Unit Level Strategic Plan Template September 19, 2012 Page 1 UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 1. TEACHING AND LEARNING UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.1 Enhance student success by continually improving the curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) 1.1 Students will achieve programmatic learning outcomes for programs and services offered through Student Success areas, and will successfully complete their degrees 1.1.1 Program assessments and annual student evaluations of co-curricular programs and services. 1.1.1 100% of Student Success programs assessed. 80% of desired outcomes attained for cocurricular programs. 1.1.2 Student performance in Student Success courses (UNIV 101,102,103, 201, 301,109,250, 308, and PSY 275) will be measured through grades and other classroom assessments 1.1.2 100% student completion of Student Success Courses at or above the C level. 1.1.3 PostGraduate job and graduate school placement rates. September 19, 2012 1.1.3 80% of graduates who wish to enter the workforce or graduate school to have achieved that goal within one year of graduation 1.1.4 80% retention of students freshmen to sophomore year, 60% of all students graduate Outcome Assessment 1.1.1 Co-curricular program assessments to be completed by unit level directors in Student Success. 1.1.1 Assessments by all Student Success Units annually. 1.1.1 Research Analyst position requested in Base Funding for 20132014 1.1.1 Research Analyst position approved to reside in OE effective 201314. 1.1.2 Course performance assessments to be completed by the instructor of record in Student Success courses. 1.1.2 Course assessments in all Student Success courses quarterly. 1.1.2 No additional resources needed 1.1.2 Quarterly course assessment complete for 100% of Student Success courses. 1.1.3 Career Services Staff 1.1.4 Persistence and graduation data analysis, Retention Task Force, Associate VP for Enrollment, Dean of Student Success 1.1.3 Annual post-graduate polling and analysis 1.1.4 Retention Task Force programmatic recommendations through the Dean of Student Success, Enrollment strategies from VP for Enrollment, 1.1.3 Additional staff position, software and G&S budget would be needed to manage postgraduate contacts and constant data base management. 1.1.4 Research Analyst position requested in base funding for 20132014 1.1.3 Awaiting resources to develop and manage postgraduate contacts and constant data base management. 1.1.4 Research Analyst position approved to reside in OE effective 201314. Page 2 1.1.4 Persistence and Graduation Rates within 6 years 6 year graduation rates: Fall 2010 – 78% Fall 2011 – 74% Fall 2012 – 74% 6 year Graduation rates for 2006 Cohort: Asian – 36% Black – 35% Hispanic -- 57% Multi – 47% Pell – 51% Year 1-2 Retention Rates 2011 Cohort: Asian 65% Black 59% Hispanic 85% Multi 75% White 74% Year 1-2 Retention Rates, 2012 cohort: Asian 76% Black 59% Hispanic 77% White 73% UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.2 Enhance the effectiveness of student support services. September 19, 2012 Page 3 Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Indicator/Performance Level Reported By Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Assessment 1.2 Enhance effectiveness of student support services through academic and co-curricular programs 1.2.1 Program assessments and student feedback/survey results, completion and grade data from developmental courses 1.2.1 100% of Student Achievement Programs will complete annual assessments including recommendations for future improvements as indicated. Student Satisfaction Surveys will be completed by 100% of students accessing services. Student Satisfaction goals are to achieve a minimum of “satisfied” on all measures. Progress assessments by staff in ARC with a goal of 100% of students improving their skills in areas of deficiency or need. 100% of students in developmental math or English to complete those courses with at 1.2.1 Associate Dean of Student Achievement 1.2.1 Annual Assessments completed by unit leaders. Student satisfaction and progress surveys. Completion and grade data from Developmental Courses. Collaborations with other university personnel and services to assure programs and services are relevant and helpful to overall university goals. 1.2.1 Current funding model is inadequate to provide the level of services needed in the ARC. Additional base funding of $25,000 per year is needed to cover basic services. 1.21. Student satisfaction and progress surveys complete, completion and grade data from Developmental Courses is complete. Funding continues inadequate to assure that services are adequate through the ARC. September 19, 2012 1.2.2 Associate Dean for Student Living 1.2.3 Associate Dean for Student Development 1.2.2 Annual Assessments completed by unit leaders. Student satisfaction and progress surveys. Collaborations with other university personnel and services to assure programs and services are relevant and 1.2.2 Orientation programs are underfunded and currently subsidized heavily by housing. An increase in the Orientation fee has been requested, but there remains a shortfall even after that increase. Additional base funding of $60,000 will be needed to fully support the Orientation program. The ECLC facility is stretched and is in poor condition. A Tutoring Usage in the ARC: Spring 2012 1169 Tutorials Spring 2013 2233 Tutorials 1.2.2 Assessments of orientation are complete including feedback from student leaders, participants and Page 4 least a C. 1.2.2 100% of Student Living units will complete annual assessments including recommendations for future improvements as indicated. Student Satisfaction surveys will be completed by 100% of students (or in the case of ECLC, parents) accessing services. Student satisfaction survey goals are to achieve a minimum of “satisfied” on all measures. 1.2.3 100% of Student Development Units will complete annual assessments including recommendations for future improvements as indicated. Student Satisfaction Surveys will be September 19, 2012 helpful to overall university goals. new or renovated facility is needed. 1.2.3 Annual Assessments completed by unit leaders. Student satisfaction and progress surveys. Collaborations with other university personnel and services to assure programs and services are relevant and helpful to overall university goals. Collaborations with the local communities (including those surrounding the University Centers) and military bases. 