we believe service activities will be the ones sacrificed, which is particularly ironic given our field of study - but that is the logical conclusion of the current professional environment at this University (i.e., because it is the one that is least-valued). 42 IX. Suggestions for the program review process or contents of the self-study? 1. While the Outline is well-organized, and undoubtedly better than earlier incarnations, clear guidelines as to what sort of information or answer is desired in response to the individual questions is needed. In some cases, the wording of the questions could be made clearer. For example, how should the Department assess whether facilities, library holdings, etc., are “adequate?” We can offer opinions, but presumably we are supposed to have data and information to back these up. Some of what we provided was based on the model of other departments’ responses to these questions, which isn’t a bad technique, but nevertheless there is no way of knowing if other departments’ reports were done properly. 2. The University should give better support to the department in completing it: data, support staff, reassigned time for the Chair, etc. We reiterate with other departments our frustrations with Institutional Research, though apparently they delivered our information to us more quickly than some; but also, other data took a lot of time for the department to re-create from Safari and other sources, with no guarantee of its accuracy. 3. The mandatory retreat should be funded by the University, not the Department. 4. The Alumni Office should give the Department information about its graduates, and track them more generally. The Department does not have the resources to do so, other than in an anecdotal fashion. Alternatively, ways the Department could contact or survey their alumni would be helpful, provided again support is given. 5. Data, and the report as a whole, should be put into context. The review would be strengthened by comparisons with other Departments on campus, and other same-discipline departments at comparable institutions, or at least comparable departments at other schools. Of course, these comparisons must be chosen carefully to examine departments of similar sizes with similar missions, programs, etc. As others, especially Sociology, have noted in their study documents, it is hard to make evaluations in a vacuum. 6. The administration – not only the Dean, but the Provost and possibly the President as well - should be brought in to meet with the department about the Program Review. We find it ironic, or at least odd, that administration meets with the external reviewer, but not the department itself. 43 Empirical Research Class Project oral presentation Class Project written assignment Collaborative learning(group projects) x x x x Course Political Science Courses Otopalik, Cameron POSC 101 Introduction to Politics x Wirth, Rex POSC 101 Introduction to Politics Launius, Michael POSC 101 Introduction to Politics x x Brown, Jim POSC 210 American Politics x x Manweller, Mathew POSC 210 American Politics x x x Schaefer, Todd POSC 210 American Politics x x x Wirth, Rex POSC 230 State & Local Politics Otopalik, Cameron POSC 260 Comparative Politics x x Launius, Michael POSC 260 Comparative Politics x x Otopalik, Cameron POSC 270 International Politics x x Wirth, Rex POSC 270 International Politics x x Yoon, Bang-Soon POSC 311 Women & Politics x x x Schaefer, Todd POSC 312 Public Opinion & Political Communication x x x x X Schaefer, Todd POSC 313 Legislative Process x x x x X Schaefer, Todd POSC 314 American Presidency x x x Schaefer, Todd POSC 315 Campaigns & Elections x x x x X x Schaefer, Todd POSC 318 Parties and Int. Groups x x x x X x Wirth, Rex POSC 320 Public Administration x x x X Wirth, Rex POSC 325 Public Policy x x x X Manweller, Mathew POSC 340 Capitalism & American Democracy x Michael, Launius POSC 342 U.S. Foreign Policy x x Manweller, Mathew POSC 350 Public Law x x Wirth, Rex POSC 362 Western European Politics x Brown, Jim POSC 363 Russian Politics x x x X Schaefer, Todd POSC 365 African Politics x x x X Yoon, Bang-Soon POSC 366 Government & Politics Of East Asia x x x Launius, Michael POSC 367 Politics of Japan x x x Otopalik, Cameron POSC 367 Politics of Japan x x Launius, Michael POSC 368 Chinese Politics x x x Yoon, Bang-Soon POSC 369 Korean Politics x x x Otopalik, Cameron POSC 373 Politics of Pacific Rim x x Brown, Jim POSC 375 Middle East Politics x x Otopalik, Cameron POSC 376 International Organizations x x Yoon, Bang-Soon POSC 378 International Political Economy x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 44 x Simulation & Games Inquiry-based Learning Seminar-Student directed discussion Faculty directed discussion x Professor Lecture Black Board APPENDICES AND ATTACHMENTS Appendix A: Course/Faculty Instructional Methods and Activities x x x X x x x X X x x x X x X X x X X x x X x X x X x x X x X x Otopalik, Cameron POSC 398 Special Topics (Developing Nations) Wirth, Rex POSC 429 Research Sem in Public Policy Manweller, Mathew POSC 441 Politics & Film x x Manweller, Mathew POSC 451 Constitutional Law x x Manweller, Mathew POSC 452 x x x Launius, Michael POSC 470 Constitution & Human Rights Contemporary Issues in International Relations x x x Yoon, Bang-Soon POSC 470 Politics of Globalism x x x Brown, Jim POSC 481 Early Political Thought x x Brown, Jim POSC 482 Early Modern Political Thought x x Brown, Jim POSC 483 Recent Political Thought x x Brown, Jim POSC 485 American Political Thought & Culture x x Manweller, Mathew POSC 485 American Political Thought & Culture x x Manweller, Mathew POSC 498 Introduction to Political Methods x Otopalik, Cameron POSC 498 Special Topics: Developing Nations x x Yoon, Bang-Soon Professor POSC 499 Course Global Feminism Political Science Courses x x x x X x x X X x x X x x X x X x X X x x x x X x X X x x X Simulation & Games Collaborative learning(group projects) Class Project written assignment Class Project oral presentation Empirical Research Inquiry-based Learning Seminar-Student directed discussion Faculty directed discussion Black Board Lecture 45 x APPENDIX B: Senior Assessment Materials POLITICAL SCIENCE 489 SENIOR ASSESSMENT FALL QUARTER 2006 PROFESSOR SCHAEFER Office: 413 Psych.; Hrs. 8:30 10:30am M-F Ph.: 963-3675; email: This is the “capstone” course for political science majors. Its purpose is to assess or evaluate the student’s accumulated knowledge of the essentials of political science and ability to carry out and present political science research, as well as to assess the department’s effectiveness in communicating this knowledge and encouraging its acquisition, and the strength of the program in general. COURSE COMPONENTS AND METHODS OF EVALUATION: The course is comprised of three distinct parts: 1. A research paper (Fifty-Five percent of the final grade) 2. A comprehensive written examination on the “core” knowledge of political science, as found in the five required courses for the bachelor’s degree (Forty-five percent of the final grade) 3. A questionnaire, to be completed by the student, in which the department program and its faculty are evaluated. This is a course requirement. We will also meet to discuss and work on these elements throughout the term, according to the schedule below. COURSE MATERIALS: To guide you in the successful execution of the above tasks, I have gathered a collection of useful readings and course information. These are compiled in a Course Reading Packet that can, and must, be purchased at the University store. References to readings in the course schedule listed below come from that packet. Other materials may be handed out in class. COURSE OUTLINE AND ASSIGNMENTS: Note: Readings should be done BEFORE class meeting they are listed under, as we will be discussing topics covered within them in that meeting. Note due dates may be on or before class. Meeting 1 (Wk. 1; 9/20): Course Introduction Meeting 2 (Wk. 2; 9/27): Political Science & Poli Sci Papers –Readings 1-2 in Coursepack (Scott & Garrison; Cronin). Meeting 3 (Wk. 3; 10/4): Papers - Research and Outlines *PAPER TOPICS DUE WED. 10/4 IN CLASS. –Readings 3-4 in Coursepack (Schmidt; Scott & Garrison II). Meeting 4 (Wk. 6; 10/25) Papers - Writing and Execution *OUTLINES DUE TUES. 10/24 (DAY BEFORE CLASS). –Readings 5-7 in Coursepack (Schmidt II & III; Schaefer). Meeting 5 (Wk. 8; 11/8): Comprehensive Exam Overview and Explanation *PAPERS DUE WED. 11/8 IN CLASS BY 3:15PM!!* -Reading 8/Study Guide Terms in Coursepack; discussion. Meeting 6 (Wk. 10; 11/29): <PAPERS DUE> Exam Review Session COMPREHENSIVE EXAM IN CLASS FRIDAY, DEC. 8th, 8-10am (Exam Week) 46 ASSIGNMENT SPECIFICS Research Paper: As a crucial part of the capstone or exit course for the political science major, the goal of the paper is to demonstrate your ability to ask important questions (relevant to the field), research answers, and to present both in a paper with a well-constructed and supported argument. In other words, you need to prove to "us" (we profs in the Department) and yourself that you can develop and execute an acceptable political science research paper. The Topic We have utilized several different types of topics for this course in the past. For this particular term, the theme of papers for this course must center around the concept of DEMOCRACY. Now seems a particularly relevant moment to ponder and discuss its ramifications. Since our fearless leader, echoing some in the past, has recently proclaimed the spreading of democracy to be our nation's primary task in the world, and given that thousands of your fellow Americans are now putting life and limb at risk in faraway lands supposedly to bring it to them, this topic is of some renewed significance. The general subject of democracy is, needless to say, quite broad, and one could write several volumes of thousands of page each on it. Instead, you must narrow your topic along the lines - and preferably in one of the four main sub-fields of the discipline (and core courses in your major) - described below: American: Despite its claims, how democratic is the US? Here, of course, you’d necessarily need to limit this to one aspect of the American political system (and even sub-aspects): e.g., the electoral system (campaign finance, voting methods, etc.); institutions (Congress, presidency, Courts, etc. - again some aspect), or results (e.g., does our government do what the people want? Connections between public opinion and public policy; whether policies are substantively as opposed to procedurally democratic, etc.) Note: no papers on the Electoral College; it’s been done to death, and frankly there are bigger kettles of democratic fish to fry. Comparative: Compare and contrast two countries on some “democratic dimension.” For example, are parliamentary systems better at achieving democratic outcomes or more democratic in certain areas (representation, etc.) than presidential ones? Is one form of democratic political organization “better” than another? Or, you might examine democratization in developing countries in Asia, Africa, and/or Latin America, and make some judgments as to the degree of success or actualization of democratic governance. Is there a set of common ingredients for a democratic “recipe,” or not? Etc. Of course, here case selection is as crucial as topic selection. International: Here, you would explore democracy in the context of international relations and/or foreign policy. Are democratic states different from autocratic (and other) ones in how they conduct foreign affairs? What about democracy in international organizations like UN, EU, etc.? Can