Central Washington University Assessment of Student Learning Department and Program Report Please enter the appropriate information concerning your student learning assessment activities for this year. Academic Year of Report: _2010-11_____________ College: __COTS_______ Department _Geological Sciences______ Program: __BS and BA Geology; BS Environmental Geological Sciences 1. What student learning outcomes were assessed this year, and why? In answering this question, please identify the specific student learning outcomes you assessed this year, reasons for assessing these outcomes, with the outcomes written in clear, measurable terms, and note how the outcomes are linked to department, college and university mission and goals. Student Learning Outcome Assessed: I. CWU Writing Rubric assessment of General Education course (GEOL 302) II. CWU Writing rubric assessment of upper division courses (GEOL 423, 434 and 478) III. Assessment of Other Geological Sciences Undergraduate Program Outcomes: Outcome #1: Critically interpret scientific literature; differentiate data and interpretation (GEOL 474) Outcome #3: Ability to manipulate and interpret graphical data (GEOL 423) Outcome: Develop and test hypothesis and convey results in written report (GEOL 386) Outcome #6: Ability to master knowledge of core concepts (GEOL 423) Outcome #5: Quantitative Skills (GEOL 346, 484) IV. Quantitative Skills Assessment Test Administered in Multiple Courses Outcome #5: Quantitative Skills (GEOL 305, 380, 487) Why assessed? I & II: Writing is important for students to effectively convey their knowledge and ideas. III: Geological Sciences Program Outcomes were developed to assess the range of skills and concepts that students in our majors should master to be competitive in careers and/or graduate programs. IV: The same quantitative skills test was given in courses at different points in students’ college career to determine whether their skills were improving from the early to later stages of their major program. Link to Department Goals: These learning outcomes relate to Geological Sciences Department Goal (1):” Offer a multitude of dynamic learning opportunities: (a) for majors, students will demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and disposition to be successful in their chosen field of geological sciences or related field.” Students must be able to understand and critically interpret the published scientific literature in their discipline, effectively employ quantitative analysis of their scientific data, and convey their ideas in writing in order to succeed in a career or graduate work in the Geological Sciences. Link to College of the Science Mission: “As practitioners of scientific inquiry, students and faculty create and apply knowledge to solving human, social and environmental problems.” Understanding how to interpret scientific writing is a critical step toward achieving the COTS mission of creating and applying knowledge to solve problems. Student must then be able to communicate effectively in writing and quantitative analyses to apply that knowledge in a way that can be interpreted and utilized by others. Link to University Mission: … “Central Washington University's mission is to prepare students for responsible citizenship, responsible stewardship of the earth, and enlightened and productive lives. Faculty, staff, students, and alumni serve as an intellectual resource to assist central Washington, the state, and the region in solving human and environmental problems.” Majors in the Geological Sciences are trained in many specific concepts and skills that are directly applicable to stewardship of the earth. Critical synthesis and interpretation of the primary scientific literature, writing, and using quantitative analyses will help our students to employ those concepts and skills effectively to creatively address and solve environmental problems of our region. 