Section 1: Scholarship Information Packet Requirements

UPDATED: 3/3/14
Section 1: Scholarship Information Packet Requirements
Please submit completed copies of the following before the deadline of the scholarship for which you
are applying. Print this form and use it as a checklist to mark off your progress.
Cover Letter
o For information to help you complete your cover letter, please go here:
o For information to help you complete your résumé, please go here:
Written Personal Statement (Template included on page 3 of these instructions)
Please also ensure that you have a FAFSA on file with the Department of Financial Aid at CWU. For more
information on how to do this please go here:
Section 2: Instructions for Submitting Scholarship Information Packet
1. Create a folder on your computer called: LastName_FirstName_Scholarship_Info_Packet. Save
all of the items from Section 1 in this folder. Please name the files following the naming
convention mentioned in the next step.
2. After completing each of the requirements listed in Section 1, save your files as a Microsoft
Word compatible document (one that preserves your in-document formatting) using the
following naming convention:
a. Cover Letter: LastName_FirstName_CoverLetter
b. Résumé: LastName_FirstName_Resume
c. Personal Statement: LastName_FirstName_Personal_Statement
Information Technology and Administrative Management
Shaw Smyser Hall - Suite 223 - 400 E. University Way Ellensburg, WA 98926
Once the files have been saved into the folder following the above naming convention, zip the folder
into a compressed folder using software that creates a zipped folder with a .zip file extension. After
successfully zipping your folder, it will contain items a-c above in a folder named
3. Email your completed packet in a professionally written email to Elizabeth Henry, ITAM Office
Manager at A professional email includes the following:
a. Subject: ITAM Scholarship Information Packet for <Your Name>
b. Greeting: Hello Ms. Henry
c. Body: Write a short paragraph explaining the purpose of your email. Please include if
you have already satisfied the internship requirement, and when you plan to graduate.
d. Closing Remarks
e. Your Name
Submit the completed packet prior to the stated deadline for the scholarship for which you are
Section 3: Selection Criteria
1. Academic Performance
2. Leadership Potential and Career Goals
3. Quality of Résumé, Cover Letter, and Other Application Materials
Section 4: Eligibility Requirements
1. ITAM Major who has completed a full quarter of classes in the ITAM Department prior to
application deadline date
2. Minimum GPA: 3.2 cumulative and in the major. Must be of high scholarship merit and potential
3. Full time student at application deadline date
4. Planned full time enrollment as an ITAM major for the remaining school year.
5. Successful completion and submission of all Information Packet items before the stated
6. Students must have authorization to work in the United States on a full-time basis for other than
training purposes (student/temporary visas do not qualify)
7. Demonstrated financial need
8. Must possess excellent leadership and communication skills
9. Interest in the aerospace/defense or cyber security industry preferred
Information Technology and Administrative Management
Shaw Smyser Hall - Suite 223 - 400 E. University Way Ellensburg, WA 98926
Complete the information below this line. Then, erase the horizontal line and everything
above the line and save the file as: LastName_FirstName_Personal_Statement
Name: <Your Name>
Date: July 24, 2016
1. In 1-3 sentences, please explain why you would be the best candidate for the scholarship award
for which you are applying.
2. Leadership Experience
In one paragraph each, provide a brief explanation of your leadership experience in:
a. Campus/CWU Activities
b. Community Activities
3. In one paragraph, explain how your leadership experiences will help you reach your career
Information Technology and Administrative Management
Shaw Smyser Hall - Suite 223 - 400 E. University Way Ellensburg, WA 98926