democracy be spread internationally, or imposed from without? Is it a good idea to do so? How best can it be done? Etc. Political Theory/Philosophy: What is democracy? Does democracy presume certain moral or political values? What have different notable political philosophers had to say on the subject? Is one philosopher's understanding of democracy more accurate than another? Or, more practical or applicable to today? Etc. Though presumably the bulk of topics would be solely in the realm of political democracy, one need not be limited to this: you could explore the connection between social or economic democracy and political democracy, etc. It is likewise acceptable to have a paper that overlaps or doesn't fit perfectly within one of the four sub-fields. For example, one might explore the topic of internationally-imposed “democracy from without” in two comparative cases, such as the US occupations of Japan and Iraq (NOT that this would be practical or advisable, given the recentness and lack of good scholarly information on the Iraqi case, and perhaps differences between the two). This latter observation raises another issue about topics. The goal of the general topic area is to get you thinking and to narrow possibilities, while at the same time being broad enough to encompass a number of different topics across all of the areas of the field. You should, therefore, exercise caution in your actual selection that it not be too broad nor too specific, yet also be “common” enough that there is existing research on it. Also, 47 whatever topic you select should enable you to develop a clear research question that allows you to posit a clear answer or thesis in the paper. You should study and consult the readings in the course packet about research papers, not only in terms of topic selection but also in the areas of argumentation, organization, and the like. Some of these more technical problems in writing the paper actually stem from problems in topic focus, and thus can be avoided by carefully crafting the research question at the outset. You should of course consult some preliminary research works, as well as me or other members of the department with expertise in these areas, before crafting your topic. I will gladly direct you to others in the event you are interested in a topic about which I know little. Paper Specifications and Rules A. The topic will be mutually agreed upon by student and instructor no later than Wednesday Oct. 4. You are free to – and should – meet with me outside of class or email me, etc., to discuss and develop your topics before that date. I also reserve the right to alter topics along more “doable” lines, etc. Topics can be picked up the next day. B. The length will be a minimum of ten typewritten, double-spaced pages with normal margins and no larger than an 11-point font. C. You should have a minimum of one good – e.g., scholarly or academically legitimate – source per page, or in any event at least 10 of them. No more than half of your sources can come from the Web. (Though you should know already, we’ll discuss what constitutes a legitimate and/or scholarly source, but needless to say Sports Illustrated, Playboy, the Yakima Herald-Republic, Newsweek,,, etc., aren’t legitimate sources). D. An accepted format (MLA, APA, Turabian, etc) for citation of sources must be followed for the paper. Failure to use proper citation can result in reduction of grade or failure (extreme). E. Misspellings, syntactical and grammatical errors will result in a reduction of grade. F. Papers written for previous courses cannot be recycled, even when substantially reworked. G. An outline for the paper must be submitted to the instructor no later than Tuesday, Oct. 24 at 3pm. This is to be a detailed outline with a bibliography. Scribbling a few sentences on a piece of paper is unacceptable. The outline must contain a “thesis”; a statement of purpose, what you hope to show or demonstrate or argue in the paper. Outlines will be left with the Dept. Secretary for pick up the following week, or you can contact Dr. Schaefer directly. I will also meet with you to discuss outlines if you wish. H. The final paper must be submitted no later than Wednesday, November 8, at 3pm. Early submissions are encouraged. I. NOTE: Failure to meet any of the above deadlines or requirements will result in a nonnegotiable failure for the course! Read the previous sentence again! The examination: This will be administered at the time of the regularly scheduled final exam period in the Psychology-Political Science Building (room to be determined later) on Friday Dec. 8. Inasmuch as this will constitute almost half the grade for the course - and outright failures are certainly possible - students are encouraged to review their notes and texts from the five required courses. A study guide, consisting of a list of important terms and concepts, is included in your packet, although it must be stressed that this is not intended to be an all-inclusive guide. In addition, copies of some basic texts will be available in the Student Lounge in room 417. While a concerted effort to review everything in these courses might admittedly be difficult, if not impossible, some review can’t help but refresh one’s memory and have a salutary effect. To assist in this review, the instructor will meet with the class on Wednesday, November 29. The department questionnaire-evaluation: This is a confidential questionnaire whereby the Political Science faculty solicits students’ opinions on their experiences in and judgments about this department, its programs, and its faculty. Students have two choices as to when to complete the questionnaire: Either come into the main Political Science office sometime during the last week of classes, get the form from the department secretary, and complete it then; or, do it immediately upon the completion of the examination. But here’s the important point: While such a questionnaire can obviously not be given a grade, completing and submitting the questionnaire- to the department secretary, not to a faculty member - is a course requirement. Failure to submit it will result in a reduction in the final grade of one full grade (e.g., B to a C). Students should be confident that their responses will be completely confidential. Student responses will be typed by the department secretary, so no one should be concerned about handwriting recognition. 48 Department of Political Science Central Washington University Student Department Evaluation (Fall 2006) All Political Science majors in the final quarter of their senior year are required, as part of the department's assessment efforts and Political Science 489, to complete the following questionnaire. This is a confidential questionnaire which represents an attempt by this department to elicit an honest assessment of your experiences related to earning a degree in political science. Results will not be shown to faculty until the completion of the quarter. Do not put your name on any part of the form. We take this exercise very seriously, and we urge you to be as forthcoming and complete in your responses as possible. Please e-mail your response to . 1. How many courses have you taken in the Political Science Department here at CWU? Estimate if you can't recall the exact number. __________________ 2. How many courses, if any, have you taken at other institutions? __________________ 3. Make a check beside the names of faculty you have had here: Brown Jacobs Launius Manweller Otopalik Schaefer Swarthout Wickstrom Wirth Yoon ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 4. What is your estimated GPA in political science courses you've taken here at CWU? _________________ 5. What is your estimated overall GPA? _________________ 6. On the following scale, where 1 is distinctly poor, 2 is mediocre, 3 is pretty good, 4 is excellent, and 5 is outstanding, indicate how you feel about the overall quality of teaching in this department. (You'll have an opportunity to comment on each instructor later.) _________________ Page Two, Dept of POSC Student Questionnaire 49 7. On the same scale, indicate how you feel about the overall accessibility and openness of the faculty of this department. _________________ 8. Would you recommend this department to a graduating high school senior who has some interest in the study of politics and might be considering coming to CWU? Yes _________________ Perhaps, with some qualifications _________________ No _________________ 9. Do you feel the political science education you've received has prepared you reasonably well for your future, whether in a job or graduate study in political science or in another area? Explain. 10. If there is one instructor about whom you feel particularly positively, identify that person and explain what it is that you like about him or her. Page Three, Dept of POSC Student Questionnaire 50 11. If there is one instructor about whom you have substantial criticisms, identify that person and explain your criticisms. 12. What do you regard as assets or strengths of this department? 13. What do you regard as weaknesses or shortcomings of this department? 14. What courses or subjects do you think the department should offer, but doesn't? Page Four, Dept of POSC Student Questionnaire 51 15. Of the four traditional subfields of the discipline of political science, rank the level of your interest in each, with 1 being least interested and 4 being most interested. American Politics ____________ Comparative Politics ____________ International Politics ____________ Political Thought/Philosophy ____________ 16. Is there anything about your perception of politics that has changed substantially from the time you first took a political science course here in this department to the present time of your impending graduation? Explain and interpret this question as broadly as you like. 17. If there is anything else you would like to say which goes beyond your responses above, take the opportunity here to do so. Page Five, Dept of POSC Student Questionnaire (S 06) 52 (Use this page for extra space for your responses, if needed. Be sure to indicate the number of the question which you are answering.) 