Publications for Judy Kay
Rangan, A., Tielemann, L., Louie, J., Tang, L.,
Hebden, L., Kay, J., Allman-Farinelli, M. (2016).
Electronic Dietary Intake Assessment (e-DIA):
Relative validity of a mobile phone application to measure intake of core and discretionary foods
[Forthcoming]. British Journal of Nutrition , in press. <a href="
1-8">[More Information]</a>
Ackad, C., Clayphan, A., Tomitsch, M., Kay, J.
(2015). An in-the-wild study of learning mid-air gestures to browse hierarchical information at a large interactive public display. UBICOMP
2015: ACM International Conference on
Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing , New
York: ACM. <a href="
2">[More Information]</a>
Yekeh, F., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R., Tang, L.,
Allman-Farinelli, M. (2015). Can SAL Support
Self Reflection for Health and Nutrition. The 27
Australian Conference on Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI) OzCHI 2015 , New York:
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
<a href="
2">[More Information]</a>
Martinez Maldonado, R., Clayphan, A., Kay, J.
(2015). Deploying and Visualising Teacher's
Scripts of Small Group Activities in a
Multi-surface Classroom Ecology: a Study in-the-wild. Computer Supported Cooperative
Work , 24(3), 177-221. <a href="
7-6">[More Information]</a>
Rangan, A., O'Connor, S., Giannelli, V., Yap,
M., Tang, L., Roy, R., Louie, J., Hebden, L.,
Kay, J., Allman-Farinelli, M. (2015). Electronic
Dietary Intake Assessment (e-DIA): Comparison of a Mobile Phone Digital Entry App for Dietary
Data Collection With 24-Hour Dietary Recalls.
JMIR mHealth and uHealth , 3(4), 1-12. <a href="">[
More Information]</a>
Yekeh, F., Kay, J., Tang, L., Kummerfeld, R.
(2015). Formative studies of SAL, simple situated ambient loggers. UBICOMP 2015: ACM
International Conference on Pervasive and
Ubiquitous Computing , New York: ACM. <a href="
2">[More Information]</a>
Kay, J. (2015). Harnessing Big Personal Data, with Scrutable User Modelling for Privacy and
Publications for Judy Kay
Control. 2015 ACM Multimedia Conference
MM'15 , New York: Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM). <a href="
0">[More Information]</a>
Tang, L., Kay, J., Yekeh, F., Kummerfeld, R.
(2015). Introducing SAL, simple, situated, ambient loggers, for personal goals. UBICOMP
2015: ACM International Conference on
Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing , New
York: ACM. <a href="
0">[More Information]</a>
Parker, C., Kay, J., Tomitsch, M., Baldauf, M.
(2015). Keeping it private: an augmented reality approach to citizan participation from public displays. UBICOMP 2015: ACM International
Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous
Computing , New York: ACM. <a href="
1">[More Information]</a>
Martinez-Maldonado, R., Pardo, A., Mirriahi, N.,
Yacef, K., Kay, J., Clayphan, A. (2015).
LATUX: An Iterative Workflow for Designing,
Validating, and Deploying Learning Analytics
Visualizations. Journal of Learning Analytics ,
2(3), 9-39. <a href="">
[More Information]</a>
Fekete, A., Kay, J., Franklin, M., Barua, D.,
Kummerfeld, R. (2015). Managing information for personal goals (vision). Workshop on Cloud
Data Management (ClouDM) - joint Workshop of Data Management in the Cloud (DMC) and
ClouDB - In Conjunction with the IEEE
International Conference on Data Engineering ,
Seoul: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a href="
29540">[More Information]</a>
Cook, R., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R. (2015).
MOOClm: User Modelling for MOOCs. 23rd
International Conference on User Modeling,
Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2015) ,
Cham: Springer. <a href="
7-9_7">[More Information]</a>
Martinez Maldonado, R., Clayphan, A., Yacef,
K., Kay, J. (2015). MTFeedback: Providing notifications to enhance teacher awareness of small group work in the classroom. IEEE
Transactions on Learning Technologies , 8(2),
187-200. <a href="
27">[More Information]</a>
Raap, A., Cena, F., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R.,
Hopfgartner, F., Plumbaum, T., Larsen, J.
(2015). New Frontiers of quantified self: finding
new ways for engaging users in collecting and using personal data. UBICOMP 2015: ACM
International Conference on Pervasive and
Ubiquitous Computing , New York: ACM. <a href="
7">[More Information]</a>
Kay, J., Bull, S. (2015). New Opportunities with
Open Learner Models and Visual Learning
Analytics. 17th International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2015) ,
Cham, Switzerland: Springer. <a href="
3-9_87">[More Information]</a>
Kuflik, T., Kay, J., Quigley, A. (2015). Preface to the special issue on ubiquitous user modeling and user-adapted interaction. User Modeling and
User-Adapted Interaction , 25, 185-187. <a href="
3-5">[More Information]</a>
Kummerfeld, R., Kay, J., Tang, L., Yekeh, F.
(2015). SAL: a small, simple, situated, ambient logger. UBICOMP 2015: ACM International
Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous
Computing , New York: ACM. <a href="
9">[More Information]</a>
Martinez- Maldonado, R., Pardo, A., Mirriahi,
N., Yacef, K., Kay, J., Clayphan, A. (2015). The
LATUX Workflow : Designing and Deploying
Awareness Tools in Technology-Enabled
Learning Settings. 5th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK15) ,
New York: Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM). <a href="
3">[More Information]</a>
Yoo, S., Parker, C., Kay, J., Tomitsch, M.
(2015). To Dwell or Not to Dwell: An
Evaluation of Mid-Air Gestures for Large
Information Displays. The 27 Australian
Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
(HCI) OzCHI 2015 , New York: Association for
Computing Machinery (ACM). <a href="
9">[More Information]</a>
Martinez Maldonado, R., Yacef, K., Kay, J.
(2015). TSCL: A conceptual model to inform understanding of collaborative learning processes at interactive tabletops. International Journal of
Human-Computer Studies , 83, 62-82. <a href="
01">[More Information]</a>
Wasinger, R., Adam, A., Chinthammit, W., Kay,
J., Montgomery, J. (2014). A framework for integrating concept maps into higher-order learning units in IT education. 25th Australian
Publications for Judy Kay
Computer-Human Interaction Conference:
Augmentation, Application, Innovation,
Collaboration (OzCHI 2013) , New York City,
New York: Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM).
Maher, M., Grace, K., Clausner, T., Tversky, B.,
Kirsch, D., Kay, J., Danielescu, A. (2014).
Gesture-based interaction design: communication and cognition. ACM CHI
Conference on Human Factors in Computing
Systems (CHI 2014) , New York, USA: ACM. <a href="
0">[More Information]</a>
Hespanhol, L., Tomitsch, M., Ackad, C., Kay, J.
(2014). Icebreaker NUIs: Encouraging Social
Conversations Around Interactive Urban Spaces.
Social NUI - Social Perspectives in Natural User
Interfaces Workshop as part of the DIS 2014
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems ,
Vancouver, Canada: ACM Digital Library.
Barua, D., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R., Paris, C.
