2010-2011 Year-End Report from the William O. Douglas Honors College Completed by: Dr. Matthew Altman, Director, William O. Douglas Honors College Submitted to: Dr. Tracy Pellett, Associate Vice President for Undergraduate Studies July 2011
The 2010-2011 Assessment Report is included as part of this year-end report.
Once again, the DHC successfully integrated its academics with a variety of cultural events and research opportunities for DHC students and faculty. In addition to three cultural events (one per quarter), we had an internationally recognized guest speaker, strong participation in SOURCE and the Western Regional Honors Council (WRHC) conference, and social events that developed a sense of community among the students and faculty.
Cultural events
We had three cultural events this year: a special exhibit titled Picasso: Masterpieces from the Musée National Picasso, Paris at the Seattle Art Museum (fall 2010), a Chimposium at the Chimpanzee-Human Communication Institute at Central Washington University (winter 2011), and a trip to the Seattle Science Center, including a special exhibit titled Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination (spring 2011).
Guest speaker
Once again this year, the Douglas Honors College sponsored a university-wide event with an internationally renowned guest speaker: Native American author and environmental activist Winona LaDuke (spring 2011). The DHC arranged all of the logistics surrounding the event, including a discussion/question-and-answer session with her for the students and faculty of the DHC, a dinner with CWU faculty and administrators, a book signing, and a public talk titled “Economics for the Seventh Generation: The Environment, Economics, and Thinking beyond Empire.” The event was well-attended by faculty, students, and community members, and it garnered the DHC publicity in the Ellensburg Daily Record.
Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE)
Fifteen DHC students presented papers at the Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE) in May 2011: Amanda Berndt, Justine Harlan, Jesse Hegstrom Oakey, Katelyn Jonassen, Glee Larsen, Nathan Lehrman, Chloe McDonald, Reesa Nelson, Amanda Niegowski, Jessica Orndorff, John Orndorff, Terri Pace, Nathan Thomas, Sheena Wildes, and Whitney Wing. This marks a dramatic increase in student participation, which was already strong: ten students in 2009-2010, and ten students in 2008-2009. The DHC is disproportionately represented at SOURCE. Most DHC courses have strong writing components, and DHC faculty are encouraging students to participate in SOURCE.
Western Regional Honors Council (WRHC) conference
The DHC is a member of the Western Regional Honors Council (WRHC), and it is important for the honors students, the DHC, and CWU as a whole that we remain active in the organization. One of the ways that we accomplish this is to attend the annual conference and
present research there. This year the conference was held in Park City, Utah from March 31 April 2, 2011. Ten students — Justine Harlan, Jesse Hegstrom Oakey, Nathan Lehrman, Reesa Nelson, Amanda Niegowski, Jessica Orndorff, John Orndorff, Terri Pace, Nathan Thomas, and Sheena Wildes — gave presentations of their work there, and two faculty members — Matthew Altman and Aaron Montgomery — presented papers on honors pedagogy. This is a very high rate of participation. As with the previous two years, once again there were more Central students and instructors presenting than from any other single school. This continues the high rate of participation that we have had for the past two years: we sent twelve students and three faculty members in 2010, and in 2009 nine students and three faculty members presented their research. It should also be noted that, because of state restrictions on using Ledger I money for out of-state travel, Dr. Altman successfully requested funding from the Student Activity Fee Committee for this trip. No money came out of the DHC budget.
Senior thesis presentations
As is customary in the DHC, our seniors gave a “works-in-progress” presentation, where students working on their capstone projects discussed their work and thought about how to revise their theses by getting feedback from DHC faculty and students. The event was held in Kamola Hall in November 2010, with presentations from seven students: Kiley Baker, Krista Greear, Justine Harlan, Nathan Lehrman, John Orndorff, Nathan Thomas, and Sheena Wildes. We also hosted our annual Senior Thesis Presentations in June 2011. This is a semi formal event in which students give brief (ten-minute) presentations on their capstone projects to family members, faculty mentors, and DHC faculty and students. The aforementioned seven students presented their work at the event. The event was well-attended by about 60 people.
Social events
The DHC had a number of informal social events this year. A welcome reception for DHC students and faculty was held in Kamola in September, and we had our year-end event in June, the fifth annual DHC ice cream social. These events are in addition to the works-in progress and senior thesis presentations. Many other events were planned in conjunction with the Douglas Honors Living Learning Community (LLC) in Kamola Hall. Among other things, events included a “fireside chat” at which Dr. Altman discussed the upper-division scholarship experience and fielded questions from students, an indoor Olympics event, and several student-faculty mixers.
Other public events
The DHC sponsored a public talk in the spring, titled “Justify Your Existence,” to advertise and answer questions about CWU’s Primate Behavior and Ecology Program.
