Unit Level Strategic Plan Educational Foundations and Curriculum Revised April 5, 2013 Page 1 UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 1. TEACHING AND LEARNING UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.1 Enhance student success by continually improving the curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Resource Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) 1. Complete 1. Scoring rubrics 1. All rubrics 1. Department Chair. 1. Department 1. 4 WLUs for the Professional developed. developed. Assessment TT/T faculty as a Education Program Pilot during Spring Pilot of Segment One Committee will draft whole to develop Assessment Plan. quarter. completed during rubrics. Full rubrics. Spring quarter. department will review 7 WLUs for the TT/T and approve. faculty as a whole for scoring and assessment. 2. Provide new 2. Curriculum forms 2. Curriculum forms 2. Department Chair 2. Discuss at 2. 3.3 WLUs across avenues for for B.A. Instructional submitted by end of department meetings. the department TT/T graduation and Foundations and 5th Winter quarter. Committee for 5th faculty as a whole. certification. Year/MIT programs. Programs approved Year/MIT programs. by Faculty Senate. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.2 Enhance the effectiveness of student support services. Increase advising competence across all departments to increase efficiency of Professional Education Program. 1. List commonly needed links to catalog pages on department web site. 2. Add Pre-Advising Observation Form to department web site. 3. Investigate Safari planning tool to see if it is useful for student graduation plans. 4. Endorsement programs participate in advising for EFC Revised April 5, 2013 1. Links 100% operational by end of Spring quarter. 1. Assigned faculty to Department Chair. 1. Assigned faculty release time. 2. Form is available by end of Winter quarter. 2. Assigned faculty to Department Chair. 2. Assigned faculty release time. 3. Report will be made to department chair. Will include how faculty can view for review purposes. 4. All endorsement programs fully advising students in collaboration 3. Assigned faculty to Department Chair. 3. Assigned faculty to investigate. 4. Department Chair. 4. Meet with endorsement areas. Page 2 1. 0.3 WLUs for the faculty member assigned to catalog review & website. 2. 0.03 WLUs for the assigned faculty member to add form to website. 3. 0.3 WLUs for the assigned faculty member to investigate Safari planning tool. 4. 0.3 WLUs for Department Chair to meet with endorsement area 210. with EFC 210 instructors. faculty. UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 2. INCLUSIVENESS AND DIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.1 Enhance the environment of inclusiveness for faculty, staff, and students Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Responsible Reporting Unit Key Strategies/ Initiatives Resource Analysis UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.2 Increase faculty, staff, and student diversity by active programs of recruitment and retention for members of underrepresented groups. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.3: Ensure that CWU has an inclusive and diverse curriculum 1. Incorporate inclusivity and diversity in program segment assessment rubrics. 1. Scoring rubrics. 2. Develop Field Experience partnerships with Tribal Schools. 2. Signed contracts. 1. All rubrics are developed by the end of Spring quarter. All PEP goals related to inclusiveness are assessed in at least one rubric. 2. Three contracts. 1. Department Assessment Committee and Department Chair. 1. Department Assessment Committee will draft rubrics. Full department will review and approve. 1. Included in Budget/Resource Analysis for Objective 1.1. 2. Director of Field Experiences. 2. Meet with Tribal School representatives. 2. 1.7 WLU for Director of Field Experiences to meet with Tribal Schools and process contracts. * Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective. Revised April 5, 2013 Page 3 UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 3. SCHOLARSHIP AND CREATIVE EXPRESSION UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 3.1 Increase the emphasis on and the opportunities for students, faculty and staff to participate in research, scholarship, and creative expression activities. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Resource Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Encourage and Number of joint At least one on-going Department Chair. 0.3 WLUs for the T/TT Develop web site to support collaborative authored publications project within the faculty as a whole. disseminate research opportunities and presentations department. information about among department among department At least one on-going projects. faculty. faculty for 2012/2013. project in the Discuss at department with department external meetings. institutions/agencies. Include on process for completion of Activity Reports. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 3.2 Increase the external funding received for research, scholarship, and creative expression by faculty, staff, and students. * Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective. Revised April 5, 2013 Page 4 UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 4. PUBLIC SERVICE AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.1 Enhance the commitment and the level of cooperation between the university and external communities. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Resource Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Enhance involvement Percentage of 100% of faculty Department Chair. Discuss in department 4 WLUs for the TT/T in community service department faculty complete some form meetings. faculty as a whole. by department faculty. participating in of community service. Display on web site. community service for 2012/2013. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.2 Increase participation in university sponsored life-long learning opportunities. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.3 Enhance the efforts of members of the university community to strengthen the economic base of the region and state. * Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective. Revised April 5, 2013 Page 5 CORE THEME: 5. RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT & STEWARDSHIP UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.1 Maximize the financial resources to the University, and assure the efficient and effective operations of the University through financial stewardship. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Resource Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.2 Develop and implement enrollment management and marking plans that meet the enrollment objectives of the university. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.3 Ensure the University has human resources necessary to accomplish all university objectives. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.4 Provide the facility and technology infrastructure and services appropriate to meet the university objectives, while maximizing sustainability and stewardship. Revise department Components of Web All components Assigned faculty to Release time to 1 WLU for the web site to provide site: PEP program, present by end of Department Chair. faculty. Review by full assigned faculty enhanced access to advising, scheduling, Spring quarter, and department. member. program, advising, and faculty approved by scheduling, and information. department faculty for faculty information. appearance and completeness. * Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective. Revised April 5, 2013 Page 6