Service Learning Advisory Committee S4 Workgroup MLIB 338

Service Learning Advisory Committee
S4 Workgroup
October 27, 2015; 9:00 - 10:00 AM
MLIB 338
Meeting AGENDA
Workgroup Members: Wendy Bentley (iRES), Shelby Davis (iRES), Patti Horsley (OCE), Mike
Thorpe (RM), Sara Rumiano (Procurement)
Meeting Outcomes
1. Agree on and prioritize workgroup goals
2. Establish next steps in accomplishing desired outcomes
3. Schedule next workgroup meeting
Discussion Items
1. Where we are now
a. What is S4’s current status?
2. Where do we want to be in December? In May 2016?
3. Review and prioritize workgroup goals and potential outcomes
a. Which workgroup goals will get us to our desired place?
b. Are any missing?
c. Which outcomes are our top priorities?
4. Accomplishing top priority goals
a. What questions do we need to answer in order to accomplish our top priority?
b. How can we answer those questions?
c. What steps are needed to accomplish our top priority?
d. Who is responsible for those steps?
5. Summary and Next Steps
Workgroup Goals
Strategic Direction: Faculty and Staff
1.f) Collaborating with risk management and other stakeholders to establish clear
guidelines and campus-wide risk management procedures.
1. Process for approving SL sites/placements
2. Plan for Implementation of EM
3. Process for S4 tracking and maintenance
Strategic Direction: Students
1.) Evaluate civic engagement activities and impacts by collecting data on student
learning, campus culture community benefits and systematically using that
information to strengthen our practices.
1. S4 contains a comprehensive list of all CE/SL activities on campus
Strategic Direction: Community
1.d) Working across campus to establish a method for ongoing connection between
campus and community partners (ie. clearinghouse or database)
1.e) Identifying underserved communities and working with faculty and staff to develop
ways to connect and extend reciprocal partnership opportunities
1. S4 is used to identify underserved communities in the University’s service area in
order to extend reciprocal partnership opportunities
2. Faculty, students and community use S4 to search for CE activities and potential