Recruitment and retention
The DHC has been very successful this year with recruitment and retention. More specific numbers are included in Appendix I, which details the DHC enrollment numbers since fall 2002. The number of first-year students continues to rise. In 2007 there were 13 entering freshmen, in 2008 there were 29 entering freshmen, in 2009 there were 38 entering freshmen,
and in 2010 there were 54 entering freshmen. Given my experience with recruitment, I believe that we should expect no more than about 60 students in each year’s entering class. That is a manageable number, it allows us to limit the honors college to the best students at Central, and it would achieve the unofficial goal set for us by President Gaudino of eventually having 150 total students in the DHC (between the core curriculum and the upper division). We have also greatly improved retention of existing DHC students. In previous academic years, many students left the program, especially during the first year. Although some students transfer to other schools after their freshman years, the vast majority of DHC students, especially the ones who remain at Central, remain in the DHC program. As Appendix I indicates, we had a net loss of zero students during AY 2010-2011, just as we did in AY 2009-2010. So far, students have been a bit slow to join the DHC’s upper-division scholarship experience. However, recruitment for fall 2011 looks strong. Recruitment of transfer students and Running Start students is especially good. We will have more specific numbers as students begin classes in the fall. Once again, recruitment is strong because the DHC has used every opportunity to contact potential students: e-mails and mailings to high school teachers and advisors; participation in academic fairs and open houses; personal letters, e-mails, and phone calls to students who have expressed interest in or applied to Central; flyers given to potential students at on-campus events, signs posted around campus, etc. In addition, the director has met personally with a number of students and parents.
Bloomer Scholarship
This year the Bloomer Scholarship Committee selected four students to receive the Bloomer Scholarship: Justine Harlan ($750), Veronica Houser ($500), Reesa Nelson ($500), Amanda Niegowski ($500), and Sheena Wildes ($750).
Participation in local and regional conferences
As stated above, the DHC was very well represented at both SOURCE and the WRHC. These are major academic accomplishments for our students and faculty.
Although we have had a much higher enrollment this year than in previous years, and we have had to offer many more credit hours’ worth of classes, we have been able to do so while remaining within the budget that we have had for several years. It is very notable that the DHC continues to thrive more than it has for years, but in a way that is cost-effective. We can continue to operate at this level in coming years, even with the much higher enrollment, provided that our budget remains at its current level. Support from the administration for tuition waivers for DHC students must also continue, since this is a great recruiting tool.
DHC Curriculum Committee
The DHC director met regularly this year with the DHC Curriculum Committee, which reviewed course proposals in the fall, devised an assessment plan for the DHC’s new core curriculum, and wrote a charter for the DHC Advisory Committee, a standing committee that will replace the Curriculum Committee in fall 2011.
Course proposals
The DHC received a number of excellent proposals (approximately twenty-five) from faculty members throughout the university who are interested in teaching in the DHC. The courses that we offering in AY 2011-2012 will be taught by faculty members from a variety of different disciplines, and they include courses taught already in AY 2009-2010 and eleven new courses that are being taught for the first time next year.
Response to last year’s “areas of improvement”
This year we successfully responded to many of last year’s areas of improvement. We continued to offer excellent cultural opportunities for our students despite a shortage of funding university-wide. We were able to devise and implement an assessment plan for the DHC core curriculum. And we found ways to integrate readings from guest speaker Winona LaDuke into several classes in the new curriculum.
Areas of improvement
Next year we will need to develop an assessment plan for the upper-division scholarship experience. A continuing challenge is to choose the right number of courses to meet our growing student population, to schedule courses well, to select those courses that most interest DHC students, and to work with department chairs so that faculty members can continue to teach in the DHC. In planning courses for AY 2011-2012, there has been some resistance from chairs to allow faculty members to be released from courses in their home departments in order to teach honors courses for us. The DHC has become a destination for the best and brightest students in the Northwest. Many students tell me and their academic advisors that they chose to attend Central because of the DHC. The new curriculum is going strong and is achieving goals for academic rigor, student satisfaction, and enrollment. We must continue this strong record of service to students and the university as a whole.
Central Washington University Assessment of Student Learning
Academic Year of Report: College: 2010-2011 Annual Report William O. Douglas Honors College Check here if your assessment report covers all undergraduate degree programs: [n/a] Check here if your assessment report covers all graduate degree programs: [n/a]
The William O. Douglas Honors College is a regional and national center of academic excellence where an ethical commitment to learning is integrated with a passionate spirit of inquiry and a critical understanding of the responsibilities of global citizenship. By bringing together the great ideas from diverse traditions of knowledge around the world for analysis and understanding, the college promotes independent thinking and prepares creative and innovative leaders to meet emerging challenges of local, national, and international issues.
The William O. Douglas Honors College expands the general educational experience of talented undergraduate students at Central Washington University through an enriched program of studies in the arts, humanities, and natural and social sciences. With an interdisciplinary core curriculum and upper-division scholarship experiences, the honors college encourages students to develop their abilities in reading, writing, critical thinking, and public speaking, skills that are necessary for them to become responsible and productive citizens. 1. What student learning outcomes were assessed this year, and why? In fall 2010, the Douglas Honors College Curriculum Committee wrote an assessment plan for the new honors curriculum. ● This assessment plan includes three college goals: 1. In education, the DHC will: a) provide students with a broad liberal arts education, drawing on a number of time periods, cultures, disciplines, and viewpoints. b) train students to become effective communicators by developing their skills as speakers and writers. c) train students to apply critical thinking and analytical reasoning to both contemporary and enduring issues. d) help students to be able and willing to challenge assumptions and consider multiple perspectives. e) expose students and faculty to premier cultural events in the Northwest. 2. In scholarship, the DHC will: a) support faculty and student research and creative endeavors. 3. In service, the DHC will:
a) sponsor relevant public presentations and colloquia. b) contribute to interdisciplinary activities and university-wide forums. ● The assessment plan also includes five student learning outcomes: 1. Students will learn to discern themes and worldviews in global canonical texts. They will gain multi- and interdisciplinary knowledge about literature, philosophy, religion, political theory, history, the physical sciences, and the social sciences. 2. Students will be able to identify themes that develop and persist over time and across cultures. Students will relate ideas from the past to current cultural and social issues. 3. Students will cultivate their own positions on contemporary and enduring issues based on research, and develop the skills to support them with argument and evidence, both in written and oral form. 4. While engaging in civil discussions, students will develop the ability to present opposing positions and provide constructive criticism. 5. Students will demonstrate an open-minded but critical understanding of great works of human culture in order to appreciate and assess other views.
