Central Washington University Nutrition Science Club Constitution

Central Washington University
Nutrition Science Club
The purpose of the Central Washington University Nutrition Science club shall be
to provide a framework for meaningful student involvement and to stimulate interest in
the profession of dietetics and food science.
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be Central Washington University Nutrition
Science Club (CWUNSC)
Article II: Objectives
The objectives of this club shall be:
To assist in the continuance of nutrition education
To promote social graces and personal development
To promote nutritional awareness on the campus and in the community
To promote good fellowship and high scholarship
To promote the adoption and application of high social, business and professional
Article III: Membership
Section 1:
Any CWU student with an interest in nutritional science and dietetics shall be
considered for membership
We will not deny considerations for memberships to any student because of sex, race,
religion, creed, nationality, handicap or marital status.
Section 2:
To obtain membership, each member must pay dues and must attend a minimum
number of meetings and activities set forth by the association.
Section 3
Active membership in the organization shall automatically terminate when a member
ceases to be enrolled as a student at CWU.
Section 4
Any member of this organization may resign membership at any time provided that
all indebtedness to this association is paid in full.
Article IV: Discipline
Section 1:
Any member may be expelled by a two-thirds majority vote of the entire membership
for conduct unbecoming of the CWUNSC.
Section 2:
Any member whose membership in this organization has been terminated in any
manner shat forfeit all interests in any funds or property belonging to this club.
Article V: Officers and Responsibilities
Section 1:
The elected officers of this organization shall be president, vice president, secretary,
treasurer, public relation representative, club senate representative and fundraising
coordinator. Each member shall be an active member and in good standing with the
organization. Term of office shall be one year.
Section 2:
Election of officers shall be held at a regular club meeting during spring quarter each
year. They shall assume office at the beginning of the following academic year. A
joint meeting with current and future officers shall be held at the end of the spring
quarter each year to advise new officers and pass on all materials.
Section 3:
The President shall:
1. Preside at all general and/or executive meetings.
2. Be responsible for the leadership in the overall planning of the organization’s
3. Shall appoint the ex-officio member of any special committees.
4. Shall promote the work of this club and act as its official associations’
delegate at all conventions of which they are in attendance.
Section 4:
The Vice-President shall:
1. Serve as supervisor and coordinate activities of committee people.
2. Discharge the duties of the president in the case of his/her absence,
resignation or forfeiture of office.
3. Actively assist the president in any possible way to carry out the objectives
and goals of the organization.
Section 5:
The Secretary shall:
1. Record the minutes of the organization’s meetings.
2. Conduct all correspondence.
3. Duplicate any material as assigned by the material.
4. Keep record of member attendance at official club meetings.
Section 6:
The Treasurer shall:
1. Be responsible for keeping an accurate up-to-date account of all funds
obtained by the organization.
2. Be responsible in obtaining all checks and money from all members of the
club; delegate checks and reimbursements; and handle all incoming and
outgoing receipts.
3. Present a current account summary at all officer meetings.
Section 7:
The Public Relations Representative shall:
1. Be responsible for making flyers announcing the organization’s events.
2. Update the activities bulletin board, club website, and members e-mail list.
3. Be responsible for e-mail correspondence.
Section 8:
The Club Senate Representative shall:
1. Be responsible for attending CWU club senate meetings.
2. Be responsible to acquire any written paperwork or signatures that are needed
to keep the organization in good standing with CWU.
3. An alternative will be appointed to represent the club in the absence of the
club senate representative.
Section 9:
The Fundraising Coordinator shall:
1. Assist Senator in attending senate meetings.
2. Keep documentation on fundraising activities and response/success of each.
3. Be responsible for formulating fundraising ideas and coordinating their
Article VI: Meetings
During the school year this organization shall hold regularly scheduled meetings on
such a date and time and place determined by the club officers. Other meetings, in
addition to the monthly meetings, may be held as agreed upon by the officers.
Article VII:
Section 1:
The board of directors of this club shall consist of the officers, the faculty advisors
and the past president. The last three will be ex-officio members of the board.
Section 2:
The faculty advisors shall be members of the administrative or academic staff of
CWU. They shall be selected in consultation with the Dean of Students of other
individuals as may be designated by the school administration.
Section 3:
The duties of the Board of Directors shall be to manage the business and to determine
the policies of this organization; the nature and content of the service activities; plan
membership development; appoint official representatives; and carry out such other
duties as may be authorized by the bylaws or the active membership of this
Section 4:
The Board of Directors of this organization shall meet at least once a month during
the school year at a time and place that shall be determined by the president or the
majority of its voting members.
Article IIX: Committee
The president shall have the power to appoint special committees as needed, as is
determined by the president in consultation with the faculty advisors and the club
officers. It will be the responsibility of the president to outline the areas of work of
such chairpersons and committees and their term shall expire at the end of term of
office of the Board of Directors, or at such time as the president determines, in his/her
year, that their responsibilities of the assigned task have been fulfilled.
Article IX: Revenue
Section 1:
There will be a $5 charge for dues each quarter or $15 for an academic year in order
to be a member of this club. Quarterly dues will be collected by the second meeting
of each quarter and yearly dues will be collected by the end of fall quarter of each
year. In return, each member will be provided with full benefits of club activities and
Section 2:
Revenue may be derived from other sources inn such a manner as may be approved
by the Board of Directors. This organization shall not sponsor or participate directly
or indirectly in any activity, which may impugn or reflect unfavorably upon the good
name of the CWUNSC.
Article X: Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained within Robert’s Rules of Order Revised (latest edition) shall
govern this organization in all cases to which they are applicable and which they are
not consistent with the constitution and bylaws of this organization.
Article XI: Amendments
Amendments to this constitution may be adopted only by a two-thirds vote of the
active members present and voting at any regularly scheduled meeting of this
organization, provided that written notice of said proposed amendments shall have
been given to all active members at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which
they will be considered. All amendments not consistent with the Constitution of the
CWUNSC shall become effective only after submission to the approval of the Board
of Directors.