GEOG 440: Environmental Thought in Action

GEOG 440: Environmental Thought in Action
Faculty: Mark Stemen
Phone: 898-5428
Office: 541 Butte Hall
Office Hours: T 10-11, TR 1-2
W 5-6, 9-10, and by appt.
This seminar will integrate the various interdisciplinary curricular elements of
the Environmental Studies minor and provide students with an appreciation for
the interplay between the many interrelated dimensions—the scientific, the
social, the historical, and the humanistic—of the study of the environment.
Mark Stemen ed., Environmental Studies Reader
Chris Rose, How to Win Campaigns
Increase knowledge of important writings in environmental studies
Synthesize and reflect on the ideas and theories presented in other
environmental studies classes
Translate abstract thought into concrete action
Learn direct democracy skills
Eleven Journals (two pages)
Election participation
Election Reflection
Final Journal (three pages)
Total Possible
440 points
300 points
40 points
40 points
820 points
Since writing is thinking on paper, we will spend a majority of the class focusing
on your written work. Each week I require you to write a two-page journal on
that week’s reading assignment. I comment on these journals, but I do not grade
them. If it appears to me that you have read the material and spent some time
thinking about it, you receive full credit. My goal in assigning the exercise is to
get you into the habit of writing about what you have just read.
You will also participate in the student elections to gain insight into the process
of grassroots democracy and “shareholder activism.” I created this assignment so
you could learn the nuts and bolts skills—drafting legal initiatives, tabling,
public speaking, signature collection, etc.—in a meaningful setting. These are
your elections. They should matter to you.
I expect you to attend every class but things do come up. Everyone is
allowed one unexcused absence. After that each subsequent absence will lower
your overall total by ten points. Not missing class all semester is hard to do and
an effort I wish to reward. So, if you never miss a class, you earn ten points extra
If you have a disability of any type that makes it difficult for you to
complete any of above the course work please let me know and I will work with
you to overcome the problem.
Weekly reading assignments and course work deadlines
January 29 — The 411
January 31 — Top Ten Issues
List of top ten campus environmental issues due in class
February 5 — Campus Ballot Issues
Narrow top ten issues to two or three
BOD meeting Monday, 3pm, BMU 205
February 7 — Idle No More
Graham, Getting Institutions to Do What You Want
Ross, Introduction & Chapter 1
Journal #1 due
February 12 — “Should the Associated Students . . . “
Draft Initiative
Visit a BOD member prior to class
February 14— Framing Issues
Ross, Chapters 2 & 6
Journal # 2 due
February 19 — Negotiating the Process
Finalize initiative wording - Initiative Due by 5pm
BOD meeting Monday, 3pm, BMU 205
February 21 — Change Agent Skills
Ross, Chapters 2 & 6
McKenzie-Mohr, Norms: Building Community Support
Journal # 3 due
February 26 — The Art of Tabling
Form campaign committees
February 28 — Planning a Campaign
Ross, Chapter 4
Journal #4 due
March 5 — Excuse me, would you like to sign . . .
Gather signatures
March 7 — Campaign Research
Ross, Chapter 3
Journal # 5 due (issue research)
March 12 — Signature Update
Bring signatures sheets to class
March 14 — Collate and Submit Signatures
Ross, Chapter 5
Journal # 6 due
Signature Deadline – March 15, 5pm in BMU 205
March 19 — No Class
March 21 — No Class
March 26 — Campaign Update
March 28 — Me Talk Pretty One Day
McKenzie-Mohr, Creating Effective Messages
Journal #7 due (an effective message)
April 2 — Campaign Update
April 4 — Getting Your Message Out
Ross, Chapters 7 & 9
Journal # 8 due
April 9 — Campaign Update
April 11 — Living Sustainably
Ross, Chapters 8
Journal #9 due
April 16 — GOTV: Get Out The Vote
Group campaign effort around campus
Voting Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
April 18 - Voter Turnout!
No Journal
April 23 — Campaign Reflection
Reflection Journal Due
April 25 — Follow-up
Film: Just Do it
April 30 — For the Love of the Earth
Film: If A Tree Falls
May 2 — Civil Disobedience vs Eco-Terrorism
Rassmussen, Green Rage
Journal # 10 due
May 7 — Measuring What Matters
Film: Economics of Happiness
May 9 — Systematic Change
Meadows, Limits to Growth, Chapters 7 & 8
Journal #11 due
May 14 — Direct Action
May 16 — Discussion
May 23 — Final Event
Final Journal due
2:00pm, Location TBA