2. How were they assessed?
DHC Goal 1: We used written essays and examinations, student presentations, senior theses, exit surveys, student and faculty participation in conferences, and sponsorship of university-wide events and interdisciplinary programs. Data was collected in fall, winter, and spring quarters from all students and faculty. DHC Goal 2: We collected information about student and faculty presentations at conferences. This information was collected during spring quarter. DHC Goal 3: We collected information about university-wide events and interdisciplinary programs that the DHC had sponsored or co-sponsored. Student Learning Outcome 1: This outcome focuses on student learning to discern themes and worldviews in global canonical text as well students gaining multi- and interdisciplinary knowledge about literature, philosophy, religion, political theory, history and the philosophy of science. To assess our achievement of this outcome, DHC instructors evaluated capstone projects in their respective courses. We also distributed surveys to sophomores who are (at least in theory) completing their DHC core requirements. Student Learning Outcome 2: This outcome focuses on students’ ability to identify themes that persist over time and across cultures, and to relate ideas from the past to current cultural and social issues. To assess our achievement of this outcome, DHC instructors evaluated capstone projects in their respective courses. We also distributed surveys to sophomores who are (at least in theory) completing their DHC core requirements. Student Learning Outcome 3: This outcome focuses on students’ ability to cultivate their own positions on original source material and to develop the skills to support them with argument and evidence, both in written and oral form. To assess our achievement of this outcome, DHC instructors evaluated capstone projects in their respective courses. We also distributed surveys to
sophomores who are (at least in theory) completing their DHC core requirements. Student Learning Outcome 4: This outcome focuses on engaging students in civil discussions and developing the ability to present opposing positions and provide constructive criticism. To assess our achievement of this outcome, DHC instructors evaluated capstone projects in their respective courses. We also distributed surveys to sophomores who are (at least in theory) completing their DHC core requirements. Student Learning Outcome 5: This outcome focuses on demonstrating an open-minded but critical understanding of great works of human culture in order to appreciate and assess other views. To assess our achievement of this outcome, DHC instructors evaluated capstone projects in their respective courses. We also distributed surveys to sophomores who are (at least in theory) completing their DHC core requirements. Although each outcome is assessed using the same material — capstone projects and exit surveys — we focus on different elements in each according to which learner outcome is being assessed.
3. What was learned?
Department Goal 1: Education
a. Student retention
The criterion of achievement is to have 75% of enrolled freshmen complete the core curriculum. With the new curriculum, this is a bit hard to measure, since people complete their core requirements at different times in their college careers — usually sometime after their sophomore years. As a rough measure, I am comparing the number of sophomores completing their second year (in spring 2011) with the number of those students who entered the program in (fall 2009). 39 students entered the program in fall 2009, and 32 students of those students remained at the end of their sophomore year. 82% of enrolled freshmen completed the core curriculum. This exceeds our goal for student retention. Once again this year, retention rates in the DHC are very strong, as indicated in Appendix I. These numbers are also included as an appendix to the year-end report. Although we sometimes lose some people over the summer (mostly through transfers to other universities), we seldom lose people from the program during the academic year. This is a great improvement over the old DHC program.
b. Required coursework
The criterion of achievement is for 75% of students to obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. This year we are assessing classes only in the core DHC curriculum. Assessment data from the courses is included in Appendix II. Of 239 total students assessed, 213 students obtained “met expectations” or “exceeded expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which amounts to an 89% success rate. This exceeds the goal for success in required coursework.
c. Student presentations (university)
The criterion of achievement is to have 10% of upper-division (junior and senior) DHC students present at SOURCE. Our current count of upper-division (junior and senior) students is 26, and 15 DHC students presented papers at SOURCE, which amounts to 58% participation. This exceeds the goal for student presentations (university) by a wide margin.
d. Student presentations (regional/national)
The criterion of achievement is to have 3 upper-division DHC students present at the Western Regional Honors Council conference (budget permitting). 10 students gave presentations at the WRHC conference. This exceeds the goal for student presentations (regional/national) by a wide margin.
e. Attendance at cultural events
The criterion of achievement is for 90% of DHC students attend at least one cultural event per year. We had three cultural events this year, and 100% of DHC students attended at least one cultural event per quarter. In the rare cases when students could not attend the designated cultural event, they attended alternate events with the permission of their DHC lecture instructor. This exceeds the goal for attendance at cultural events.
