GEOG 304--04: Environmental Issues Spring, 2014 Monday/Wednesday: 4:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m., Holt 298 Jeremy Miller: Instructor Office: Holt 144 (530) 898-4550 Office Hours: M 2:15-3:45pm/W 12:15-3:45pm e-mail: A. Course Description (taken from the University Catalog): Geographic analysis of humanity's interaction with the environment. Examines natural and human systems, resources, population, energy, and pollution. Develops an appreciation of the beauty, balance, and complexity of natural systems and human success in attaining harmony with them. Enhances awareness and perception of each individual's role in and with the environment. B. Course Objectives/Goals: 1. To enhance the students' appreciation of our planet and the value of practicing sustainability. 2. To explore environmental issues implementing the basic themes of geography. 3. To use the arena of Environmental Issues as a medium for the extension of reasoning, speaking, and writing skills. 4. Introduce students to the geographic study of "human/environment relationships." 5. Introduce students to concepts underpinning modern sustainability. 6. Provide an active model of connection with environmental issues. 7. Provide students with points of entry to discuss sustainability with their peers and the opportunity to find their own voice on the issues. C. Required Materials: 1. 2. 3. 4. Miller, Jr., G. Tyler. Sustaining the Earth (9th, 10th, or 11th edition) Quinn, Daniel. Ishmael Selected readings linked on class website (Blackboard Learn) Basic quad-lined notebook, 10.25" x 7.875". These are available in the campus bookstore. D. Course Requirements: (Elements of the course are weighted in the following manner, actual points will vary) 4 Quizzes 28% of course total Comprehensive Final 25% Notebook entries 15% Participation (self-assess) 12% Ishmael Essay 12% “Coffee Talk” Presentation 8% _____ 100% E. Grading: 1. Grades will be determined by simple percentages, as follows: 93 - 100% = A 77 - 79% = C+ 90 - 92% = A73 - 76% = C 87 - 89% = B+ 70 - 72% = C- 83 - 86% = B 60 - 69% = D 80 - 82% = B0 - 59% = F F. Late Assignments: Assignments turned in after the due date will be accepted for ½ credit for up to one week past the due date, unless prior arrangement has been made. Late assignments will not be accepted past one week. G. Attendance: Attendance will be taken via sign-in sheet. 2 excused absences are allowed (example: family emergency, sick with note from doctor). A request for an excused absence must be made via email no later than the same day as class. Additional absences may result in a deduction of 0.6% of your course grade for each absence. Please note that quizzes may not be made up unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor. See you in class! Add/Drop: Students not attending class the first week of school will be automatically dropped from the course, unless they give prior notice to the instructor. H. Weekly Schedule (tentative): FOOD, HEALTH WATER ECOLOGY OUTSIDE! = Unless otherwise noted, meet on the lawn by the creek across from Holt Hall, Bring a blanket or chair! UNIT DATE TOPIC/ACTIVITY READING/HOMEWORK DUE 1/22 Review of Syllabus and Course Logistics Course Syllabus What are the Issues? Browse Course Website Sign-up for Student Presentations Lecture: Revealing, Connecting, Personalizing Where Are You At? Bioregional Quiz 1/27 Footprints (website) Where Are You At? California’s Ecology Miller 2-4, 2-5, 2-6 1/29 Lecture: Captivity Ishmael Part 1 Guest Speaker: Susan Mason, Friends of Bidwell Park OUTSIDE! 