Scholarships 101 Workshop Wednesday January 14th Bldg. 29 - Room 214 & Thursday January 15th Bldg. 29 - Room 101 CWU Des Moines 3:30pm – 4:30pm Last chance this year! FILL YOUR PIGGY BANK ! C W U S C H O L A R S H I P S - G S A - O U T S I D E R E S O U R C E S - T I P S T O A P P LY Karen Daniels Financial Aid Counselor Central Washington University Bldg. 29 –main office- Room 269 (509) 963 3838 – Main Campus Phone (509) 963-1611 Fax (509) 963-1788 Overview How do I get scholarships? Where can I get scholarships? How do I complete the GSA (General Scholarship Application)? How do I apply for the COB scholarship? Where can I get essay writing help? Scholarship Hunting SCHOLARSHIP HUNTING IS A SKILL SET THAT WILL COME IN HANDY AFTER GRADUATION: Meet an application deadline Follow application instructions closely Identify your strengths and express them to others Prepare materials for others’ review Compete against other qualified candidates Learn to persevere through disappointment Scholarship “Hunting Season” It starts early! Most scholarship deadlines are from October to March for funds to be used the following school year Two Sources of Scholarships Private Donors Institutional Community-Based CWU General National Awards Group Affiliation Scholarship Application Departmental Awards Community-Based Scholarships Local groups give scholarships to students in their own town/area Dollars for Scholars Service Organizations like Kiwanis or Rotary Fraternal Orders/Masonic Lodges Community Education Foundations Community-Based Scholarships Many of these community-based organizations don’t come up in webbased scholarship searches Check their websites and their Facebook The easiest way to find out about these scholarships is to ask around! Group Affiliation Ethnic Groups Gender Groups Religious Groups Labor Unions Clubs Local Businesses Social Organizations Political Organizations Professional Associations What do you belong to? What industry are you trying to get into? What groups do your parents or other family members belong to? What about where they work? National Awards National Educational Foundations such as the National Merit Scholars or Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Usually merit- or need-based Many large awards Competitive How do I find scholarships I might qualify for? Search the Web WashBoard Stats: 34% of listed scholarships require a GPA of 3.0 or higher More than half of scholarships are not based on financial need The scholarships listed in 2013-14 represented over 6,600 individual awards. A non-profit scholarship matching service Enter your criteria and the search will return scholarships that you qualify for Upcoming deadlines for outside scholarships Announcements of brand-new CWU scholarships Other Websites for Scholarship Searches At least use these sites, they will be the most help. Create your profile Check your matches Complete your applications Search CWU’s List – Check monthly! CWU General Scholarship Application C W U F O U N DAT I O N R A I S E S F U N D S FOR SCHOLARSHIPS O C TO B E R 1 S T – M A R C H 1 S T E V E RY YEAR O N E A P P L I CAT I O N T H RO U G H YO U R S A FA R I AC C O U N T = OV E R 1 0 0 SCHOLARSHIPS! Who Gives Money to the Foundation? CWU Alumni Community Members Local & State Businesses Current CWU Students Student Impact Scholarship Legacy Impact Scholarship The generosity of people who care about CWU is what makes YOUR scholarship possible! Step 4: COMPLETE THE ONLINE APPLICATION Log into your MyCWU Navigation: Campus Solutions Self Service Campus Finances Scholarship Application Jump to slide 33 TAB 1: Personal Data You can’t make changes on this tab…all info is pulled from your student record TAB 2: Scholarship Questions Get familiar with… The magnifying glass icon Refer to the step-by-step guide for how to look up pre-determined categories Get familiar with… The Plus Sign Refer to the step-by-step guide for how to add extra information to your application TAB 3: High School Activities Complete this tab, even though you are now in college Pre-determined categories—use magnifying glass icon to look up your activities (use free-form description area to enhance the information) Select your grade levels that apply to the activity Click the plus sign to add more categories TAB 3: High School Activities TAB 4: College Activities Same format as the High School Activities Tab Pre-determined categories—use magnifying glass icon to look up your activities (use free-form description area to enhance the information) Select your grade levels that apply to the activity Click the plus sign to add more categories TAB 5: Volunteer Activities Free-form entry of information Dates of service must be in MM/DD/YYYY format TAB 6: Scholarship Selections Use your friends, the magnifying glass and the plus sign, to find your scholarships Refer to your list of scholarships that you qualify for that require supplemental materials Attach your documents directly to your application! **No Supplemental materials means you automatically will be looked at for that scholarship! SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS Electronic Attachments Paper or E-mail Submission Quicker Easier Editable Save on postage Assurance that we received it Wastes paper Cost of postage Unsure whether we received it Can’t make edits once you turn it in SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS PDF files Essays: PDF Letters of Recommendation: PDF of scanned letter with original signature and letterhead Documentation: Scanned PDF Refer to step-by-step guide if you have trouble attaching! TAB 7: Certification Optional checkbox: Authorize CWU to publicize your name if you win You MUST click “Submit” on this tab to complete your application Come back and edit as many times as you want before March 1st You’ll receive e-mail confirmation of completion CONGRATULATIONS! That’s all you need to do to apply for GSA Scholarships! College of Business Application TO DO CHECK ELIGIBILITY SUBMIT ALL DOCUMENTS IN THE CORRECT F O R M AT COMPLETE F O L L O W - U P TA S K S College of Business Application Eligibility Requirements – check before