(2014). Modelling Long Term Goals. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) , 8538, 1-12.
<a href="
6-3_1">[More Information]</a>
Martinez Maldonado, R., Clayphan, A., Ackad,
C., Kay, J. (2014). Multi-touch technology in a higher-education classroom: Lessons in-the-wild.
The 26th Australian Computer-Human
Interaction Conference on Designing Futures: the Future of Design (OzCHI 2014) , New York,
NY: ACM Digital Library. <a href="
7">[More Information]</a>
Clayphan, A., Martinez Maldonado, R., Kay, J.,
Bull, S. (2014). Scaffolding Reflection for
Collaborative Brainstorming. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) , 8474 (2014),
615-616. <a href="
1-0_79">[More Information]</a>
Clayphan, A., Kay, J., Weinberger, A. (2014).
ScriptStorm: scripting to enhance tabletop brainstorming. Personal and Ubiquitous
Computing , 18(6), 1433-1453. <a href="
6-z">[More Information]</a>
Wasinger, R., He, H., Chinthammit, W., Collis,
C., Duh, H., Kay, J. (2014). The Importance of
‘Neighbourhood’ in Personalising
Location-Based Services. The 26th Australian
Computer-Human Interaction Conference on
Designing Futures: the Future of Design (OzCHI
2014) , New York, NY: ACM Digital Library. <a href="
8">[More Information]</a>
Ackad, C., Kay, J., Tomitsch, M. (2014).
Towards Learnable Gestures for Exploring
Hierarchical Information Spaces at a Large
Public Display. ACM CHI Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2014) , New
York, USA: ACM.
Martinez Maldonado, R., Clayphan, A., Yacef,
K., Kay, J. (2014). Towards Providing
Notifications to Enhance Teacher's Awareness in the Classroom. Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) , 8474, 510-515. <a href="
1-0_64">[More Information]</a>
Tomitsch, M., Ackad, C., Dawson, O.,
Hespanhol, L., Kay, J. (2014). Who cares about the Content? An Analysis of Playful Behaviour at a Public Display. The 3rd International
Symposium on Pervasive Displays , Copenhagen,
Denmark: ACM Digital Library. <a href="
6">[More Information]</a>
Gluga, R., Kay, J., Lister, R., Simon, S.,
Charleston, M., Harland, J., Teague, D. (2013).
A conceptual model for reflecting on expected learning vs. demonstrated student performance.
Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education
Conference , Adelaide: ACS Publications.
Clayphan, A., Martinez Maldonado, R., Ackad,
C., Kay, J. (2013). An approach for designing and evaluating a plug-in vision-based tabletop touch identification system. 25th Australian
Computer-Human Interaction Conference:
Augmentation, Application, Innovation,
Collaboration (OzCHI 2013) , New York City,
New York: Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM). <a href="
9">[More Information]</a>
Martinez Maldonado, R., Kay, J., Yacef, K.
(2013). An Automatic Approach for Mining
Patterns of Collaboration around an Interactive
Tabletop. 16th International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2013) ,
Berlin: Springer. <a href="
2-5-11">[More Information]</a>
Martinez Maldonado, R., Dimitriadis, Y.,
Martinez-Mones, A., Kay, J., Yacef, K. (2013).
Capturing and analyzing verbal and physical collaborative learning interactions at an enriched interactive tabletop. International Journal of
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning ,
8(4), 455-485. <a href="
4-1">[More Information]</a>
Grace, K., Wasinger, R., Ackad, C., Collins, A.,
Publications for Judy Kay
Dawson, O., Gluga, R., Kay, J., Tomitsch, M.
(2013). Conveying Interactivity at an Interactive
Public Information Display. The Second
International Symposium on Pervasive Displays
(PerDis '13) , New York: ACM Digital Library.
<a href="
3">[More Information]</a>
Martinez-Maldonado, R., Yacef, K., Kay, J.
(2013). Data Mining in the Classroom:
Discovering Groups' Strategies at a
Multi-tabletop Environment. The 6th
International Conference on Educational Data
Mining (EDM 2013) , Memphis, United States:
International Educational Data Mining Society.
Clayphan, A., Martinez-Maldonado, R., Kay, J.
(2013). Designing OLMs for Reflection about
Group Brainstorming at Interactive Tabletops.
2nd Workshop on Intelligent Support for
Learning in Groups at the 16th International
Conference on Artificial Intelligent in Education ,
Sweden: CEUR-WS.
Kay, J., Kleitman, S., Azevedo, R. (2013).
Empowering Teachers to Design Learning
Resources with Metacognitive Interface
Elements. In R Luckin, S Puntambekar, P
Goodyear, B Grabowski, J Underwood, N
Winters (Eds.), Handbook of Design in
Educational Technology , (pp. 124-134). New
York: Routledge.
Kharrufa, A., Martinez Maldonado, R., Kay, J.,
Olivier, P. (2013). Extending Tabletop
Application Design to the Classroom. 2013 ACM
International Conference on Interactive
Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS 2013) , New York,
United States: Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM). <a href="
6">[More Information]</a>
Barua, D., Kay, J., Paris, C. (2013). Foundations for Infrastructure and Interfaces to Support User
Control in Long-term User Modelling. 25th
Australian Computer-Human Interaction
Conference: Augmentation, Application,
Innovation, Collaboration (OzCHI 2013) , New
York City, New York: Association for
Computing Machinery (ACM). <a href="
4">[More Information]</a>
Gluga, R., Kay, J., Lever, T. (2013). Foundations for Modelling University Curricula in Terms of
Multiple Learning Goal Sets. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies , 6(1), 25-37. <a href="">[
More Information]</a>
Martinez Maldonado, R., Dimitriadis, Y.,
Clayphan, A., Munoz-Cristobal, J., Prieto, L.,
Rodriguez-Triana, M., Kay, J. (2013).
Publications for Judy Kay
Integrating orchestration of ubiquitous and pervasive learning environments. 25th Australian
Computer-Human Interaction Conference:
Augmentation, Application, Innovation,
Collaboration (OzCHI 2013) , New York City,
New York: Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM). <a href="
6">[More Information]</a>
Gluga, R., Kay, J., Lister, R., Simon, S.,
Kleitman, S. (2013). Mastering cognitive development theory in computer science education. Computer Science Education , 23(1),
24-57. <a href="
768830">[More Information]</a>
Ackad, C., Wasinger, R., Gluga, R., Kay, J.,
Tomitsch, M. (2013). Measuring interactivity at an interactive public information display. 25th
Australian Computer-Human Interaction
Conference: Augmentation, Application,
Innovation, Collaboration (OzCHI 2013) , New
York City, New York: Association for
Computing Machinery (ACM). <a href="
1">[More Information]</a>
Kay, J., Reimann, P., Diebold, E., Kummerfeld,
R. (2013). MOOCs: So many learners, so much potential.. IEEE Intelligent Systems , 28(3),
70-77. <a href="">[
More Information]</a>
Martinez-Maldonado, R., Kay, J., Yacef, K.,
Edbauer, M., Dimitriadis, Y. (2013).
