Unit Strategic Plan 2012/2013 Outcome Assessment Report Page 1 July 24, 16 Strategic Planning 2012/2013 Outcome Unit Report The CWU Strategic Plan the map that guides progress toward fulfilling our institutional mission. A large and representative group of faculty and staff, the Strategic Operations Team, collaboratively developed this plan more than two years ago. Since that time, as the fluid document it was designed to be, it has undergone several revisions. In its current form, the CWU Strategic Plan can be found at this link: http://www.cwu.edu/resources-reports/currentstrategic-plan-and-versions. Last year (2012/2013), units developed and revised Unit Strategic Plans. Unit Strategic Plans will serve as the basis of reporting progress toward achieving the mission of the institution. These reports are to be submitted to your appropriate reporting authority (Dean for academic departments, Director, Assistant/ Associate Vice President for other areas) no later than November 1, 2013. As you will see in the attachment, the format for reporting will utilize the template of your Unit Strategic Plan. You may wish to simply add a column titled “Outcome Assessment” to the Unit Strategic Plan that you submitted in December 2012, and that was subsequently approved by your reporting authority. Page 2 July 24, 16 AY 2012/2013 Unit Strategic Planning Report Unit: ___University Centers __________________________________________ Reporting Authority: ______ Dr. Tracy Pellett, Associate Provost____________ Date: ___December 20, 2014______________ A: Please complete the column titled “Outcome Assessment” on your own Unit Strategic Plan. Complete with as much detail as you can provide. Where you cannot obtain data to complete the assessment, put “Data not available.” in the space. B. Please summarize each of the University’s Five Core Themes from your Unit Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment report. Toward which theme(s) did you make progress, and how are students benefitting from this? Which theme(s) deserve special attention next year? C. How do you intend to utilize the data gathered this year to assist you in developing stronger programs? D. Based on your learning from this first year report, what parts of your strategic plan will you modify, add to, or omit for next year? (Please attach an updated Strategic Plan with changes highlighted.) Page 3 July 24, 16 UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 1. TEACHING AND LEARNING UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.1 Enhance student success by continually improving the curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Performanc Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Outcomes Performance e Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Assessment Level (Criterion) UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.2 Enhance the effectiveness of student support services. Unit Outcomes University Centers will provide excellent service. Indicators - Satisfaction surveys - Professional Development training - New student orientations and events feedback Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Indicator/Performanc e Level Reported By Positive contact experience. - Regional Directors Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Assessment - Interdepartmental communication for PD - Develop student survey - Feedback from staff regarding any needed improvement of processes and procedures to better serve UC clients. - Feedback from internal and external stakeholders. - Staff release time to attend training - $5,000 for travel for professional development. - Need data to determine baseline measurement Page 4 July 24, 16 UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 2. INCLUSIVENESS AND DIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.1 Enhance the environment of inclusiveness for faculty, staff, and students Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Indicator/Performance Level Reported By Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Assessment Center specific storefront which reflects the diverse population of the region. - Marketing - Faculty, Regional -Continue to $50,000 to maintain - Number of materials materials staff and Directors/Director of develop marketing Public Affairs support published for UC display reflective of students Operations. materials which of UC’s. and use. community feel reflect the 4 served. welcomed in regional -$15,000 for materials - Increased visibility - Student our UC demographics. Survey UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.2 Increase faculty, staff, and student diversity by active programs of recruitment and retention for members of underrepresented groups. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Outcomes Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Recruit and retain diverse Students. Recruit and retain diverse staff. Foster a -Interest cards collected. - Dual Admission interest cards -CTC student population Percent of diverse new students at centers is at or above university level. Increase in OE, Regional Directors, Dual Admission Liaison. - Wildcat Wednesday - Transfer events - JBLM/ACAP - CC new student orientation - College fairs - Outreach to rural and outlying - $5,000 for CWU logo items - $5,000 for printed recruiting materials - Staff hourly costs to attend events Page 5 July 24, 16 campus culture where stakeholders at all locations feel safe and engagement is encouraged. communities - TriO Percent of - EEO recruiting diverse new focus. - Percentage staff at - Integration of UC of diverse centers is at student groups staff or above with community university college groups. level. - Create a positive working environment that is inclusive and encourages staff input and feedback. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.3: Ensure that CWU has an inclusive and diverse curriculum Unit Outcomes Facilitate inclusiveness throughout University Centers - - Percent of diverse students interest cards Indicators Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Indicator/Performance Level Reported By University Speaker series - Program outcomes Increase student and staff participation in university center events. Regional Directors and DO Increase student opportunities for diverse and inclusive programing. Key Strategies/ Initiatives - - - Encourage participation of students and staff. Maintain internal partnership to deliver programs to center. Strengthen and promote student clubs and organizations. Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Assessment Staff hourly cost to support program outreach. Costs associated with marketing materials or space rental. Page 6 July 24, 16 UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 3. SCHOLARSHIP AND CREATIVE EXPRESSION UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 3.1 Increase the emphasis on and the opportunities for students, faculty and staff to participate in research, scholarship, and creative expression activities. