LUSI Coherent X-ray Imaging Instrument WBS 1.3 Sébastien Boutet – CXI Instrument Scientist Paul A. Montanez, P.E. – CXI Lead Engineer LUSI DOE Review August 20, 2008 Team Leader: Janos Hajdu Engineer: Jean-Charles Castagna Engineer: Armin Busse Designer: Richard Jackson LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 1 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Outline Physics Requirements Safety Instrument Configuration Engineering/Design Status Value Engineering Basis Of Estimate Procurement Strategy Cost & Schedule Critical Path Risk Analysis Summary LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 2 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Science Team Specifications and instrument concept developed with the science team. The CXI team leaders Janos Hajdu, Photon Science-SLAC, Uppsala University (leader) Henry Chapman, DESY, University of Hamburg John Miao, UCLA LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 3 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( CXI SCOPE - WBS 1.3 WBS Scope/CD-2 Cost Includes: 1.3.1 CXI System Integration & Design 1.3.2 CXI X-ray Optics - 2 KB mirror systems 1.3.3 CXI Lasers - Reference Laser 1.3.4 CXI Coherent Imaging Injector 1.3.5 CXI Sample Environment – 2 Sample Chambers, 2 Stands, Detector Stage & Sample diagnostics 1.3.6 CXI Hutch Facilities 1.3.7 CXI Vacuum system 1.3.8 CXI Installation Other Related WBS 1.5 Diagnostics & Common Optics 1.6 Controls and Data Acquisition LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 4 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Component Physics Requirements CXI 0.1 micron KB System Purpose Produce a 100 nm focal spot at sample Located 0.8 meters upstream of sample For samples smaller than 50 nm ESRF KB Design CXI 1 micron KB System Purpose Produce a 1 micron focal spot at sample Located 8 meters upstream of sample For samples smaller than 0.5 micron LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 5 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Component Physics Requirements 1.3.2 CXI KB Systems Requirements >75% reflectivity over the widest energy range possible Energy Range At least up to 4-8.5keV Goal: 2-15 keV Accept 5 sigmas or more over the widest energy range possible Withstand full power of the LCLS beam without damage Preserve coherence Meet at least the Maréchal criterion at 8.3 keV, the highest fundamental energy >80% of incident intensity in the central peak at the focal plane hrms= rms height error over entire length of the mirror l=wavelength N=number of reflective optics (2 in this case) a=incidence angle hrms l 14 N 2a Ultra-High vacuum < 10-9 Torr Interface with Sample Chamber LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 6 Solution 350 mm mirrors 3.6 mrad incidence angle Rh/B4C bilayer 0.75 nm rms height error over entire mirror S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Component Physics Requirements 100 nm focus is required for imaging small particles Focal length First mirror 900 mm Second mirror 500 mm Focus 68 x 120 nm spot Requires reentrant KB design Closest point of approach to interaction region 300 mm Final sample chamber design cannot occur until we have a final KB design LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 7 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Component Physics Requirements CXI Reference Laser Purpose Rough alignment of the experiment without the Xray beam Requirements On/Off states Beam size Smallest possible at the end of the hutch Stability 5% of FWHM (short term) 15% of FWHM (long term) Useable with any part of the instrument vented to air Window valves Aligned to the unfocused FEL beam to within 100 microns LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 8 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Component Physics Requirements CXI Coherent Imaging Injector Purpose Deliver support-free single particles to the LCLS beam Requirements Particle beam focus < 250 microns Transmission > 50 % Translation (XZ) 10 mm Particle size range 10 – 1500 nm Aerodynamic lens Stack of concentric orifices with decreasing openings. Particle beam diagnostics Charge detectors Design builds on recent work at LLNL Bogan et al, Nanoletters 8, 310-316 (2008) LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 9 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Component Physics Requirements CXI Sample Chambers Purpose Position samples on grids and apertures Maintain high vacuum Requirements Accommodate multiple experiments