53 SURVEY COMBINED STUDENT RESPONSES FALL 2001- SPRING 06 Q9: Do you feel education prepared you well? o Yes, whatever I end up doing, I am confident that my experiences within this department will contribute to success. o Yes, not so much for a job as for graduate school. o Yes, I think that having the opportunity to take classes in the field you like most within P.S. is important and helps you to have a greater understanding of that particular field. o I think I learned a good fountain of knowledge here at CWU to continue my education in political science in graduate education. o The education here has adequately prepared me for the future. Most importantly, it has increased my interest in the field of politics o I think it has prepared me for grad school but I don’t think it has prepared me for the job market. The department offers a lot of knowledge but not a lot of skills. The department does not do a very good job of showing how the knowledge can transferred over to the really world. The department also does a poor job of giving examples of employment opportunities that poli sci grads could take advantage of. Of course there is the possibility that I may have the skills and not know it yet. I asked the other seniors what their plans were after graduation and no one knew. It would be nice if the faculty ‘guided’ student a little better. o Little bit. I believe that w/ most topics there is an excessive amount of info. & the teachers are concerned w/ covering the whole book & don’t take precautions in dividing up the chapters w/ discretion. Comparative, International, & U.S. Foreign Policy books also seem to overlap the same info. over & over, it feels like one is repeating the same course. o Yes, to a large extent I believe that the preparation to a persons future is largely dependent on the individual. I believe that an individual can take several classes, but if he does not do something to retain the knowledge he/she will not be properly prepared. With regards to the curriculum here at CWU I feel that within the Political Science department there are very knowledgeable professors that are very able to pass the knowledge to the students. o Yes-I ended up choosing this major because I felt like I was learning something everyday and being pushed. I could have picked a major that I could have easily gotten all A’s and learned nothing but I chose to struggle for B’s and be enriched & educated. o The actual material really isn’t and will not be of much benefit. However, the manner of thought and analysis required for studying political science will help in the ‘real world’. o In some ways yes and in some ways no. As for preparing students for grad school the dept. does a poor job. They don’t offer a statistics class or a research methods class. That is what is needed to complete in grad school environment. As far a basic education I feel that the dept, and if the student actually reads/does the work, the dept would prepare a student reasonably well. o Yes, I have gain knowledge that I didn’t even think was possible to comprehend as a student. The knowledge that was shared by the professors increased the learning process here at Central. o Yes. Although my senior assessment may not show it; I feel confident in my knowledge. I feel very prepared to continue on to a graduate study program, if that is what I choose to do. o Yes, I plan on going to graduate school eventually. I feel that my political science education has greatly prepared me for life in general as an informed citizen. o No, I do not feel that the inside of a class teaching equaled the education I gave myself through out-of-class readings and experiences in local and state politics. o Yes, for the most part. I think it would have been helpful to assignments or projects similar to what we may have to do in graduate school. However, I feel confident in the knowledge that I have learned to continue on through graduate school. 54 o Yes-It has definitely made me a much more constructive and informed thinker. I have learned more in this department than I will have the opportunity to use. I feel very intelligent form the knowledge I have gained over the last 3 years and feel that it will help me in all decisions I will make in the future. o Yes, I really enjoyed all of the views represented at this faculty. o Yes because I have retained a surprising amount of info from the last 5 quarters. o No. it’s not your fault, but I lost interest in the major and am completing because I was far along in it when I decided to pay attention to other areas. o No. I feel that it has been useful and informative, there really is no substitute for experience. o Yes I have received a broad education and had to utilize a multitude of skills to succeed. o Yes, it has given me a great respect & knowledge of current politics and the government & laws. o Faculty has done an excellent job, I felt very confident in everyones knowledge. However the student must take if from there, basically the Poly Sci CWU staff did everything I could have expected. o Yes, I chose this subject because I wanted to go to law school. I found through my studies here that while preparing myself for law school with this degree that I actually learned a lot of other things that I had not anticipated. o Yes, I feel I have a working knowledge of political science. While I don’t feel I am an expert in any specific field, I fell I have been prepared well to further research & critically anylise broad areas of political information. o Yes, it has given me a broad spectrum to draw from in the future when deciding which area to get my masters in. However I wish the department offered more classes in the upper division. I have had to do independent studies several times and this take away from valuable classroom time. o Yes, it has given be a broad knowledge of the studies of Political Science. It has also given me the necessary tools to understand politics. o Very well. I will be more than prepared to teach Civics, and if I am not I will just come back. o Yes, I feel the courses and faculty have adequately prepared me for law school. However, I don’t feel ready to get a job in political science. More graduate work would be necessary—that is not anyone’s fault but my own! o Yes, I feel that I am better prepared to understand the regions that I will deployed to as well as the reasons I was sent in the first place. Some profs contributed more to this than others at times. o Yes o Yes, I do feel prepared for a job in the area of political science should I choose that path. o Yes, I feel that I have gotten the skills and knowledge I will need in my future. The faculty is very available to students and is willing to spend one on one time with them whenever they needed it. o Yes, I believe that the requisite material was presented, and that I capitalized on the enormous amount of opportunities present to be by the dept. o Yes, because I have learned a lot about politics. A lot more than the average person. The professors cared if you learned or not. It gave me a good foundation. o Definitely. I have had to work hard (much harder than many students I know in other majors), and had to learn the importance of a deadline. Not to mention the political knowledge I’ve gained. Whether it be conversational or for an actual political career, it will always be useful. o Depends on the aspect one looks at it. In terms of preparation for a job, no one is ever prepared for entrance into a new job. In terms of graduate school it has allowed me to narrow a specific area I would like to persue. 55 o Absolutely, the instructors’ knowledge and experience really added to just learning from texts. I really feel that I have a descent grasp of this subject to use in the future. o Yes, I understand the political arenas of not only or own country, but many others, and also our relationship with them. I love to hear political discourse and enjoy talking politics with friends, etc. o Although I love political science, I do not plan to persue a career in it. I think motivated students can use the resources if they chose to benefit their future. o Yes, I believe that he core of political sciences has been passed on to me. o Somewhat, hard to find a job in poli sci field right now, and not a lot experience in other fields. o It has certainly enhanced my interest in the area, as well as aided my historical knowledge. o Fairly well, unfortunately I don’t necessarily know exactly what direction I will go in after graduation, but it could be a blessing because I don’t have to be pigeonholed in only one field. o Yes, the POSC program at Central provides its students with ample time to learn and grow. Whether or not it helps in the job market is not as important as opening ones eyes to the system in which they are living and being able to understand and relate to the worlds events and happenings. o Yes, I learned a broad range of skills that I could use in a career in political sciences as well as other areas. I have learned how to think critically and develop answers to certain problems pertaining to political science. o As well as can be expected, Political Science isn’t a B.S. However, I have learned a ton from most of my profs so I will have a good understanding of politics in the future. o Yes, it has allowed me to discover some of the areas I’m most interested in (Civil Liberties & Human Rights) and has given me direction in how to get involved in a career of that nature. It has also opened my eyes to world wide issues and allowed me to see other standpoints on certain issues. Through my poli. Sci. education I have been able to understand people and where they are coming from a little easier because I’m more willing to listen to their views. o Not for job but for general knowledge in my life. o Yes, I have been able to choose the classes that I felt would benefit myself and my interests. o I am not entirely sure what my career will turn out to be. I do know that I will eventually go on to graduate school. I feel that CWU has done a good job in preparing me for graduate school, by simultaneously exposing me to a broad array of facets concerning politics, while simultaneously allowing me to customize my studies to specific areas of interest. o If I were to pursue a job within the legislature or a masters in political science, then most definitely I am better prepared. o Somewhat. It seemed as though there was ‘distorted truth’ at time to reach a better grasp of some areas (namely domestic politics). o Yes, I think I was taught the basic knowledge to pursue a Juris Doctrine. I believe that I have adequately been instructed, and feel that I have the skills to succeed in a job/graduate school and even in life in general. Thanks to the whole Political Staff @ CWU I feel prepared for the working world. o I’m joining the military so I’m not really sure it applies except as to know I know who can deploy me and why. o Yes, however, I don’t know how relevant this major is to my career. I wish there were more jobs offered using a Political Science degree. But I did enjoy the classes and learned a lot. o Yes, I believe that I have gained thorough knowledge about political history. Enough so that I can hold intelligent conversations and base decisions on facts that I have learned from the department. o Yes, I am headed to law school. I also think it has prepared me well for the real world as far as the importance of being involved in the political system of this country. 