Flag Football Rules

Flag Football Rules
Revised July 2015
All Rules will follow NIRSA Rules; exceptions and emphasizes will be listed below.
The Field
1. The field will be 40 yards wide and 80 yards long. The endzones will be 10 yards
long, and each field zone will be 20 yards long. The field will have the following
lines marking each specific zone:
1. All players must show their CWU I.D. card to the scorekeeper prior to each game.
2. Each team member must wear jerseys of the same color, must be long enough to
remain tucked in during each down or short enough so they are 4” above the
player’s waistline. All players must wear a shirt!
3. Each player must wear a one piece belt at the waist line with three flags attached
permanently to the belt (a flag should hang from each hip and one in the back). A
team’s flags should all be the same color.
4. No metal spikes may be worn. Gym, turf, or football shoes may be worn, but
absolutely no barefoot participants. Failure to adhere to this rule shall result in
immediate ejection from the game.
5. No watches and all other removable jewelry must be removed prior to play.
Officials and Supervisors will determine if any permanent jewelry is dangerous.
6. Players are prohibited from wearing any equipment deemed unsafe by the
Supervisors and Officials.
7. Players with casts will not be allowed to play under any circumstances. Tape and
athletic braces may be worn to prevent injury. Athletic braces may not have any
exposed metal.
8. Participants may not wear shorts or pants that have belt loops, pockets, exposed
drawstrings, or any other openings that someone’s hands may be caught in.
9. A game ball will be provided. Team captains can agree on an alternate ball before
the game, but both teams must play with the same ball.
1. Team Captains must identify themselves to the game officials prior to the start of
each game. The team captain will serve as a contact person for the officials for
discussions and other situations that may arise during the game. The captain’s will
use Paper, Rock, Scissors to determine who will choose side or begin with the ball
to begin the first half.
2. Teams consist of 7 players, with all players eligible to receive and throw a pass.
A game may not be started with less than 6 players. If the minimum number of
players is not reached at game time, the opposing team will be given the option to
take a forfeit or wait 10 minutes for additional players to arrive. If the captain
chooses to wait no protests will be heard for that game and all game decisions are
final. Clock will start when game time is supposed to start.
University Recreation - Intramural Sports - Flag Football Rules
Recreation Center Room 170 Phone: 509-963-3511 Email: imsports@cwu.edu
Flag Football Rules
Revised July 2015
3. A player that is detected bleeding will be removed from the game without penalty
or time-out charged. Once the bleeding has stopped and is covered, the player
may return to the game.
4. Competitive teams may have 3 former varsity football players on their team.
Only 2 can play at the same time.
5. Recreational teams may only have 2 players that play in a competitive league
as well on their team.
1. No player may enter while a play is in progress.
2. A player that leaves the field may not return until after the end of the following
3. Should a team choose to huddle, no player may enter the game without being in
the huddle.
1. The game will consist of two, 15-minute halves with a running clock. Halftime
will be two minutes in duration.
2. The clock will stop only when a time-out is charged to a team or deemed
necessary by the referee when during a running clock period.
3. During the last two minutes of the second half, the clock will stop for: A)
Penalties. B) Incomplete passes. C) Out of bounds. D) Time outs. E) Change of
possession. The clock will restart with the snap of the ball. The clock will not
stop if a team is leading by more than 20 points.
4. Each team is entitled to three, 30-second time-outs during each game. A
maximum of 2 timeouts can be used in either half. Each team will receive one (1)
time-out during each overtime period. Timeouts unused will not carry-over.
5. The clock will stop after all touchdowns (the clock does not run during an extra
point attempt), and will start again when the extra point is complete and the ball
has been spotted for the opposing team.
6. The offense shall have 20 seconds to snap the ball after the referee has marked the
ball ready for play. The Referee may start or stop the clock to assess penalties for
using unfair tactics or consuming too much time in regards to the 20-second play
1. Point values for scoring plays will be:
o Touchdown
6 pts.
o Extra Point (3 yard line)
1 pt.
o Extra Point (10 yard line)
2 pts.
o Extra Point (20 yard line)
3 pts.
o Safety
2 pts.
2. Interception return during conversion attempt: The defense may return an
interception on an extra point. If they return the ball to their own endzone they
are awarded same number of points the Offense attempting.
University Recreation - Intramural Sports - Flag Football Rules
Recreation Center Room 170 Phone: 509-963-3511 Email: imsports@cwu.edu
Flag Football Rules
Revised July 2015
1. The team with the ball will begin at the 10 yard line. They will have 4 downs to
reach the next zone (the 20 yard line).
2. When the offensive team gains a first down by advancing to the next zone, they
gain another 4 downs to make it to the next zone.
a. As teams are penalized and moved behind the previous zone, they still
must reach their original zone line.
i. For example, team A is on offense and passed the ball across the 20
yard line (they are on the 22 yard line) and gain an automatic first
down. On their next down (1st Down), they receive a false start
penalty before the snap of the ball and are moved back 5 yards to the
17 yard line. They still have to reach the 40 yard line to get a first
3. The ball must break the plane of the zone line to gain to obtain a first down and
the plane of the goal line to obtain a touchdown.