configurations Fixed targets Injected particles Interface with KB mirrors upstream Detector Stage downstream Ports for Injector Ion TOF Lasers Vacuum better than 10-7 torr Rapid access Large volume for flexibility 1 micron Sample Chamber Compatible only with 1 micron KB System Delivered at CD-4B 0.1 micron Sample Chamber Similar to 1 micron Sample Chamber Plus Compatible both KB Systems Delivered at CD-4C LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 10 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Component Physics Requirements CXI Sample Chamber (Fixed targets) Multiple apertures Aperture Purpose Remove beam halo Remove slit scatter from upstream slits Particle Beam Aperture Aperture Requirements Apodized edges Positional resolution and repeatability : <1 µm Easily replaced if destroyed by the beam Multiple samples held on multiple grids Sample pitch and yaw High resolution telescope for sample viewing CXI Sample Chamber (Injected Particles) Sample stage can be translated and used as an aperture Utilize the same setup for fixed samples and particle injection Particle beam comes in from the top Particle beam aperture LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 11 Apertures Sample S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Component Physics Requirements CXI Ion Time-ofFlight Purpose Design will be a scaled down version of the AMO Ion TOF Detect ions produced by exploding sample Provide a veto trigger signal when a particle was hit by the beam Identify unwanted particles Requirements 1 Atomic Mass Unit resolution Up to 100 AMU detection 1 GHz digitization Does not interfere with imaging detector LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 12 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Component Physics Requirements CXI Precision Instrument Stands Purpose Position the chamber at the interaction region Requirements Positioning accuracy 100 microns Short term stability 0.1 microns 5 µrad 1 micron Precision Instrument Stand Support the 1 micron Sample Chamber and Detector Stage 0.1 micron Precision Instrument Stand Support the 0.1 micron KB System, 0.1 micron Sample Chamber and Detector Stage LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 13 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Component Physics Requirements CXI Detector Stage Purpose Center the detector hole on the direct beam Position the detector at the appropriate distance from the interaction region Requirements Range along the beam : 502400 mm Non-continuous Vacuum better than 10-7 torr Diagnostics behind the detector for alignment Valve to isolate the detector vacuum Short term stability 1 micron 10 µrad LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 14 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Component Physics Requirements CXI Detector Stage Purpose Center the detector hole on the direct beam Position the detector at the appropriate distance from the interaction region Requirements Range along the beam : 502400 mm Non-continuous Vacuum better than 10-7 torr Diagnostics behind the detector for alignment Valve to isolate the detector vacuum Short term stability 1 micron 10 µrad LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 15 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Component Physics Requirements 1.3.6 CXI Hutch facilities Raised flooring Storage cabinets, work benches and tool chests Utilities distribution 1.3.7 CXI Vacuum system Requirements Vacuum better than 10-7 Torr Better than 10-9 Torr for KB Systems 10 year lifetime for ion pumps Support stands 1.3.8 CXI Installation LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 16 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Safety LUSI Hazard Analysis Report (PM-391-001-34) complete Safety issues are considered at every stage of the design, fabrication and installation process Safety considerations (some examples) Ionizing Radiation Hutch walls will comply with SLAC Radiation Safety memo RPRPG-080606-MEM-01 Hutch PPS Pressure/Vacuum Vessel Safety Compliant with 10CFR851 Seismic Safety Designs compliant with: Seismic Design Specification for Buildings, Structures, Equipment, and Systems, SLAC-I-7200A24E-002-R002 Mechanical Engineered solutions that prevent potential “pinch-points” with moving machinery Hoisting and Rigging Positioning of devices that require the use of the FEH H5 overhead crane shall be performed by qualified personnel only with an approved lift plan. LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 