MTClassroom and MTDashboard: Supporting analysis of teacher attention in an orchestrated multi-tabletop classroom. 10th International
Conference on Computer-Supported
Collaborative Learning , Madison, WI:
International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Bull, S., Kay, J. (2013). Open Learner Models as
Drivers for Metacognitive Processes. In Roger
Azevedo, Vincent Aleven (Eds.), International
Handbook of Metacognition and Learning
Technologies , (pp. 349-365). New York:
Clayphan, A., Martinez Maldonado, R., Kay, J.
(2013). Open Learner Models to Support
Reflection on Brainstorming at Interactive
Tabletops. 16th International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2013) ,
Berlin: Springer. <a href="
2-5-88">[More Information]</a>
Pizzato, L., Rej, T., Akehurst, J., Koprinska, I.,
Yacef, K., Kay, J. (2013). Recommending people to people: the nature of reciprocal recommenders with a case study in online dating. User
Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction , 23(5),
447-488. <a href="
5-0">[More Information]</a>
Wasinger, R., Wallbank, J., Pizzato, L., Kay, J.,
Kummerfeld, R., Bohmer, M., Kruger, A.
(2013). Scrutable user models and personalised item recommendation in mobile lifestyle applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) , 7899, 77-88. <a href="
4-6_7">[More Information]</a>
Barua, D., Kay, J., Paris, C. (2013). Viewing and
Controlling Personal Sensor Data:
What Do Users Want? 8th International
Conference on Persuasive Technology
(PERSUASIVE 2013) , Berlin: Springer. <a href="
7-8_4">[More Information]</a>
Kay, J. (2012). AI and Education: Grand
Challenges. IEEE Intelligent Systems , 27(5),
66-69. <a href="">[
More Information]</a>
Martinez Maldonado, R., Kay, J., Yacef, K.,
Schwendimann, B. (2012). An Interactive
Teacher's Dashboard for Monitoring Groups in a
Multi-tabletop Learning Environment. 11th
International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring
Systems, ITS 2012 , Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
<a href="
0-2_62">[More Information]</a>
Martinez Maldonado, R., Kay, J., Yacef, K.
(2012). Analysing Knowledge Generation and
Acquisition from Individual and Face-to-Face
Collaborative Concept Mapping. Fifth
International Conference on Concept Mapping ,
Malta: Veritas Press.
Biswas, G., Bull, S., Kay, J., Mitrovic, A. (2012).
Artificial Intelligence in Education : 15th
International Conference, AIED 2011, Auckland,
New Zealand, June 28 - July 1, 2011. Lecture notes in artificial intelligence, 6738 . Heidelberg,
Germany: Springer.
Kuflik, T., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R. (2012).
Challenges and Solutions of Ubiquitous User
Modeling. In Antonio Kruger, Tsvi Kuflik
(Eds.), Ubiquitous Display Environments , (pp.
7-30). Heidelberg: Springer.
Kay, J., McCalla, G. (2012). Coming of Age:
Celebrating a Quarter Century of User Modeling and Personalization: Guest Editors' Introduction.
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction ,
22(1-2), 1-7. <a
3-9">[More Information]</a>
Gluga, R., Kay, J., Lister, R., Kleitman, S.,
Lever, T. (2012). Coming to terms with Bloom: an online tutorial for teachers of programming fundamentals. Fourteenth Australasian
Computing Education Conference (ACE2012) ,
Melbourne: Australian Computer Society.
Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R. (2012). Creating
Personalized Systems that People Can Scrutinize and Control: Drivers, Principles and Experience.
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent
Systems (TiiS) - Special issue text supplied by
Joanne Pello , 2(4), 24:1-24:42. <a href="
9">[More Information]</a>
Akehurst, J., Koprinska, I., Yacef, K., Pizzato,
L., Kay, J., Rej, T. (2012). Explicit and Implicit
User Preferences in Online Dating. 15th
Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining, PAKDD 2011 ,
Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. <a href="
0-8_2">[More Information]</a>
Hespanhol, L., Tomitsch, M., Grace, K., Collins,
A., Kay, J. (2012). Investigating Intuitiveness and Effectiveness of Gestures for Free Spatial
Interaction with Large Displays. 2012
International Symposium on Pervasive Displays
(PerDis 2012) , New York, NY, USA: ACM
Digital Library. <a href="
4">[More Information]</a>
Wasinger, R., Wardrop, M., Collins, A., Fry, M.,
Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R. (2012). Multi-channel
Coverage for a Dangerous Australians Museum
Exhibit. PATCH: 4th International Workshop on
Personal Access to Cultural Heritage at the 20th converence on User Modeling, Adaptation, and
Personalization (UMAP) , online: CEUR-WS.
Collins, A., Clayphan, A., Kay, J. (2012). My
Museum Tour: Collaborative Poster Creation
During School Museum Visits. The 30th ACM
Conference on Human Factors in Computing
Systems (CHI 2012) , New York: Association for
Computing Machinery (ACM).
Gluga, R., Kay, J., Lister, R., Teague, D. (2012).
On the Reliability of Classifying Programming
Tasks Using a Neo-Piagetian Theory of
Cognitive Development. 9th Annual
International Conference on International
Computing Education Research (ICER 2012) ,
New York: Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM). <a href="
4">[More Information]</a>
Martinez Maldonado, R., Kay, J., Yacef, K.,
Publications for Judy Kay
Edbauer, M., Dimitriadis, Y. (2012).
Orchestrating a Multi-tabletop Classroom: From
Activity Design to Enactment and Reflection.
ACM International Conference on Interactive
Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS) 2012 , New York:
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
<a href="
5">[More Information]</a>
Gluga, R., Kay, J., Lister, R., Kleitman, S.,
Lever, T. (2012). Over-Confidence and
Confusion in Using Bloom for Programming
Fundamentals Assessment. SIGCSE 2012 - 43rd
ACM technical symposium on Computer Science
Education , New York, NY, USA: ACM Digital
Library. <a href="
1">[More Information]</a>
Kay, J., Lukowicz, P., Tokuda, H., Olivier, P.,
Krueger, A. (2012). Pervasive Computing. 10th
International Conference, Pervasive 2012,
Newcastle, UK, June 18-22, 2012. Proceedings .
New York: Springer.
Tiroshi, A., Kuflik, T., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R.
(2012). Recommender Systems and the Social
Web. User Modeling, Adaptation and
Personalization Conference, UMAP 2011 ,
Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag.
Wasinger, R., Gubi, K., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R.,
Fry, M., Kuflik, T. (2012). RoughMaps: A
Generic Platform to support Symbolic Map Use in Indoor Environments. 2012 International
Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor
Navigation (IPIN) , Piscataway: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a href="
53">[More Information]</a>
Ackad, C., Clayphan, A., Martinez Maldonado,
R., Kay, J. (2012). Seamless and Continuous
User Identification for Interactive Tabletops
Using Personal Device Handshaking and Body
Tracking. The 30th ACM Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2012) , New
York: Association for Computing Machinery
(ACM). <a href="
8">[More Information]</a>
Martinez Maldonado, R., Yacef, K., Kay, J.
(2012). Speaking (and touching) to learn: a method for mining the digital footprints of face-to-face collaboration. The 5th International
Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM
2012) , Chania: International Educational Data
Mining Society.
