Geography 102
Section 04
T TH 2:00-3:15pm Butte 101
Dr. Elizabeth Stewart
Office: 702 E
Hours: 3:15 – 4:00 TTH
Course Description:
In this course you will learn how the study of human geography, leads to an
understanding of the interdependence of places and regions in a globalizing world. Among
the topics we will consider during the course are regions, culture, resources, languages,
religions, and spatial behavior.
Geography and Planning Department Student Learning Objectives:
1.1 Students can formulate geographic research questions.
2.1. Students can recognize the presence and application of regional, local and global
dimensions of the social and physical worlds in the landscape.
2.2. Students can recognize the presence and application of regional, local and global
dimensions of the social and physical worlds in data.
3.1. Students can explain interactions between the size and distribution of human and nonhuman populations, resources and the natural environment in historic and contemporary
3.2. Students understand their family’s migration history in the context of historical patterns
of immigration and migration that have shaped the contemporary social landscape in the
United States, including comparative and historical studies of the cultures of origin of
American ethnic groups.
3.3 Student will understand that the ways in which they use the environment can affect
future generations and other human and natural systems.
4.1. Students can analyze information from different physical or social sciences from a
geographic perspective.
Required materials:
TEXT; Greiner, Visualizing Human Geography (binder edition)
(Plan to use this as a workbook and bring it to class every session)
Binder for text, notes and handouts
“Geography 102 Human Geography Map Set” (purchase at bookstore for
“Map Quiz Study Guide” (from bookstore)
A packet of 4 x 6 note cards for film critiques and “quick comment” points
8 Critical Thinking 1 page summaries @10 pts each
#1 Intro to You
# 2 Family Migration Survey and Map
4 Film Critiques @ 5 pts each (Due day of showing)
9 Map quizzes @ 20 pts each
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
510 points
Late papers will be counted down 10% for each day they are late. No film critiques will
be accepted late. You must have a written university authorized excuse to miss a quiz or
test. Make-ups will be allowed only before the papers are returned to the class. Come to
my office for make-ups. We can set an appointment if necessary..
Attendance is very important. I will take attendance based on your discussion critiques
and film reviews and an occasional roll call. Do not waste your time and money by being
absent and missing the detailed assignments, etc. If you have an emergency, bring a note
and email me ahead if possible.
Class Participation and conduct. Do NOT plan to leave the classroom during the
session. Use the bathroom in advance. If you leave do not come back until class is over.
No food or drink is allowed in Butte 101. No cell phone or electronic devices are
allowed. Turn everything off.
I reserve the right to re-seat you if I feel you are disturbing others by talking.
However, I want class participation in discussions and especially in the critical thinking
groups. We will all be polite to differences of opinion and questions from the group.
NOTE: In order to understand human geography, you must know where events are
located. Thus, the time spent on learning locations in the world is important.
The Map Set is for you to use for practice along with the Map Quiz Study
When marking your maps with the places indicated in the guide, use the
following colors which are common on most maps. Cities - red dots; state, country
borders- green; waterways (lakes, rivers, oceans, etc.) in blue; and landforms
(mountain ranges, etc) in shaded brown.
The quizzes will be projected on the screen and will require a scantron for
your answers.
Textbook Use: The assigned textbook is a new one on “visualizing” geography. It
is full of excellent maps, charts, pictures, etc. It also contains very helpful “selftests”. You will be expected to take these tests and check your answers for each
chapter. The mid-term and final exams will be made up of questions from these
self-tests. Bring the book to class every session as we will be using it all the time.
Directions for critical thinking groups and papers:
1. Sit with your assigned group (no switching)
2. Appoint a leader to get the specific assignment from the instructor.
3. Discuss your topic; take notes of your classmates’ ideas, note ideas from
the text chapter.
4. Go home and write a clearly organized one page paper (typed, doublespaced) in which you give at least one major point from the discussion of
the issue. Be precise, informative and show that you have learned
something. These are not just empty opinion papers. Base your
thoughts on the discussion and text. Do NOT go over one page.
Directions for Essays
Essay # 1 “Who Are You?” Prepare a typed, double-spaced, 250 word essay that
answers the following questions:
1. Why did you enroll in this class?
2.What international travels have you had?
3. What national travels have you had, outside the Chico area?
4. What do you hope to learn from this course? Are you thinking of becoming a
geography major?
5. What regions of the world interest you most? Why?
6. Who are you? Give me some descriptions of you as a person that will help me get to
know you.
Due August 30 at the beginning of class., Put your name and date in upper right
corner of paper.
Essay # 2 “Family Migrations” Prepare a typed, double-spaced, 500-750 word
essay that discusses the following: Interview your parent(s) and/or at least two other
older relatives about the migrations they have undertaken as children and adults. (You
will interview at least two people) What were some of the push and pull factors that help
explain their movements? Were their migrations mostly voluntary or were they forced?
Were they internal or international Were you family members’ migrations due to
conflict, war, or other hardships? Was your family’s migration experience similar or
different from those of people today in third world countries? How so? Do you think
their lives might have been different had they not made these moves? How have the
places from which they migrated changed since they left? From Chico, what is your
tentative migration plan? Give some reasons.
Be certain that your paper clearly demonstrates that you understand the concepts
which are introduced in chapter 3 of our text. Use geographer’s terminology, This paper
is personal, but also an academic exercise.
8/23; 25; 30
9/1; 6; 8
Introduction to Geography
Terms and maps
DVD “Gates of the Arctic”
Globalization and Cultural
DVD “Outsourced”
Population and Migration
9/13; 15; 20
Geographies of Languages
9/22; 27; 29
Geographies of Religion
9/10/4, 6;
10/13 18; 20
10/ 25; 27;
11/1; 3
11/ 8; 10
11/ 15; 17
Midterm Exam 10/11
Geographies of Identity: Race,
Ethnicity, Sexuality, and 10/20
DVD “Mississippi Masala”
Political Geographies
Chapter 2
Critical thinking paper # 1
Map quiz # 1 from Ex. II-- U.S.
Chapter 3
Critical Th. Paper #2
Map Quiz #2; Ex. IV—Middle
Chapter 4
Cr. Th paper #3
Map Quiz #3; Ex. V—South
Chapter 5
Cr. Th paper #4
Map Quiz #4; Ex. VII a & b—
Chapter 6
Cr. Th paper #5
Map Quiz #5 Ex. VII --Eurasia
Chapter 7
Cr. Th Paper # 6
Map Quiz # 6 Ex. IX—Middle
Urban Geographies
Chapter 8
DVD “The End of suburbia” 11/8
Family Migration Essay due
Map Quiz # 7 Ex. X & XI—
South and East Asia
Chapter 11
Cr. Th. Paper # 7
Map Quiz # 8 Ex. XIV—
Northern Africa
Eat lots!
Agricultural Geographies
Thanksgiving Week
11-20 to 26
ASSIGNMENTS Attend class
to get specific assignments and
due dates.)
Chapter 1
Critical Thinking groups
Essay # 1
11/29; 12/1; 6; 8
Environmental Challenges
DVD “Alaska Pipeline”
Chapter 12
Map Quiz # 8 EX. XV—
Southern Africa
Cr. Th. Paper # 8
DECEMBER 15 12 NOON – 1:50