SOFTWARE BUSINESS CASE DOCUMENT IMAGING SOLUTION TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................. 2 1. Problem Definition.......................................................................................................................................... 4 2. Addressing Problem with CWU existing tools and products (i.e. PeopleSoft) .................................................. 5 3. Organizational Impact ..................................................................................................................................... 5 4. Benefits........................................................................................................................................................... 7 5. Strategic Alignment ........................................................................................................................................ 8 6. Cost................................................................................................................................................................. 8 7. Alternatives (add lines as necessary) ............................................................................................................ 13 8. Estimated Timing / Schedule (add lines as necessary): Provided by Perceptive Software. Please see Appendix B for full details.................................................................................................................................... 14 9. Technology Migration/Resource Identification ............................................................................................. 14 10. Product Life/Application Sun-setting or Decommissioning ........................................................................... 15 11. References .................................................................................................................................................... 16 12. Recommendation ......................................................................................................................................... 18 13. Approvals...................................................................................................................................................... 18 APPENDIX A – ROI AND IMAGENOW – GENERATING MEASURABLE COST SAVINGS AND EFFICIENCIES ACROSS THE ENTERPRISE APPENDIX B – STATEMENT OF WORK FROM PERCEPTIVE SOFTWARE APPENDIX C – STORAGE ESTIMATES APPENDIX D – COMPARATIVE, PERCEPTIVE VS INDUSTRY AVERAGE APPENDIX E – IMAGENOW, TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This request is to approve the implementation of Perceptive Software which is a digital imaging solution that can be deployed to support the business processes of the university. Perceptive Software can be deployed across various platforms and software to improve work-flow efficiencies, secure documents from unauthorized access and meet document archival requirements. This includes the CWU PeopleSoft Systems (Human Resources, Financials and Student Administration) and other departmental software systems. The Perceptive imaging software can be implemented in almost any area of the university that handles documents, which would give us flexibility to expand to administrative offices. Perceptive Software can be used to capture, store and secure; paper documents, faxes, email, and other digital files (i.e. PDF, GIF, DOC). The integrity of the original file would be maintained and any edits or changes can be tracked without altering the original file. The files will be secured on our network servers and only accessible by authorized users. Perceptive provides flexible security tools that can be used to create security structure to meet the requirements of the organization. They also have a work-flow process outside of the PeopleSoft systems that can be used by any department to improve their document handling. They also have tools that can eliminate the need for any paper documents, for example E-forms. E-forms can be deployed through the web and routed through an approval process, such as a change of class request, or a suspension petition. Perceptive Software would provide us with a tool that we can use to mitigate the risk of lost, damaged and stolen documents that contain person identifiable information that could be used for identify theft. Currently the Financial Aid office lacks the capability to properly secure the financial aid student documents that are collected and required for verification of financial aid eligibility. We are required to restrict and secure the accessibility of the files and our filing cabinets and storage rooms do not meet the requirement of restricting access and protecting the documents from damage. Any unauthorized access would be a violation of FERPA which we would be held liable for any miss us of the information that is contained in the documents. Also, the lack of a secure document system would impede us from being certified under the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI Compliance). The PCI compliance is required for us to be authorized to receive payments via credit cards. An added benefit of imaging is the opportunity to improve our system process and create efficiencies that would improve the service we provide to our customers. For example, currently for Financial Aid students submit their documents via mail, fax or email, we then print (if electronic) and save in a physical folder for review. With imaging, students will be able to scan and upload the file to their account, therefore eliminating the risk of misplacing documents. The digital documents 2 would be available immediately to all the counselors and therefore improve the time it takes to review files for awarding. This is also very important to our student support model which includes staff at the CWU centers, the digital files would be accessible from any campus and therefore the counselors will be able to respond to student inquiries from any location. 