1.2.3 No additional resources are needed at this time. family members. Collaborations with other university personnel are being managed effectively for the benefit of incoming students and family members. Funding for orientation continues inadequate and is heavily subsidized by Housing. Request has been made for funding for Orientation and improved facility for ECLC.. 1.2.3 Annual assessments complete for all units within Student Development. Collaborations with other university personnel and the local community are successful and growing. Page 5 completed by 100% of students accessing programs and services. Student Satisfaction goals are to achieve a minimum of “satisfied” on all measures. Programs with features of outreach to the community will survey community partners regarding their experiences with our students/programs. Satisfaction goals for our community partners are to achieve a “very satisfied” rating for 100% of our programs. * Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective. September 19, 2012 Page 6 UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 2. INCLUSIVENESS AND DIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.1 Enhance the environment of inclusiveness for faculty, staff, and students Unit Outcomes Indicators 2.1 Promote a diverse, inclusive and welcoming environment for living and learning on campus. 2.1 Student Survey data, Student participation data from educational and social programs related to diversity and inclusivity, student assessments of program efficacy, numbers of bias motivated incidents. Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Indicator/Performance Level Reported By Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis 2.1 Student 2.1 Associate Deans 2.1 Student 2.1 No additional satisfaction and Dean of Student program resources are goals for Success, Unit development needed at this educational and Directors, and all staff around issues time. social programs who collaborate with of diversity, related to the Center Diversity tolerance of diversity and and Social Justice differences, inclusivity are respect, and “satisfied” or community above. Student assessment of program efficacy goal is 80%. Number of bias motivated incidents is reduced from previous year with a goal of zero. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.2 Increase faculty, staff, and student diversity by active programs of recruitment and retention for members of underrepresented groups. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Budget/Resource Performance Level Reported By Strategies/ Analysis Level Initiatives (Criterion) September 19, 2012 Outcome Assessment 2.1 Awaiting hire of research analyst position to help mine data regarding student satisfaction with inclusive and diverse campus environment. Outcome Assessment Page 7 2.2.1 Promote the recruitment and retention of a diverse staff and faculty on campus. 2.2.1 Recruitment plans designed to reach highly qualified diverse candidates 2.2.2 Promote a diverse and inclusive campus environment that is welcoming and safe for all students. Assure that all search committees are diverse and are trained to identify diverse candidates. 2.2.2 Residence Hall Exit Interviews, Program Satisfaction surveys, Incident Reports. 2.2.1 100% of staff and faculty vacancies in Student Success will be widely advertised in places that will effectively reach diverse candidates. 100% of search committees composed by Student Success will include diverse members and will be trained to identify and effectively interview diverse candidates. 2.2.2 Goal is 100% of students indicate “satisfied” or higher on exit interviews and satisfaction survey questions on campus climate for inclusiveness and diversity. Goal is 0 September 19, 2012 2.2.1. Dean of Student Success, Human Resources Dean of Student Success, Human Resources 2.2.2 Dean of Student Success, Campus Police Chief, Associate Deans for Achievement, Development, Student Living 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 Advertising positions, selecting candidates for interviews, training selection committees, evaluating candidates. 2.2.2 Positive campus environment, diverse student body, diverse faculty and staff, respectful and inclusive community 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 No additional resources are needed at this time. 2.2.1 Recruitment activities for open positions in DOSS have been posted with intentionality toward attracting diverse recruitment pools, and we have been successful attracting and in hiring minority candidates in some key positions, including Director of the Student Support Services program (TRIO) Director of the Center for Leadership and Community Engagement, and Two research analysts serving Student Success through OE. 2.2.2 Awaiting arrival of research analysts to help mine data regarding student satisfaction with inclusive and diverse campus environment. 2.2.2 Campus reports indicate 6 harassment incidents were reported to the Campus Diversity Officer in AY 2012-13 Page 8 reported incidents on campus that allege bias. because they included some form of racial/cultural/diversity bias. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.3: Ensure that CWU has an inclusive and diverse curriculum Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Indicator/Performance Level Reported By Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome assessment 2.3 Assure that Student Success courses include discussion and study of matters of inclusion and diversity 2.3 Number and quality of instances of discussion and study of matters of inclusion and diversity in Student Success courses 2.3 100% of Student Success courses include at least one instance of discussion or study of a matter related to inclusion or diversity. 2.3 Dean of Student Success, Instructors of record in UNIV 101, 102, 103, 201, 301, 109, 250,308, and PSY275. 2.3 Community conversation and engagement with matters of inclusivity and diversity. Increased student awareness of the value of a diverse and inclusive community. 2.3 No additional resources needed at this time. 2.3 All Student Success courses included discussion or study of matters related to diversity or inclusion. Courses include UNIV 101, 103 * Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective. September 19, 2012 Page 9 UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 3. SCHOLARSHIP AND CREATIVE EXPRESSION UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 3.1 Increase the emphasis on and the opportunities for students, faculty and staff to participate in research, scholarship, and creative expression activities. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 3.2 Increase the external funding received for research, scholarship, and creative expression by faculty, staff, and students. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) * Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective. September 19, 2012 Page 10 UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 4. PUBLIC SERVICE AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.1 Enhance the commitment and the level of cooperation between the university and external communities. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Budget/Resource Outcomes Performance Level Reported By Strategies/ Analysis Level Initiatives (Criterion) 4.1 Enhance cooperative partnerships between the university and external community. 4.1.1 Number of programs that involve partnerships or cooperative programs between Student Success units and external groups/communities, and number of students, faculty and staff who participate. Assessment of the quality of those experiences. 4.1.2 Number of student internships and co-op experiences. Assessment of the quality of those experiences. September 19, 2012 4.1.1 Increase by 10% over previous year in number of programs and partnerships between Student Success units and the external community. Assessment goal is 100% of students who participate in those programs indicate a rating of “satisfied” with the quality of their experience. Goal is 100% of community partners will indicate that they are “satisfied”’ with the experience they had with 4.1.1 Dean and Associate Deans of Student Success, Unit leaders who are working with community partners. 4.1.2 Director of Career Services 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 Build relationships, develop partnerships, identify areas of mutual benefit, assist students in networking for future success No additional resources are needed at this time. Outcome Assessment 4.1.1 Awaiting analysis of data regarding student, faculty, and community partners’ satisfaction of programs. 4.1.2 Number of students participating coop experiences increased from 927 in 2011-12 to 973 in 2012-13 (5% increase) Page 11 CWU personnel and the program. 4.1.2 Increase number of student internships and co-op experiences off campus by 20% over the previous year. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.2 Increase participation in university sponsored life-long learning opportunities. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Budget/Resource Outcomes Performance Level Reported By Strategies/ Analysis Level Initiatives (Criterion) Provide Number of programs Increase Associate Deans and Community No additional opportunities offered by Student number of Dean of Student outreach, resources are for life-long Success that are “public” events Success, Unit directors public service needed at this learning open to the public. by 10% over in Student Success time. through the previous Student year. Success programs UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.3 Enhance the efforts of members of the university community to strengthen the economic base of the region and state. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Budget/Resource Outcomes Performance Level Reported By Strategies/ Analysis Level Initiatives (Criterion) September 19, 2012 Outcome Assessment Data is incomplete/unavailable. Page 12 * Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective. September 19, 2012 Page 13 CORE THEME: 5. RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT & STEWARDSHIP UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.1 Maximize the financial resources to the University, and assure the efficient and effective operations of the University through financial stewardship. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Efficiently manage university resources while assuring effective operation of the Student Success Department Balanced budgets, appropriate fiscal operation of grant funded programs 100% Student Success units will manage their fiscal resources to assure that no budgets are overspent. All restrictions with regard to grant and state funds are applied appropriately Dean of Student Success Annual budget planning process oversight for Student Success. Constant fiscal oversight of dayto-day operations. Budget support for Student Achievement Areas (advising and ARC) is inadequate to provide the services needed. ARC operating budgets are in need of at least $25,000 new base funding, and $65,000 is needed to bring advisor salaries into line with state averages. Outcome Assessment All budgets in Student Success areas have managed budgets effectively, and no budgets are overspent in 201213. All grant funds have been appropriately applied. Awaiting funding to make necessary salary adjustments in advising salaries, and resources to appropriately fund Orientation, Student Rights and Responsibilities, and Threat Assessment activities. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.2 Develop and implement enrollment management and marking plans that meet the enrollment objectives of the university. September 19, 2012 Page 14 Unit Outcomes Provide leadership in support of enrollment goals. Indicators Improved retention and new student enrollment Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Retention freshmen to sophomore year goal is 80%. Goal for graduation within 6 year is 60% Indicator/Performance Level Reported By Key Strategies/ Initiatives Dean of Student Success, AVP for Enrollment Management, Retention Task Force Robust enrollment Larger freshmen enrollment to fill residential capacity. Budget/Resource Analysis A research analyst position has been requested for 2013-14 to assist with data collection and analysis. Retention efforts are limited until we have the ability to analyze and use our data effectively. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.3 Ensure the University has human resources necessary to accomplish all university objectives. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Outcome Assessment Awaiting arrival of research analyst to produce data upon which to analyze our success in this measure. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.4 Provide the facility and technology infrastructure and services appropriate to meet the university objectives, while maximizing sustainability and stewardship. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) September 19, 2012 Page 15 * Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective. September 19, 2012 Page 16