56 o Yes, I feel like I have received a wealth of political science education in many different areas. o Yes, I like how classes in this department are small, teachers are easy to communicate w/ & contact after class, & you get to know both teachers & students in the department. I think I am well-prepared & that I’ve had a very good experience. o Everything from my studying, and research skills to my test taking skills have improved. (Organization & time management skills improved too). My critical thinking skills became sharper and have been exercised in debates and papers. I will be using all of these skills to help me progress throughout my future, no matter what happens. I believe that the classes I took here have benefited me in the knowledge of politics. I know I would never to be a politician. o I feel that the education that I have received has prepared me reasonably well for my future. I wish that I would have been able to take more courses. However, I feel that I have a very good solid foundation in political science to build a career and future education upon. I do wish I had offered an opportunity to speak with an advisor in the department who might have helped me design my degree and plan to take the classes that would be most beneficial to meeting my goals. However, overall I am definitely pleased with my degree. o I have transferred to several different schools. I have taken courses in political science at each one. They have been very easy courses & I am opinated & participated in class which always have boosted my grade to a A. in all the courses in political science I have taken at CWU I’ve had to work hard to my A-‘s and B+’s. I think the Senior Assessment is great because it really tests what you’ve learned. Every student graduating should be familiar with all those terms. o Yes, it has provided me with necessary knowledge in politics and analytical skills that can cross over to many fields. o Yes, I think the papers I had to write improved both my writing capabilities and research capabilities. It opened my eyes to things and will help me w/ my law career, thank you. o Yes, I’m planning on going to law school and I believe the courses I took have helped prepare me. o I suppose it was. But that really all depends on my job-however, the skills I learned i.e., research and writing skills I’m sure to transcribe to other professions. o Well, considering that I didn’t take this major to get a job I’d say that directly, no. However, these poli sci classes helped give me a better perspective on the world. Having a better world view helps you adapt to different situation and be able to objectively analyze and understand events. o No, at this point graduating with just a degree in political science I really wouldn’t know what to do with it. o Yes, but I don’t plan to go into politics. It has helped me develop decent writing & analytical skills. o I do…the professors here are very, very smart. I love learning new things and I think the knowledge I have attained will help me in my future endeavors. I would use any of my professors as a life line on “who wants to be a millionaire.” o I do feel that the political science department has prepared me for my future. Classes and teachers were effective in developing my understanding of political science. o I think it prepared me theoretically & practically. It gave me some basic knowledge, so I can put new layers of information. I learned how to apply what I read and se; how to see through information and pick out important stuff. And of course I learned that politics is everywhere. o I believe it has, if one were going into the political science field, or graduate study, but it isn’t very applicable in other areas. o Yes & no. While I feel that I have learned an incredible amount of information from some of my professors in the Political Science department, I still feel that there is a lot I can learn about politics & government. I think that the Political Science dept. has given me a good base to start 57 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o off from, in terms of pursuing law school, as well as an appreciation for the field.---they didn’t teach me how to spell though. Almost any job today is going to be highly bureaucratic, so some understanding of bureaucracy is helpful. The information itself though seems more useful as an ability to hold an intelligent conversation than anything else to someone who probably will never enter the political arena. Politics have always interested me though, but I knew the degree might not be of real value to my chosen career field. Yes, in that it provided me with much of basic background on Political Science. However, it would have been very useful to have more practical application classes. Examples: campaign work, in-depth study of political research techniques, emerging political issues or political economy classes. No, some of the professors were outstanding, others poor. I feel that there are holes in my degree, strong in some areas weak in others. No, I learned a lot from the department, but it was real world skills that I created/possess that will help me find a job. Not enough attention/if any is given in accordance to job training or internships. I feel that the department taught and mentered, but never prepared us for jobs. Not really. Classes don’t seem to be preparing anyone for work. Yes. Very knowledgeable and informative stuff. I changed major mid-way through my junior year because of the high recommendations received by the current Pol. Sci. students. After several job interviews, I have gotten many positive reactions from potential employers about my CWU political science degree. Am very grateful to the Pol. Science dept. for making it possible for me to receive a second minor in another discipline w/out a significant time commitment. Yes. I feel that I am well prepared to go on to graduate school to study political science and eventually become a professor at a University. I also feel that my political science education has prepared me for career in the military. Yes, I believe it has, but I wish there was more emphasis on Economic Policies of politics. Less information on the history of politics. There is a need for more relevant courses w/ what is going on in today’s modern world. Yes it has prepared me somewhat. It opened up areas of political science that I didn’t know about, yet became very interested in such as early political thought. Yes, it has helped me become aware about the world and how it is run. It has helped me to understand war and why American and other Countries have gone to war. It as helped me to understand Economics and how it affects Politics. I guess so. Yes and no. Yes the courses were well taught, but also no because it’s a small department and therefore not enough variety is offered or enough specialization options offered especially in feminist discourse. I believe this education allows adequate preparation with proper initiative. The field is too vast to expect mastery but the upper level courses were well instructed. I feel confident in my knowledge in an introductory sense. Yes, the political science courses were on par with or above other liberal arts classes I’ve taken in Central. Whether I can get a job with a liberal arts degree remains to be seen however. I feel that overall it has prepared me for a number of careers that I can choose to pursue. I think that some of what I learned was applicable. However, the department didn’t do a grand job of exactly telling me what kind of jobs I would be qualified for, other than in politics. The education provided has been more than reasonable for the expectations of graduating seniors. Political Science covers a broad range of topics (including law, economics, and some 58 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o grass roots of management) and the faculty have done a great job, however off of subject from time to time, in relaying this information. Yes, combined with personal experience and research courses I took at other institutions. I feel I’m capable of processing, analyzing, and orally writing about a range of complex subjects and the multiple dimensions they encompass. Yes! I enjoy how the department integrates economic theory and critical thinking into its curriculum. The department challenges you to have a logical and rational thought process. Definitely. There’s no doubt that the material I’ve learned will benefit me in my future. I understand politics and other countries a whole lot more than I used to, and I actually can apply the material even afterwards. Yes, I believe the core classes give a good overview of posc in general. I think it’s prepared me well if I go on to graduate study. I’ve learned the facts well. But I don’t feel prepared for a job. I just don’t seem to have learned how to apply what I’ve learned into a career. Yes, the faculty is knowledgeable in several areas and all have conveyed this knowledge with passion and precision. Also differing teaching methods have given wide array skills which will certainly be useful in the future. Not really, because of the few topics and subjects that is provided by the department, may be because of the few faculty or the lack of department financial. But yes the department needs more courses that is different in topics and innovative in subjects. I feel like I have learn a lot of useful skills that could be applied to a job or graduate school. When I came here, only having 2 political science classes at community college, I knew very little about politics and government. Now, after completing this degree I feel as though I am the political educator in the family and can talk with my older brother who is a poly sci student at the UW. The political science program is so diverse in political ideology it makes it difficult to grasp a solid base. Overall the program will help me in graduate studies. I couldn’t be happier with my education here. The political science department has given me the ability to express myself. I know that my opinion does matter and I should voice it. I believe I am prepared for my future in grad school and law school because of the constructive criticisms given throughout all my course work here. The political science department gives realism a whole new meaning. Yes, reasonably well. However, the department could be expanded to offer more courses. Yes, I feel very well prepared. I feel as though there is a depth to the offered courses allowing students to indulge academically speaking, in the areas they feel are most important to them. Yes I do feel that I know now what I don’t want to do in the field. I also have a good idea about what I do want to get into. I feel good about my command of the information I’ll need to go on. I feel it has been a great program. I have taken with me much knowledge. I feel it has given me a good base education. I feel that I may not have been as comprehensive overall. Yes, the teachings were mostly objective & gave way for stimulating debates & information that can be useful in the future. Yes, I’ve learned a lot, in most of my classes. I’m sure this education will allow me to get into & succeed in many graduate programs. Yes, I have gained much knowledge about the political economy, that will enhance my communicable and understanding skills in future events. Yes I do. I do think we need more time devoted to helping seniors find jobs since the career services center is a joke. Yes, I think I’ve gained knowledge that can be applied to real world issues relating to political science. I feel I have a good base for future schooling and a career. 