f. Program survey
The criterion of achievement is for 80% of students to mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #8, with a 65% return rate of the survey. 32 students completed their sophomore year in the DHC core curriculum this year. We had a 25% return rate (8 students out of 32). 4 students (50%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 3 students (37.5%) marked 2 (agree), and 1 student (12.5%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #8: “Overall, I am satisfied with my experience in the DHC.” Therefore, 87.5% of students either agree or strongly agree that they are satisfied with the DHC. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #8 of the program survey. Unfortunately, the return rate for exit surveys was particularly low again this year. For next year, we will devise different strategies to distribute the survey. Department Goal 2: Scholarship
a. Student presentations (university)
The criterion of achievement is to have 10% of upper-division (junior and senior) DHC students present at SOURCE. Our current count of upper-division (junior and senior) students is 26, and 11 upper division DHC students presented papers at SOURCE, which amounts to 42% participation. This exceeds the goal for student presentations (university).
b. Student presentations (regional/national)
The criterion of achievement is to have 3 upper-division DHC students present at the Western Regional Honors Council conference (budget permitting). 7 upper-division DHC students gave presentations at the WRHC conference. This exceeds the goal for student presentations (regional/national).
c. Faculty presentations
The criterion of achievement is to have at least 1 DHC faculty member will present at the Western Regional Honors Council conference (budget permitting).
This year, 2 DHC faculty members presented papers at the WRHC conference. This exceeds the goal for faculty presentations. Department Goal 3: Service
a. Sponsorship of university-wide events and interdisciplinary programs
The criterion for achievement in this category is to sponsor at least one talk or panel per year. The Douglas Honors College sponsored two university-wide events this year: a talk by environmental activist Winona LaDuke and a talk on Primate Behavior and Ecology. This exceeds the goal for university service.
DHC 140/141: Humanistic Understanding
Student Learning Outcome 1: Students will be able to examine ways in which beliefs and values affect interpretations of experience and events.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In four Humanistic Understanding classes this year, there were a total of 76 students. 70 of 76 students, or 92%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #6, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 1 student (12.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 6 students (75%) marked 2 (agree), and 1 student (12.5%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #6: “I am able to relate my DHC coursework to my experience and understanding of the world.” Therefore, 87.5% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #6 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 2: Students will be able to reason about causes and effects within historical contexts and across historical periods.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In four Humanistic Understanding classes this year, there were a total of 76 students. 70 of 76 students, or 92%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #2, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 2 students (25%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 4
students (50%) marked 2 (agree), and 2 students (25%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #2: “I can situate my coursework in historical contexts and across historical periods.” Therefore, 75% of students either agree or strongly agree. This meets the goal for student satisfaction on question #2 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 3: Students will be able to analyze the interrelatedness of human concerns.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In four Humanistic Understanding classes this year, there were a total of 76 students. 70 of 76 students, or 92%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework. b. Program survey: Core curriculum The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #3 with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 4 students (50%) marked 1 (strongly agree) and 4 students (50%) marked 2 (agree) for question #3: “I have an appreciation for the interconnectedness of different disciplines.” Therefore, 100% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #3 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 4: Students will be effective in using written and oral communication skills both in form and structure.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #2 on the standard rubric. In four Humanistic Understanding classes this year, there were a total of 76 students. 59 of 76 students, or 78%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #2 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #4, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 4 students (50%) marked 1 (strongly agree) and 4 students (50%) marked 2 (agree) for question #4: “I can write clearly and effectively in order to advance and defend a thesis.” Therefore, 100% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #4 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 5: Students will demonstrate strong critical and creative thinking skills.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations”
for Outcome #3 on the standard rubric. In four Humanistic Understanding classes this year, there were a total of 76 students. 69 of 76 students, or 91%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #3 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #5, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 5 students (62.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree) and 3 students (37.5%) marked 2 (agree) for question #5: “I am able to think creatively, and to analyze and critically evaluate the claims of others.” Therefore, 100% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #5 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 6: Students will be able to interact openly, respectfully, and knowledgeably with those from different backgrounds and perspectives.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In four Humanistic Understanding classes this year, there were a total of 76 students. 70 of 76 students, or 92%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #7, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 5 students (62.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 1 students (12.5%) marked 2 (agree), and 2 students (25%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #7: “My respect for other individuals’ perspectives has been enhanced by my coursework.” Therefore, 75% of students either agree or strongly agree. This meets the goal for student satisfaction on question #7 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to investigate problems new to themselves, draw conclusions, and evaluate source materials utilized in these investigations.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In four Humanistic Understanding classes this year, there were a total of 76 students. 70 of 76 students, or 92%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #6, with a 65% return rate of the survey.
Of 8 students who completed the survey, 1 student (12.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 6 students (75%) marked 2 (agree), and 1 student (12.5%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #6: “I am able to relate my DHC coursework to my experience and understanding of the world.” Therefore, 87.5% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #6 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys.
DHC 150/151: Aesthetic Experience
Student Learning Outcome 1: Students will be able to participate in imaginative/artistic production.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In one Aesthetic Experience class this year, there were a total of 21 students. 19 of 21 students, or 90%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #6, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 1 student (12.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 6 students (75%) marked 2 (agree), and 1 student (12.5%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #6: “I am able to relate my DHC coursework to my experience and understanding of the world.” Therefore, 87.5% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #6 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 2: Students will be able to explain aesthetic experiences and expressions within their historical, artistic, and cultural traditions.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In one Aesthetic Experience class this year, there were a total of 21 students. 19 of 21 students, or 90%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #2, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 2 students (25%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 4 students (50%) marked 2 (agree), and 2 students (25%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #2: “I can situate my coursework in historical contexts and across historical periods.” Therefore, 75% of students either agree or strongly agree. This meets the goal for student satisfaction on question #2 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys.