Hochmeister, M., Daxboeck, J., Kay, J. (2012).
The Effect of Predicting Expertise in Open
Learner Modeling. 7th European Conference on
Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2012) ,
Berlin: Springer. <a href="
3-0_32">[More Information]</a>
Pizzato, L., Akehurst, J., Silvestrini, C., Yacef,
K., Koprinska, I., Kay, J. (2012). The effect of suspicious profiles on people recommenders.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) ,
7379, 225-236. <a href="
4-4_19">[More Information]</a>
Yu, Z., Cheng, D., Khalil, I., Kay, J., Heckmann,
D. (2012). Theme issue on adaptation and personalization for ubiquitous computing.
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing , 16(5),
467-468. <a href="
1-x">[More Information]</a>
Martinez Maldonado, R., Kay, J., Yacef, K.,
Schwendimann, B. (2012). Unpacking traces of collaboration from multimodal data of collaborative concept mapping at a tabletop. 10th
International Conference of the Learning
Sciences: The Future of Learning (vol. 2) ,
Sydney: International Society of the Learning
Wasinger, R., Fry, M., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R.
(2012). User modelling ecosystems: A user-centred approach. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) , 7379, 334-339. <a href="
4-4_31">[More Information]</a>
Gluga, R., Kay, J., Lister, R., Lever, T. (2011).
An architecture for systematic tracking of skills and competence level progression in computer science. CSEIT 2011: 2nd Annual International
Conference on Computer Science Education:
Innovation and Technology . Global Science and
Technology Forum.
Martinez-Maldonado, R., Yacef, K., Kay, J.,
Al-Qaraghuli, A., Kharrufa, A. (2011).
Analysing frequent sequential patterns of collaborative learning activity around an interactive tabletop. 4th International
Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM
2011) , Eindhoven, Netherlands: Technische
Universiteit Eindhoven.
Reimann, P., Yacef, K., Kay, J. (2011).
Analyzing Collaborative Interactions with Data
Mining Methods for the Benefit of Learning. In
Sadhana Puntambekar, Gijsbert Erkens and
Cindy Hmelo-Silver (Eds.), Analyzing
Interactions in CSCL , (pp. 161-185). Germany:
Akehurst, J., Koprinska, I., Yacef, K., Pizzato,
L., Kay, J., Rej, T. (2011). CCR - A
Content-Collaborative Reciprocal Recommender
Publications for Judy Kay for Online Dating. 22nd International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence , Menlo
Park, California, USA: AAAI Press.
Collins, A., Apted, T., Ackad, C., Sztajer, P.,
Kay, J., Ward, P., Weng, H. (2011). Core
Functionality and New Applications for
Tabletops and Interactive Surfaces. 13th ACM
International Conference on Ubiquitous
Computing (UbiComp2011) , New York:
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Kay, J., Koprinska, I., Yacef, K. (2011).
Educational Data Mining to Support Group
Work in Software Development Projects. In
Cristobal Romero, Sebastian Ventura, Mykola
Pechenizkiy, Ryan S J d Baker (Eds.), Handbook of Educational Data Mining , (pp. 173-185).
USA: CRC Press.
Pizzato, L., Rej, T., Yacef, K., Koprinska, I.,
Kay, J. (2011). Finding someone you will like and who won't reject you. 19th International
Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and
Personalization, UMAP 2011 , Berlin,
Heidelberg: Springer. <a href="
2-4_23">[More Information]</a>
Clayphan, A., Collins, A., Ackad, C.,
Kummerfeld, R., Kay, J. (2011). Firestorm: a brainstorming application for collaborative group work at tabletops .
Clayphan, A., Collins, A., Ackad, C.,
Kummerfeld, R., Kay, J. (2011). Firestorm: a brainstorming application for collaborative group work at tabletops. ACM International
Conference on Interactive Tabletops and
Surfaces (ITS11) , New York, USA: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). <a href="
6">[More Information]</a>
Martinez Maldonado, R., Wallace, J., Kay, J.,
Yacef, K. (2011). Modelling and identifying collaborative situations in a collocated multi-display groupware setting. 15th
International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence in Education (AIED 2011) , Berlin:
Springer. <a href="
9-9_27">[More Information]</a>
Martinez-Maldonado, R., Kay, J., Wallace, J.,
Yacef, K. (2011). Modelling symmetry of activity as an indicator of collocated group collaboration. 19th International Conference on
User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization,
UMAP 2011 , Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. <a href="
2-4_18">[More Information]</a>
Barua, D., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R., Paris, C.
(2011). Theoretical Foundations for
Publications for Judy Kay
User-Controlled Forgetting in Scrutable Long
Term User Models. 23rd Australian
Computer-Human Interaction Conference:
Design, Culture and Interaction (OzCHI 2011) ,
Canberra, Australia: Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM).
Martinez Maldonado, R., Kay, J., Yacef, K.
(2011). Visualisations for longitudinal participation, contribution and progress of a collaborative task at the tabletop. 9th
International Conference on
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
(CSCL 2011): Connecting research to policy and practice , Hong Kong, China: International
Society of the Learning Sciences.
Martinez-Maldonado, R., Collins, A., Kay, J.,
Yacef, K. (2011). Who did what? Who said that?
Collaid: an environment for capturing traces of collaborative learning at the tabletop. ACM
International Conference on Interactive
Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS11) , New York,
USA: Association for Computing Machinery
(ACM). <a href="
7">[More Information]</a>
Lever, T., Gluga, R., Kay, J. (2011). Working from the evidence of prior art and experience in curriculum database development. Ascilite 2011:
Changing Demands, Changing Directions ,
Hobart, Australia: University of Tasmania.
Martinez Maldonado, R., Kay, J., Yacef, K.
(2010). Collaborative Concept Mapping at the
Tabletop. ACM International Conference on
Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2010 (ITS
2010) , USA: Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM).
Collins, A., Kay, J. (2010). Escaping hierarchies and desktops: Associative, pervasive file access with user control .
Collins, A., Kay, J. (2010). File System Access for Tabletop Interaction. In Christian
Manduuml;ller-Tomfelde (Eds.), Tabletops -
Horizontal Interactive Displays , (pp. 335-355).
London: Springer.
Aleven, V., Kay, J., Mostow, J. (2010).
Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 10th International
Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS
2010) , Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.
Reimann, P., Kay, J. (2010). Learning to Learn and Work in Net-Based Teams: Supporting
Emergent Collaboration with Visualization
Tools. In Michael J. Jacobson, Peter Reimann
(Eds.), Designs for Learning Environments of the
Future: International Perspectives from the
Learning Sciences , (pp. 143-188). New York:
Pizzato, L., Chung, T., Rej, T., Koprinska, I.,
Yacef, K., Kay, J. (2010). Learning User
Preferences in Online Dating. European conference on machine learning and principles and practice of knowledge discovery in databases (2012 ECML PKDD) , Spain: ECML
Kuflik, T., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R. (2010).
Lifelong Personalized Museum Experiences.
Workshop on Pervasive User Modeling and
Personalization (PUMP 2010) , Big Island,
Hawaii USA: User Modeling Inc.