17 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Instrument Configuration CXI is comprised of five major subsystems Focusing Optics (WBS 1.3.02) Provide focal spot sizes on the order of 100 nm x 100 nm and 1 µm x 1 µm for the CXI instrument Reference Laser (WBS 1.3.03) Provides a visible, low power laser beam collinear with the LCLS X-ray beam to align the components of the CXI instrument without use of the Xray beam Sample Environment (WBS 1.3.04 & 1.3.05) To measure the coherent diffraction pattern of any submicron sample of interest (1) sample chamber, (2) ion time-of-flight mass spectrometer, (3) particle injector, (4) detector stage and (5) precision instrument stand Vacuum System (WBS 1.3.07) Create and support a vacuum environment with pressure better than 10-9 Torr for each KB system and better than 10-7 Torr along the CXI beamline Diagnostics/Common Optics (WBS 1.5) Analyze and optimize the X-ray beam properties Located in both the XRT and FEH H5 and consist of a suite of X-ray optic and diagnostic components that are common with the other LUSI instruments as well as CXI specific hardware, i.e. Wavefront Monitor LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 18 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Instrument Configuration (2) CXI Components in the X-ray Transport Tunnel (XRT) Reference Laser (WBS 1.3.03) Beam Direction Diagnostics (WBS 1.5) CXI Components in Far Experimental Hall Hutch 5 (FEH H5) FEH Common Room CXI Control Room 2X Double Racks Gas Cabinet FEH H5 Laser Table Beam Direction Focusing Optics (WBS 1.3.02) Sample Environment (WBS 1.3.04 & 1.3.05) 5X Single Racks Note: Overhead crane in H5 not shown for clarity LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 19 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Engineering/Design Status CD-2 Documentation Activities Overall CXI Instrument Physics Requirements Document (PRD) reviewed and approved by team leaders in Dec 07 CAD system model documentation hierarchy (CAD Drawing Tree/File Structure) in review Initial XRT/FEH H5 beamline layout complete 13 PRDs/ESDs released, 9 ESDs in-work/draft-review/released status 1µm KB system ESD/Technical Specification in review Hutch Design (FEH H5) ESDs/Room Data sheets released Hutch Layout Drawings Stay Clears Utilities Hutch Layout APP and Risk Identification/Registry complete and up to date All Basis of Estimates complete and up to date LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 20 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Engineering/Design Status (2) PDR: Preliminary Design Review CXI Reference Laser & Detector Stage nearing PDR Instrument Equipment List/Review Checklist FDR: Final Design Review Seismic: Seismic Review Components > 400lbs Additional Reviews that may be applicable: Electrical Safety Fire Safety Hazardous Experimental Equipment Hoisting and Rigging Safety Laser Safety Radiation Safety Preliminary and Final Instrument Design Reviews (PIDR & FIDR) LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 21 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Engineering/Design Status (3) CXI 0.1µm KB system (WBS 0.1µm spot size for samples less than 50nm in size State of the art focusing optic One potential vendor identified Osaka U/JTEC – actively pursuing and pushing the technology Pre-figured/mechanically bent/bimorph solutions acceptable PRD released June 2008 Vendor PDR scheduled for November 2009 Overall system PDR scheduled for February 2010 ~$1,400K ESRF KB Design CXI 1µm KB system (WBS 1µm spot size for samples between 50nm and 1µm Technology is proven Pre-figured/mechanically bent/bimorph solutions acceptable PRD released June 2008 ESD/ Technical Specification draft completed (in work-finalize) Draft of ESD sent to multiple vendors for Request for Information (RFI): Engineering feasibility study Budgetary Inquiries Vendor PDR scheduled for August 2009 Overall system PDR scheduled for October 2009 ~$1,390K ($970,000 in long lead procurement – July 2009) LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 22 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Engineering/Design Status (4) CXI Reference Laser (WBS Installed in the X-ray Transport tunnel Used to align components without requiring FEL beam Pointing stability critical Preliminary design nearly complete Detailed engineering analysis required to ensure pointing stability PRD released June 2008 ESD draft completed (in review) PDR scheduled for October 2008 ~$115K LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 