Central Washington University Employee Council of Civil Service Employees Minutes of the Meeting January 18, 2011 The basic purpose of the Employee Council shall be to provide civil service employees with a forum for sharing timely information and facilitating employee recognition. The Employee Council does not perform any function of organized labor and is not intended in any way to supplant collective negotiations or employee organizations provided for in RCW 41.06. http://www.cwu.edu/~hr/minutes/purpose.doc AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Guest speaker, Staci Sleigh-Layman, Office for Equal Opportunity 3. Approval of the Minutes for December 4. Subcommittee Reports 5. For the Good of The Order/New Business 6. HR Announcements 7. Selection of Employee of the Month for January 8. Adjournment The Employee Council of Civil Service Employees was called to order by Lucy Rolfe. Staci Sleigh-Layman talked about the various responsibilities that her job encompasses: Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity, Ethics, Ombuds Office, as well as significant relationships that her office has with other areas. Special emphasis was given to the Whistleblower Act. The challenge with her office is to solve issues at the lowest possible level based on referrals and increased communication. They are working on a simplistic website which includes information on Consultation and Referral Services for Students, Faculty and Staff. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES -Minutes from December were approved. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS -Committee members for the Annual Employee Appreciation Award and the Presidential Address are needed and do not need to be on the Employee Council. The Annual Employee Appreciation event is scheduled for April 19, 2011 and the Presidential Address for Classified Staff is scheduled for April 12, 2011. Please contact Lucy Rolfe if interested in serving on either of these committees. -Amy Zukowski reported that the Employee of the Year committee has five members and will meet later this month. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER/NEW BUSINESS President’s Advisory Council (PAC) Board of Trustees (BOT) Budget and Advisory Committee (BAC) 1. Richard DeShields talked about the Problem Solving Team: Meets regularly to discuss happenings on campus, e.g. they were Involved with controversial events like the Theatre Dept.’s production of “The Laramie Project” a couple years ago. All students are required to follow the student conduct code, whether they are on or off campus including the centers. 2. 3. 4. 5. Students and staff can report behavior/incidents on the intranet under the “Report Behaviors of Concern” link. This is important so all information is collected centrally. We want to avoid a situation like Virginia Tech where no one knew all of the facts. Number of incidents reported in Fall 2010 is almost double from Fall 2009. This represents a common trend across the state and also includes a large number of reports all related to a single incident in Roslyn, WA on October 9, 2010. Some of the increase is also attributable to increased community outreach regarding off campus student behavior. Wendy Rittereiser reported that electronic employment reports should be online by the end of January. Reports will be sorted by Division, Department, and Funding Source. They will include salary and benefit cost information. Detailed reports of faculty workload including course enrollment, committee assignments, etc. are being developed. The goal is to have the ability to compare tuition revenue by course with salary costs by course and to account for indirect costs. Testing is underway for ePAF and the goal for rollout is March, 2011. There will be group training for department secretaries and in-office training for appointing authorities Bill Vertrees presented a budget status update for the current year. We are doing a better job controlling expenses this year versus last year and with a smaller budget. At the end of November we had spent 31.65% of the budget versus 35.37% spent at the same time last year. Agnes Canedo reported that hopefully by 2013 state need grants will be offered starting in Summer quarter instead of Fall so more students will have funds available for summer classes. HR ANNOUNCEMENTS -Kirk Eslinger reiterated the fact that Human Resources has merged with Faculty Relations. They are working on job overlaps and are in the process of bringing “like paths together.” ADJOURNMENT/NEXT MEETING The Employee Council meeting was adjourned. The next Employee Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 15, 2011, in Black 138. Present – Delegate (D), Alternate (A) Lucy Rolfe, Business Support-D Debby Shelton, Information Technology Services-D Debbie Thomas, Instructional Support Unit A – D Beata Miller, Library Services and Academic Computing—D Kathleen Nelms, Library Services and Academic Computing-A Pat Coffey, Enrollment Management-D Elaine Ames, Student Affairs –D Barbara Hinchliff, Student Affairs-A Elizabeth Inman, University Centers-D Ashlie Crawford, University Relations & President-A Amy Zukowski, University Relations & President-D Absent Jeff St. John, Business Support-D Jason Berthon-Koch, Business Support-A Ryan Thompson, Business Support-A Andrew Caveness, Dining Services-D Linda Irish, Dining Services-A Christine Tufts, Facilities Management-D Diann McCoy, Facilities Management-A Eric Fraley, Facilities Management-D Chris Stebbins, Facilities Management-A Sheila Gallagher, Financial Services-D DeeAnn Karageorges, Financial Services-A Sandy Sperline, Information Technology-A Kelly Clerf, Instructional Support Unit A-A Judi Robinette, Instructional Support Unit B-D Angela Wedekind, Instructional Support Unit B-A Amber Darting, Enrollment Management-A Susan Adolfi, University Centers-A Also Present Kirk Eslinger, Human Resources If you have any questions regarding Employee Council or the Employee of the Month program, please contact your Employee Council Representative (http://www.cwu.edu/~hr/ec/delegates.html) or Human Resources at x1205. WEB SITES OF INTEREST Employee Council meeting minutes To view past minutes, please visit: http://www.cwu.edu/~hr/minutes/index.html. Employee of the Month Please look for the Employee of the Month winner in the University Bulletin and on the Campus Intranet. Information is posted after the presentations and announcements have been made. See current and previous winners online: http://www.cwu.edu/~hr/ec/index.html. Civil Service Employee of the Month nomination forms can be found at the Human Resources website: http://www.cwu.edu/~hr/forms/eotmnominate.html. You can also call Human Resources at x1202 to obtain a nomination form. Community members, CWU students and administrators as well as civil service employees are encouraged to nominate a civil service employee who deserves recognition and has worked for CWU at least two years. Team of Distinction Award “The purpose of the program is to give members of the university community who are concerned about improving the university’s climate a positive way to direct their energy and an opportunity to connect with other university members who also want to take action to improve their community.” Nominations for 2010 will be accepted through December 2010. The nomination form is located at http://www.cwu.edu/~hr/ec/teamawardnominate.html. President Advisory Council President Advisory Council (PAC) meeting minutes are located on the web at http://www.cwu.edu/president/cabminutes. H1N1 Website contains links to Kittitas County Health Department, World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There is also a link to frequently asked questions. Website: http://www.cwu.edu/~police/emergency/h1n1.html. Shared Leave Requests The following individuals are in need of shared leave: Marie McGowan and Jennifer Ford – Human Resources, Carol Hill – Accounting, and Linda Irish – Dining Services. CWU employees may donate leave to a fellow employee: 1) who is suffering from or has a relative or household member who is suffering from an extraordinary or severe illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition; or, 2) who has been called to service in the uniformed services; and, where the fact of either 1) or 2) has caused or is likely to cause the employee to take leave without pay or terminate his or her employment. You may donate annual (vacation) and sick leave in eight-hour blocks. A minimum balance of 80 hours of annual leave must be maintained. Excess annual leave (that over 240 hours) that will otherwise be lost may not be donated. A minimum balance of 176 hours of sick leave must be maintained. All or a portion of your personal holiday may also be donated. The shared leave donation form can be downloaded from the HR forms section of the Human Resources home page (http://www.cwu.edu/~hr/forms/shared_leave_donation_form.doc) or requested from the HR office by calling extension 1202. Requests to donate leave must be approved by your supervisor before forwarding to HR and are subject to approval by your department head and Human Resources.