Collins, A., Coche, H., Kuflik, T., Kay, J. (2010).
Making the tabletop personal: employing user models to aid information retrieval .
Gluga, R., Kay, J., Lever, T. (2010). Modeling
Long Term Learning of Generic Skills. 10th
International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring
Systems (ITS 2010) , Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.
Niu, W., Kay, J. (2010). PERSONAF: framework for personalised ontological reasoning in pervasive computing. User
Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction , 20(1),
1-40. <a href="
8-2">[More Information]</a>
Gerber, S., Fry, M., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R.,
Pink, G., Wasinger, R. (2010). PersonisJ:
Mobile, Client-Side User Modelling. 18th
International Conference on User Modeling
Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2010) ,
Germany: Springer.
Pizzato, L., Rej, T., Chung, T., Koprinska, I.,
Yacef, K., Kay, J. (2010). Reciprocal
Recommender System for Online Dating. Fourth
ACM Conference on Recommender Systems
(RecSys10) , USA: Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM).
Pizzato, L., Rej, T., Chung, T., Yacef, K.,
Koprinska, I., Kay, J. (2010). Reciprocal
Recommenders. 8th Workshop on Intelligent
Techniques for Web Personalization and
Recommender Systems (ITWP 2010) , USA:
Intelligent Techniques for Web Personalization and Recommender Systems.
Pizzato, L., Rej, T., Chung, T., Koprinska, I.,
Kay, J. (2010). RECON: A Reciprocal
Recommender for Online Dating. Fourth ACM
Conference on Recommender Systems
(RecSys10) , USA: Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM).
Pink, G., Gerber, S., Fry, M., Kay, J.,
Kummerfeld, R., Wasinger, R. (2010). Safe
Execution of Dynamically Loaded Code on
Mobile Phones. <i>7th International ICST
Conference on Mobile and
Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking
Services (MobiQuitous 2010)</i>, Ghent,
Belgium: ICST Gent. <a href="
4-8-1">[More Information]</a>
Ackad, C., Collins, A., Kay, J. (2010). Switch:
Exploring the Design of Application and
Configuration Switching at Tabletops. ACM
International Conference on Interactive
Tabletops and Surfaces 2010 (ITS 2010) , USA:
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Ackad, C., Collins, A., Kay, J. (2010). Switch:
Exploring the Design of Application and
Configuration Switching at Tabletops .
Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R. (2010). Tackling HCI
Challenges of Creating Personalised, Pervasive
Learning Ecosystems. 5th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL
2010) , Germany: Springer.
Wasinger, R., Collins, A., Fry, M., Kay, J.,
Kuflik, T., Kummerfeld, R. (2010). Towards
Life-long Personalization Across Multiple
Devices: The Case of Personal Career
Management. Workshop on Pervasive User
Modeling and Personalization (PUMP 2010) ,
Big Island, Hawaii USA: User Modeling Inc.
Kay, J. (2009). A test-first view of usability.
Interacting with Computers , 21(5-6), 347-349.
<a href="
.003">[More Information]</a>
Perera, D., Kay, J., Koprinska, I., Yacef, K.,
Zaiane, O. (2009). Clustering and Sequential
Pattern Mining of Online Collaborative Learning
Data. IEEE Transactions On Knowledge And
Data Engineering , 21(6), 759-772. <a href="
">[More Information]</a>
Apted, T., Collins, A., Kay, J. (2009). Heuristics to support design of new software for interaction at tabletops. Computer-Human Interaction 2009
(CHI'09) Workshop on Multitouch and Surface
Computing , USA: Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM).
Kay, J., Gluga, R. (2009). Largescale, long-term learner models supporting flexible curriculum definition. Workshop on Scalability Issues in
AIED 2009, the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education , USA:
Alelo Inc.
Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R. (2009). Lifelong User
Modelling Goals, Issues and Challenges. (UMAP
2009) 17th International Conference on Lifelong
User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalisation ,
Australia: School of Information Technologies,
Publications for Judy Kay
University of Sydney.
Ackad, C., Collins, A., Kay, J. (2009). Moving beyond the tabletop as an appliance. ACM
International Conference on Interactive
Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS 2009) , New York,
USA: Association for Computing Machinery
Upton, K., Kay, J. (2009). Narcissus: Group and
Individual Models to Support Small Group
Work. (UMAP 2009) 17th International
Conference on Lifelong User Modelling,
Adaptation and Personalisation , Australia:
School of Information Technologies, University of Sydney.
Collins, A., Bezerianos, A., McEwan, G.,
Rittenbruch, M., Wasinger, R., Kay, J. (2009).
Understanding File Access Mechanisms for
Embedded Ubicomp Collaboration Interfaces.
11th International Conference on Ubiquitous
Computing UbiComp 2009 , United States:
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Nejdl, W., Kay, J., Pu, P., Herder, E. (2008).
Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based
Systems . Germany: Springer.
Mayrhofer, R., Quigley, A., Kay, J., Kortuem,
G., Ardon, S., Rukzio, E., Vande Moere, A.,
Abowd, G., Suginuma, K. (2008). Advances in
Pervasive Computing: Adjunct Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pervasive
Computing . Austria: Austrian Computer Society.
Collins, A., Kay, J. (2008). Collaborative
Personal Information Management with Shared,
Interactive Tabletops. Workshop on Personal
Information Management (PIM 2008) , Florence,
Italy: ETH Zurich.
Constable, J., Khoury, R., Carmichael, D., Kay,
J., Kummerfeld, R. (2008). Information Art
Based on Community Activity in a Large
Workplace. 2008 International Workshop on
Context-Aware Pervasive Communities:
Infrastructures, Services and Applications
(CAPC 2008) , Toronto: University of Toronto.
Kay, J. (2008). Life-Long Learning, Learner
Models and Augmented Cognition (Keynote address). 9th International Conference on
Intelligent Tutoring Systmes (ITS 2008) ,
Germany: Springer.
Kay, J. (2008). Lifelong Learner Modeling for
Lifelong Personalized Pervasive Learning. IEEE
Transactions on Learning Technologies , 1(4),
215-228. <a href="">[
More Information]</a>
Niu, W., Kay, J. (2008). Location Conflict
Resolution with an Ontology. 6th International
Publications for Judy Kay
Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive
2008) , Germany: Springer.
Bull, S., Kay, J. (2008). Metacognition and Open
Learner Models. The 3rd Workshop on
Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning
Educational Technologies , Montreal, Quebec,
Canada: The 3rd Workshop on Meta-Cognition and
Self-Regulated Learning in Educational
Pink, G., Carmichael, D., Kay, J., Kummerfeld,
R. (2008). Middleware Framework for Flexible
Integration of New Sensor Types. 2008
International Workshop on Context-Aware
Pervasive Communities: Infrastructures,
Services and Applications (CAPC 2008) ,
Toronto: University of Toronto.
Niu, W., Kay, J. (2008). Personalised Pervasive
Modelling with a Personalised Context
Ontology. 6th International Workshop on
Ubiquitous User Modeling , USA: Adaptive
Hypermedia 2008.
