Outline General Layout Scanning over the Cathode Adjustment of the beam diameter Mechanical Issues (window size, angle of incidence) January 13 2005 Launch System Drive Laser Meeting Sasha Gilevich Gilevich@slac.stanford.edu Previous Layout (downstream from the shaper) Aperture (grating) is imaged to the cathode plane 3:1 Grating Lens F=475mm Aperture Insertable telescope (3:1) decreases the beam radius Lens is attached to the cathode window Beamsplitter (for virtual Cathode Diagnostics) Beam Shaper Lens F=150mm Window Cathode Grating 3600g/mm. Incidence angle at the cathode 66.63 degrees January 13 2005 Launch System Drive Laser Meeting Aperture in front of the grating allows to adjust the beam diameter on the cathode Second set of apertures after the grating corrects the ellipticity Sasha Gilevich Gilevich@slac.stanford.edu Disadvantages Does not have scanning possibility Does not allow continuous adjustment of the beam diameter Lens is attached to the cathode window January 13 2005 Launch System Drive Laser Meeting Sasha Gilevich Gilevich@slac.stanford.edu Scanning (by linear motion of 2 mirrors) mirror mirror cathode mirror cathode Incidence angle is preserved Allows independent horizontal and vertical adjustment January 13 2005 Launch System Drive Laser Meeting Requires 3 mirrors between the second lens and the cathode (path length should be increased) Could effect the image quality (can be compensated by moving the lens) Sasha Gilevich Gilevich@slac.stanford.edu Layout January 13 2005 Launch System Drive Laser Meeting Sasha Gilevich Gilevich@slac.stanford.edu Adjustment of the Beam Diameter Adjustment Range: 2.5 2.3 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.3 Without telescope: 250 200 150 100 80 130 Delay, mm January 13 2005 Launch System 180 230 280 330 Distance L2-M6 Beam Radius, mm Beam Size Adjustment 1.1 – 2.4 With telescope: 0.38 – 0.86 50 380 Rx @ 0.5 Rx @ 0.5 telescope L2 - M6 L2 - M6 telescope Drive Laser Meeting Sasha Gilevich Gilevich@slac.stanford.edu Beam Profile Delay length 360mm Y X Side – 5mm January 13 2005 Launch System Drive Laser Meeting Sasha Gilevich Gilevich@slac.stanford.edu Beam Profile Delay length 85mm Y X Side – 10mm January 13 2005 Launch System Drive Laser Meeting Sasha Gilevich Gilevich@slac.stanford.edu Beam Profile with the Telescope Delay length 90mm Y Y X X Side – 5mm January 13 2005 Launch System Drive Laser Meeting Sasha Gilevich Gilevich@slac.stanford.edu Beam Profile with the Telescope Delay length 365mm YY X X Side – 2mm January 13 2005 Launch System Drive Laser Meeting Sasha Gilevich Gilevich@slac.stanford.edu Gun Design Beam Profile 44.73 from the cathode Size = 6x2.2 Beam Profile 44.73+18 from the cathode Size = 7.6x2.6 Side 10mm January 13 2005 Launch System Drive Laser Meeting Sasha Gilevich Gilevich@slac.stanford.edu Mechanical Issues Maximum beam size on the window –13mm. Window should be about 20mm Maximum beam size in the hole 8x3mm. The hole should exceed 11x6mm (+some space for alignment) Incidence angle 67.5 degrees (22.5) Design requires large optics (3mm scanning) (M11 diameter>90mm) January 13 2005 Launch System Drive Laser Meeting Sasha Gilevich Gilevich@slac.stanford.edu Summary Design allows to move the beam on the cathode (requires 2 remotely controlled linear stages and, if the beam quality is the issue, lens position adjustment) Design allows to change the beam radius in the range 2.4 – 1.15 and 0.86 – 0.38mm (beams with R<0.4 have some distortion) (requires 2 remotely controlled stages: delay length and lens position) Design requires large optics (possibly custom made mirrors) January 13 2005 Launch System Drive Laser Meeting Sasha Gilevich Gilevich@slac.stanford.edu