59 o Yes, I feel that I have become more knowledgeable since coming here I am ready for the next step. o Yes, the POSC department’s faculty does a tremendous job in preparing students to meet career or further education objectives. o Yes, I believe that I have acquired a good overall history of politics and how states work together. o I feel I am prepared to study new areas of politics. I am a double major, and I feel POSC was a much more rewarding major. I feel that I am leaving Central with a very good understanding of politics and the world. Now when I watch TV or read the newspaper I can see what is bullsh*t and what is sensible information; what to question and what to accept. What I do know is that I don’t know everything about politics and the world and no one else does. o No. A lot of the classes deal w/ just book concepts. You memorize & that’s enough to pass. Where are the applied applications of the department. should require an internship of some sorts to all in department. o Yes, most certainly. Because the dept is down-to-earth, they’re not elitist assholes. They make time to help their students, the dept is small enough where you can get individual help. o Not much opportunity outside grad school or law school; could bring in more people to talk about jobs; could push internships more to prepare students. o Pretty much, I intend on teaching so there was a good amount of political and historical relevance. o Yes, it has show me that I have a real interest in politics. I hope it will help me in the real world, but at least it has open my eyes to a new a passion I now have. o Yes, even though I’m not going to go into a POSC grad school, I feel that the material I have learned has given me the material that can be carried over into numerous aspects of life, & jobs. o Yes, as I plan to go into a business career I have learned a lot about society. Learning about foreign governments and ours has made trends in economics easier to understand. o Yes, this department helped me land an excellent internship at the Capitol & I hope to return to work there next session before law school. o W/O past job experience I would be uncertain of whether or not I was reasonably prepared. I feel a lot of the classes were about memorization. o Yes. I feel the department prepared me for the future. I am also confident that I have acquired the tools necessary to compete with others in the job market. o Perhaps, I’m not sure which career path I’m going to choose yet. o Yes, courses were available to prepare me for my areas of interest. Instructors were also helpful in channeling specialization while providing access to the broader aspects of the discipline. o For the most part-although a more generous load of work would probably have been in order. Not that I minded-but honestly it probably should have been more challenging. o I feel that I have a strong understanding of the legislative process and a good historical background of American politics. Both good for law school. o Yes. There was a good deal of material & variety in subjects, giving us a very good base for the future & present understanding. One concern though is some professors/classes are either much more challenging, or less so, than others. They need to be balanced in terms of work load. o The knowledge I received from Central assembled the foundation from which I can apply in a job related circumstances as well as everyday life. I am confident with who I have become and the instruction I have obtained. Thus, when challenged I know I can rely on my experiences and connection to guide me correctly. o Yes. Education in this department has opened me up to other views of the world, especially views of the Republican party. In high school, and my first years of college, I could not understand Republicans or Libertarians. Its still difficult for me to do so , but the department 60 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o has helped me to understand differences between people. The department has prepared me for future work in many fields. I believe that while this department focuses mainly on American Politics there is enough area to specialize within a chosen field. I don’t plan on necessarily using my degree to get a job, but I believe that having the degree and the knowledge learned from this department has opened up many avenues of employment and further study. Yes, I know enough about Political Science to get by. Yes, I was always asked to design, create, critique, or defend a view point of my own. I feel that is important for work, life, and study. I do feel that I am prepared for a future in a political related job. After attending these courses I have a better understanding of how our country works as well as international politics as a whole. I definantly feel that a good understanding of politics helps me understand why it is that the government does the things that it does. In some ways but the classes just went by so fast. For the most part; I would have liked to have taken more classes about law and U.S. govt. No. We are taught about political science, NOT TO BE political scientists. While I love this department I do not feel it adequately prepared me for my upcoming graduate studies. Yes, with hard work I should be fine. I believe the research skills will be quite helpful in grad school. The writing skills will be useful in many ways too. Yes, but only because I’m a double major. I suspect a POSC degree without another major is next to worthless unless you plan on attending law school. Yes, I learned the fundamental aspects of political science. As it turns out, I am not going into a field that relates to political science, so this doesn’t quite apply to me, but I feel that my political science classes here, more than the classes in other departments have been rigorous and challenged me academically. Yes and No. With exception to a few classes, most indepth learning came from other department. some classes however, gave appreciation of the field and real world issues. Yes. Some of the Profs I had were not worth my time & energy. Especially, Otopalic. He is rude and arrogant. He crushes his students. However, his attitude made me realize how to deal with difficult profs. Sure, I feel that I’m coming out of CWU with a well rounded political science education. Don’t know my future, but I feel that I’ve increased my overall knowledge and gottin better study habits. I feel reasonably satisfied with my education on basic governmental procedures and theories, particularly American. I feel less educated on international government policy and theory. Yes & no, I feel that some professor’s have really prepared me for the future, however, finding and taking particularly needed classes has been difficult. You can say it has been a lot of trial and error. Some classes have taught me a lot where as others I have just walked out of the class wondering what I had just learned. I wish Central had better professor’s. I feel that the broad based knowledge I have acquired will be most suitable in conjunction with graduate study and other disciplines. I do not feel as thought I have learned enough to make a career out of my poli sci education, but it is a nice foundation for further education in poli sci or in conjunction with other majors. Yes, I feel I could run for office. It’s been helpful and will come in handy at graduate school. If I did not plan on going to graduate school I would not be prepared for a job. Yes, while I may not be light years ahead of where I was when I got here I feel that all the holes have been filled in. I think that the things I have learned here have been more than ample 61 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o to provide a foundation for me to specialize in grad school. As far as a job goes I may be qualified for McDonalds. Overall, yes. However, it may be useful to offer more career-specific courses (like Into to Public Policy or Yep, I took the classes I needed. I got to work assignments and it helped me learn to prioritize assignments. Yes, I now understand fundamental principle of law and how gov’ts operate. The differences and problems they face. I think American politics could have been more basic and informative. The process of American politics was not explained very thoroughly. The study/explanation of the judicial branch and the Electoral College wasn’t covered enough. Also, information on work in this field isn’t really provided or encouraged by the department. It leaves students with the feeling that we don’t know where to begin in the job search. I feel that my political science courses were accurate for the information needed, but the professors did not inspire me to pursue political science any further. Being a transfer student from another university, I feel that I learned more other universities and on my own. The information seems to be geared toward the Senior Assessment test rather than current political issues and application of what we have learned. Probably not if I were going into the workforce immediately, however, as a double major (Psychology), I feel I have learned more valuable things in the Political Science department. I plan to educate myself further and I feel the program here has prepared me for that. Overall, I do feel the education I’ve received in this department has been very good, and has prepped me for my future. The dept is a bit biased in representation of ideas, but most classes are taught with limited bias and relatively well-rounded. I think the political science department here at Central has done a magnificent job of explaining the concepts of the study and how they apply to political events going on in the world. They created an interest in politics for me that wasn’t previously there and as such has led to me thinking about continuing my political science education either in graduate school or law school. Yes, I do, although I feel that there is a lack in real world application in some areas. Some classes are designed to be specific (ex. State and Local Government), but ones like International Politics only touch on broad themes rather than what one would actually use them for. Constitutional Law classes prepare one for law school, but classes like Presidential Character are good as tools for analysis, not as tools for a career, in my opinion. My education in the political science department has given me an understanding of how the government works and will enable me to teach government in high school or college. I would say my education has prepared me for my future career. For the most part, yes. With the dichotomy of teaching styles I believe a good foundation has been set for how we are to approach future study. Being that I am pursuing graduate study, I feel there has been a pleasant blend of both analytical and informational gathering skills given by the department… with some qualifications. I feel that the education has prepared me for a job after graduation and for graduate school. Most the courses allow you to do some sort of independent research project such as either writing a paper with a topic that you choose, or doing a project about a topic that you choose, this allows you to little by little focus your education in a field that one might prefer. Yes, I enjoyed most of the courses I have taken. I actually wish I could have had time to take more PolySci courses I believe the education I have received at CWU has prepared me rather well for a continuing career in international relations. 62 o NO EXPLANATION o I think so, I am able to understand the nature of the beast so to speak. I also understand how, but most importantly, why politics are the way they are in America. o Yes, I have learned the ideas & concepts of politics. o Yes I feel the department has prepared me for a potential career in Law which is a field I have wish to enter. The law classes offered by the department have served as excellent pre-law classes. The classes offered on American politics have drastically furthered my knowledge of the American government which is essential if I wish to become a lawyer. 