Niu, W., Kay, J. (2008). Pervasive
Personalisation of Location Information:
Personalised Context Ontology. 5th International
Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and
Adaptive Web-Based Systems , Germany:
Apted, T., Kay, J. (2008). Photable: Enhancing the social interaction around the sharing of digital photographs. CHI 2008 The 26th Annual
CHI Conference on Human Factors in
Computing systems. Workshop on Collocated
Social Practices surrounding photos , New York
USA: Association for Computing Machinery
Zaiane, O., Yacef, K., Kay, J. (2007). Finding
Top-n Emerging Sequences to Contrast Sequence
Sets, Technical Report TR07-03 .
Assad, M., Carmichael, D., Kay, J., Kummerfeld,
R. (2007). Giving users control over location privacy. UbiComp 2007 Workshops: Workshop on Privacy in UbiComp (UbiPriv'07) , Innsbruck,
Austria: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und
Raumfahrt (DLR).
Kay, J., Li, L., Fekete, A. (2007). Learner
Reflection in Student Self-assessment. Ninth
Australasian Computing Education Conference
(ACE2007) , Sydney, Australia: Australian
Computer Society.
Assad, M., Carmichael, D., Niu, W., Kay, J.,
Kummerfeld, R. (2007). Location in the workplace: how is it used? UbiComp 2007
Workshops , Innsbruck, Austria: Deutsches
Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR).
West, D., Quigley, A., Kay, J. (2007).
MEMENTO: a digital-physical scrapbook for memory sharing. Personal and Ubiquitous
Computing , 11(4), 313-328.
Perera, D., Kay, J., Yacef, K., Koprinska, I.
(2007). Mining learners' traces from an online collaboration tool. Workshop on Educational
Data Mining 2007 , online: International Working
Group on Educational Data Mining.
Kay, J., Reimann, P., Yacef, K. (2007).
Mirroring of Group Activity to Support Learning as Participation. 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education
(AIED-2007) , Netherlands: IOS Press.
Assad, M., Carmichael, D., Kay, J., Kummerfeld,
R. (2007). MyPlace Locator: Flexible Sharing of
Location Information. 11th International
Conference on User Modeling (UM 2007) ,
Berlin, Germany: Springer.
Kay, J., Niu, W., Carmichael, D. (2007).
ONCOR: Ontology-and Evidence-based Context
Reasoner. 2007 International Conference on
Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2007) , New
York, USA: Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM).
Assad, M., Carmichael, D., Kay, J., Kummerfeld,
R. (2007). PersonisAD: Distributed, Active,
Scrutable Model Framework for Context-Aware
Services. Pervasive 2007 - The 5th International
Conference on Pervasive Computing , Berlin,
Germany: Springer.
Bull, S., Kay, J. (2007). Student Models that
Invite the Learner In: The SMILI
Learner Modelling Framework. International
Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education ,
17(2), 89-120.
Collins, A., Apted, T., Kay, J. (2007). Tabletop
File System Access: Associative and
Hierarchical Approaches. <i>TABLETOP 2007
Second Annual IEEE International Workshop on
Horizontal Interactive Human-Computer
Systems</i>, Los Alamitos, California, United
States: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers.
Kay, J., Yacef, K., Reimann, P. (2007).
Visualisations for Team Learning: Small Teams
Working on Long-Term Projects. CSCL 2007,
The Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
(CSCL) Conference 2007 , USA: International
Society of the Learning Sciences.
Ullman, A., Kay, J. (2007). WikiNavMap: A
Visualisation to Supplement Team-Based Wikis.
25 Years of CHI conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI 2007) , New York City,
USA: Association for Computing Machinery
Kay, J., Maisonneuve, N., Yacef, K., Reimann,
P. (2006). "Wattle Tree: What'll it tell us?",
Technical Report 582 .
Carmichael, D., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R. (2006).
A personalised public information display. 2006
Workshop on Multi-User and Ubiquitous User
Interfaces (MU3I) , Sydney, AU: MU3I.
Czarkowski, M., Kay, J. (2006). Giving Learners a Real Sense of Control Over Adaptivity, Even if
They are Not Quite Ready for it Yet. In George
D. Magoulas, Sherry Y. Chen (Eds.), Advances in Web-Based Education: Personalized Learning
Environments , (pp. 93-125). United States: Idea
Group Publishing.
McCreath, E., Kay, J., Crawford, E. (2006).
IEMS - an approach that combines hand crafted rules with learnt instance based rules. Australian
Journal of Intelligent Information Processing
Systems , 9(1), 49-63.
West, D., Quigley, A., Kay, J. (2006).
MEMENTO: A digital physical scrapbook for memory sharing. Personal and Ubiquitous
Computing , online article.
Kay, J., Maisonneuve, N., Yacef, K., Zaiane, O.
(2006). Mining patterns of events in students' teamwork data (Educational Data Mining
Workshop). 8th International Conference on
Intelligent Tutoring Systems ITS 2006 , Germany:
Assad, M., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R. (2006).
Models of people, places and devices for location-aware services. 4th International
Conference on Pervasive Computing , Sydney,
NSW: Austrian Computer Society.
Kay, J., Niu, W. (2006). Personalised museum tours base one: Building user models using concept mapping on a tabletop. 2006 Workshop on Multi-User and Ubiquitous User Interfaces
(MU3I) , Sydney, AU: MU3I.
Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R. (2006). Scrutability,
User Control and Privacy For Distributed
Personalization. PEP06: CHI 2006 Workshop on
Privacy-Enhanced Personalization , Canada:
National Science Foundation.
Kay, J. (2006). Scrutable Adaptation: Because
We Can and Must. 4th International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive
Web-Based Systems (AH2006) , Berlin, Germany:
Kay, J., Li, L. (2006). Scrutable learner modelling and learner reflection in student self-assessment. 8th International Conference on
Intelligent Tutoring Systems ITS 2006 , Germany:
Apted, T., Kay, J., Quigley, A. (2006). Tabletop
Publications for Judy Kay
Sharing of Digital Photographs for the Elderly.
CHI2006 Conference on Human Factors in
Computing Systems , New York: Association for
Computing Machinery (ACM).
Kay, J., Maisonneuve, N., Yacef, K., Reimann,
P. (2006). The Big Five and Visualisations of
Team Work Activity. 8th International
Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems ITS
2006 , Germany: Springer.
Langdale, G., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R. (2006).
Using an intergenerational communications system as a 'light-weight' technology probe. CHI
'06 Interact Inform Inspire , New York, NY:
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Carmichael, D., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R., Niu,
W. (2006). Why did you show/tell/hide that?:
The need for scrutability in ubiquitous personalisation. <i>UbiComp 2006:Ubiquitous
8th International Conference</i>, Germany:
Kay, J., Bull, S. (2005). A Framework for
Designing and Analysing Open Learner
Modelling. 12th International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 05)
Workshop 11 , Amsterdam: University of
Kay, J., Lum, A., Niu, W. (2005). A Scrutable
Museum Tour Guide System. International
Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2005:
2nd Workshop on Multi-User and Ubiquitous
User Interfaces 2005 (MU31 2005) ,
Saarbrucken: Saarland University.
Richards, B., Kay, J., Quigley, A. (2005).