Student Learning Outcome 3: Students will be able to interact openly, respectfully, and knowledgeably with those from different backgrounds and perspectives.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In one Aesthetic Experience class this year, there were a total of 21 students. 19 of 21 students, or 90%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework. b. Program survey: Core curriculum The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #7 with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 5 students (62.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 1 students (12.5%) marked 2 (agree), and 2 students (25%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #7: “My respect for other individuals’ perspectives has been enhanced by my coursework.” Therefore, 75% of students either agree or strongly agree. This meets the goal for student satisfaction on question #7 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 4: Students will be effective in using written and oral communication skills both in form and structure.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #2 on the standard rubric. In one Aesthetic Experience class this year, there were a total of 21 students. 19 of 21 students, or 90%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #2 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #4, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 4 students (50%) marked 1 (strongly agree) and 4 students (50%) marked 2 (agree) for question #4: “I can write clearly and effectively in order to advance and defend a thesis.” Therefore, 100% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #4 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 5: Students will demonstrate strong critical and creative thinking skills.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #3 on the standard rubric. In one Aesthetic Experience class this year, there were a total of 21 students. 19 of 21 students, or 90%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #3 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #5, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 5 students (62.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree) and 3 students (37.5%) marked 2 (agree) for question #5: “I am able to think creatively, and to analyze and critically evaluate the claims of others.” Therefore, 100% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #5 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys.
DHC 160/161: Physical and Biological Systems
Student Learning Outcome 1: Students will be able to apply scientific methods and forms of inquiry and to describe phenomena and predict consequences.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In three Physical and Biological Systems classes this year, there were a total of 47 students. 45 of 47 students, or 96%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #6, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 1 student (12.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 6 students (75%) marked 2 (agree), and 1 student (12.5%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #6: “I am able to relate my DHC coursework to my experience and understanding of the world.” Therefore, 87.5% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #6 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 2: Students will be able to use knowledge of basic scientific disciplines to examine large and complex physical and life systems.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In three Physical and Biological Systems classes this year, there were a total of 47 students. 45 of 47 students, or 96%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #6, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 1 student (12.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 6 students (75%) marked 2 (agree), and 1 student (12.5%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #6: “I am able to relate my DHC coursework to my experience and understanding of the world.” Therefore, 87.5% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student
satisfaction on question #6 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 3: Students will be able to use knowledge of basic scientific disciplines to make informed decisions and address issues of human concern.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In three Physical and Biological Systems classes this year, there were a total of 47 students. 45 of 47 students, or 96%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework. b. Program survey: Core curriculum The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #6 with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 1 student (12.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 6 students (75%) marked 2 (agree), and 1 student (12.5%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #6: “I am able to relate my DHC coursework to my experience and understanding of the world.” Therefore, 87.5% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #6 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 4: Students will be effective in using written and oral communication skills both in form and structure.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #2 on the standard rubric. In three Physical and Biological Systems classes this year, there were a total of 47 students. 45 of 47 students, or 96%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #2 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #4, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 4 students (50%) marked 1 (strongly agree) and 4 students (50%) marked 2 (agree) for question #4: “I can write clearly and effectively in order to advance and defend a thesis.” Therefore, 100% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #4 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 5: Students will demonstrate strong critical and creative thinking skills.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #3 on the standard rubric. In three Physical and Biological Systems classes this year, there were a total of 47
students. 46 of 47 students, or 98%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #3 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #5, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 5 students (62.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree) and 3 students (37.5%) marked 2 (agree) for question #5: “I am able to think creatively, and to analyze and critically evaluate the claims of others.” Therefore, 100% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #5 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 6: Students will demonstrate strong analytical skills including quantitative and experimental techniques.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In three Physical and Biological Systems classes this year, there were a total of 47 students. 45 of 47 students, or 96%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #5, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 5 students (62.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree) and 3 students (37.5%) marked 2 (agree) for question #5: “I am able to think creatively, and to analyze and critically evaluate the claims of others.” Therefore, 100% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #5 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to investigate problems new to themselves, draw conclusions, and evaluate source materials utilized in these investigations.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In three Physical and Biological Systems classes this year, there were a total of 47 students. 45 of 47 students, or 96%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #6, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 1 student (12.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 6 students (75%) marked 2 (agree), and 1 student (12.5%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #6: “I
am able to relate my DHC coursework to my experience and understanding of the world.” Therefore, 87.5% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #6 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys.