23 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Engineering/Design Status (5) Particle Injector (WBS Injector design exists from LLNL LUSI project will advance the design Recently hired LLNL physicist who was primarily responsible for the design, fabrication and testing of the injector Work on the injector scheduled to begin July 2008 PDR scheduled for August 2009 ~$1,005K LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 24 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Engineering/Design Status (6) CXI Sample Chambers (WBS 1µm Sample Chamber Significant design work completed on the sample chamber for all of its required configurations Fixed target, particle injection set-ups and options for detector position – complex design Design should be sufficiently flexible to allow for potential use of Particle Injector/IToF before CD-4C if available Allow for interface with Detector Stage PRD released July 2008 ESD draft completed (in review) PDR scheduled for December 2008 ~$750K 0.1µm Sample Chamber Design should accommodate all of required experimental configurations Fixed target, particle injection set-ups and options for detector position Allow for interface with 0.1µm KB System, Detector Stage, Particle Injector and IToF PRD released July 2008 ESD draft completed (in review) PDR scheduled for March 2010 ~$500K LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 25 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Engineering/Design Status (7) CXI Precision Instrument Stands (WBS 1µm Precision Instrument Stand Conceptual design based on LCLS AMO Instrument Stand (similar stability/ precision motion requirements) Support /Interface with 1µm Sample Chamber and Detector Stage Motorized motions for KB offsets PRD released July 2008 ESD draft completed (in review) PDR scheduled for December 2009 ~$240K 0.1µm Precision Instrument Stand Design similar to 1µm Precision Instrument Stand Support 0.1µm Sample Chamber, Detector Stage and 0.1µm KB System Motorized motions for KB offsets PRD released July 2008 ESD draft completed (in review) PDR scheduled for May 2010 ~$240K LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 26 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Engineering/Design Status (8) Detector Stage (WBS Centers the detector on the beam and positions it in “Z” relative to the interaction point Concept completed Analysis required to ensure detector stability Design waiting detector packaging details PRD released ESD draft completed (in review) PDR scheduled for September 2008 ~$325K LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 27 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Engineering/Design Status (9) CXI Hutch Facilities (WBS & Hutch layout design Raised flooring Storage cabinets, work benches and tool chests Utilities distribution ~$380K CXI Vacuum System (WBS & Requirements Beamline vacuum better than 10-7 Torr Better than 10-9 Torr for KB Systems 10 year lifetime for ion pumps Vacuum equipment: pumps, valves, gauges, etc. Bellows and Spools Support stands PDRs Vacuum Equipment – scheduled for November 2008 Vacuum Supports – scheduled for May 2009 ~$700K LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 28 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Engineering/Design Status (10) Installation (WBS CXI has a “phased installation” CD-4B Diagnostics/Common Optics Reference Laser 1µm Sample Chamber & Precision Instrument Stand 1µm KB System Detector Stage Vacuum Equipment/Hardware/Supports Early Finish – March 2011 CD-4C Diagnostics/Common Optics 0.1µm Sample Chamber & Precision Instrument Stand 0.1µm KB System Particle Injector/IToF Vacuum Equipment/Hardware/Supports Early Finish – November 2011 LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 29 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Engineering/Design Status (11) Preliminary component designs Reference Laser Preliminary design ~90% complete Engineering analysis required to evaluate stability criteria CXI 1µm Sample Chamber Preliminary design ~75% complete CXI 1µm Precision Instrument Stand Conceptual design based on AMO instrument Detector Stage Preliminary design ~75% complete Awaiting more information on detector packaging and stability analysis Engineering Specification Document for the 1µm KB system Currently in “draft-review” status Multiple vendors evaluating draft specifications LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 30 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Engineering/Design