Central Washington University Assessment of Student Learning Department and Program Report

Central Washington University
Assessment of Student Learning
Department and Program Report
Please enter the appropriate information concerning your student learning assessment
activities for this year.
Academic Year of Report: 2010-2011
Department: PESPH
College: Education & Professional Studies
Program: Physical Education and School
1. What student learning outcomes were assessed this year, and why?
Our department assessed seven programmatic outcomes this year. They included:
1. Teacher candidates will demonstrate best practices of effective teaching in physical
education and school health.
- This goal is related to CEPS Goal 1: Provide for an outstanding academic and
professional growth experience for students at all CWU locations. The goal is also
related to the CWU Goal 1: Maintain and strengthen an outstanding academic and student
life on the Ellensburg campus. This goal was chosen because our program wanted to
know whether our practicums are effective and demonstrate characteristics of effective
2. Teacher candidates will create an interdisciplinary curriculum unit plan that is aligned
with the state and national standards for physical education and school health.
- This goal is related to CEPS Goal 1: Provide for an outstanding academic and
professional growth experience for students at all CWU locations. The goal is also
related to the CWU Goal 1: Maintain and strengthen an outstanding academic and student
life on the Ellensburg campus. This goal was chosen because our program wanted to
know whether our teacher candidates are aligning the state and national standards in their
lesson plans and the overall interdisciplinary curriculum plans in physical education and
school health.
3. Teacher candidates will possess an organized comprehensive health portfolio or file
system that will contain health content information, resource links, and lesson ideas
critical to teaching health in the elementary schools.
- This goal is related to CEPS Goal 1: Provide for an outstanding academic and
professional growth experience for students at all CWU locations. The goal is also
related to the CWU Goal 1: Maintain and strengthen an outstanding academic and student
life on the Ellensburg campus. This goal was chosen because our program wanted to
know whether our teacher candidates are organizing a comprehensive health portfolio
and/or resource file.
4. Teacher candidates will demonstrate knowledge of a variety of content and progressions
in physical education and school health.
- This goal is related to CEPS Goal 1: Provide for an outstanding academic and
professional growth experience for students at all CWU locations. The goal is also
related to the CWU Goal 1: Maintain and strengthen an outstanding academic and student
life on the Ellensburg campus. This goal was chosen because our program wanted to
know whether our teacher candidates can demonstrate content development and develop
proper skill progressions in various motor skills, fitness skills, sport skills, and physical
5. Teacher candidates will pass the WEST E proficiency test.
- This goal is related to CEPS Goal 1: Provide for an outstanding academic and
professional growth experience for students at all CWU locations. The goal is also
related to the CWU Goal 1: Maintain and strengthen an outstanding academic and student
life on the Ellensburg campus. This goal was chosen because our program wanted to
know whether our teacher candidates are passing the WEST E proficiency test in order to
apply for teacher certification.
6. Teacher candidates will demonstrate using appropriate writing elements in a variety of
- This goal is related to CEPS Goal 1: Provide for an outstanding academic and
professional growth experience for students at all CWU locations. The goal is also
related to the CWU Goal 1: Maintain and strengthen an outstanding academic and student
life on the Ellensburg campus. This goal was chosen because the university is requiring
integrating writing across the curriculum. Our program wanted to know whether our
teacher candidates are using appropriate writing elements and demonstrating writing an
effective philosophy paper.
7. Teacher candidates will demonstrate professional dispositions in a practicum learning
experience by a summative evaluation rubric.
- This goal is related to CEPS Goal 1: Provide for an outstanding academic and
professional growth experience for students at all CWU locations. The goal is also
related to the CWU Goal 1: Maintain and strengthen an outstanding academic and student
life on the Ellensburg campus. This goal was chosen because the program wanted to
know how our teacher candidates are performing and/or demonstrating their
professionalism during a practicum experience.
2. How were they assessed?
Please review over the student learning outcomes and assessment table below to answer the
following questions of A, B, and C.
A) What methods were used?
B) Who was assessed?
C) When was it assessed?
Student Learning Outcomes
(performance, knowledge, attitudes)
Method(s) of
Assessment (What is
the assessment?)*
Who Assessed
(Students from what
courses – population)**
(term, dates)
2009- to
present data
Standard of Mastery/
Criterion of Achievement
(How good does performance
have to be?)
