The CSU, Chico Research Foundation Sole Source/Sole Brand Justification

The CSU, Chico Research Foundation
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Foundation Administration
Sole Source/Sole Brand Justification
For Vendors, Consultants and Subcontractors
Revised 3/28/2012
The CSU, Chico Research Foundation (Foundation) is committed to a program of active competition in
the purchase of supplies, equipment and services and requires that all purchases using Foundation funds
be open and competitive. A sole source/sole brand purchase request cannot be considered unless it
clearly demonstrates that no other vendor(s)/brand(s) can provide comparable services that meet the
functional needs of the Foundation project.
A justification is required for sole source/sole brand purchases of goods and materials (excluding tax and
shipping) and for services totaling over $5,000 from a single vendor, consultant, or utilizing a single brand.
If another vendor/brand can match the required specifications, regardless of price, competitive bids should
be secured. The Foundation has the authority to request three competitive bids if this sole source
justification is not acceptable.
Attach additional sheets if necessary to fully answer the questions below
1) Describe the project and what is being purchased or contracted for. Provide a brief description of the acquisition,
including all goods and/or services the contractor will provide.
2) What are the unique features of the product/brand that are not available in any other product or from any
other vendor? If services, what unique qualifications does the consultant or subcontractor possess?
3) What market research was conducted to substantiate no competition, including evaluation of other items/contractors
considered? Provide a narrative of your efforts to identify other similar or appropriate goods/services, including how
the department concluded that such alternatives are either inappropriate or unavailable.
4) How was the price determined to be fair and reasonable?
5) What are the consequences of not purchasing the good/service for contracting with the proposed
supplier/contractor? Describe in detail the impact to the department and to the program if the sole source is not
6) Describe any cost savings realized or costs avoided by acquiring the goods/services from this supplier.
Project Director or Designee Signature
Foundation Approval