3 Sponsoring Department(s): Financial Aid Date of Business Case Preparation: 04/03/2013, updated 06/20/2013 Contact Person Name/Phone: Adrian Naranjo, 963-2091 New Product/Service If there is a draft or sample contract, please provide a copy. Renewal of Existing Product/Service – if checked, include background information. If there is a site license agreement, existing contract or new contract draft, please provide a copy. 1. Problem Definition The business problem that we face is the lack of a document imaging solution that would allow us to secure our documents and improve our business processes. Each department on campus uses paper documents in their business operations and therefore is required to retain and secure them for varying periods of time. The lack of secured document imaging system also makes us vulnerable to document theft, damage from water/fire, and maintain the readability of the documents. For example, in Financial Aid we currently have thousands of paper files that are stored in open file cabinets in our office. These files contain personal and financial information about students and parents which we are required to retain and verify. These files present two issues; the first is file security which is our biggest risk. The files reside in an open cabinet that can be accessed by anyone who has access to our office such as staff, custodians, and cleaning crews. And our office is located on the first floor which has many windows which are not alarmed, therefore someone could break in and take the files. The biggest liability to CWU is the theft of the information that resides in our files, especially since they contain social security numbers and other information that can be used to in identify theft. The fact that this information is accessible by unauthorized personnel is also a violation of the FERPA because we do not restrict the access to only authorized users. We do have locking doors but a custodian/maintenance staff member is not an authorized user. A bad scenario would be someone making copies of our documents without our approval then we would not know the files had been stolen. Also, if the fire sprinklers were to be triggered then all of our documents would be damaged, these are original documents, once destroyed there is no back-up copy. Other departments on campus are also faced with similar issues in securing/protecting their documents. This is especially true for departments who have long document retention requirements, such as Payroll, HR, Facilities Management, Business Contracts and the Registrar. The second issue relates to the business processes that depend on the data in the files such as awarding financial aid. Each file must be moved physically from one station to another and therefore presents issues of missed placed and or incomplete files. The workflow with paper files adds many days of processing the financial aid applications and increases the respond time to follow up requests by students. This lag in time hinders our ability to expedite the respond to student inquiries. For example; when a student is meeting with a counselor, we cannot retrieve the documents that are in the file if the file has not been 4 returned to the main cabinets. The file can be in multiple places depending on the process and status. Also, our counselors placed at the centers cannot see the files, and therefore have to wait to get back to the students they are assisting. Compliance Issues: During the last PCI compliance review (Completed in February of 2013), the Student Accounts office had a finding for “Cardholder data is stored in an area that other unauthorized, employees have access”. This refers to custodians and maintenance personnel who access the area were the files reside during hours without being monitored. The file system includes non-locking cabinets. Financial Aid is at a higher risk of because the files in an open cabinet without doors. Recommendations: The Financial Aid office completed a review of all of its process to identify opportunities for create efficiencies and to identify issues with compliance. The Review Board made a recommendation to implement document imaging as a tool to improves process efficiencies and protect the data in our files. Other departments that handle personal and confidential information are also at risk of unauthorized access to the files, especially when they are placed in archive rooms and there is no monitoring of the file access. The rooms that are used for archiving vary in the protection they provide to our files. Also, archiving documents presents a challenge of space and ensuring that files are retained for the required time period by law. 2. Addressing Problem with CWU existing tools and products (i.e. PeopleSoft) Our current enterprise system (PeopleSoft) does not have the capability to capture, store and organize the digital files. There are other software solutions on campus such as MediaAmp but they don’t meet the business requirement. 