Strategic Planning Explanation for Academic Departments Background: The CWU Strategic Plan was endorsed by the Board of Trustees in July, 2011. An institutional level committee (Strategic Operations Team) was created in the fall of 2011 to monitor the implementation, analysis, and recommendation of associated outcomes, indicators, strategic initiatives, and budget. This committee worked over the spring and summer, 2012 to craft an implementation process for individual units (i.e., division, college, departments/centers, etc.) that connected and mirrored the university strategic planning and reporting structure and cycle. Timing in terms of implementation was especially important this fall and academic year given impending institutional accreditation reporting requirements by the NWCCU in the fall of 2013. Department/unit level feedback will be sought during the 2012-2013 academic year for future unit level process adaption and refinement. Also, annual and program review content reporting requirements will be developed through deliberative and collaborative processes with departments (through faculty senate and ADCO) this fall, 2012 quarter. Department/Unit Process Steps: 1. Develop a Dept./Unit Level Strategic Plan Using Template (Due to Dean: December 14, 2012) A. Develop department level outcomes and match to university level strategic objectives. i. Review/edit/create dept./unit outcomes from sample objectives (see attachment) and past plans (see ii. Note that it is not necessary to create and align a unit level outcome to each university level strategic objective. Also, outcomes could simply be adapted for use by the department from those currently listed at the university level. B. Define significant indicator(s) for each outcome that describe the data to be collected, analyzed, and evaluated to determine outcome obtainment. C. Define a clear expected performance level for each outcome by which indicator results will be assessed. D. Identify specific individuals and/or offices responsible for providing outcome indicator data. E. List specific and significant activities and approaches that the unit/department provides and/or supports to achieve outcomes. F. Identify the budget and resources (human, physical, monetary) tied to key activities and approaches to achieve outcomes. i. Most budget related data will be provided by Office of Organizational Effectiveness. 2. Review/update (if applicable) Student Learning Assessment Plan(s) (Due to Dean: December 14, 2012) 3. Collect/Analyze outcome indicator related data (September 2012 to September 2013) 4. Provide Input/Feedback to Strategic Operations Team as to future Department/Unit strategic planning process adaption, refinement, timing, and annual and program review content reporting requirements. (September, 2012 to June, 2013). 5. Complete End of Year Unit/Department report and submit to Dean (Due to Dean: October 1, 2013) 6. Administrative response to end of year report is provided by Dean (Due to Dept.: November 1, 2013. 7. Submit Department Budget Requests for 2014-2015 (Due to Dean: December 1, 2013) 8. Administrative response to budget request is provided by Dean (Due to Dept.: May, 2014) [Type text] Page 1