Status (12) 6 month “look-ahead” at Level 4/5 Milestones ESDs released CXI Detector Stage – Sept 08 CXI Reference Laser – Sept 08 CXI 1.0µm KB System – Sept 08 CXI 1.0µm Precision Instrument Stand – Sept 08 CXI 1.0µm Sample Chamber – Oct 08 CXI 0.1µm KB System – Oct 08 PRDs released CXI Injector – Jan 09 Preliminary Design Reviews CXI Detector Stage – Sept 08 CXI Reference Laser – Oct 08 CXI Vacuum Equipment – Nov 08 CXI 1.0µm Sample Chamber – Dec 08 Final Design Reviews CXI Reference Laser – Dec 08 Vacuum System Equipment – Jan 09 Cornell Detector Packaging (Participate in) – Feb 09 Vendor Related Release CXI KB Systems RFP – Jan 09 Receive CXI KB Systems Vendor Proposals – Feb 09 Far Experimental Hall Hutches FEH H5 Preliminary Layout – Sept 08 LCLS 30%, 60%, 90% hutch drawing review – Sept 08, Oct 08 and Jan 09 LCLS FEH FDR – Jan 09 LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 31 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Value Engineering Many trade-offs have been considered in the CXI Preliminary Design The CXI team will continue to purse cost effective approaches for all aspects of the instrument design/fabrication /installation LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 32 Component Value Management /Design Alternatives Considered Diagnostics All the diagnostics requirements were optimized to meet the experimental needs for all the instruments. Significant cost savings can be realized from common designs, both in PED, as well as in manufacturing. Optics The following optical components requirements were optimized to meet the experimental needs for all the instruments: Pulse Picker, Attenuator, Harmonic Rejection Mirror and Be Lenses. Significant cost savings can be realized from common designs. 1µm Sample Chamber Design alternatives were studied to accommodate various detector locations, allow for rapid access to internal chamber hardware and to maximize the reconfiguration capability of experimental hardware in the same chamber. 1µm Sample Chamber Worked with a vendor to provide in-vacuum nanopositioning piezo stages capable of sustaining a higher load capacity. This collaboration lead to a gain in the flexibility of hardware reconfiguration by utilizing smaller stages. 1µm Precision Instrument Stand Utilized the same concept as the LCLS AMO Instrument to save design costs due to similar stability and precision motion requirements. Significant cost savings can be realized from common designs. S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Procurement Strategy A variety of sources are used to design/build/install CXI components CXI Work Breakdown Structure - PM-391-000-96 WBS Previous Design/OTS 1.3 1.3.01 1.3.02 1.3.03 1.3.04 1.3.05 1.3.06 1.3.07 SLAC Domestic Vendor Foreign Vendor Long Lead Procurement 1.3.08 SLAC effort where skill set exists. Vendor design/build used where required. Previous designs and off-the-shelf components are used whenever available LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 33 TITLE Resource Source Design Build Install COHERENT X-RAY IMAGING (CXI) CXI System Integration & Design CXI X-ray Optics CXI KB System (0.1 micron) CXI KB System (1 micron) CXI Lasers CXI Reference laser RESERVED CXI Coherent Imaging Injector Coherent Imaging Injector System CXI Sample Environment CXI Room Temperature Environment CXI Sample Chamber & Ion ToF CXI Precision Instrument Stand CXI Detector Stage RESERVED RESERVED CXI Hutch Facilities CXI Hutch Specification CXI Utilities & Hutch Equipment CXI Vacuum System CXI Vacuum Equipment CXI Vacuum Hardware CXI Bellows & Spools CXI Vacuum Supports CXI Installation CXI Installation Phase S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Cost & Schedule Resource loaded schedule completed and has been fully implemented into Primavera P3 CXI (WBS 1.3) 231 milestones specific to CXI 197 L4/L5 milestones L4: Systems (COMP/RCV) L5: Interface/Handoff (AVAIL/REQD)) 34 L6 milestones L6: Commitments/Awards (AWARD) Duration to “Project Ready for CD-X Approval” 3B – 14m (Oct 09) 4B – 31m (April 11) 4C – 42m (March 12) LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 34 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Cost & Schedule (2) BoE & Manpower Loaded Schedule developed in a manner similar to the other LUSI instruments CXI L3 Planned Budget by Control Acct & FY Labor – ~ 58% “Labor” means ALL labor including LOE Non-Labor – ~ 42% Peak expenditure in FY10 LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 35 