Activity Modelling using Email and Web Page
Classification. 10th International Conference on
User Modeling (UM 2005) Workshop 4 -
Machine Learning For User Modeling:
Challenges , Edinburgh, Scotland: UM''05.
Kay, J., Niu, W. (2005). Adapting Information
Delivery to Groups of People. PIA 2005 -
Workshop on New Technologies for Personalized
Information Access , Online: Online.
Reimann, P., Kay, J., Yacef, K., Goodyear, P.
(2005). Adaptive Visualisation Support for
Self-managed Learning Groups. 12th
International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence in Education (AIED) 2005
Workshop 6 , Amsterdam: University of
Reimann, P., Kay, J. (2005). Adaptive
Visualization of User Models to Support Group
Coordination Processes. Cognition and Learning through Media-Communication for Advanced e-Learning 2005 , Tokyo, Japan: Japanese
Publications for Judy Kay
Society for Information and Systems In
Bright, A., Kay, J., Ler, D., Ngo, K., Niu, W.,
Nuguid, A. (2005). Adaptively Recommending
Museum Tours. Ubiquitous Computing, 7th
International Conference on: Workshop: Smart
Environments and their Applications to Cultural
Heritage , Hungary: Archaeolingua.
Chesher, D., Kay, J., King, N. (2005). Adding a reflective layer to a simulation-based learning environment. 12th International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED-2005) ,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press.
Li, L., Kay, J. (2005). Assess: Promoting Learner
Reflection in Student Self-Assessment. 12th
International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence in Education (AIED 05) Workshop
11 , Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam.
Carmichael, D., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R. (2005).
Consistent Modelling of Users, Devices and
Sensors in a Ubiquitous Computing
Environment. User Modeling and User-Adapted
Interaction , 15(3-4), 197-234. <a href="
1-z">[More Information]</a>
Kay, J., Lum, A. (2005). Exploiting Readily
Available Web Data for Scrutable Student
Models. 12th International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED-2005) ,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press.
Goldrei, S., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R. (2005).
Exploiting user models to automate the harvesting of metadata for Learning Objects.
Workshop on Adaptive Systems for Web-Based
Education: Tools and Reusability , Malaga:
Universidad de Malaga.
Kay, J., Lum, A., Zapata-Rivera, D. (2005).
Learner Modelling for Reflection, to Support
Learner Control, Metacognition and Improved
Communication between Teachers and Learners.
12th International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence in Education (AIED-2005) ,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press.
Kay, J., Whitaker, R. (2005). Location and activity modelling in intelligent environments.
UM 2005 Workshop on Decentralized, Agent
Based and Social Approaches to User Modelling
Kay, J., Lum, A. (2005). Ontology-based User
Modelling for Semantic Web. User Modelling
2005 - PerSWeb'05 Workshop on
Personalization on the Semantic Web . Online.
Chatfield, C., Carmichael, D., Kay, J.,
Kummerfeld, R., Hexel, R. (2005).
Personalisation in Intelligent Environments:
Managing the Information Flow. Australasian
Computer-Human Interaction Conference,
OZCHI 2005 , Australia: Association for
Computing Machinery (ACM).
Brar, A., Kay, J. (2005). Privacy and Security in
Ubiquitous Personalized Applications. 10th
International Conference on User Modeling (UM
2005) Workshop 9: Privacy-Enhanced
Personalization , Edinburgh, Scotland: UM''05.
Czarkowski, M., Kay, J., Potts, S. (2005).
Scrutability as a core interface element. 12th
International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence in Education (AIED-2005) ,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press.
Hitchens, M., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R., Brar, A.
(2005). Secure Identity Management for
Pseudo-Anonymous Service Access. Security in
Pervasive Computing, Second International
Conference , Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer.
Apted, T., Kay, J., Assad, M. (2005). Sharing digital media on collaborative tables and displays. <i>UbiComp 2005: Ubiquitous
The 7th International Conference</i>, Germany:
Chesher, D., Kay, J., King, N. (2005).
SIMPRAC: A web-based virtual patient to support learning through reflection .
Chesher, D., Kay, J., King, N. (2005).
SIMPRAC: supporting reflective learning within a new computer-based virtual patient simulator.
12th International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence in Education (AIED 05) Workshop
11 , Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam.
Kay, J., Li, L. (2005). The cost of authoring with a knowledge layer. AIED Third International
Workshop on Authoring of Adaptive and
Adaptable Educational Hypermedia (A3EH) ,
New York, NY: Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM).
Assad, M., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R. (2005). The
Keep-in-Touch System. Ubiquitous Computing,
7th International Conference on: Workshop:
Situating Ubiquitous Computing in Everday Life:
Bridging the Social and Technical Divide , NA:
Czarkowski, M., Kay, J., Potts, S. (2005). Web
Framework for Scrutable Adaption. 12th
International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence in Education (AIED 05) Workshop
11 , Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam.
Holden, S., Kay, J., Poon, J., Yacef, K. (2005).
Workflow-Based Personalised Document
Delivery. International Journal on E-Learning ,
4(1), 131-148.
Kay, J., Lum, A. (2004). Building User Models
Publications for Judy Kay
From Observations Of Users Accessing
Multimedia Learning Objects. In Andreas
Nürnberger, Marcin Detyniecki (Eds.),
Adaptive multimedia retrieval : first international workshop, AMR 2003, Hamburg,
Germany, September 15-16, 2003 : revised selected and invited papers , (pp. 36-57). United
States: Springer.
Cimolino, L., Kay, J., Miller, A. (2004). Concept
Mapping For Eliciting Verified Personal
Ontologies. International Journal of Continuing
Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning ,
14(3), 212-228.
Kay, J., Lum, A. (2004). Creating user models from web logs. IUI 2004 Workshop on
Behaviour-Based User Interface Customisation ,
Sydney, AU: CHAI - Computer Human Adapted
Greening, T., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R. (2004).
Integrating Ethical Content Into Computing
Curricula. Sixth Australasian Computing
Education Conference (ACE2004) , Darlinghurst,
Australia: Australian Computer Society.
Apted, T., Kay, J. (2004). Mecureo Ontology
And Modelling Tools. International Journal of
Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong
Learning , 14(3), 191-211.
Carmichael, D., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R. (2004).
Myplace: Double-personalised views of invisible items in a ubiquitous computing environment.
Sixth International Conferenceon Ubiquitous
Computing : UbiComp 2004 , United Kingdom:
Association Historique Internationale de l'Ocan
Kay, J., Lum, A. (2004). Ontologies For
Scrutable Learner Modelling In Adaptive
E-Learning. 3rd International Conference on
Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based
Systems (AH 2004) - SWEL Workshop ,
Eindhoven, Netherlands: Technische Universiteit
Carmichael, D., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R. (2004).
Personal Ontologies For Feature Selection In
Intelligent Environment Visualisations. Artificial
Intelligence in Mobile Systems 2004 :
AIMS2004 , Germany: Universitaet des
Chesher, D., Kay, J., King, N. (2004), Simprac -
A Software Template to Support Reflective
Learning through Case-based Management of
Chronic Disease .
