Social Science 430: Capstone Seminar in Family Relations Introduction

Social Science 430:
Capstone Seminar in Family Relations
Ms. Lee Walker
Class Meets T Th 5:00 in Butte 505
Office: Butte 707-e
Office Hours: Th 12:30 to 1:30
Welcome to Social Science 430, Capstone Seminar on the Family. The purpose of this course is
to provide you with an overview of the issues that are researched and discussed by social
scientists regarding the family. We will consider families as public and private entities
comprised of close, personal relationships within a larger social milieu. Some say that the
relationship between family and society seems key to human life as we know it. Groups that
we can identify as families have existed for generations in almost every known human society.
Yet, here is a great deal of diversity in the forms and functions that families take. Families are
institutions performing socially valuable activities that are shaped by social, cultural, political
and economic forces. There is much to consider about the family. Let’s get started.
Catalog Description
Course Description and Goals: This course will examine major theoretical and methodological
approaches related to the content of social science and its application to various intellectual
and social issues. The learning objectives will be assessed by class writing assignments and
oral presentations. In this course, students will demonstrate foundational understandings,
concepts and values of the social sciences. They will also synthesize information from varied
sources and apply knowledge from multiple disciplines to understand real-world situations.
They will organize, write and deliver effective presentations using appropriate academic
discourse and technologies.
Social Science Student Learning Objectives . Our class will focus on objectives
1. Written Communication: Students can express ideas in concise, coherent and
grammatically correct prose.
2. Oral Communication: Students can deliver effective presentations using
appropriate academic discourse and technologies.
3. Modern Tools: Students can use modern computing tools necessary for research
and professional practice.
4. Teamwork: Students can collaborate and function effectively in multi-disciplinary
5. Service Learning: Students can serve the community in a variety of settings.
6. Social Science Concepts: Students can apply theories from multiple disciplines to
understand real-world situations.
Required Textbooks
The books are listed in the order that we will be reading them.
When I Found You By Catherine Ryan Hyde.
The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan. Any Edition
A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah
Two Tests.
One midterm and one final. Each test is worth 50 points.
Video experiences.
Produce two videos that are 4 to 5 minutes long. Post each video on the Video Discussion
Link that is under the “Assignments and Tests” link on the class homepage. Respond to at least
two videos by your colleagues.
Each video is worth 20 points. In addition, for each video you will also get 10 points for
commenting on two videos produced by your colleagues in the class. Students from past
classes describe this assignment as a fast, fun project.
In Class Writing Assignments:
Over the course of the semester you will be taking part in six in class writing exercises. Each essay will be
about a specific section from your reading or about related information.
You will write your essays during class. Specific information about reading material and due dates is on
your class schedule. Essays will be evaluated for spelling, sentence structure, cohesion of paragraphs,
and relationship of ideas. Essays will be returned to you at the next class meeting with suggestions for
revision. If revisions are requested you will be given one week to make them. Each essay is worth 5
6 assignments worth 5 points each for a total of 30 points
Present a Paper and Review a Paper. 50 points
When a person gives a presentation at a professional conference a reviewer often comments
on the presentation. This assignment is set up to follow the process. Each person in the class
will give a short presentation and each person will review a presentation by a classmate.
Each one of you will work with a partner so that you can organize your presentations around
the roles of presenter and of reviewer. You and your partner select the date that you wish to
give your presentations. Each one of you is free to select your own topic. The topics do not
need to be similar. You will be given time during class to work out the details of your
presentation with your partner.
This project is broken down into the following steps:
Discuss your ideas about a topic during class. Due February 11. 5 points
Be prepared to briefly share your ideas with the class on Tuesday, February 11. Please submit
a one page prospectus of your topic idea to me no later than February 11. The prospectus must
include a clear description of your focus. In addition, your prospectus should include a list of 4
sources that will be used for the paper. Your topic should fit into one of two general themes:
1. Problems or issues faced by families. Please select your topic from the list. If it is not on the
list contact me.
2. Families in different countries. This is a popular theme. Simply select a country and describe
the typical family in that country.
Your Role as the Presenter. 30 points
Plan on giving a 10 to 14 minute presentation to the class. Presentations will be given in a
simulated professional conference setting. Please include a PowerPoint or backboard display
with your presentation. Please give your discussant (partner) a copy of your presentation at
least three days prior to the presentation date. Your partner will do the same for you.
Your Role as The Reviewer. 15 points
The comments as a reviewer should be about 3 to 5 minutes long. It is important that the
reviewer and the presenter work together to create a seamless performance. You will be given
time during class to meet with your partner. The reviewer’s comments should include positive
remarks and constructive suggestions for improvement. At the end of the presentation the
reviewer will provide a written copy of comments to the author.
You are invited to give your presentation at the College of BSS Student Symposium on April
22. People who give a presentation will get lots of extra credit. Please notify me by March 1
if you wish to select this option.