DHC 250/251: Social and Behavioral Dynamics
Student Learning Outcome 1: Students will be able to reason about principles of human behavior for understanding self and others.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In two Social and Behavioral Dynamics classes this year, there were a total of 46 students. 39 of 46 students, or 85%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #6, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 1 student (12.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 6 students (75%) marked 2 (agree), and 1 student (12.5%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #6: “I am able to relate my DHC coursework to my experience and understanding of the world.” Therefore, 87.5% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #6 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 2: Students will be able to examine implications of participation in social groups and institutions to inform ethical interaction.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In two Social and Behavioral Dynamics classes this year, there were a total of 46 students. 39 of 46 students, or 85%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #6, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 1 student (12.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 6 students (75%) marked 2 (agree), and 1 student (12.5%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #6: “I am able to relate my DHC coursework to my experience and understanding of the world.” Therefore, 87.5% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #6 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 3: Students will be able to use apply critical thinking to specific situations involving personal and community decision-making.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #3 on the standard rubric. In two Social and Behavioral Dynamics classes this year, there were a total of 46 students. 36 of 46 students, or 78%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #3 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework. b. Program survey: Core curriculum The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #5 with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 5 students (62.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree) and 3 students (37.5%) marked 2 (agree) for question #5: “I am able to think creatively, and to analyze and critically evaluate the claims of others.” Therefore, 100% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #5 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 4: Students will be effective in using written and oral communication skills both in form and structure.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #2 on the standard rubric. In two Social and Behavioral Dynamics classes this year, there were a total of 46 students. 42 of 46 students, or 91%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #2 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #4, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 4 students (50%) marked 1 (strongly agree) and 4 students (50%) marked 2 (agree) for question #4: “I can write clearly and effectively in order to advance and defend a thesis.” Therefore, 100% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #4 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 5: Students will demonstrate strong critical and creative thinking skills.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #3 on the standard rubric. In two Social and Behavioral Dynamics classes this year, there were a total of 46 students. 36 of 46 students, or 78%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #3 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2
for question #5, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 5 students (62.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree) and 3 students (37.5%) marked 2 (agree) for question #5: “I am able to think creatively, and to analyze and critically evaluate the claims of others.” Therefore, 100% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #5 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 6: Students will demonstrate strong analytical skills including quantitative and experimental techniques.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In two Social and Behavioral Dynamics classes this year, there were a total of 46 students. 39 of 46 students, or 85%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #5, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 5 students (62.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree) and 3 students (37.5%) marked 2 (agree) for question #5: “I am able to think creatively, and to analyze and critically evaluate the claims of others.” Therefore, 100% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #5 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 7: Students will be able to interact openly, respectfully, and knowledgeably with those from different backgrounds and perspectives.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In two Social and Behavioral Dynamics classes this year, there were a total of 46 students. 39 of 46 students, or 85%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #7, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 5 students (62.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 1 students (12.5%) marked 2 (agree), and 2 students (25%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #7: “My respect for other individuals’ perspectives has been enhanced by my coursework.” Therefore, 75% of students either agree or strongly agree. This meets the goal for student satisfaction on question #7 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys.
Student Learning Outcome 8: Students will demonstrate the ability to investigate problems new to themselves, draw conclusions, and evaluate source materials utilized in these investigations.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In two Social and Behavioral Dynamics classes this year, there were a total of 46 students. 39 of 46 students, or 85%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #6, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 1 student (12.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 6 students (75%) marked 2 (agree), and 1 student (12.5%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #6: “I am able to relate my DHC coursework to my experience and understanding of the world.” Therefore, 87.5% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #6 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys.
DHC 260/261: Cultural Competence
Student Learning Outcome 1: Students will be able to demonstrate a capacity for cultural self assessment.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In two Cultural Competence classes this year, there were a total of 25 students. 23 of 25 students, or 92%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #6, with a 65% return rate of the survey Of 8 students who completed the survey, 1 student (12.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 6 students (75%) marked 2 (agree), and 1 student (12.5%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #6: “I am able to relate my DHC coursework to my experience and understanding of the world.” Therefore, 87.5% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #6 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 2: Students will be able to observe and analyze the dynamics of cultural interaction.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In two Cultural Competence classes this year, there were a total of 25 students. 23 of 25 students, or 92%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric,
which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #6, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 1 student (12.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 6 students (75%) marked 2 (agree), and 1 student (12.5%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #6: “I am able to relate my DHC coursework to my experience and understanding of the world.” Therefore, 87.5% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #6 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 3: Students will be able to critically evaluate evidence of institutionalized cultural assumptions as they affect individuals and groups.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #3 on the standard rubric. In two Cultural Competence classes this year, there were a total of 25 students. 22 of 25 students, or 88%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #3 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework. b. Program survey: Core curriculum The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #6 with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 1 student (12.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 6 students (75%) marked 2 (agree), and 1 student (12.5%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #6: “I am able to relate my DHC coursework to my experience and understanding of the world.” Therefore, 87.5% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #6 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 4: Students will be effective in using written and oral communication skills both in form and structure.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #2 on the standard rubric. In two Cultural Competence classes this year, there were a total of 25 students. 20 of 25 students, or 80%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #2 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #4, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 4 students (50%) marked 1 (strongly agree) and 4 students (50%) marked 2 (agree) for question #4: “I can write clearly and effectively in order to advance and defend a thesis.” Therefore, 100% of students either agree or strongly agree. This
exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #4 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 5: Students will demonstrate strong critical and creative thinking skills.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #3 on the standard rubric. In two Cultural Competence classes this year, there were a total of 25 students. 22 of 25 students, or 88%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #3 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #5, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 5 students (62.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree) and 3 students (37.5%) marked 2 (agree) for question #5: “I am able to think creatively, and to analyze and critically evaluate the claims of others.” Therefore, 100% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #5 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 6: Students will demonstrate strong analytical skills including quantitative and experimental techniques.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #3 on the standard rubric. In two Cultural Competence classes this year, there were a total of 25 students. 22 of 25 students, or 88%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #3 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #5, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 5 students (62.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree) and 3 students (37.5%) marked 2 (agree) for question #5: “I am able to think creatively, and to analyze and critically evaluate the claims of others.” Therefore, 100% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #5 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 7: Students will be able to interact openly, respectfully, and knowledgeably with those from different backgrounds and perspectives.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric.
