Central Washington University Performance and Development Plan


Position Description (PD)

Reviewed Yes No

Updated Yes No

Position/Class Title

Employee Name

ID Number

Working Title

Central Washington University

Performance and Development Plan


Type of Plan

Prob/Trial Service Annual

Employee Type


Evaluation Period

From To

Civil Service

Supervisor Name


Division/Department Mission

Indicate your mission, goals and/or objectives and describe how this position links to and contributes to the mission, goals and/or objectives.

Job Performance - Expectations and Ratings

This section identifies the level at which you are expected to perform specific job duties and/or responsibilities. During each interim review and at the end of the evaluation period, your supervisor will consider your performance in relation to each expectation. At the end of the evaluation period, your supervisor will select the rating level that most accurately describes how well you demonstrated outcomes in each area of responsibility.

Rating assessment: Exceeds Expectations (E); Meets Expectations (M); Needs Improvement (NI); Unsatisfactory (U)

Job Performance Expectations (Planning Stage

– beginning of review period)

Include target dates for completion if appropriate

Outcomes (Summarize performance)

(Interim (mid-cycle) & Final (end of period) Review)



(After setting initial expectations, sign the Acknowledgement of Expectations section)


Expectation required for all supervisors (check if applies to this position)

Supervisor will, in consultation with the employee, provide performance expectations to each of his/her subordinates at the beginning of each review period and at the end of the review period complete an evaluation of the subordinates performance.


(After discussing interim and/or final evaluation, sign Interim and/or Final

Review section)












Central Washington University

Performance and Development Plan

Key Competencies - Expectations and Ratings

During each interim review and at the end of the evaluation period, your supervisor will consider your performance in relation to each expectation. At the end of the evaluation period, your supervisor will select the rating level that most accurately describes how well you demonstrated outcomes in each area of responsibility.

Rating assessment: Exceeds Expectations (E); Meets Expectations (M); Needs Improvement (NI); Unsatisfactory (U)

Expectations of Key Competencies (Planning Stage

– beginning of review period)


(Summarize performance)

(Interim (mid-cycle) & Final (end of period) Review)



(After setting initial expectations, sign the Acknowledgement of Expectations section)


(After discussing interim and/or final evaluation, sign Interim and/or Final

Review section)



2) Interim:


3) Interim:


Training & Development Opportunities

Identify area(s) of training and development for the employee to focus on during the upcoming evaluation period. Be specific on methods of accomplishing stated outcomes along with target dates for completion (for example: training sessions, college courses, etc.)

Expectations (Check courses that are to be completed by the employee)

*New Employee Orientation

*Emergency Preparedness Planning and Responding to a Hostile Intruder (biennially)

*Preventing Employment Discrimination (required every 3 years)

*Preventing Sexual Harassment (required every 3 years)

*Supervisor Enrichment Program (new supervisors)

* In accordance with CWU Policy 2-30-260.

Other Training (Indicate below)


Target Dates Completion Dates



Central Washington University

Performance and Development Plan

Organizational Support (Optional)

This area is optional and to be completed only by the employee at any time during the evaluation period.

What suggestions do you have to help facilitate the results and competencies expected of you for the upcoming year and to support you in your present job and future career goals with the University?

Acknowledgement of Expectations (Initial Plan)

The signatures below indicate that the supervisor and employee have discussed the performance expectations and the training and development needs outlined and that the employee has received a copy of this form.


Supervisor’s Signature


Employee’s Signature

NOTE: Once the performance expectations have been established and the employee and supervisor have signed, provide the employee with a copy and send the original to

Human Resources for the employee’s personnel file. Schedule the interim and/or final review sessions.

Interim Review(s)

The signatures below indicate that the supervisor and employee have discussed the performance expectations, training and development needs, and the results and outcomes outlined and that the employee has received a copy of this form.

This report is based on my best judgment.

Additional Comments

This report has been discussed with me.




Supervisor’s Signature

Employee ’s Signature

Final (End of Evaluation Period) Review

The signatures below indicate that the supervisor and employee have discussed the performance expectations, training and development needs, the results and outcomes outlined; that the employee has received a copy of this form; and that the reviewer has reviewed this form and has approved the process used.

This report is based on my best judgment.

Additional Comments Date

Supervisor’s Signature

This report has been discussed with me.

Comments Date

Employee’s Signature

I have reviewed this report and, in my judgment, the process has been properly followed. In addition, the following comments are offered regarding the em ployee’s performance


Comments Date

Reviewer’s Signature

NOTE: Once the performance period is over and all signatures are in place, provide the employee with a copy and send the original to Human Resources for the employee’s personnel file. Schedule the initial expectation session for the next evaluation period.