63 COMBINED STUDENT RESPONSES: FALL 2001- SPRING 2006 Q16: What view of politics has changed since you majored? (Effect of Dept. on view of politics) I didn’t realize before all the hidden things that go on behind the scenes. Now when I see something on the news I can say I know why they did that or said that. I have a deeper understanding and question more if things have to be that way or not. Yes, I came into this field merely because I was curious and seeing the extent to which it could be studied was great. Previously I thought politics was strictly politics, but know I have a greater understanding and interest. I didn’t realize how closely POSC & Philosophy are related. In America we see such a small slice of the political spectrum, a more thorough examination of the full spectrum has been enlightening. Also, I find the relationship between history and the present context quite interesting. I notice I am a lot more critical of our government and very, very pessimistic when it comes to politics. The U.S.A. does not seem as great as it was before I got into political science. It’s even more corrupt than I thought. The classes did establish a more concrete explanation of the diff. countries political agenda w/ one other & diff. events to trigger wars. Yes, it is more informed and wide spread—I truly feel more intelligent from being here. The world is much more complicated, with many more factors to be considered within any given situation. Well I definitely have learned a great deal, which has made me think more critically. Also my ability to analyze issue has significantly improved. Overall I’m more partisan, liberal, and cinical than when I arrived. I am definitely more informed than I ever could have been otherwise. I would say a lot has changed. I had set out to major in biology. I never would have thought of political science as something I would have ever pursued a degree or even found interesting. I think much of it is due to the fact that you are not taught very much about politics, government, etc. The four years at Central, I have learned a tremendous amount of information and I hope to put it to good use. Four year ago, I had a passion for learning all I could about politics. This was why I began the major. All of that drained away as I progressed through the curriculum. I expected to be engaged, challenged, and instructed but instead I was left to my own devices. I did well by myself, learning what I could, appreciating the rich tapestry of politics and social interaction, but I finished the major only because it provided a degree. Prior to my POSC classes here, I really had no concept of how politics worked in any other part of the world. I was not even quite sure of how politics operated in this country. Now, I feel well-informed on many issues and am prepared to take on a career in politics in the future. My education has raised my interest to the point of wanting to get involved and stay constantly informed on the changing politics of the times. I look forward to doing extensive travelling in the future to witness first hand what I have been studying in my comparative & international politics courses. I never knew before how interesting (and humorous) politics in other corners of the globe could be. When I first started here, I thought American politics was the most dull. However, now I find our system & the evolution of it, the most fascinating. At first, it seemed that our political traditions were weak in comparison to most European traditions. Now it is clear to me that our political tradition was revolutionary in thought. I have found a new understanding and interest in politics. I had some prior to attending college but as the quarters went by my professors encouraged me through their classes to learn more. I found that I wanted to learn more in depth about each area I had been studying. I feel like I am a better “consumer” of Political Information. 64 I didn’t know anything, I thought it was just about elections & American politics. Well there was a time for about 5 months or so when I thought I was a Republican. I have since reformed my evil ways. I’ve had my eyes opened to the way politics really works not just the glossed over three branches and how a bill becomes a law that you get in high school. I don’t think my perceptions changed a whole lot. However I have increased my knowledge of the subjects drastically. I have been given the tools to analyze political events in the world for myself, and this will allow me to decipher the truth from an often times bias, misinformed, and ignorant news media. I have been shown which news sources are the better of the bunch which I think will allow me to make more accurate judgments about politics and world events. I have changed very few of my perceptions, basically learned how to defend those perceptions more thoroughly. I did tend to want an opposing view from time to time from instructors--Generally I felt the staff was liberal throughout and gave a very slanted view of the U.S./World. A strict conservative could be an asset to the department for reasons of diversity! I have become more knowledgeable on the subject and can analytically interpret much more of the underlying meanings. Easy…I don’t know shit, sports I think I am an actual bonafied expert in, Poly Sci however will take many more years of study to ever fully understand. Faculty skills showed me I still need to learn much much more. My respect for elected officials has grown in some ways. As stated before, I think I have learned the conceptual tool to allow me to understand how politics work. I’m not so sure I like it. Not because of the department, I just don’t want to understand everything, and I can’t help but want to. I would never have guessed this would be, but in retrospect Wirth's lecture stuck w/ me the most. He provides a comprehensive scope that is unparalleled. Frankly I do not feel substantially affected by any deliberate act of the curriculum. Simply that I know more. I have always been interested, but it is nice to have in depth knowledge especially about other countries. I have gained a greater perspective of the vast breath of political concepts. World issues and how U.S. deals with diplomacy. Also the structure and working order of foreign governments. Yes, I can see that our political system is very flawed because of the varying problems, from a society that doesn’t vote, to a president that stole the presidency. That eventually we are all fucked! I have become more liberal as I’ve come to understand other political systems and it has expanded my interest in world politics. I am able to understand and see other viewpoint—other than my own. Yeah, don’t always believe what you hear on CNN. I think that all of the teachers I have had in this Dept. really brought the reality of politics into the classroom. Its not something you really learn from a textbook. I am able to better understand and see other viewpoints-other than my own. More politically conscience of which is better for the benefit of the whole, and the effects that my choices make on future outlooks. I definitely came here w/ the exact same political orientation as my father. Since learning the realities of politics, my views have changed. My perception has changed so drastically that it would be impossible to answer the question in the allotted space. My perception, I am sure, will continue to change as I am exposed to even more information. 65 I have come to see things much less black and white and have come to be much more critical and ask questions of policies and politicians. My first response I that I am discouraged from a possible career in political science. After so many courses, and especially the Senior Assessment course, I feel overwhelmed in the field of political science. Sure, corporations really screw everyone & we let them. I feel we can change things now where as before I was apathetic and didn’t vote, watch news, etc. Vote populist! I definitely know a great deal more. When I first arrived here I was a staunch conservative & now my views have definitely shifted leftward to the point where I am more of an Eisenhower Republican. I was always interested in politics, however now I have a much better understanding regarding the many aspects that surround politics and the political process in American and international politics. My perception has changed in that my knowledge of politics has increased tremendously. I believe the required core classes are an important part of the degree and that they were instrumental in building a strong knowledge of politics. I’ve come to know some of my friends and family a little better. My perception of them has changed in some ways. Not negatively but I can’t help but be interested in the way that they think and feel about certain situations, and what I like to do is talk to my Grandma about what I think of this and she enlightens me with other events in my families lifes that make think & act the way they do. I’ve realized just how broad the study of politics is. I didn’t notice all of the areas of life in which politics are involved, not did I understand how much everyday activities affected the political system. I also learned a lot more about internat. Systems, & much more about the Amer. System. Public High Schools ten to sugar-coat everything—I loved getting new points of views. Yes! I really knew absolutely nothing about politics. The first class I took with professor Jacobs (American Politics) grasped my interest and I just wanted to learn more. I understand more indepthly why things happen that seem well ignorant in government. I never really knew that the founding fathers kinda wanted a slow system until taking courses here. I have become more Conservative. I am also more cynical about the world. I think that too much emphasis is placed upon students only receiving half the story, in the cases of a few profs. Of course, my insight has become more substantial. I am able to question, critique and support political leaders & specific legislation. Before the courses at Central, I was politically ignorant. I definitely have developed an appreciation for the field. I used to think that politics was dirty and just about the politicians. Now I know that there is a lot of history, tradition, and structure behind the bullet points you see on TV. I have a lot more respect for those creating, shaping, interpreting, and implement policy. I am now able to see through the B.S. and interpret what’s going on intelligently. I am more likely to research an issue before actually coming to a conclusion based on party lines. I now question the government more than ever. The things governments have gotten away with in the past creeps me out. I have become a more active and informed citizen. Yes, a lot about my perception has changed. I’ve learned I came in somewhat ignorant and left somewhat educated. I have opened up by recognizing the many influences on politics. Economics, the media, geography, political parties, etc. Some of the teachers seem a little jaded & disenchanted with politics. We are still new, idealistic & believing we can make a difference. It would be nice if instructors encouraged us 66 to be powerful changes for good in the world instead of saying “why the hell, would you want to run for public office.” One instructor I had didn’t even seem to like politics & made me wonder why he was teaching it. There is a lot wrong with this country & when we learn about it some of us want to do something, it would be nice to have some guidance & direction to feel like we are trying to make it better rather than sit & become horrified about how bad things have gotten. I now analyze both sides of the issue. There are always more than one valid argument in every issue. Politics is about perception of our surroundings and our lives. Since I have started here I am much more skeptical of politicians and U.S. policies. I’m also a lot more aware (or so I believe) of what’s going on around the world and attitudes about things. I found how many components constitute political science, that in order to understand what goes on today, we might have to go back in history 2-3 centuries. That domestic and foreign policies of our government depend/influence policies of another. All my perceptions were altered in the sense that my ideological perceptions were broken down and the inherent complexities of political institutions, were revealed in multiple ways. I am really starting to despise radical sentiment at all ends of the spectrum. This only differs from my ability to tolerate it previously. I think the greatest thing I learned was how ignorant many people are in regards to politics. Should the American public take the time to educate themselves about politics, elections…many of the world’s problems wouldn’t be as bad. Simply my perception of not only