you apply 3.0 GPA for the major and CWU/transfer combined Enrolled FULL TIME (12+) in Business program while you receive the scholarship Can’t graduate before Winter 2016 Read directions Nothing will be accepted after Feb 2nd at 5:00 PM Read that full list at College of Business Application How to Apply You have to apply online- can’t save your work Use the paper application to make sure your ready Collect all unofficial transcripts Not transfer credit report From CWU and all other schools- via ours and their websites Find two references Format is a printed email with required information View the step-by-step guide on our website One COB faculty is preferred Get that essay started! College of Business Application Essay An uploaded essay, 1000 words or less (which will be evaluated for written communication skills), addressing any or all of the following: A) Honors, awards, civic and extra-curricular activities during college What I’ve done B) Educational goals Where I’m going C) Other goals and aspirations; Why me? D) Significant work experience E) Special considerations relevant to the evaluation committee’s decision College of Business Application Answer questions Page 3- Answer all question Should match other materials Don’t understand the question? Likely that’s not you Financial Need? Did you submit a FAFSA and complete any paperwork you needed? Were you offered at some point a subsidized loan?- check award letter in mycwu or email See me if you still have questions College of Business Application Submit materials COB has very specific requirements Follow directions! Don’t give up now! All your docs need to be in 3 files 1)Essay YourCWUID-YourLastName-Essay (ex. 12345678-Smith-Essay) 2) Unofficial transcripts- put all schools in one file YourCWUID-YourLastName –Transcripts (ex. 12345678-Smith-Transcripts) 3) References email- put both into one document YourCWUID-YourLastName -References (ex. 12345678-Smith-References) College of Business Application Follow-up tasks for the winners PLEASE NOTE THESE REQUIREMENTS FOR THOSE RECEIVING AWARDS: 1) Submit electronically a short biographical summary, a thank you letter, and a photo to the sponsoring organization. 2) Maintain full-time status (12 credits) and meet all award criteria for the period of time they receive the scholarship. 3) Scholarship funds must be used by winter quarter 2016, but may be typically used as early as summer quarter 2015. 4) Students receiving awards must attend the May 2, 2015 CB Honors Banquet at the CWU-Des Moines campus. Success Tips I ’ VE G OT A LI ST O F SCH O LAR SHI P S, N OW WHAT ? Step 1: MAKE YOUR LIST Make a list of each scholarship you qualify for that requires supplemental materials Refer to the GSA Organizational Tool handout A Helpful Tool! Step 2: PREPARE YOUR MATERIALS Essays Letters of Recommendation Resumes Various Documentation Strategies for Successful Essay Writing Make sure you qualify for the award Start early—don’t write your essay at the last minute Stay within the essay topic and word limit Let the reader get to know YOU Cite specific examples and give details Have other people read your work Think about what everyone else will write…and then write something different Use the writing center!!!! Sample Essay Questions Applications will be evaluated based on an essay (500-1000 words) describing, in specific terms, how you hope to use your IT management education/background to make a positive impact in the business world. A 500 word letter of intent that identifies the applicant and describes the applicants drive and dedication to social justice causes. In 150 words, tell us the most unique or interesting thing you’ve every done to make or save extra money. Why do you want to be a teacher? vs Why would you make a good teacher? Letters of Recommendation Ask EARLY! Give your writer plenty of time to complete your letter Ask for several copies Letters of rec do not need to be submitted in sealed envelopes—you can attach them to your application Send a quick thank you note You might need one again or want them as a reference as well- it will set you apart Resumes Check with the Career Center for help writing your resume See example in your packet Employers only read your resume for 6 seconds! Keep related content in the first third of the page What we’ve learned today It pays to apply for scholarships Scholarship hunting season is during the fall and winter of the year BEFORE you plan to use the scholarship! The web is a great search tool, but not the only tool It takes time and energy to apply for scholarships The GSA is all online and it’s easy to complete! Frequently Asked Questions Q: How soon will I know if I won a scholarship? A: End of May Q: What are my chances of winning? A: It varies from scholarship to scholarship; ones that require supplemental materials always have fewer applicants. Q: Do I have to reapply every year? A: Yes, you do, but some of your application data is saved. Frequently Asked Questions Q: How will I be notified if I’ve won? A: Letter in the mail between April and June Q: How will I be notified if I haven’t won? A: E-mail to your CWU account in late June Q: Can I call and ask for awarding information? A: No, we will not answer any questions about the process until it is complete in May Q: Is there a paper application I can fill out instead? A: No, the online application is the only one Frequently Asked Questions Q: Is the GSA for both Grads and Undergrads? A: Yes, there are a few scholarships for grad students; most are for undergrads Q: If I win a scholarship and transfer to another school, can I take it with me? A: No, it can only be used at CWU Q: Can I use the scholarship for this current year? A: No, it’s only good for 2014-2015 Frequently Asked Questions Q: I don’t see any scholarships for my major on the GSA; does that mean there aren’t any for me? A: Check with your department Q: Where do I get info on how scholarships affect my financial aid package? A: Visit the Financial Aid Office Q: If I need help filling out my GSA, where do I go? A: Consult the step-by-step guide; come to Barge Hall 115 Got a Question? 5-10 minute Q & A