3. Organizational Impact All Stakeholders The first step was to send information to all possible departments that could benefit from an imaging solution. We then invited them to attend a software demonstration by Perceptive Software. These are the departments that were invited to attend the demonstration. Travel, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Library, Facilities Management, Alumni/Foundation, Accounting, Student Success/Housing, Human Resources, Student Financial Services (Financial Aid, Student Accounts), Graduate Studies, Provost Office, International Programs, Continuing Education, Career Services, Information Technology (ITS), Financial Management, Budget Office, Institutional Research/OE, Enrollment Management, Registrar, President’s Office, Purchasing, Bookstore. Potential Partners/Primary Users The departments that were invited to attend the presentation are also the same departments that are potential partners/primary users. 5 Travel, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Library, Facilities Management, Alumni/Foundation, Accounting, Student Success/Housing, Human Resources, Student Financial Services (Financial Aid, Student Accounts), Graduate Studies, Provost Office, International Programs, Continuing Education, Career Services, Information Technology (ITS), Financial Management, Budget Office, Institutional Research/OE, Enrollment Management, Registrar, President’s Office, Purchasing, Bookstore. Systems used by these groups: The departments who attended the demonstration use software other than PeopleSoft for the everyday processing. The software they use includes Artic International Glacier Software, Raisers Edge, Sequoia, CampusED, HireRight, PeopleAdmin, Adirondac. Please Note: the software listed is from the departments who listed it on the feedback surveys. Departments who provided feedback on our survey: The departments who completed the feedback survey are HR, Payroll, Financial Aid, CWU Foundation, Admissions, Registrar, Housing, BFA, Career Services, Bookstore, Continuing Education, and MultiModal Learning. Survey Results: a) Half of the surveys indicated “extremely impressed” by the demo, the other half was “moderately impressed”. b) 66% believe that this software would benefit their daily workload. c) When asked what they liked the least, the response was: “Someone has to build all internal workflows, users, ect plus maintain security preferences (issue with all systems not just specific to Perceptive).” “I am sure it is not as easy to use as it appears.” d) What do you like about the Perceptive imaging solution, the response was: “Ease of User & variety of features” “Lots of Capability” “Retention, Easy Retrieval” “Seems like a very sophisticated, feature-rich product, point and click/drag and drop interface for creating work flows (ie no programming or scripting required), integration with PeopleSoft and MS Office.” e) When asked about concerns, the response was: “Adding additional workflow along with PeopleSoft workflow/worklists is going to create confusion. Peoplesoft 8.53 Tools introduces eForms.” “When would it start to get rolled out? Who gets to use it first? How do you get signed up to get access?” 6 RFP Requirements Contributors (add lines as necessary) – This section may or may not be required Note: No RFP is required because we will be using an existing contract that Perceptive has with Eastern Washington University (EWU). Since there is already a contract with another public state university we are able to use the same contract to negotiate our needs. The CWU Contracts Office has verified that we don’t require an RFP and can use the existing contract with EWU. Department Name N/A 4. Benefits Imaging would provide the document handling tools needed to comply with both FERPA and PCI Compliance. We will be able to capture and secure; paper documents, faxes, email, and other digital files (i.e. PDF, GIF, DOC). The files will be secured on our network servers and only accessible by authorized users. An added benefit of imaging is the opportunity to improve our system process and create efficiencies that would improve the service we provide to our customers. For example, currently students submit their documents via mail, fax or email, we then print (if electronic) and save in a physical folder for review. With imaging, students will be able to scan and upload the file to their account, therefore eliminating the risk of misplacing documents. The completed file is critical to our ability to review, verify, and package the students in a timely manner. Digital files would be accessible from any campus and therefore the counselors will be able to respond to student inquiries from any location. Imaging can also be deployed to other departments who have a need to digitize and secure documents such as; Human Resources, Student Accounts, Student Records, Admissions, Accounts Payable, Payroll and Travel. These departments will be able to address the issue of documents that need to be stored for a long period of time or cannot be destroyed. For example, Student Records cannot destroy any of the transcripts that are stored in the vault because no other copy exists. Also, Payroll must keep payroll records for sixty years. All the departments would be able to reduce the manual burden of moving files from one location to another and the digital files would eliminate the need for office/storage space needed for archived files. Perceptive software would enable us to implement work-flow processes that don’t depend on