Department of Education Academic Review Process CEPS Dean’s Review July 1, 2009

Department of Education
Academic Review Process
CEPS Dean’s Review
July 1, 2009
The Academic Program Review Process.
The Academic Program Review is one of the most viable and cogent activities, in which the
faculty of a department engages to assess its programs. The assessment includes curricula,
instruction, advising, scholarship, and service. As stated in the preamble to the APR guidelines
document, the program review process “… provides basic information on the nature of the
department’s programs and gives the faculty’s assessment of the program’s strengths and
weaknesses. A program of self-study is the faculty’s opportunity to scrutinize itself, to publicize
its accomplishments and examine its shortcomings.” Within the context of the Central
Washington University Plan, the Academic Program Review process is an opportunity for the
faculty and staff in the department, as well as the college dean and the Associate Vice president
for Undergraduate Studies, to determine the degree to which a department meets the mission,
vision, core values, and strategic goals of the university. Moreover, the Academic Program
Review provides a formal process by which the department’s faculty and staff can examine their
academic activities in the contest of their own mission and strategic goals.
External Visit
The on-campus external review occurred on April 6-8, 2009. Dr. Gerald Bowler, chair of the
Department of Teacher Education and Family Development at Southern Utah University,
reviewed programs in the Department of Education.
Strengths of the Department of Education (DOE).
The mission of the Department of Education is faculty and staff are committed to ensuring
graduates are prepared to be outstanding educational leaders and facilitators of learning who
demonstrate the knowledge and skill necessary to educate and work within a diverse school
population. Dr. Bowler reviewed eight endorsement programs (bilingual, early childhood,
elementary, English as a second language, middle level, reading, and special education), four
graduate programs (education administration, master teacher, reading, and special education),
and the professional education sequence of courses. He identified the following strengths:
Faculty. Each tenured/tenure track faculty member has a high level of expertise, credentials
and experience in his/her fields. The diverse faculty are committed to producing high quality
educators and many devote hours in traveling time to teach at the CWU-Centers. There is a
good mix of senior and junior faculty with senior faculty actively mentoring junior faculty in
the department. In addition to instructional responsibilities, faculty engage in scholarly
activities and serve in a variety of leadership roles on campus, in the community and state,
and in professional organizations.
Students. According to Dr. Bowler, the professional and education needs of students are
being met. He also noted that the diversity of education candidates is a positive component
of department programs. Pass rates for most of the endorsement areas are above the state
average and candidates feel prepared to enter the teaching profession. Additionally, student
Department of Physical Education, School and Public Health, Dean’s Response, 7/24/16, p. 1
perceptions of the department, programs, and faculty are very positive and they appreciated
having opportunities to participate in faculty-led clubs.
Program Quality. The eight endorsement programs and education administration in are
based on standards provided by professional organization. Course offerings at both the
undergraduate and graduate level are designed to meet state and national standards. Courses
are sequenced to build candidate knowledge and skills from undergraduate to graduate levels.
Additionally, all programs have a system in place to assess student learning and faculty
submit annual assessment plans that include goals, objectives, and data on student outcomes.
Facilities. Black Hall provides the facilities and technology for instructors to facilitate
interactive and quality instruction and demonstrate high quality teaching practices. There are
also three rooms equipped with distance education equipment in order to instructors to
interact with faculty and candidates at the CWU-centers. The Education Technology Center
is also located in Black Hall and houses a library where students have access to materials,
textbooks, kits, games, educational assessments, and other curricular materials.
Reported Challenges and Recommendations for the Department of Education.
Programs and Curricula.
1. Candidates expressed a need for more information about classroom management with
more behavior management perspectives.
2. Reassess courses to ensure the amount of information presented is appropriate for credits
3. Ensure instructions for course artifacts placed into the candidate’s electronic portfolio are
clear and consistent across courses.
4. Ensure all faculty have training on the LiveText electronic system and know how to
access and assess artifacts.
1. Develop non-state funding sources (e.g., summer workshops, in-service programs,
consulting, grant funding).
2. Encourage all faculty to become involved in scholarly writing and presentations.
3. Ensure all junior faculty have senior faculty mentors to assist in fulfilling requirements
for reappointment, promotion, and tenure.
1. Provide support for candidates in the Reading and Bilingual/TESL programs to increase
candidate scores on the WEST-E.
2. Initiate aggressive recruiting and marketing to increase candidates enrolled in the MEd
3. Increase the amount of field experiences to provide candidates with more time in schools.
4. Consider implementing cohort programs, similar to those at the off-campus centers, to
allow candidates to have more field experiences in a limited number of school
Department of Physical Education, School and Public Health, Dean’s Response, 7/24/16, p. 2
5. Ensure candidates are able to interpret and utilize educational data in order to adjust their
instruction and enhance the educational experiences of their students.
6. Ensure candidates have training on how to access electronic journals.
Facilities. The Department of Education is located in Black Hall, which includes classrooms
and faculty office space. Self-support funds are used to supplement and update department
equipment and technology.
1. Ensure there is a stable funding stream to support maintaining facilities and technology.
2. Ensure the Education Technology Center has an adequate budget to support acquisition
of current preparatory materials and resources.
Moving Forward.
Dr. Bowler supports the formation of the four new departments as a way to enhance the
productivity of faculty and assist students with more personalized advising. He recommends
further refining goals and objectives to provide a clear focus for each department. The
Department of Education is one of exemplary quality, strengths, and promise. Faculty are
committed to the students, their fields of expertise, and to the university. The department has an
excellent reputation both on campus and externally. The challenges and recommendations are,
therefore, to be used to enhance the department and guide faculty in developing higher quality
programs, scholarship, work-place environment, and support.
I look forward to working and collaborating with faculty, staff, students, and department chair to
meet the challenges and to enhance an excellent department.
Department of Physical Education, School and Public Health, Dean’s Response, 7/24/16, p. 3