California State University, Chico FAAF Form 1 Recruitment Authorization Form Full-time Tenure-track or Temporary Faculty Searches Recruitment Number: Probationary (assigned by FAAF Office) College/Dept: Temporary Title of Position: Checklist of Required Documents: Screening and Selection Criteria/Outreach Efforts form (Form 2) Vacancy Announcement (Form 3) Advertisement (Form 3b) Sample Documents C-E: submission only required if using other than current FAAF Sample Document Please list the names of all members of the Department Search Committee. Name Department Member Designation Chair (Phone # ) Dept. Member Dept. Member Dept. Member Dept. Member Dept. Member External Member(recommended) You must have a minimum of three committee members. The undersigned have reviewed the enclosed documents and request authorization to begin a faculty search. Search Committee Chair Signature Date Department Chair Signature Date College Dean Signature Date Signature Date AVP Faculty Affairs The undersigned has reviewed the enclosed documents and approves the request to proceed with a search to fill the position named above. If recruitment is for a temporary appointment the Provost's signature is not required. Provost Rev. 10/2014 (AVP FAAF, if temporary) Signature Date