Apted, T., Kay, J., Lum, A. (2004). Supporting
Metadata Creation With And Ontology Built
From An Extensible Dictionary. 3rd
International Conference on Adaptive
Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems
(AH 2004) , Germany: Springer.
Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R., Carmichael, D.,
Quigley, A. (2004). The Scrutable Personalised
Pervasive Computing Environment. IUI/CADUI
2004: Workshop on Multi-User and Ubiquitous
User interfaces (MU31 2004) , Germany:
Universitaet des Saarlandes.
Chesher, D., Kay, J., King, N. (2003). A web-based virtual patient to support reflective learning. AIED 2003: Artificial Intelligence in
Education , Sydney, AU: University of Sydney.
Czarkowski, M., Kay, J. (2003). Challenges of scrutable adaptivity. AIED 2003: Artificial
Intelligence in Education , Sydney, AU:
University of Sydney.
Verhein, F., Kay, J., Koprinska, I., McCreath, E.
(2003). Classifying public announcements for user communities. Eighth Australasian
Document Computing Symposium , Canberra:
Kay, J., Balakrishnan, V. (2003). Finding a basis for judging automated email classification rules.
Eighth Australasian Document Computing
Symposium , Canberra: CSIRO ICT Centre.
Kay, J., Lum, A., Uther, J. (2003). How can users edit and control their models in Ubicomp environments?
Czarkowski, M., Kay, J. (2003). How to give the user a sense of control over the personalization of the AH?
Kay, J., McCreath, E. (2003). Iems: helping users manage email. User Modeling 2003. 9th
International Conference, (UM 2003) , Berlin:
Cimolino, L., Kay, J., Miller, A. (2003).
Incremental student modelling and reflection by verified concept-mapping. AIED 2003: Artificial
Intelligence in Education , Sydney, AU:
University of Sydney.
Uther, M., Kay, J. (2003). Learner modelling for mobile devices: from knowledge to context.
MLEARN 2004 , Italy: MOBIlearn.
Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R., Dick-Lauder, P.
(2003). Managing private user -modles and shared personas.
Lum, A., Kay, J. (2003). Scrutable user models in decentralised adaptive systems. User
Modeling 2003. 9th International Conference,
(UM 2003) , Berlin: Springer.
Hoppe, H., Verdejo, F., Kay, J. (2003). Shaping the future of learning through intelligent technologies. AIED 2003: Artificial Intelligence in Education , Sydney, AU: University of
Drury, H., Kay, J., Losberg, V. (2003). Student
Publications for Judy Kay satisfaction with groupwork in undergraduate computer science: so things get better? 5th
Australasian Computing Education Conference:
Computing Education 2003 , Sydney: Australian
Computer Society.
Kummerfeld, R., Kay, J. (2003). The neglected battle fields of syntax errors. 5th Australasian
Computing Education Conference: Computing
Education 2003 , Sydney: Australian Computer
Apted, T., Kay, J., Lum, A., Uther, J. (2003).
Visualisation of learning ontologies. Shaping the future of learning through intelligent
Technologies , Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Apted, T., Kay, J., Lum, A., Uther, J. (2003).
Visualisation of Ontological Inferences for User
Control of Personal Web Agents. Seventh
International Conference on Information
Visualizaion: IV 2003 , United States: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Uther, J., Uther, J., Kay, J. (2003). Visualizing cohort comparisons with VLUM. Computer
Supported Co-operative LEarning Conference
(Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) ,
US: Academic Press.
Uther, J., Kay, J. (2003). VlUM, a web-base visualisation of large user models. User
Modeling 2003. 9th International Conference,
(UM 2003) , Berlin: Springer.
Miller, A., Kay, J. (2002). A Mentor Program in
CS1. 7th Annual SIGCSE Conference of
Innovation and Technology in Computer Science
Education (ITiCSE 2002) , New York, NY, USA:
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Czarkowski, M., Kay, J. (2002). A Scrutable
Adaptive Hypertext. Adaptive Hypermedia and
Adaptive Web-Based Systems Second
International Conference, AH 2002 , Germany:
Apted, T., Kay, J. (2002). Automatic
Construction of Learning Ontologies. ICCE
Workshop on concepts and Ontologies in web-based educational systems , Eindhoven:
Department of Mathematics and Computer
Science Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
Kay, J., Holden, S. (2002). Automatic extraction of ontologies from teaching document metadata.
ICCE Workshop on concepts and Ontologies in web-based educational systems , Eindhoven:
Department of Mathematics and Computer
Science Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
Apted, T., Kay, J. (2002). Generating and
Comparing Models within an Ontology. ADCS
'02 The Seventh Australasian Document
Computing Symposium , Sydney, Australia:
School of Information Technologies, University of Sydney.
Crawford, E., Kay, J., McCreath, E. (2002).
IEMS - The Intelligent Email Sorter. The
Nineteenth International Conference on Machine
Learning , San Francisco, California: Morgan
Kauffman Publishers.
Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R., Dick-Lauder, P.
(2002). Personis: A Server for User Models.
Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based
Systems Second International Conference, AH
2002 , Germany: Springer.
Bopari, J., Kay, J. (2002). Supporting user task based conversations via e-mail. ADCS '02 The
Seventh Australasian Document Computing
Symposium , Sydney, Australia: School of
Information Technologies, University of Sydney.
Greening, A., Kay, J. (2002). Undergraduate research Expereince in Computer Science
Education. 7th Annual SIGCSE Conference of
Innovation and Technology in Computer Science
Education (ITiCSE 2002) , New York, NY, USA:
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Cimolino, L., Kay, J. (2002). Verified Concept
Mapping for Eliciting Conceptual
Understanding. ICCE 2002 Workshop on
Concepts and Ontologies in Web-based
Educational Systems , Netherlands: Technische
Universiteit, Eindhoven.
Holden, S., Kay, J., Lum, A. (2002).
Visualisation of Document and Concept Spaces.
ADCS '02 The Seventh Australasian Document
Computing Symposium , Sydney, Australia:
School of Information Technologies, University of Sydney.
Kay, J., McCreath, E. (2001). Automatic induction of rules for e-mail classification.
UM2001: 8th International Conference on User
Modeling , Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.
Kay, J., McCreath, E. (2001). Automatic
Induction Rules for e-mail Classification.
UM2001: 8th International Conference on User
Modeling , Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.
Kay, J., Kummerfeld, R., Dick-Lauder, P.
(2001). Foundations for personalised document: a scrutable user model server. ADCS 2001 Sixth
Australian Document Computing Symposium , :
UNSW Australian Defence Force Academy.
Kay, J. (2001). Learner Control. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction , 11, 111-127.
Kay, J. (2001). Scrutability for personalised interfaces. ERCIM News .
Czarkowski, M., Kay, J. (2001). Tutor: support for scrutably personalised documents. ADCS
Publications for Judy Kay
2001 the Sixth Australasian Document
Computing Symposium , : UNSW Australian
Defence Force Academy.
Kay, J. (2001). User Modeling for Adaptation.
In Stephanidis, C (Eds.), User Interfaces for All:
Concepts, Methods, and Tools , (pp. 271-294).
Usa: Academic Press.