2/3 Miller 3-4, 3-5, 4-1, 4-3 Ecology Each One Teach One OUTSIDE! “Dihydrogen Monoxide” 2/5 (browse the website) Student Presentation Work Day Miller 2-1 2/10 Lecture: Water in a Nutshell Ishmael Parts 2 - 5 Coffee Talk 1 Miller 8-1, 8-2 “Water: Adapting to a New Normal” 2/12 QUIZ #1 (website) Guest Speaker: Robyn DiFalco, Executive Director Butte Environmental Council Miller 8-3 “Fertilized World” (website) 2/17 Lecture: Our Fertilized World Ishmael Parts 6 – 8 Coffee Talk 2, 3 Miller 7-1, 8-6, 2-7 (nitrogen cycle) “Getting Fossil Fuels off Our Plate” 2/19 What is a Sustainable Meal? (website) Lecture: I Am What I Eat 2/24 Video: DIRT! The Movie Miller 7-2, 7-3, 7-4, 7-5 Ishmael Part 9 “Is Local Food Better?” (website) 2/26 QUIZ #2 “The Inefficiency of Local Food” (website) “Three Reasons Why Freakonomics Video: DIRT! The Movie is Wrong” (website) 3/3 3/24 Guest Speaker: Francine Stuelpnagel GRUB Farm Coffee Talk 4, 5 OUTSIDE! Ishmael Discussion Share Ishmael Rough Drafts Coffee Talk 6, 7, 8 Lecture: Fire and Forestry Coffee Talk 9, 10 Lecture: Energy Made Personal 3/26 Coffee Talk 11 Energy Round Robin 3/5 NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENERGY 3/10 3/12 Notebooks due! Ishmael Parts 10 - 11 Ishmael Parts 12 – 13 Ishmael Essay Rough Draft Due (bring 2 hard copies to class) Ishmael Essay Due 1 p.m. Friday 3/14 in Holt 101 (my box) or Holt 144 (my office) Miller 10-1, 10-8 “Estimated U.S. Energy Use 2012” (website diagram—single page) Miller Ch 9, 10: Energy Pro/Con (See website for assignment) WASTE MANAGEMENT AND POLLUTION CLIMATE CHANGE LEAVER SOCIETY AND THE FUTURE 4/2 Guest Speaker: Robin Trenda, Chico Green Builders TEDxRainier Amory Lovins, Reinventing Fire (video on website) 4/7 QUIZ #3 Lecture: Municipal Solid Waste in the U.S. Discussion: 24 Hours of Waste Coffee Talk 12 Guest Speaker: Kinley Deller, Project Manager Recycling and Environmental Services, King County (Seattle) Video: Story of Stuff Coffee Talk 13 Lecture: The Carbon Cycle Coffee Talk 14, 15 Lecture: California and Global Climate Change Coffee Talk 16 24 Hours of Waste (See website for assignment) 4/9 4/14 4/16 4/21 Coffee Talk 17, 18, 19, 20 4/23 4/28 POTLUCK! (location tbd) QUIZ #4 4/30 Coffee Talk 21, 22 Lecture: Transition Towns 5/5 5/7 5/12 Coffee Talk 23, 24 Lecture: Tapestries Coffee Talk 25 Final Project Practice Final Project Due, 6 p.m. “The World’s Largest Dump: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch” (website) Miller 12-2, 13-4, 13-5 Miller 2-7 (carbon cycle) “Sierra a ‘living lab’ for climate change” (website) Miller 12-6, 12-7 “The International Response to Climate Change” (website) Miller 13-1, 13-2, 13-3 “The Death of Sprawl” (website) “Local Government in a Time of Peak Oil” (website) Miller 13-7, 14-4 “What is Education For” (website) Miller 14-8 Notebooks due! Final Project Due 6 p.m. in Holt 101 (my box) or Holt 144 (my office) I. Notebook: Your notebook will include responses to designated readings (as noted in BOLD in the syllabus) as well as personal notes from lectures, videos, guest presenters, additional reading assignments, and student presentations. Each note-taking session should be legible, on its own page, and with a heading and date. Your notebook will be your “open-note” resource for all quizzes, your Ishmael essay, and the final. Reading Responses: Heading should include the title of the reading and the name of the author. Unless otherwise noted, reading responses will be 1 – 2 notebook pages in length. Approximately ½ of the response should be a brief summary of the key points in the reading, and ½ should be 1 – 2 paragraphs consisting any combination of the following: Key points that stand out for you and why Areas where you agree/disagree and why Questions, ideas, or thoughts that were triggered by the reading Personal Notes: In addition to serving as your key resource for quizzes