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Cost & Schedule (3) 8.0 - CXI Installation Phase - CXI Vacuum Hardware - CXI Vacuum Equipment 7.0 - CXI Utilities & Hutch Equipment Engineers & Designers/Person Quarter - CXI Hutch Specification 6.0 - CXI Room Temperature Environment - Coherent Imaging Injector System Integ 5.0 - CXI Reference laser - CXI KB System (1 micron) - CXI KB System (0.1 micron) 4.0 1.3.01 - CXI System Integration & Design 3.0 2.0 1.0 Person quarter = 444h FY12-2 FY12-1 FY11-4 FY11-3 FY11-2 FY11-1 FY10-4 FY10-3 FY10-2 FY10-1 FY09-4 FY09-3 FY09-2 Durations FY09-1 0.0 Fiscal Quarters Person year = 1776h Person month = 148h LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 36 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( CXI Critical Path KB Mirrors Design Effort Driving Milestones: LL Approval, CD3 & CD-4 KB Mirrors AWARD & Vendor Design Post Vendor Effort and Installation LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 37 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( CXI Critical Path (2) Installation Effort KB systems are “long duration procurement” items – requesting DOE long lead approval for 1µm KB system prior to CD-3B Critical path (through 1µm KB System) has 117d of schedule contingency LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 38 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Risk Identification & Mitigation Risk Identification/Registry complete and up to date as per “LCLS Risk Management Plan” PMD 1.1-002-r4 KB Mirror Systems No vendor willing to bid on systems – Technical & Schedule Mitigation Start discussions with vendors early to guarantee their capabilities are consistent with our needs Iterate specs with vendors early to find a workable solution before bid process Vendor doesn’t meet specifications – Technical Mitigation Travel to vendor sites during fabrication Have a quality control person supervise their final fabrication process and final surface characterization Identify vendors with proven capabilities Delays impact other systems – Schedule Mitigation Break the link between the KB0.1 KB mirror and the chamber by building a second chamber to be used early with the KB1 system only. Risk has been alleviated with BCR-2008-06-004: Addition of Second Chamber and Precision Instrument Stand for the CXI Instrument Sample Chamber Lack of information regarding 0.1µm KB delays engineering effort – Schedule Mitigation Same as “Delays impact other systems” above. Risk retired with BCR-2008-06-004: Addition of Second Chamber and Precision Instrument Stand for the CXI Instrument Particle Injector Remote operation – Technical & Schedule Mitigation Leverage institutional efforts to solve this problem Move injector to a CD-4C deliverable LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 39 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( CXI CD-2 Project Readiness CXI designs are mature and technically meet the requirements for CD-2 All CD-2 criteria met Management WBS Dictionary Milestone Dictionary Risk Registry Resource Loaded Schedule Basis of Estimate Hazard Analysis Report Technical Fully define scope of project, document & review Instrument Physics Requirement Document (PRD) Instrument Engineering Specification Document (ESD) Instrument Start-Up Plan Component PRDs - Released Component ESDs - Pre-released Advance technical designs meet the CD-2 requirement to provide sufficient information to develop performance baseline Preliminary Instrument Design Review LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 40 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( Summary CXI designs are mature and concepts are based on proven developments made at FLASH and SR sources CXI has an established design with a consistent cost estimate. Approximately 90% of the materials costs based on vendor quotations, catalogs, or previous orders (Total procurements:3,467K$, Total based on quotes:3,164K$) Critical Design Thrust Kirkpatrick-Baez Mirror Systems Required Long Lead Procurement 1µm Kirkpatrick-Baez Mirror System Critical Path “float” reasonable for total schedule duration Major Risks are mitigated with an implemented BCR to the “preliminary baseline” which includes a second dedicated Sample Environment for the 1µm KB system CXI and LUSI ready for CD-2 Approval! LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 41 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez ( End of presentation LUSI DOE Review August 20 2008 Coherent X-Ray Imaging (WBS 1.3) 42 S. Boutet ( P. Montanez (