2. How were they assessed? In answering these questions, please concisely describe the specific methods used in assessing student learning. Please also specify the population assessed, when the assessment took place, and the standard of mastery (criterion) against which you will compare your assessment results. If appropriate, please list survey or questionnaire response rate from total population. A) What methods were used? I & II) CWU Writing Rubric: Students wrote library research papers (GEOL 302, 434, 478). III. Outcome #1: Critically interpret scientific literature; differentiate data and interpretation (GEOL 474) Students read and critiqued a journal article Outcome #3: Ability to manipulate and interpret graphical data (GEOL 423) Students made and interpreted graphical data on an exam Outcome: Develop and test hypothesis and convey results in written report (GEOL 386) Students designed a field experiment to test a hypothesis Outcome #6: Ability to master knowledge of core concepts (GEOL 423) Question on a final exam Outcome #5: Quantitative Skills (GEOL 305, 346, 484) GEOL 305: final exam question GEOL 346, 484: Students solved quantitative problems that were assigned as homework. IV. Quantitative skills test was an assessment exam given in GEOL 305, 380, 487 B) Who was assessed? I CWU Writing Rubric: GEOL 302 Oceans and Atmospheres = General education students II. CWU Writing Rubric: Undergraduate majors in Geological Sciences Programs taking GEOL 434 Petroleum Geology; GEOL 478 Volcanology. III. Outcome #1: Critically interpret scientific literature; differentiate data and interpretation Undergraduate majors (junior/seniors) in Geological Sciences Programs taking GEOL 474 Quaternary Geology Outcome #3: Ability to manipulate and interpret graphical data Undergraduate majors in Geological Sciences Programs taking GEOL 423 Cryosphere (juniors/seniors) Outcome: Develop and test hypothesis and convey results in written report Undergraduate majors in Geological Sciences Programs taking GEOL 386 Geomorphology (sophomores/juniors) Outcome #6: Ability to master knowledge of core concepts Undergraduate majors in Geological Sciences Programs taking GEOL 423 Cryosphere Outcome #5: Quantitative Skills (GEOL 305, 346, 484) -GEOL 305 Quantitative Methods in Geology: Undergraduate majors in Geological Sciences Programs (early in major program) -GEOL 346 Mineralogy (early in program; GEOL 484 Geochronology (junior/senior): Undergraduate majors in Geological Sciences Programs IV. Quantitative skills test was an assessment exam given in GEOL 305 Quantitative Methods in Geology (early in major program); GEOL 380 Environmental Geology and Natural Hazards (mid-program); GEOL 487 End of Major Review (seniors) Undergraduate majors in Geological Sciences Programs C) When was it assessed? I. CWU Writing Rubric assessment of General Education course (GEOL 302) Winter 2011 II. CWU Writing rubric assessment of upper division courses (GEOL 423=spring, 2011; GEOL 434=spring 2011; and GEOL 478=spring, 2011) III. Assessment of Other Geological Sciences Undergraduate Program Outcomes: Outcome #1: Critically interpret scientific literature; differentiate data and interpretation (GEOL 474=fall, 2010) Outcome #3: Ability to manipulate and interpret graphical data (GEOL 423=spring, 2011) Outcome: Develop and test hypothesis and convey results in written report (GEOL 386=spring 2011) Outcome #6: Ability to master knowledge of core concepts (GEOL 423=spring 2011) Outcome #5: Quantitative Skills (GEOL 346=winter, 2011; GEOL 484=winter, 2011) IV. Quantitative Skills Assessment Test Administered in Multiple Courses Outcome #5: Quantitative Skills (GEOL 305=spring, 2011; GEOL 380=fall, 2010; GEOL 487=winter, 2011) 3. What was learned? In answering this question, please report results in specific qualitative or quantitative terms, with the results linked to the outcomes you assessed, and compared to the standard of mastery (criterion) you noted above. Please also include a concise interpretation or analysis of the results. I. General Education Writing Assessment General Education Course GEOL 302 Oceans and Atmospheres: CWU Writing Rubric Rubric Element Pass Non-Pass Content* 15/100% 0/0% Reasoning 11/73% 4/27% Organization 12/80% 3/20% Rhetoric of the Discipline (optional for 11/73% 4/27% Gen Ed) Conventions & Presentation 9/60% 6/40% * Students were given very specific content instructions for this project, so 100% Pass rate for Content might be expected II. Upper-division Geology Courses: Writing Assessment GEOL 423 Cryosphere: CWU Writing assessment rubric Rubric Element Content Reasoning Organization Rhetoric of the Discipline (optional for Gen Ed) Conventions & Presentation Pass* Non-Pass* 5/71% 6/86% 6/86% 7/100% 2/29% 1/14% 1/14% 0/0% 5/71% 2/29% GEOL 434 Petroleum Geology: CWU Writing assessment rubric Rubric Element Pass Non-Pass Content Reasoning Organization Rhetoric of the Discipline (optional for Gen Ed) Conventions & Presentation 12/100% 12/100% 12/100% 12/100% 0/0% 0/0% 0/0% 0/0% 10/83% 2/17% GEOL 478 Volcanology: CWU Writing Assessment Rubric Pass No Pass 15/79% 4/21% Content 14/74% 5/26% Reasoning 14/74% 5/26% Organization 14/74% 5/26% Rhetoric of Discipline Conventions and Presentation 14/74% 5/26% 14/74% 5/26% Total Number of Students