In two Cultural Competence classes this year, there were a total of 25 students. 23 of 25 students, or 92%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #7, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 5 students (62.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 1 students (12.5%) marked 2 (agree), and 2 students (25%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #7: “My respect for other individuals’ perspectives has been enhanced by my coursework.” Therefore, 75% of students either agree or strongly agree. This meets the goal for student satisfaction on question #7 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys.
DHC 270: Integrated Learning
Student Learning Outcome 1: Students will be able to develop an appreciation for the interconnectedness of modes of inquiry across disciplines.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #2 on the standard rubric. In one Integrated Learning class this year, there were a total of 24 students. 23 of 24 students, or 96%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #2 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #3, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 4 students (50%) marked 1 (strongly agree) and 4 students (50%) marked 2 (agree) for question #3: “I have an appreciation for the interconnectedness of different disciplines.” Therefore, 100% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #3 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 2: Students will be able to identify and explore connections between or among different disciplines to explain or inquire about phenomena.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #2 on the standard rubric. In one Integrated Learning class this year, there were a total of 24 students. 23 of 24 students, or 96%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #2 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #3, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 4 students (50%) marked 1 (strongly agree) and
4 students (50%) marked 2 (agree) for question #3: “I have an appreciation for the interconnectedness of different disciplines.” Therefore, 100% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #3 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 3: Students will be able to solve problems that require multidisciplinary approaches.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In one Integrated Learning class this year, there were a total of 24 students. 20 of 24 students, or 83%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework. b. Program survey: Core curriculum The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #6 with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 1 student (12.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 6 students (75%) marked 2 (agree), and 1 student (12.5%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #6: “I am able to relate my DHC coursework to my experience and understanding of the world.” Therefore, 87.5% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #6 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 4: Students will be effective in using written and oral communication skills both in form and structure.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #3 on the standard rubric. In one Integrated Learning class this year, there were a total of 24 students. 22 of 24 students, or 92%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #3 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #4, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 4 students (50%) marked 1 (strongly agree) and 4 students (50%) marked 2 (agree) for question #4: “I can write clearly and effectively in order to advance and defend a thesis.” Therefore, 100% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #4 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 5: Students will demonstrate strong critical and creative thinking skills.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations”
for Outcome #4 on the standard rubric. In one Integrated Learning class this year, there were a total of 24 students. 20 of 24 students, or 83%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #4 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #5, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 5 students (62.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree) and 3 students (37.5%) marked 2 (agree) for question #5: “I am able to think creatively, and to analyze and critically evaluate the claims of others.” Therefore, 100% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #5 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 6: Students will demonstrate strong analytical skills including quantitative and experimental techniques.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #4 on the standard rubric. In one Integrated Learning class this year, there were a total of 24 students. 20 of 24 students, or 83%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #4 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #5, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 5 students (62.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree) and 3 students (37.5%) marked 2 (agree) for question #5: “I am able to think creatively, and to analyze and critically evaluate the claims of others.” Therefore, 100% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #5 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to investigate problems new to themselves, draw conclusions, and evaluate source materials utilized in these investigations.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In one Integrated Learning class this year, there were a total of 24 students. 20 of 24 students, or 83%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #6, with a 65% return rate of the survey.
Of 8 students who completed the survey, 1 student (12.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 6 students (75%) marked 2 (agree), and 1 student (12.5%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #6: “I am able to relate my DHC coursework to my experience and understanding of the world.” Therefore, 87.5% of students either agree or strongly agree. This exceeds the goal for student satisfaction on question #6 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. Student Learning Outcome 8: Students will be able to interact openly, respectfully, and knowledgeably with those from different backgrounds and perspectives.
a. Required coursework (paper)
The criterion for achievement is that 75% of students obtain at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric. In one Integrated Learning class this year, there were a total of 24 students. 20 of 24 students, or 83%, obtained at least “met expectations” for Outcome #1 on the standard rubric, which meets the goal for required coursework.
b. Program survey: Core curriculum
The criterion of achievement is that 75% of DHC students mark 1 (strongly agree) or 2 for question #7, with a 65% return rate of the survey. Of 8 students who completed the survey, 5 students (62.5%) marked 1 (strongly agree), 1 students (12.5%) marked 2 (agree), and 2 students (25%) marked 3 (neutral) for question #7: “My respect for other individuals’ perspectives has been enhanced by my coursework.” Therefore, 75% of students either agree or strongly agree. This meets the goal for student satisfaction on question #7 of the program survey. The return rate (25%) did not meet our goal for returned surveys. 4. What will the college do as a result of this information? This data will be submitted as part of the DHC’s year-end report, as requested by the Associate Vice President for Undergraduate Studies. In fall 2011, the director of the DHC will discuss this data with DHC faculty and the DHC Advisory Committee. We will also develop an assessment plan for the upper-division scholarship experience. Once again, we had a low return rate on the core curriculum program survey. Next year, I will speak with the committee so that we can devise a strategy to increase the return rate.