other systems. This would allow a department that wants to remove forms to create their own internal work-flow process for review and approvals. This adds to flexibility to create no-paper offices since documents that are received can be scanned and filed electronically and group by the department’s need. Perceptive also has an E-forms feature that enables the departments to use web-based forms to capture the requests from customers and implement a work-flow approval process. E-forms are not system specific and can be deployed for many business uses that require a form to be completed and submitted. For example, in Financial Aid students can petition their aid status by completing a form and mailing to us, with the Perceptive imaging solution 7 we can receive it via the web which would improve our response time. By using E-forms, we can do edit checks to assure that all the required data has been completed before it is accepted by us for review. There are many departments on campus that use forms and could use this beneficial feature. 5. Strategic Alignment The imaging solution meets the following CWU objectives: Objective 5.1: Maximize the financial resources to the University and assure the efficient and effective operations of the university through financial stewardship. Document imaging can be leveraged across many areas of the university, beyond the initial focal areas, to provide University systems with more efficient and effective utilization of existing resources, through reduced cost of storage and document management, improved access and availability of imaged documents for review, and reduced processing time when routing imaged documents for approval. The digitized documents can be reviewed and approved, in areas like Travel, AP, and Purchasing, to review the imaged documents without having to print a copy, reducing printing costs and approval turnaround time. Objective 5.4: Provide the facility and technology infrastructure and services appropriate to meet the university objectives, while maximizing sustainability and stewardship. Document Imaging can be key piece of technology infrastructure which can be leveraged across many areas of the university to make better use of the existing resources while improving the sustainability of the underlying business processes by shifting to more "paperless" processes. Incorporating security of the documents into the process will ensure both the safety of the documents (proper backup) and the accessibility of the imaged documents to those who need to be able to access them in a timely and efficient manner for their daily business objectives. 6. Cost Source of Funding (Project ID) or Description of the Source of Funding. The source of funding has not been identified at this time. On-Going Costs (Enterprise Model) a) Document Imaging Support Administrator: We would need to have a central administrator that would be responsible for the deployment of the imaging to the departments and managing the updates and changes. This position would also be responsible for assuring that all departments follow the CWU imaging policies which would assure that we maintain a CWU standard. This cost would vary, possibly be about 70K, this is 8 based on an Information Technology Specialists 3 position. Perceptive software recommends that we have one FTE assigned to maintain the CWU document imaging standards. Also, the other costs would be associated with revising the current business processes because it may require additional FTE resources depending on the complexity of the revision and the resources available at that time. b) Network Storage: CWU Network Director has recommended that we purchase a separate storage unit (Network space) to install, maintain and administer the imaging software. The cost for an additional network device is $10,000 which would give us 10 Terabytes of space. Based on the estimated space needs of the possible departments the 10 Terabytes is more than enough space for future expansion to the other CWU departments. This is an example of how space is calculated: Financial Aid has about 15,000 applications each year with an average of 10 pages for a total of 150,000 pages the storage requirement would be 2 Gigabytes (Each Terabyte has 1,000 Gigabytes). Since we are required to hold files for 7 years, we would need to have at least 14 Gigabytes to meet our requirement. If we have 30 departments with similar storage needs then we would need 420 Gigabytes which would still be less than 1 Terabyte. Please see Appendix C for more information on the calculation. Note: Currently Financial Aid has System Analysts that would administer the imaging solution for Financial Aid and Student Accounts. 9 Cost Breakdown (Enterprise License) Please see Appendix A for on Return on Investment (ROI). 10 11 12 7. Alternatives (add lines as necessary) Alternative Reasons For Not Selecting Alternative More office space Limited space on campus Secured/monitored locations Limited space on campus and added costs to monitor who views the files. We would need to hire additional personnel to create a check in/out system. New file storage cabinets All files would need to be locked during non-business hours; the additional file cabinets would require additional office space. Temperature control Rooms All documents that need to be archived must be in a temperature controlled room to mitigate the damage to the files due to high heat and or moisture. Water resistant & fire resistant storage The archived documents must be in a fireprotected storage and assure that in case of fire there is not water damage to them. Improving office processes and creating efficiencies This would require hiring additional personnel for each area to more processors, but the bottle neck at some points of the process may not be overcome. 