Evaluated 19 III. Assessment of Other Geological Sciences Program Outcomes for Upper Division Undergraduate Courses GEOL 474 Quaternary Geology Outcome #1: Critically interpret scientific literature; differentiate data and interpretation Summarize Differentiate Number of journal data and Students article interpretation 9 4 pts 4 pts Avg scores Avg % score 3.3 3.1 82% 78% GEOL 423 Cryosphere Outcome #3: Ability to manipulate and interpret graphical data Course: GEOL 423 Cryosphere Plot data Interpret graphed data Student /4 pts / 4 pts 1 4 4 2 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 5 4 3 6 4 3 7 4 3 Avg score 4.0 3.1 Avg score 100% 78% (percent) GEOL 386 Geomorphology Outcome: Develop and test hypothesis and convey results in written report Student Group Number 1 2 3 4 Average State hypothesis/ 7 pts 5.5 5 2 5 4.4 Describe Methods /7pts 5 6 6 5 5.5 Data presentation /7pts 6 6 6 5 5.8 Analysis /7pts 5 7 6.5 5 5.9 Organization & format /7pts 6 3.5 7 5.5 5.5 Outcome: Develop and test hypothesis Demonstrates Number of Defines knowledge of Students key term key concept 7 4 pts 4 pts Avg scores Avg % score 2.9 2.4 75% 60% Course: GEOL 423 Cryosphere Outcome #6: Ability to master knowledge of core concepts Demonstrates Number of Defines knowledge of Students key term key concept 7 4 pts 4 pts Avg scores Avg % score 2.9 2.4 75% 60% Outcome #5: Quantitative Skills a) GEOL 305 Quantitative Analysis Course, Spring 2011 Number of Students 15 Average scores Avg % score Problem set-up 4 pts Compu tation 4 pts Answer 4 pts 2.1 2.2 2.7 7/12 52% 55% 68% 58% Outcome #5: Quantitative Skills GEOL 346 Mineralogy, Winter 2011 Total 12 pts Score /35pts 27.5 27.5 27.5 25.5 27 % score 79% 79% 79% 73% 77% Number of Students 21 Average scores Avg % score Problem set-up 4 pts Compu tation 4 pts Answer 4 pts 3.4 3.2 2.1 8.7/12 85% 80% 52% 68% Total 12 pts Outcome #5 Quantitative Skills a) Basic level problem GEOL 484 Geochronology, Winter 2011 Number of Students 4 Average scores Avg % score Problem set-up 4 pts Compu tation 4 pts Answer 4 pts 3.3 3.5 3.8 10.5/12 82% 88% 95% 88% Total 12 pts Outcome #5: Quantitative Skills b) Complex problem GEOL 484 Geochronology, Winter 2011 Number of Students 4 Average scores Avg % score Problem set-up 4 pts Compu tation 4 pts Answer 4 pts 3.0 2.0 8.3/12 75% 50% 69% 3.3 82% Total 12 pts IV. Geological Sciences Quantitative Skills Test—Same basic skills test administered in multiple classes Outcome #5: Quantitative Skills Course GEOL 305 Quant Reasoning GEOL 380 Environ. Geo GEOL 487 End of Major Review # students 16 22 25 Avg score /13 pts 7.8 7.5 8.7 Avg % score 60% 58% 67% 4. What will the department or program do as a result of that information? In answering this question, please note specific changes to your program as they affect student learning, and as they are related to results from the assessment process. If no changes are planned, please describe why no changes are needed. In addition, how will the department report the results and changes to internal and external constituents (e.g., advisory groups, newsletters, forums, etc.). --These results indicate that the undergraduate majors in the Geological Sciences are weak in quantitative skills when they enter the major (GEOL 305, 380), but improve slightly by the end of their program (GEOL 487). Most performed satisfactorily on a basic quantitative homework assignment than the standardized assessment test of quantitative skills, but did not perform as well on a complex problems (GEOL 484b). We offered a new course, GEOL 305 Quantitative Methods in Geology, for the first time in spring, 2011, and we will continue to develop and assess the curriculum in this course to help our students hone their quantitative skills. In most areas, students had mastered greater than 70% of the materials related to each learning objective. We will continue to develop our curriculum to raise this achievement level. Variations in these assessment scores could be partially due to different instructors conducting the assessment. Some of the assessments included only a few students, and we will need to compile more data on greater numbers of students to recognize and address any trends. 5. What did the department or program do in response to last year’s assessment information? In answering this question, please describe any changes that have been made to improve student learning based on previous assessment results. Please also discuss any changes you have made to your assessment plan or assessment methods. --We have not made any changes in our assessment plan or methods in the last year.