5. What did the college do in response to last year’s assessment information?
In fall 2010, the DHC Curriculum Committee developed a new assessment plan to measure the success of the DHC core curriculum. This is the first time that the new curriculum — not the old, Great Books curriculum — has been assessed. 6. Questions or suggestions concerning Assessment of Student Learning at CWU: None.
Appendix I: Student Numbers Freshman Sophomore Junior Fall 2002 Winter 2003 Spring 2003 Diff. Start/Finish Fall 2003 Winter 2004 Spring 2004 Diff. Start/Finish Fall 2004 Winter 2005 Spring 2005 Diff. Start/Finish Fall 2005 Winter 2006 Spring 2006 Diff. Start/Finish Fall 2006 Winter 2007 Spring 2007 Diff. Start/Finish Fall 2007 Winter 2008 Spring 2008 Diff. Start/Finish Fall 2008 Winter 2009 Spring 2009 26 21 9 21 20 11 14 11 5 17 15 8 19 16 6 15 11 2 23 17 15 14 3 16 13 7 14 14 1 7 7 2 9 8 0 7 7 0 9 7 6 6 2 17 14 5 7 7 -2 12 12 2 8 8 2 11 10 0 7 7 10 9 0 8 9 0 6 7 -1 18 15 0 6 5 2 Senior 10 10 0 Total Students 62 53 14 60.67 Attrition Rate 20.90% 61 56 12 48 41 16 61.67 Attrition Rate 17.65% 48.67 Attrition Rate 28.07% 8 9 42 39 10 47 45 9 39 35 3 47 40 43.33 Attrition Rate 20.41% 48.67 Attrition Rate 16.67% 37.33 Attrition Rate 7.89% 47.33 Attrition
Diff. Start/Finish 12* 2 1 0 15 Rate* 27.27% students remain and which have withdrawn from the program. Because these students will be transitioning to the new curriculum next year, some of them opted to take only two quarters this year even though they remain in the DHC. Fall 2009 Winter 2010 Spring 2010 Diff. Start/Finish 39 40 1 18 16 -2 7 9 2 9 7 0 73 72 1 72 Attrition 0 Fall 2010 Winter 2011 Spring 2011 Diff. Start/Finish UDSE - A&H UDSE - SHP 51 52 -2 32 32 -1 20 20 4 6 6 -1 109 110 0 5 5 110 Attrition 0
Appendix II: Course assessment
Key: Student learning outcomes for DHC 140/1, 150/1, 160/1, 250/1, 260/1: #1: Examines the significance of ideas in a variety of contexts #2: Effectiveness of communication #3: Critical thinking skills Student learning outcomes for DHC 270: #1: Examines the significance of ideas in a variety of contexts #2: Inquiry and/or connections across disciplines #3: Effectiveness of communication #4: Critical thinking skills Student numbers: Exceeds expectations/Meets expectations/Does not meet expectations Fall 2010
DHC 140 (Coe)
Winter 2011 DHC 150 (Betts): No data Spring 2011 DHC 140 (Turcotte) Outcome 1: 11/9/1 Outcome 2: 11/7/3 Outcome 3: 9/9/3 DHC 141 (Harper) Outcome 1: 4/8/4 Outcome 2: 7/4/5 Outcome 3: 6/7/3 DHC 160 (Piacsek): No data DHC 261 (Sutphin) Outcome 1: 6/10/2 Outcome 2: 7/7/4 Outcome 3: 7/9/2 Outcome 1: 6/12/0 Outcome 2: 5/8/5 Outcome 3: 4/14/0 DHC 141 (Erdman) Outcome 1: 12/8/1 Outcome 2: 7/10/4 Outcome 3: 4/16/1
DHC 151 (Forier)
Outcome 1: 0/19/2 Outcome 2: 0/19/2 Outcome 3: 0/19/2
DHC 161 (Bartlett & Greenwald)
Outcome 1: 21/1/0 Outcome 2: 16/5/1 Outcome 3: 21/1/0 DHC 250 (Montgomery) Outcome 1: 6/12/5 Outcome 2: 1/18/4 Outcome 3: 1/17/5 DHC 270 (Gabriel) Outcome 1: 14/6/4 Outcome 2: 13/10/1 Outcome 3: 13/11/0 Outcome 4: 14/6/4
DHC 160 (Peters)
Outcome 1: 3/14/2 Outcome 2: 7/11/1 Outcome 3: 6/12/1
DHC 161 (Bartlett & Greenwald)
Outcome 1: 2/4/0 Outcome 2: 2/4/0 Outcome 3: 2/4/0 DHC 251 (Montgomery) Outcome 1: 13/8/2 Outcome 2: 16/7/0 Outcome 3: 12/6/5 DHC 260 (Schnelle): No data DHC 260 (Schnelle) Outcome 1: 3/4/0 Outcome 2: 0/6/1 Outcome 3: 0/6/1