13 8. Estimated Timing / Schedule (add lines as necessary): Provided by Perceptive Software. Please see Appendix B for full details. a) Enterprise Timeline (Note: Implementation takes about 6 months dependent on the department) Task Target Date Training (How can training start before installation?) There is a need to factor in if additional storage hardware are required and require local installation. Installation Go Live: The Go-Live would be a phased process, therefore not all departments would be going live on the same date, they can be phased in to the process as resources are made available. b) Financial Aid Timeline: (Note: Implementation takes about 6 months dependent on the department) Task Target Date Training (I caution that we can start on 7/1 without identified funding and yet to gain approval for this software solution from executive management). We should not just indicate Financial Aid if we are looking to implement an enterprise solution for CWU under the proposed Contract.) Installation Go Live 9. Technology Migration/Resource Identification Please see Appendix B for full implementation details and Appendix E for technical specifications. Resource Personnel Requirements Technical and Functional Analysts Equipment Technical and Networks Facilities Technical and Networks Timeframe See attached technical document. See attached technical document. See attached technical document. Resource Loading Chart Use a chart to illustrate the estimated hours required by month for each resource on the project. 14 a) Enterprise Resources (CWU Staff) NOTE: The implementation time will vary by department because the time and resources are dependent on the complexity of the services. The dates listed are to get a general idea, not dates have currently been scheduled. Resource Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Project Manager @ CWU Business Analyst 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Tester Manager 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Database Admin Technical Writer 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 LAN Engineer 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Total Hours 200 240 240 240 240 240 240 b) Financial Aid Timeline NOTE: The dates listed are to get a general idea, no set dates have been determined. Resource Jan June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Database Admin 20 20 20 20 20 20 Technical Writer 20 20 20 20 20 20 LAN Engineer 20 20 20 20 20 20 90 90 90 90 90 90 Business Analyst Total Hours Feb Ma r Apr May 30 10. Product Life/Application Sun-setting or Decommissioning This requirement will be added to the contract, Perceptive offers different models of service and we would pursue the one that is in the best interest of the university. The enterprise license agreement that we are pursuing consist of our data being stored on our servers which means that if the company was to close the data would reside with us. The CWU specifications for software decommission would be included in the contract. Also, there is hardware involved, such as scanner and network switches to capture email and faxed documents, these would need to be replaced on an average of every three to five years dependent on the wear and tear. 15 11. References Perceptive provided the following references: a) Towson University Jay Taffel, Sr. Business Analyst 410-704-3328 PeopleSoft School Using Perceptive Software in Student Financial Services, Undergraduate Admissions, Graduate Admissions, HR, Registrar, Bursar’s Office, College of Liberal Arts, Provost Budget Office b) Grand Rapids Community College Nathan Hamilton; Enterprise Analyst 616-234-4591 PeopleSoft School Using Perceptive Software in Financial Aid, Student Records, Accounts Payable, Financial Services, HR, Payroll c) DePaul University Justin Johnson 312-362-5267 PeopleSoft School Using Perceptive Software in Financial Aid, Housing, Alumni/Development, Others. 16 DePaul University (Justin Johnson) provided the below information: 17 12. Recommendation This section should summarize the approach for how the product/service request will address the business problem. I recommend that we implement Perceptive Software as an imaging solution for CWU. The Software can be implemented in many departments and provide a benefit for the CWU. We need to indicate how the proposed solution would address our current business problem. 13. Approvals The following actions have been taken by the appropriate Sub-Council (ATAC or NonAcademic Sub-Council) and Enterprise Information Systems Council: 18 Date Action By Non Academic Sub-Council 6/20/13 Reviewed by Non Academic SubCouncil with motion made to move forward with the Perceptive Software proposed solution to be reviewed by EISC. The Non Academic Sub-Council was very supportive of the software. Upon approval by the Enterprise Information Systems Committee (EISC) or one of the two SubCouncils (Academic or Non-Academic), CWU procurement policies and procedures should be used to initiate a purchase. Please contact the Purchasing office at x1001 with any questions regarding the procurement process. If you have any questions, please contact Sue Noce 963-2927 or Tina Short 963-2910. 19