4. The offense must have 4 players on the line of scrimmage.
5. The snap of the ball must be between the legs and be one quick and continuous
6. The quarterback must receive the snap at least 6 feet from the center (snapper).
7. For all fumbles on the snap:
a. All snaps that hit the ground before reaching the quarterback are ruled
b. If the quarterback gains possession of the ball and then drops it, the result
is a dead ball and the ball is spotted at the point the ball is fumbled
c. Snaps that carry through the back of the endzone are ruled a safety.
8. All fumbles that hit the ground are dead balls.
a. If the ball is fumbled forward, the ball will be spotted at the point from
which the ball was fumbled. (The ball cannot advance on a fumble.)
9. Players on the line must remain motionless once coming to a set position. (1
player may be in motion parallel to the LOS)
10. No players may line up in a 3 or 4 point stance. (Offense or Defense)
1. The defense must start with at least 3 players on the line of scrimmage.
2. The defense may align themselves anywhere on the fields prior to and after the
snap as long as they meet the 3 player minimum (i.e. all players can rush the
passer or cover a receiver.
3. Defensive players must wait for a “1-second” count while the ball is entering
the QB’s hands to rush the passer. They will be called offsides for any player
that crosses the line of scrimmage without waiting for the 1-second count.
1. The concept of blocking in flag football is screen blocking.
2. At no time may a block or physical contact (by the offense or defense) be made
by lowering the shoulder or using the forearms or elbows.
3. Players may not extend their arms to make a block. Players may not lock out
their elbows.
University Recreation - Intramural Sports - Flag Football Rules
Recreation Center Room 170 Phone: 509-963-3511 Email: imsports@cwu.edu
Flag Football Rules
Revised July 2015
4. A player may not leave his feet to make a block.
5. Any block made to the head of an opponent is a 15 yd. penalty and is grounds for
6. There shall be no tripping or attempting to trip.
7. There shall be no contact with a player obviously out of the play, with anyone on
the ground, or once play is blown dead.
8. There shall be no blocking past the LOS. Players must avoid getting in the way of
a defensive player attempting to get a flag.
Passing Plays
1. Players may not hand the ball forward or backward at any time. All ball transfers
must be through the air and travel at least 3 feet in distance.
2. All players on both teams are eligible to touch or catch a pass. During a
scrimmage down and before team possession has changed, a forward pass may be
thrown provided the passer’s feet are behind the offensive line of scrimmage
when the ball leaves the passer’s hand. Only one forward pass can be thrown per
3. If a legal forward pass is caught simultaneously by members of opposing teams,
the ball is immediately dead and belongs to the offense.
4. A team may use as many backwards passes as they want during a scrimmage
down. A backwards pass is classified as any pass that travels parallel with the
passer or toward their end-zone.
5. It is illegal to attempt to steal the ball while in player possession. Once a player
has obtained possession of the ball, his/her opponent must play the flag, not the
6. Defensive players must not contact the passer at anytime during or after the play.
They may only go for the flag. Rushers may try to deflect the ball, but they may
not contact the passer even if the ball is deflected.
7. If the defender contacts the passer above the waist, it is considered roughing
the passer.
Rushing Plays
1. The ball carrier shall not grasp a teammate or be grasped, pulled, or pushed by a
2. Ball carriers may not guard their flag-belts by blocking with arms or hands or
otherwise illegally prevent the opponent to pull or remove their flag-belt.
3. The defensive player shall not hold, grasp, or obstruct forward progress of a ball
carrier when in the act of removing the flag-belt.
4. It is illegal to attempt to steal the ball in a player’s possession.
5. Spinning while running is considered part of running and is allowed provided the
runner maintains contact with the ground and does not initiate contact with an
6. A player may not lower his/her head in the advancement of the ball. (Even if no
contact is made – if it impacts a defense’s path to the flag).
7. A player may not hurdle another player.
University Recreation - Intramural Sports - Flag Football Rules
Recreation Center Room 170 Phone: 509-963-3511 Email: imsports@cwu.edu
Flag Football Rules
Revised July 2015
Flag-belt Removal
1. The end of a play will be spotted at the spot the ball was held when the ball carrier
was de-flagged.
2. Offensive players must have possession of the ball before they can legally be deflagged.
3. In all situations where the play is in progress and the ball carrier loses the flagbelt accidentally, inadvertently, or on purpose, the play becomes dead when the
ball carrier is tagged by at least one hand anywhere between the shoulders and the
knees (including the hands and arms) from front or behind. This contact shall not
be malicious in nature.
Punting the Ball
1. All punts must be announced to the Referee. A team may change their choice to
punt after a time-out has been charged to either team.
2. The receiving team must have 4 players on the line of scrimmage.
3. Neither team may cross the line of scrimmage until the ball is kicked.
4. The kicker must be at least two (2) yards behind the line of scrimmage when
receiving the snap. After receiving the snap, the kicker must kick the ball
immediately and in one continuous motion. Penalty – Delay of game.