All candidates will achieve
performance level of at target
on a 3 level rubric.
1. Teacher candidates will demonstrate
best practices of effective teaching in
physical education and school health.
Video w/ Rubric
Reflection Summary
PESH 437 – Practicum 3
N = 40 teacher
candidates (2 cohorts)
2. Teacher candidates will create an
interdisciplinary curriculum unit plan that
is aligned with the state and national
standards for physical education and
school health.
Curriculum Unit Plan
PESH 445
N = 13 teacher
Winter, 2010
All candidates will achieve
performance level of
exemplary on a 4 level rubric
3. Teacher candidates will possess an
organized comprehensive health portfolio
or file system that will contain health
content information, resource links, and
lesson ideas critical to teaching health in
the elementary.
4. Teacher candidates will demonstrate
knowledge of a variety of content and
progressions in physical education and
school health.
Comprehensive health
portfolio/resource file.
HED 345
N = 6 teacher candidates
Fall, 2010
All candidates will achieve
performance level of at target
on a 3 level rubric
Skill Theme Project
PESH 342
N= 15 teacher candidates
Content Development
PESH 348
N = 32 teacher
candidates (2 cohorts)
2009 to
present data
Students will take test
prior to student teaching
N = 26 teacher
PESH 438 – Practicum
N = 15 teacher
PESH 280 – PreAssessment
N= 31 teacher candidates
Fall 2010,
Winter, 2011,
and Spring,
Cohort Spring, 2011
Passing rate is a minimum
score of 240
(Monitor Student Pass Rates)
(2 cohorts)
Fall, 2010
Winter, 2011
All candidates will achieve a
passing score.
5. Teacher candidates will pass the
WEST E proficiency test.
West E Proficiency
6. Teacher candidates will demonstrate
professional dispositions in a practicum
learning experience.
Summative Teaching
Evaluation Rubric –
Philosophy Paper
7. Teacher candidates will demonstrate
using appropriate writing elements in a
variety of assignments.
Philosophy Paper
(General Education
Writing Rubric)
Winter, 2011
All candidates will achieve
performance level of
exemplary on a 4 level rubric.
All candidates will achieve
performance level of advanced
on a 4 level rubric.
All candidates will achieve
performance level of proficient
on a 4 level rubric.
3. What was learned?
In answering this question, please report results in specific qualitative or quantitative terms, with the
results linked to the outcomes you assessed, and compared to the standard of mastery (criterion) you
noted above. Please also include a concise interpretation or analysis of the results.
1. Teacher candidates will demonstrate best practices of effective teaching in physical
education and school health.
40 (100%)
15 (42%)
20 (57%)
Lesson Organization
40 (100%)
Characteristics of Effective
Content Knowledge
34 (85%)
6 (15%)
40 (100%)
Based on the data shown for the specific category of characteristics of effective teaching, the
teacher candidates have a thorough understanding of identifying the characteristics of effective
teaching 85% at target and 15% acceptable. The teacher candidates scored 100% on
demonstrating appropriate lesson organization. Overall, the teacher candidates are able to reflect
regularly on their characteristics of teaching by journaling and their write a reflection paper
based on their teaching experience and writing lesson plans.
2. Teacher candidates will create an interdisciplinary curriculum unit plan that is
aligned with the state and national standards for physical education and school
PESH 445: Interdisciplinary Curriculum Unit
Title Page and Table of
Unit Description –
Rationale, Grade Level,
Class Size, # of Days
Essential Questions
Unit Plan Curriculum
Procedures (Gymnasium
Conduct, and Class Rules)
Concept Map of Activities
Block Time Plan
11 (84%)
2 (15%)
11 (84%)
2 (15%)
11 (84%)
2 (15%)
11 (84%)
2 (15%)
13 (100%)
13 (100%)
6 (46%) 7 (53%)
Task Cards
Skill Charts
Grading Procedures
Assessment – PreTest/PostTest, Formative,
and Summative
11 (84%)
2 (15%)
11 (84%)
2 (15%)
4 (30%)
8 (61%)
7 (53%)
1 (7%) 1 (7%)
5 (38%)
Based on the data shown for the interdisciplinary curriculum plan, the teacher candidates
have a thorough understanding of creating a plan that contain many components
necessary to complete. For example, teacher candidates scored 84% at the exemplary
level and 15% at the proficient level in curriculum learning outcomes. The teacher
candidates had to create standard-based performance assessments and reported 61% at
the exemplary level and 38% proficient level. Overall, the teacher candidates are
meeting the expectations at the proficient level and above in planning instruction.
