Transport Phenomenon In a state of steady flow of heat or electricity the distribution function for velocity component and spatial coordinates of the particles will be different from that in thermal equilibrium in the absent of flow. The theory of transport phenomenon is concerned with determining this distribution function for given external fields. The probability distribution is determined by Boltzmann transport equation. This equation describes the space, velocity and time changes of distribution function of collisions between parties. Boltzmann Transport Equation Let us consider a system of particles under extended forces. We work in the six dimensional space of Cartesian coordinates and velocity. The distribution function f (r1 v) defined by the relation f (r1 v 1 ) d r d v = Number of particles in d r d v f may be caused by drift of particles in and out t of the volume element and also by collisions among the particles; f f f ( ) drift ( ) collisions............................(1) t t t If the number of particles is conserved we have f ( ) drift div ( f u ) 0................................(2) t At a point (r , v ) the time rate of change Where u is the velocity vector in the six–dimensional space. u ( x y z , v x v y v z , ) Here x y z are the components of acceleration which are action on the particle and v x v y v z , are the velocity components. Now, div ( f u ) fdiv(u ) u.gradf If u is expressed in Cartesian coordinates then divu 0 . Thus div ( f u ) u gradf …………………………….(3) From equation (2) and (3) we have f ( ) drift u.gradf 0 t ( f ) drift u.gradf t .gard v f v.gard r f ………………..(4) Let us suppose that a non-equilibrium distribution of velocity is set up by external forces such as electric field or temperature gradient are removed. The decay of distribution function towards equilibrium is then can be expressed as f f0 f ( ) collision ( )..................................(5) t Where (u, v) is the relaxation time or mean free time and to is the distribution function is thermal equilibrium. If we note that by definition f 0 =0: then from equation (5) yields t ( f f 0 ) f f0 ................................(6) t Which has the solution ( f f 0 ) t ( f f 0 ) t 0 e t Combining equation (2), (4) and (6) we have the boltzmann transport equation in the relaxation time approximation. f f0 f .grad v f v.grad r f t f In the steady state =0, then t .gard v v.gard r f f f0 Electrical conductivity in an electron Gas Boltzmann transport equation in the relaxation time approximation is f f0 t .gard v v.gard r f .......................................(1) t where f is the distribution function f 0 is the distribution function in thermal equilibrium 0 is the relaxation time. Let us consider a specimen with and electric field in the X-direction and temperature f gradient . For steady state (dc conditions) 0 and in electric field E, acceleration f x e .then equation (1) becomes m f f0 e f f u m u x c ..................................................(2) where u is the x component of the velocity and e and m are the charge and mass of the electron respectively . Rewriting equation (2) we have e f f f f0 c ( u )...................................................(3) m u x Assume weak fields and small temperature gradients, so that the change in the distribution function will be small i.e. f f0 1 . To this approximation f0 f e f 0 u 0 )) m u x Now f 0 Is a function of the energy E ; the temperature f f0 c ( energy is a function of the velocity because and the chemical potential u the 1 E mu 2 . Thus we have 2 f 0 f 0 du f 0 d ...............................................(4) x u dx dx f 0 f 0 dE f 0 mu ...............................................(5) and x E du E d 0 The electrical conductivity is usually defined under the conditions dx f 0 0 and (3) reduces to where N is the carrier concentration. Then x and dN 0 dx , f 0 ...........................................(6) E The electric current density is given by f f c eu J e eufd v....................................................(7) Using equation. (6) in (7) yields J e eu ( f 0 c eu J e c e 2 u 2 ( Or As f 0 )d v E f 0 )d v.................................(8) E uf 0 d v 0 Because f 0 is an even function of the velocity component u. 1 Particles using Fermi-Dirac distribution function 2 For spin We have m m f 0 2( ) 3 f (t ) 2( ) 3 h h 1 ............................(9) ( E ) 1 e Now for the function E 1 ( E ) 1 ( E ). e Where (x) Is the Dirac function . The electric current density is given by, after equation (8) m J e 2 c e 2 ( ) 3 u 2 h E 1 d v...........................(10) ( E ) e 1 Now u 2d v Since, E 4 4 u du.............................(11) 3 1 mu 2 2 dE mu du dE u du m Then equation (11) yields 4 2 E 2 1 ( ) ( )dE 3 m m 3 u 2 dv 8 2 E 2 m 2 dE................(12) 3 So that equation (10) yields 3 5 = m 8 J e 2 c e ( ) 3 h 3 2 m 8 = 2 c e 2 ( ) 3 h 3 16 ) 3 Again we have 5 2 3 2 2m () e ( E )dE 5 3 2m 2 2 5 3 m 2 c e 2 ( ) 3 m 2 2 h ( 2 h2 )(3 2 N ) 3 =( 2 8 m Then, 16 ) Je ( 3 16 Je ( ) 3 = Ne2 c Je 5 3 m h2 2 c e 2 ( ) 3 m 2 ( 2 ) 2 (3 2 N ) h 8 m 5 m 2 c e ( ) 3 m 2 h m Ne 2 c m h3 2 3 2 8 3m 3 2 3 2 N Calculation of Viscosity from Boltzmann equation Let us consider a gas having Maxwellian velocity distribution with a drift term in the ydirection. In response to a shearing motion of the bounding surfaces, this drift velocity varies linearly with Z. Therefore velocity component in y-direction i.e. vy Will be modified by this drift to assume a value (vy- z ) Where v y z is the velocity gradient in the system. The equilibrium Maxwellian distribution function, normalized can be written as m 2 1 ) exp .( mv 2 )........................................(1) 2 2 3 f 0 ( v, r ) n ( 1 KT In order to extend this distribution to non-equilibrium states, the above function f is modified by introducing a factor g(v)follows: In which m 2 1 f ( v, r ) n ( ) exp .( mv 2 )(1 g (v) 2 2 Now boltzmann transport equations f f0 f vgrad r f .gard v f ...........................(3) t c 3 If the system under consideration is not much deviated from equilibrium conditions the term on the left hand side of the equation (3) will be small and can be solved by putting f f 0 therefore equation (3) assumes the form f 0 f f0 vgrad r f 0 .gard v f 0 ...........................(4) t c Since f 0 does not involve the terms having t and r we can put f 0 = 0 and grad r f 0 = 0. As t we are considering drift in y-direction and the acceleration will be equal to then - v z then equation (4) reduces to df f f0 vz 0 ............................(5) v y c Putting the values of f 0 and f from equation (1) and (2) yields vz d v y n m 2 1 m 2 1 ) exp .( mv 2 )] ( ) exp .( mv2 ) g (v) 2 2 c 2 2 3 [ n( 3 g (v ) or v z (m (v y z ) or g (v) c v z m (v y z )................................(6) c Since only the modified part of Maxwellion distribution will contribute to momentum current density, which is also a shearing stress T yz we write T yz = m(v y z )v z g (v) f 0 (v, r )d v...................................(7) Putting for f 0 (v, r ) and g (v) from equation (1) and (6) into equation (7) yields m 2 1 ) m(v y z )v z c m (v y z )v z exp( mv 2 )d v = n( 2 2 3 T yz m 2 1 2 ) c m 2 (v y z )(v y z ) v z exp( mv 2 )d v 2 2 Which works out to be 3 n( T yz n c ............................(8) According to Newton’s hypothesis, the tangential force F action on plane parallel layer is proportional to area of the plan A and velocity gradient which is ( Therefore, F A v y z F = A F ( Since v y z ) Tyz ..........................(9) A where is the co-efficient of viscosity and Tyz is the shear stress. comparing equation (8) and (9) we have, n c n c nkT c v y z )