HOW FIFTH GRADE STUDENTS MAKE SENSE OF DECIMALS By Beryl G. Scarbrough Fall 2003 Rational numbers represented in decimal form present various difficulties for middle school children. The purpose of this study was to examine how fifth grade students made sense of decimals in order to provide teachers with a lens through which they may view their own classroom and make informed decisions regarding instruction of decimals. Research shows that symbol manipulation without understanding is ineffective. The review of research focused on how students understand mathematical concepts in general and then looked specifically at the complexity of learning decimal notation. The research review suggested that knowledge of quantity determined understanding of decimal numerals. This investigation then, focused on how ten fifth grade students determined quantity of a decimal numeral. Data was collected from a written test and the student’s explanations of answers given on that test. The results revealed: 1) The underachieving students interpreted decimal numerals using whole number rules and 2) The higher achieving students who revealed knowledge of quantity appeared to interpret decimal quantity by connecting them with their fraction equivalent.