3. Teacher candidates will possess an organized comprehensive health portfolio or file
system that will contain health content information, resource links, and lesson ideas
critical to teaching health in the elementary schools.
HED 345: Comprehensive Health Education Resource File
1 (20%)
Injury Prevention and Safety 4 (80%)
CWU-CTL.1.1, NHES-2008.1.2.4, NHES2008.1.2.5, NHES-2008.1.5.4, NHES2008.1.8.5, NHES-2008.1.8.8, NHES2008.7.8.3
6 (85%)
1 (14%)
CWU-CTL.1.1, NHES-2008.1.2.1, NHES2008.1.5.1, NHES-2008.2.2.2, NHES2008.3.8.5, NHES-2008.7.5.2
Growth and Development
5 (83%)
1 (16%)
CWU-CTL.1.1, NHES-2008.1.8.2, NHES2008.1.8.3
Family Life and
1 (100%)
CWU-CTL.1.1, NHES-2008.2.12.6, NHES2008.2.5.6, NHES-2008.2.8.6
Disease Prevention and
3 (60%)
1 (20%) 1 (20%)
CWU-CTL.1.1, NHES-2008.1.2.1, NHES2008.1.2.3, NHES-2008.1.5.5, NHES2008.1.8.8, NHES-2008.7.8.3
Substance Abuse Prevention
5 (83%)
CWU-CTL.1.1, NHES-2008.7.5.2, NHES2008.7.8.2
Consumer & Community
2 (100%)
CWU-CTL.1.1, NHES-2008.3.5.2, NHES2008.3.8.2
Mental and Emotional
CWU-CTL.1.1, NHES-2008.7.5.2, NHES-
2 (100%)
1 (16%)
Environmental Health
3 (100%)
CWU-CTL.1.1, NHES-2008.8.2.2, NHES2008.8.5.2, NHES-2008.8.8.1, NHES2008.8.8.3
Personal Health
2 (66%)
1 (33%)
CWU-CTL.1.1, NHES-2008.1.8.6, NHES2008.1.8.7, NHES-2008.1.8.9, NHES2008.6.8.1
Based on the data shown, the teacher candidates have a thorough understanding of creating a
resource file that contains all of the main health education content areas necessary to complete.
Majority of all of the content areas were either scored at target or acceptable. For example,
teacher candidates scored 83% at the target level and 16% at the unacceptable level in the
substance abuse prevention. Nutrition was another area that did very well. 85% of the teacher
candidates met the expectations at the target level and 14% at the acceptable level. Overall, the
teacher candidates are meeting the expectations at the target level in their content areas.
4. Teacher candidates will demonstrate knowledge of a variety of content and
progressions in physical education and school health.
PESH 348: Skill Progression Rubric
Advanced Proficient Developing Beginner
Mean Mode Stdev
(4 pts)
(3 pts)
(2 pts)
(1 pts)
Task Progression
3.50 4
Task Appropriateness 19
3.44 4
3.00 4
3.94 4
Task Progression
Task Appropriateness
18 (56%)
12 (37%)
19 (59%)
12 (37%)
2 (6%)
8 (25%)
11 (34%)
5 (15%)
6 (18%)
3 (9%)
30 (93%)
2 (6%)
Based on the data shown for two cohorts, the teacher candidates scored 56% at the advanced
level and 37% at the proficient level and 6% at the developing level for task progression. The
teacher candidates scored slightly higher at 59% advanced, 25% proficient, and 15 % at the
developing stage for choosing appropriate learning tasks. Overall, the majority of the teacher
candidates are meeting the expectations at the proficient level and above in understanding and
learning appropriate skill progressions and choosing appropriate learning tasks relative to
childhood development and basic motor skills. The faculty will continue to teach our teacher
candidates a variety of appropriate skills from elementary to high school age students to become
more efficient in their understanding of specific skills progressions.