the political process but the origins of our process here in America & our interaction around the world & how we view ourselves politically & why. Growing up in Washington with 40% of our political positions held by women I didn’t realize how much women are left out of political science. Now when I watch congress in session or the executive on television I can see almost no women. Before taking Dr. Yoon’s classes, I too though only male equaled person. Politics is messier than I thought. Democracy may be overrated. Yes I realize that politics is much more complex than I thought. Economics, History, Diplomacy, Elections, Weather, and many more things play huge roles in political decisions. My horizons have broadened/expanded. I know feel completely educated and aware of the entire political spectrum from the far left to the far right. I understand what has influenced and guided politics not only is U.S., but also throughout the world. I feel I now have an in depth understanding of all political ideology we have in this world. When I came to CWU I had lived a very liberal life, but after hearing liberal profs bash on conservative theory, I soon converted to conservatism, all thanks to a bunch of men complaining about their country and teaching an opinion and not covering both sides. Don’t get me wrong…they have developed an appreciation for politics that burns passionately inside my heart. I have learned so much from all of them. From the opinions of all prof’s since I did not have Manweller the over all dislike for our Presidnet. So much Bush Bashing was a little too much, sometimes it was a distraction to learning- (you may think this is over sensitive but serious) I have a much more developed perspective on politics (national, international, & my own), and I am a much stronger advocate of any political topic I choose. Politics are messy & complicated, half the problems of the world could be resolved if people took the time to understand politics, instead of making ignorant & uninformed comments & actions/decisions. If you don’t understand something, educate yourself before you make a fool of yourself. People complain about politics & 95% of the people don’t understand what they’re complaining about. 67 I feel that politics is more than debating and just the simple bureaucracy. I have learned a great deal in policy, political economy, and appreciate women in politics. Politics is much more complex than I thought had thought, and no one can figure out the answers. I’ve enjoyed my experience at CWU with this subject. I stared out being fascinated by American Politics especially in how it’s related to American History. Every new subfield I was introduced to I fell in love with. So I guess in answer to your question my perception has changed in the broadness and intricacy of politics. A deeper understanding of the history of political thought and how its transcended through history. Well I have learned so much about political science. The subject interests me even more than it had in the beginning. I believe that I am even more interested in political science than I was before I started. My teachers have definitely influenced my appreciation for the field. I perceive politics in a more economic fashion. I.E. I can exercise more knowledge of politics as a rational science. Yes, I now feel as though I may assert an informed opinion regarding politics. From knowledge of the inner workings of the legal system, political ideologies to Supreme Court cases. Therefore, I no longer feel like one of “The Mob.” I feel like I have a much better understanding of global politics than before. I always felt I was a liberal but after majoring in political science I feel really confused which I think is a good thing. I can argue a substantial case for either side of the political spectrum now. I have learned to question what I am told and to look at issues more deeply in order to understand all the aspects. Yes, definitely my knowledge is much greater, not only in the U.S.A. of politics, but the rest of the world, which is very important because political issues in the rest of the world affect our every day life. I’ve become more educated about my views- now I use facts when I debate. My mind has just been more open. I have a broader overall perception of many political issues. I have had the chance to formally study them and determine my own mind set. I have opened up myself to more ideas and curiosity in politics. I have learned why I am liberal, and at the same time taken a softer line as far as partisanship. I feel I have a greater appreciation for how politics have evolved & come to meld together. I have a better understanding of how many cultures can work together, or not work together, & how they relate through politics, & why it may be that different politically thinking does or doesn’t work. Matter of factly, I once perceived myself as being at the liberal end of the political spectrum. However, as my knowledge base expanded so did my political views. After taking a myriad of Manweller’s courses, I now lean more toward the libertarian side of the spectrum. That politics has a valid place in society. Society is ignorant on the world & politics around it. That religion and politics do mix and make good dinner conversation. The biggest change I’ve noticed is just realizing opening your mouth is half the battle. I guess that’s a more broad answer for knowledge in general- but you only have to ½ way know an answer and as long as your willing to speak up it usually work out. Decidedly more conservative than I was before. This is due mostly to courses in economics, though. No. My perception of politics is the same however, I gained a strong understanding of several other perceptions of politics. 68 My perception of how complex politics is has changed. There are so many levels & factors that shape politics it is amazing. This is especially true in the court system. Most people don’t understand how the courts work or what influences effect them. I now want to become a Prof. of Political Science rather than a lawyer. (I know – huge pay cut) I went in pretty close-minded. My parents are conservatives as was I. This program opened up other ideologies and concepts which allowed me to better understand my feelings as well as others. I have learned to never trust anyone for they are all self interested No, I don’t think there’s anything that changed. I learned that politicians will go to any length to sell you a sack of shit. I think that Brown, Schaefer, and Launius have done a good job of illustrating that. I have more questions now than before. The world is much more complex and interconnected then I thought. I think the world is cruel and unfair from a 3rd world perspective. If there is a god, HE loves Americans. No, but I believe I am extremely lucky to live in the U.S. and I am extremely lucky to have the opportunity to get an education. When I came here to study politics I thought I was going to study how govts. function and how they interact with each other. I did not expect to encounter so much theory about how govts. act, but rather to how they actually acted with each other. These theories are helpful to understanding politics. The more I learn about politics, the more cynical I become. I do not particularly care for either party, and I know better than to throw my vote away on the Libertarians. Alas, politics is the path I’ve chosen, so that’s where I suspect I will stay. Politically, no. My interest in international politics and how they work have expanded. I have also come to realize that many of these organizations waste time and money. However, I do like what the WHO does. My perception of politics has not changed, other than to say that I now hold a deeper understanding of the field, as well as a greater overall appreciation for it. This major has not changed my views of politics as much as it has broadened my understand of the environment around me. The greatest thing that has occurred to me while taking courses is that I am now more open & willing to see all sides of an issue even if I don’t believe in their point of view, I can now understand where they are coming from. Its made me look at where I stand in America. Also it made me realize the effect money plays in America sometimes for bad, for good. I have learned to look at politics in a logical way, with processes, and actions, rather than just baised or opinions. When I first started studying polisci, I wasn’t aware of how much it included. I thought it was just public opinion and the presidency. The historical aspect fascinated me and opened my eyes to what the study includes. My perception of partisan believes have changed as well, but that would happen to any Democrat from the Westside who’s stuck in Eburg. I came with an open mind willing to listen and critique information provided. As a result my perception of politics has substantially grown and continues to change to this day. I believe my provisional conclusions are something that this department set and have been add on by other institutions and experiences. If anything, the world acts in anarchy. I have learned to look at issues from both sides, which pitifully, I did not do previously. I wouldn’t say drastically. I would say I am even more pessimistic and think even less of people now because of my time here though I would not thought it possible. Politics=a bunch of people fighting over shit. I guess that is more clear than what I thought before. 69 I knew absolutely nothing about political science when I took my first class, 101 w/ Rex, but I now feel like I know everything I need to know to graduate. I appreciate politics because of the teachings of Brown and Rex. I enjoy politics because of Schaefer’s love for politics and the joy he has when talking about it. If I have learned one thing it is that nothing is as it seems in politics that everyday citizens are exposed to. It is only with training in political science that the facts of true politics can be uncovered and studied. Additionally, I have learned that when it comes to the facts of politics there is no dispute. Only different ideologies and the actual engaging in politics brings about confussion and conflict. I think term politics has become so broad to me I never really understood how huge the world of politics is and hard it is to narrow this field into a distinct area. Being a political science major it has made more interested in law and I am hoping to persue a law degree. Maybe the “motivating factors” behind political leaders’ decision. I originally held a limited view of how decisions are made – either strictly for personal interest or strictly as representative. It seems that in reality, a variety of factors determines policy, dependant upon the situation. Nothings really changed I just understand things better and know the history of politics. Oh, I love it when Schaefer gets all excited during lectures and he makes that voice that sounds like grandpa Simpson! I am more cynical – never thought that could happen. Manweller’s political economy class challenged my ideas on economics – the maximum wage laws, redistribution of wealth, etc. Wirth showed us how all kinds of things can fall into the category of politics that I wouldn’t have previously considered a part of politics. Ya I found out they really matter, and that people need to be more informed I started this just to get to know my enemy I have the ability now to identify politician views and ideology, even if it is a view I disagree with. I understand the political process in America much better now; I am not so critical of how things are done because I understand