and the final, credit will be given to legible, cohesive note-taking sessions of over ½ page in length that have a clear heading and date. J. “Coffee Talk” Presentations: One of the best ways to gain understanding of an issue is to explain it to someone else. Coffee Talks will be done in pairs, and will serve to provide the class with a more focused understanding of current environmental issues. Presentations will be 10 minutes in length, and may be in the form of a lecture, class activity, song, theatrical performance, power-point presentation, etc. The presentation is worth 8% of the course grade. General Guidelines: Length: 10 minutes (8 minutes minimum, 12 minutes maximum) Format: Lecture, class activity, song, live theatrical performance, powerpoint presentation, other (ask Jeremy). Content: 1. Provide us with enough background (8th grade level) to understand the issue and the various perspectives (pros/cons). 2. Why should we care? How are CSU Chico students connected to this issue? 3. What is the future of this issue? 4. Share with us your personal take on the issue and the reasons behind your thoughts 3 2 Content was lacking 0 Explanation was Presentation lacked organization, Minimal satisfactory. Presentation was was confusing at times. effort less than 8 minutes or Presentation was too short more than 12 minutes (less than 5 min) or too long (more than 15 min) Missing Satisfactory 1 Minimal effort Missing Scoring Rubric for Presentations 4 Appropriate content was Content provided to gain a clear picture of the issue (background, differing points of view, etc.) Content was clearly explained, was about 10 minutes in length Engagement Presentation was engaging Presentation was good, and conducted with confidence but lacked polish Presentation showed lack of preparation and confidence, was boring. Minimal effort Opinion Presenters provided their own commentary/opinion about the issue Some commentary was provided Minimal effort Resources Presentation notes, visual Satisfactory aids, and bibliography/sources are provided, either electronically or as a hard copy. Wikipedia is not used as a source. Lacking Minimal effort Good commentary was provided, but lacked depth Coffee Talks Topics and Dates: 1. (Feb 2) The Peripheral Canal (Peripheral Tunnels) p 2. (Feb 17) Drought in California! 3. (Feb 17) TBA 4. (Mar 3) GMO Food 5. (Mar 3) Bee Colony Collapse Disorder 6. (Mar 10) What is Biofuel all about? 7. (Mar 10) Fracking (“Induced Hydrolic Fracturing”) 8. (Mar 10) Keystone XL Pipeline 9. (Mar 12) Little bits of metal, big impact: Tungsten and Neodymium Mining 10. (Mar 12) TBA 11. (Mar 24) Residential Solar: When is it worth the investment? 12. (Apr 7) Waste Management and Recology: Where do my recycling and garbage really go? 13. (Apr 9) TBA 14. (Apr 14) Ban Nature? Don’t volcanoes and forest contribute to CO2 levels and climate change? 15. (Apr 14) What is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change? 16. (Apr 16) California Assembly Bill 32 17. (Apr 21) What is Cap and Trade? Does it work? 18. (Apr 21) Sea Star Wasting Syndrome 19. (Apr 21) California High Speed Rail 20. (Apr 21) Organized Religion and the Environment: A crusade for a healthier planet, or an undertapped resource? 21. (Apr 28) Ecolabeling: Valuable tool, or marketing gimmick? 22. (Apr 28) Can Eating Bugs Save the World? 23. (Apr 30) Our Wireless World: Do instant information, social media, apps, etc aid us in solving environmental problems by connecting people together, or does it hamper efforts by distancing us from the natural world? 24. (Apr 30) Local Issue: What is Chico’s Greenline? 25. (May 5) Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) Missing Missing Missing Clarity/ Organization