PESH 342: Skill Theme Rubric (Winter, 2011)
Knowledge of Concepts and
Skill Theme
10 (71%)
4 (28%)
Activity/Tasks Design
4 (26%)
10 (66%)
1 (6%)
Task Cards
7 (46%)
7 (46%)
1 (6%)
13 (86%)
2 (13%)
Evidence of Creativity
8 (53%)
5 (33%)
2 (13%)
Quality and Writing
8 (53%)
7 (46%)
CWU-CTL.1.2.4, CWU-CTL.2
Based on the data shown, the teacher candidates score 71% at the exemplary level and 28% at
the proficient level for the knowledge of movement concepts, locomotor, and nonlocomotor
skills in developing their skill theme project. Overall, the teacher candidates demonstrated the
knowledge of movement concepts, locomotor, and nonlocomotor skills at the proficient level and
above. There is always room for improvement in getting the teacher candidates to reach the
higher level of expectations and providing them with more opportunities in developing a variety
of movement concept tasks in the areas of spatial awareness, effort, and relationships.
5. Teacher candidates will pass the WEST E proficiency test.
Teacher candidates have traditionally performed well for the Praxis II and West E exams. This
clearly indicates in our PESH program that the faculty are conveying the content knowledge.
There were 26 health and fitness exam scores reported during 2010-2011. Out of those 26 exam
scores, 24 unique individuals passed the West E exam (92% passing rate). There were 76 health
and fitness exam scores reported since 2008 to 2011 are 76. Out of the 76 exam reports, 71
unique individuals have passed the exam (93% passing rate).
6. Teacher candidates will demonstrate using appropriate writing elements in a variety
of assignments.
PESH 280: Philosophy Paper – University Assessment Rubric
Rhetoric of the Discipline
No Pass
Based on the data shown, both cohorts (31 teacher candidates) performed well on writing their
philosophy paper for PESH 280 which is their first class in the cohort in physical education and
school health. Only one teacher candidate did not pass on the writing elements of the paper.
Faculty will continue to look at the writing elements in all of the courses in the physical
education and school health to improve teacher candidates’ writing.
7. Teacher candidates will demonstrate professional dispositions in a practicum
learning experience by a summative evaluation rubric.
Based on a 4 point level rubric, 12 out of 14 teacher candidates demonstrated a proficient score
on their teaching summative evaluation rubric for Practicum 4 in the professionalism component
during the Spring, 2011 quarter. The other two teacher candidates scored a satisfactory level.
4. What will the department or program do as a result of that information?
The PESH program will continue to review and assess program goals and their impact on student
learning. A similar assessment report was provided to the CTL in the College of Education and
Professional Studies. Both of these reports are shared and discussed at faculty meetings. Our next
program meeting will be in January, 2012. We meet on a regular basis about curriculum and
assessment. A number of changes will be needed because of the new information from the state
in professional education (Standard V, new state standards for professional education, and the
new Teacher Assessment Performance (TPA) instrument). The faculty will need to rewrite
rubrics and syllabi’s to accommodate the new standards in the pedagogical method courses and
practicums. These changes will also improve our teacher candidates to be better prepared for the
WEST E exam. Credit changes to the practicums have been revised to allow more time in the K12 schools.
5. What did the department or program do in response to last year’s assessment
Based on last year’s assessment information, our report had recommendations to develop an
indirect method of evaluation of our program. We are pleased that our program has developed a
new senior online survey to measure the effectiveness of the physical education and school
health program and the department’s mission and goals. The survey was created in the Spring of
2011, and one cohort (16 teacher candidates) has taken the first survey for Fall, 2011. Results
will be aggregated from Qualtrics Survey Software for next year’s assessment report. Also, the
program was encouraged to analyze student performance in the affective domain for teacher
candidates to be successful in the professional field. This past year, we are including it in our
evaluation rubrics in the teaching practicums. This was measured in Spring, 2011. The PESH
faculty have developed a dispositions self-reflection assessment questionnaire and still in the
process of trying to find ways to collect data during transitional points in the major. We are now
a physical education and school health program. We have begun assessing school health into the
student learning outcomes Fall, 2010.
6. Questions or suggestions concerning Assessment of Student Learning at
Central Washington University: None