the complexity of the government. The knowledge about public policy and economics is invaluable to me. And the two degrees make for a great, wellrounded education. Having only taken courses this year, my perspective hasn’t changed that much. If any, I have a better understanding of the philosophical background that has influenced a variety of political thought Before I began taking political science courses, politics did not interest me the least bit. However, I took international politics and found it extremely interesting. I had decided I wanted to go to law school and political science was a relevant second discipline to major in. I have also become much more interested in American politics and theory than I was when I began the program. Actually, I was relatively uninterested in American politics when I began, but since then, I have become substantially more interested, although it is still on the global and international level that I’m interested in American politics, it is really interesting getting a university level course on American gov’t which definitely shows both sides of the debates in our culture and processes, rather than the mediocre middle-school and high-school courses that still swear Columbus was a great man, and that American ideals are above everything else. Theory has also, turned out to be very interesting. Otherwise, I still hold my values near and dear, but am able to see issues more objectively, and play the devil’s advocate more often. My personal beliefs on politics are more or less the same as they were before I started taking political science classes here at Central. My interest in politics is much higher now than it was 70 before and it has expanded as I have learned more about different aspects of politics through the classes I’ve taken. By adding depth to the amount of political knowledge I have on current and historical political issues, I have developed new perspectives and beliefs, especially on local political issues, that I wouldn’t have thought of before taking classes at Central. The more classes I have taken, the more I hate government in general and the more radical my libertarian thought has become. I entered a socialist and have come out an anarchist. To be honest, I have learned more about political theory from the Internet than I have in class, but my classes have put my thoughts and views in context. I would recommend that everyone at the university take Manweller’s American Politics as a civics requirement, but any political science class will do. My understanding of the government structure and international relations has increased but my ideals have not being impacted dramatically since joining the political science department. A friend of mine once stated that “politics is nothing but promising one thing and doing another.” While this is funny, and somewhat accurate in some settings, it is also extremely wrong. He was actually associating my study in political science with the practice of politics and politicking that is often described in the news, and was very wrong in thinking that political science is somehow a method in which students learn HOW to lie, cheat, steal, and run for office. I know this is not the case, but I would be lying to myself if I said I didn’t actually hold this belief to a certain extent before I entered the program. My ideas of how I could personally contribute to the process has change, because I thought that I would simply have to just work or run for office to work for the government. But after all the courses I see all the different approaches one could begin getting involved in. It could be through a Campaign Manager, to Indian Tribal issues, Interest Groups, City Halls, and Survey Research. I just have a deeper passion for the discipline of political science. I was already interested in politics but now I watch CSPAN for fun, read online newspapers multiple times a day, and watch cable news nightly. I suppose I am a bigger dork now than before. My perception of what politics encompasses has certainly been expanded and I have found a much greater appreciation and interest for areas of international study. N/A Yes, I’ve learned that the world of politics isn’t so black and white. I also have a much better understanding of how politics work, and why I feel the way I do. I feel that I have learned the process and nature of politics. [blank] 71 APPENDIX C: Faculty Professional Profile Faculty Profile Table 2001-2002 # of faculty 2002-2003 % of faculty # of faculty 2003-2004 % of faculty # of faculty 2004-2005 % of faculty # of faculty 2005-2006 % of faculty # of faculty % of faculty 5-yr total Annual avg % of faculty Scholarship Measures: (Use categories applicable to your departmental & college criteria) peer reviewed articles 2 33% 1 17% 2 33% 2 33% 4 67% 11 2.2 abstracts/conference proceedings 1 17% 1 17% 3 50% 2 33% 2 33% 10 2 36.60% 30% conference presentation 4 67% 4 67% 4 67% 2 33% 2 33% 24 4.8 43.40% professional conference session organizer 1 17% 1 17% 1 17% 2 33% 1 17% 13 2.6 20.20% professional journal manuscript reviewer 0 0% 1 17% 2 33% 1 17% 2 33% 9 1.8 20% workshop/training participation 0 0% 1 17% 1 17% 1 17% 0 0% 3 0.6 10.20% on-going applied research project 0 0% 0 0% 1 17% 1 17% 1 17% 1 0.2 10.20% Book 0 0% 0 0% 2 33% 1 17% 1 17% 3 0.6 book chapter/encyclopedia chapter 1 17% 1 17% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 12 2.4 26.60% book review 0 0% 1 17% 1 17% 2 33% 0 0% 5 1 13.40% public reports/evaluation research 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 17% 1 0.2 17% Grants External Internal Funded / Unfunded Funded / Unfunded 0/0 1/(1) 0% 0/0 0% 1/(1) 17% 2/(2) 33% 1/(1) 17% 1/(1) 17% 0/(2) 17% 0/0 17% 2/(4) 0% 1/(4) .4/(1) 6.80% 34% 5 1 16.70% Service measures CWU Committees, Faculty Senate 2 33% 3 50% 3 50% 2 33% 2 33% 18 3.6 39.80% CWU program presentations/panels 2 33% 1 17% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 11 2.2 29.80% Delivered guest lecture in college course 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 1 17% 2 33% 16 3.2 26.60% Leadership & Service - Professional Organizations 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 12 2.4 33% Community Service 3 50% 2 33% 2 33% 3 50% 3 50% N/A (too many) advisor to student organization 2 33% 2 33% 3 50% 2 33% 3 50% 15 3 Undergraduate projects 3 50% 2 33% 2 33% 1 17% 4 66% 48 9.6 40% Graduate Committees – Supervising thesis/projects 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 17% 1 0.2 3.40% Graduate Committees – Participation thesis/projects 1 17% 2 33% 1 17% 2 33% 0 0% 6 1.2 20% N/A 43.20% 39.8 Faculty Mentored Research 72 APPENDIX D: Faculty Vitae [WILL PROVIDE ONCE ALL GIVE IN E-FORMAT] 73 APPENDIX E: COMPARATIVE QUANTITY AND EFFICIENCY MEASURES W/C.O.T.S. DEPARTMENTS (source: COTS data from Sociology Review) Table 1: COTS FTE Faculty by Department Anthropology Biological Sciences Chemistry Computer Science Geography Geology Law & Justice Mathematics Physics Political Science Psychology Science Education Sociology Poli Sci Rank 19992000 10.1 14.8 8.92 4.86 11.34 8.73 10.98 15.36 5.08 6.99 24 1.7 11.24 20002001 10.56 17.17 9.01 5.7 8.76 7.93 12.71 14.65 4.63 6.33 24.77 1.7 10.88 20012002 11.12 17.17 7.01 5.35 11.23 8.03 11.22 15.02 4.22 6.08 23.89 1.47 8.42 20022003 11.66 16.8 8.2 5.4 10.56 6.92 11.75 16.19 4.77 5.55 22.98 1.83 9.57 20032004 12.82 16.48 9.45 5.89 10.76 8.96 12.7 16.84 5.12 5.46 24.69 1.97 9.9 10 10 10 10 10 74 Table 3: COTS FTE Students by Department Anthropology Biological Sciences Chemistry Computer Science Geography Geology Law & Justice Mathematics Physics Political Science Psychology Science Education Sociology Poli Sci Rank 19981999 203.6 237 128.1 108.6 213.8 119.6 193.5 331.2 56.1 111.1 483.2 25 204.6 19992000 215.9 234 154.1 135.2 207.5 118.7 188.5 313.2 62.1 106.6 494.6 22 192 20002001 200.6 237.9 133.4 141.7 203.6 121.2 227.8 332.4 64.2 85.2 459.2 16.6 192.9 20012002 205.5 250.9 148.7 149.7 215.2 150.5 282.8 330.1 62.4 98.6 431.7 21.4 173.6 20022003 199.4 269.7 159.2 138.9 213 167.2 302.2 363 61.4 99.7 464.7 23.7 196.8 10 11 11 11 11 20032004 208.8 285.8 171.2 131.9 245.3 155.6 318 399.1 73.3 110.4 502 29.8 227.9 6 11 9900FTES/FTEF 21.37624 15.81081 17.27578 27.81893 18.29806 13.59679 17.16758 20.39063 12.22441 15.25036 20.60833 12.94118 17.08185 Student FTE/Faculty FTE ('widget efficiency') – ALPHABETICAL 1999-00 Anthropology Biological Sciences 21.38 2000-01 15.81 Anthropology Biological Sciences Chemistry 17.28 Computer Science 27.81 19 2001-02 18.48 13.85 Anthropology Biological Sciences Chemistry 14.81 Computer Science 2002-03 14.61 Anthropology Biological Sciences Anthropology Biological Sciences 16.29 16.05 Chemistry 21.21 Chemistry 19.41 18.12 25.72 Chemistry Computer Science 24.86 Computer Science 27.98 Computer Science 19.16 Geography 20.17 Geography 22.8 24.16 Geology Geography 18.3 Geography 23.24 Geography Geology 13.6 Geology 15.28 Geology 18.7 Geology 17.1 2003-04 17.34 22.94 17.36 Law & Justice 17.17 Law & Justice 17.93 Law & Justice 25.2 Law & Justice 25.7 Law & Justice Mathematics 20.39 Mathematics 22.69 Mathematics 21.98 Mathematics 22.42 Mathematics 23.69 Physics 12.22 Physics 13.86 Physics 14.79 Physics 12.87 Physics 14.32 Political Science 15.25 Political Science 13.46 Political Science 16.22 Political Science 17.97 Political Science 20.22 Psychology 20.61 Psychology 18.54 Psychology 18.07 Psychology 20.22 20.33 Science Education 12.94 Science Education Science Education 14.56 Science Education 12.96 Psychology Science Education Sociology 17.08 Sociology Sociology 20.62 Sociology 20.56 Sociology 23.02 Page 75 9.76 17.73 25 15.13 Student FTE/Faculty FTE ('widget efficiency') - RANK ORDERED 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 Computer Science 27.81 Computer Science 24.86 Computer Science Anthropology 21.38 Geography 23.24 Law & Justice 25.2 Psychology 20.61 Mathematics 22.69 Mathematics 21.98 Geology 24.16 Mathematics 20.39 Anthropology 19 Chemistry 21.21 Mathematics Geography 18.3 Psychology 18.54 Sociology 20.62 Chemistry 17.28 Law & Justice 17.93 Geography Law & Justice 17.17 Sociology 17.73 Geology Sociology Biological Sciences 17.08 Geology 15.28 15.81 Chemistry Political Science 15.25 Geology 13.6 Law & Justice 25.7 Mathematics 23.69 23.02 22.42 Sociology Computer Science Sociology 20.56 Geography 22.8 19.16 Psychology 20.22 20.33 18.7 Geography 20.17 Psychology Political Science Anthropology 18.48 Chemistry 19.41 Chemistry 18.12 14.81 Psychology 18.07 Political Science 17.97 17.36 Physics Biological Sciences 13.86 Political Science 16.22 13.85 Physics Biological Sciences 14.79 Anthropology Biological Sciences Geology Biological Sciences 16.05 16.29 14.61 Science Education 12.96 Anthropology Science Education Science Education 14.56 Physics 12.87 Physics 14.32 12.94 Political Science 13.46 Physics 12.22 Science Education 9.76 POSC rank Page 76 10 12 10 Computer Science 2003-04 25.72 Science Education 27.98 2002-03 Law & Justice 17.1 9 25 22.94 20.22 17.34 15.13 7 RANK BY % CHANGE IN EFFICIENCY (99-04): Law & Justice 47% Sociology 35% Political Science 33% Geology 28% Geography 25% Physics 17% Science Education 17% Mathematics 16% Biological Sciences 10% Chemistry 5% Psychology -1% Computer Science -17% Anthropology -24% COTS FTE Students by <-Department 2004-05 2005-06 addendum Anthropology 214.2 213.3 Biological Sciences 292 282.6 Chemistry 176.5 158.3 Computer Science 136.8 138.1 Geography 269 297.1 Geology 154 168.2 Law & Justice 333.5 324.1 Mathematics 447.1 467.8 Physics 71.1 71.1 Political Science 119.6 127.4 Psychology 500.3 519.3 Science Education Sociology 218.9 232 POSC rank' Page 77 11 10