5. If the kicker drops the snap, it is considered a fumble and the ball becomes dead.
6. There are no fake punts. The punting team may not kick the ball to themselves.
7. If a punt goes out of bounds, it shall be placed inbounds where it crossed the
8. If the punt hits the ground the kicking team may pick it up and return it. If a punt
is ‘muffed’ the ball is dead where it hits the ground (there are no fumbles).
9. Punts may be returned from the endzone.
10. A cleanly caught ball by the punt receiver may be passed forward as long as:
a. Only the person that received the punt passes the ball forward
b. The ball does not touch the ground or another player
c. The player that received the punt does not leave a 6’ halo before throwing
the ball.
11. All passes thrown by the punt receiver will be played the same as all other passed
Inadvertent Whistle
1. If an inadvertent whistle sounds, the ball becomes dead immediately. The team in
possession of the ball when the whistle blew shall have the option to:
a. Replay the down, or
b. Accept the play at the point it was terminated and count the down.
2. If the whistle inadvertently sounds during a legal forward pass or kick (i.e. while
the ball is in the air), the down will be played over.
Miscellaneous Rules
1. Protests will only be allowed for player eligibility or a rule interpretation. An
official’s judgment call CAN NOT be protested. Rule interpretation protests must
be made before the next live-ball snap. A rule interpretation protest on the last
play of the game must be made before the officials leave the field.
University Recreation - Intramural Sports - Flag Football Rules
Recreation Center Room 170 Phone: 509-963-3511 Email: imsports@cwu.edu
Flag Football Rules
Revised July 2015
2. If a team receives two unsportsmanlike penalties during the course of the game,
that team will forfeit the game at that point. The team captain must meet with the
Intramural Coordinator to discuss the team’s continuation in the league.
3. If an inadvertent whistle is blown, the offensive team has the choice of accepting
the play or replaying the down from the previous spot.
4. In the event of inclement weather, a game will be considered to be official after
the first half has been completed. All games suspended prior to the end of the
first half will resume play according to the discretion of the Coordinator of
Intramural Sports.
1. Paper, Rock, Scissors will be used to determine possession. The team winning the
coin toss has the option of beginning on offense/defense. Teams will alternate
2. Direction will be determined by the officials. The entire overtime period will be
played facing the same goal.
3. The ball will be placed on the first zone line and the offensive team will have four
downs to score. At the end of the 4 downs or after a score, whichever comes first,
the process will be repeated with the opponent. If a team scores, they will have
opportunity to try a conversion (1, 2, or 3 pts.) The process will be repeated until
one team scores more than their opponent.
4. The rules for interceptions remain the same as in regulation both during downs
and on extra point tries.
5. Penalties will be in full effect and all other rules are the same as in regulation.
1. Any player instigating a fight, throwing a punch, or taunting or verbally abusing a
player, spectator, or game official will be immediately disqualified from the
2. Any player disqualified for the above offenses will be suspended for the
remainder of the season.
Sportsmanship, Forfeits, Fines, and Ejections:
1. There is a $20 fine for each forfeit. Teams that forfeit more than 1 game will not
be eligible for playoffs.
2. All players are expected to abide by the Intramural Code of Conduct.
3. All players ejected from play must leave the game site immediately. Ejections
will result in a minimum penalty of a 1 game suspension and $20 fine.
4. Teams will be graded on their sportsmanship on a 4.0 scale. Sportsmanship rating
will be used as the first tiebreaker when determining the playoff schedule and
final standings.
5. Teams that do not maintain a 2.5 average will not be included in the playoff
schedule; teams that do not maintain a 2.0 average during the season will be
dropped from the remainder of the schedule.
6. See the Online Intramural Handbook for the complete policies and procedures.
University Recreation - Intramural Sports - Flag Football Rules
Recreation Center Room 170 Phone: 509-963-3511 Email: imsports@cwu.edu
Flag Football Rules
Revised July 2015
Summary of Penalties
Marked from
SOF: Spot of Foul
LOS: Line of Scrimmage
EOP: End/Result of Play
Before the snap penalties (5 yard penalty; LOS):
Delay of game (20 Sec.)
False start
Illegal snap
Less than 4 offensive players on LOS.
Less than 3 defensive players on LOS.
Failure to announce a punt
During the play (replay the down unless marked):
Too Many Players
Illegal Forward Pass
Intentional Grounding
Diving, Hurdling
Clothing grab
Flag Guarding or Stiff arm
Offense pushing runner
5 yards; LOS
5 yards; SOF: Loss of down
5 yards; SOF; Loss of Down
5 yards; SOF; Loss of down
5 yards; EOP
5 yards; SOF; Loss of down
5 yards; SOF; Loss of down
Altering Flags
Roughing the Passer
Holding or Pushing
Illegal Downfield Block
Illegal Def/Off Contact
Defensive Pass Interference
Offensive Pass Interference
10 yards; LOS; Loss of down
10 yards; LOS; automatic 1st down
10 yards; LOS
10 yards; SOF
10 yards; LOS
10 yards; LOS; automatic 1st down
10 yards; LOS; loss of down
Unsportsmanlike Conduct
15 yards; EOP
University Recreation - Intramural Sports - Flag Football Rules
Recreation Center Room 170 Phone: 509-963-3511 Email: imsports@cwu.edu