Diversity Scorecard Meeting Minutes September 29 2007

Diversity Scorecard
Meeting Minutes
September 29 2007
Smith, Lorraine; Patterson, Chela; Rethans, Arno; Allen, Bill; Hutchinson,
Robinson, Tray; Raquel, Rocky; Parsons, Sandy;
1. We decided that from now on we will refer to the project as "The Diversity Scorecard."
2. We agreed that we need to broaden the working definition of diversity. It needs to include
more than ethnicity. Suggested that we include age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation,
international students, first generation college….etc. We will work on this definition at the next
meeting. Bring suggestions.
3. We decided that we will determine the diversity scorecard for the university this year.
Since we have a number of indicators under Access and Success - we will begin determining
indicators under institutional viability and vitality. Bring thoughts and suggestions to the
next meeting.
4. Tasks to do before next meeting
a. Review the definitions for each component of the diversity scorecard. If someone has
an electronic version of definitions, please forward to
b. Examine the USC and equity scorecard websites for information to aid our
c. Gayle will order the "gray:-)" -purple book for committee members: Assessing
campus diversity initiatives published by the Association of American Colleges and
d. Arno will recirculate the article in "Change."
e. Gayle to arrange meetings every other week
f. Arno to circulate information from Wisconsin and Indiana. Tray to circulate an
assessment template from UNH.
5. Other topics discussed today
a. Conduct a content analysis on student organization websites. Chela will find her
electronic list of student organizations. At the next meeting we will determine content to be
analyzed. Once we determine variables - Arno will ask one of his office staff to conduct the
content analysis on student
organizations with web sites.
b. Ask the President to conduct a prejudice awareness/diversity session on group
systems with the university advisory board
c. Ask the cabinet to conduct a prejudice awareness/diversity session on group systems
with the senior management team.
d. Conduct a document analysis in each college examining mission, goals, curricula and
assessment for diversity
-How can you have a GE theme without diversity infused in the content?
-Univ 101 and 102 offer prejudice reduction and or diversity learning modules.
Find out what is offered now.
-Chela will ask Mimi if there is a curriculum or assessment used in housing.
e. Common theme - coordinate a common book, common dvd, diversity conversations,
special events to the entire campus and learning. More discussion later.
f. Ask President to deliver an annual diversity scorecard address to campus
g. Ask Tray to provide evaluation forms to attendees of the conversation on diversity