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Outcomes Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Students, faculty and staff participation in scholarship and creative expression activities (SOURCE, NABCA) - Provide office space for faculty research - Number of staff presentations at national conferences - Offer technology connectivity and space that support and sustains research, scholarship and creative expression. - Increase professional development opportunities for Regional Directors & Dual Admission Liaison. - Increase number of SOURCE participants - Increase opportunities for collaboration with other departments , programs and services. Regional Directors/DO - Number of presentations given at conferences. - Post SOURCE information at Centers - ITV costs - Cost of attendance at regional and national conferences. - Increase awareness of availability of technology connections meetings, trainings, etc. - Encourage research and presentations via traditional and non-traditional median such as blogs, and video. - Support participation in regional and national higher education organizations Page 7 July 24, 16 (NABCA). - Collaborate with student on scholarship and creative activities that strengthen their communities. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 3.2 Increase the external funding received for research, scholarship, and creative expression by faculty, staff, and students. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcomes Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Obtain grant funding - Proposals submitted - Grants awarded - Increase grant activity awarded Regional Director/Director of Operations - Identify potential grant opportunities through outreach in community and in business and industry. - Form advisory boards by center. - Work with University Advancement Office on process. - Attend grant writing workshops. - Collaborate with partner and community organizations for letters of support and to identify $2,500 funding to attend grant writing workshops. Page 8 July 24, 16 grant funding opportunities. - Facilitate collaboration between the UC and the main campus administration, faculty and staff. Page 9 July 24, 16 UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 4. PUBLIC SERVICE AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.1 Enhance the commitment and the level of cooperation between the university and external communities. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Perfo Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Outcomes Performance rmance Level Initiatives Analysis Assessment Level Reported By (Criterion) - Number of Increase program OE, Regional - Meet with CTC’s $15,000 for travel. outreach delivery/student Directors, in each region. contacts enrollment within Director of made to each region. Operations - Track outreach to CTC’s. CTC’s and - Number of Increase Dual business and programs Admission in each Industry by increased region. region. - Increased Expand student - Involve faculty in continuing enrollment program education - Increased development and offerings in Dual delivery. each region. Admission Applications - Incorporate Dual - Number of Admission as part outreach of outreach contacts efforts. made to business and industry. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.2 Increase participation in university sponsored life-long learning opportunities. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Perfo Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcomes Performance rmance Level Initiatives Analysis Level Reported By (Criterion) Expand portal connections to CTC’s. Outcome Assessment Page 10 July 24, 16 Increase participation in life-long learning opportunities Attendance at CWU sponsored events at centers. Yearly increase in participation from community and students. Regional Directors, Westside and Eastside student service lead. - Increase of events by region - Media advertisement of events - Connect with business and industry for related specific events. - Expand connections by CWU Alumni by region. $1,000 for event sponsorship. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.3 Enhance the efforts of members of the university community to strengthen the economic base of the region and state. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Perfo Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Outcomes Performance rmance Level Initiatives Analysis Assessment Level Reported By (Criterion) Expand program offering to CTC’s -Increased enrollment of students by program by center - Increased program offerings by CTC by region. Yearly increase in enrollment by program by region. OE - Meet with CTC’s in each region. $5,000 for CWU storefront. - Track outreach to CTC’s and business and Industry by region. - Increase branded CWU storefront appearance at each university center. - Incorporate Dual Admission as Page 11 July 24, 16 part of outreach efforts Page 12 July 24, 16 CORE THEME: 5. RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT & STEWARDSHIP UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.1 Maximize the financial resources to the University, and assure the efficient and effective operations of the University through financial stewardship. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/ Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Performance Performance Level Initiatives Analysis Level Reported By (Criterion) Identify the cost per program for each region. - Budget allocation based on FTE - 148 Funding Appropriately allocate funding based on FTE /Headcount. Deliver programs to the centers based on student demand. - FTE/ Headcount by program by region. - Number of courses delivered by program by region. - Retention by program by region. - Dual Admission applicants - Linking CWU Increase FTE/ Head-count and continuing students. - Associate Provost -Business and Finance - Track and Cost of staffing to monitor G&S do analysis. spending by region. - Drive costs for copying, mailing to department. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.2 Develop and implement enrollment management and marking plans that meet the enrollment objectives of the university. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/ Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Performance Performance Level Initiatives Analysis Level Reported By (Criterion) OE, Regional Directors, Dual Admission Liaison, Program Directors -Use Dual Admission data to determine program demand. -Use market analysis to determine business and industry demand. - Work with Program Directors to recruit students into programs. - Coordinate with associated Cost of staffing to do analysis. Page 13 July 24, 16 center academic programs programs. offerings with CTC programs and career and technical programs. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.3 Ensure the University has human resources necessary to accomplish all university objectives. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performa Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Performance nce Level Reported Initiatives Analysis Level By (Criterion) All regions have required staffing levels to insure University Center objectives are met. - Number of staff per FTE/ Headcount - Number of faculty and student services at each center. - Customer service survey feedback. - All faculty, students and community members receive prompt service. Regional Directors, Dual Admission Liaison, Director of Operations, Human Resources - Identify student to staff ratios for front office staffing . - Balance staffing across all regions and staffing for all university center functions. - Identify staffing needs at UC’s using increased FTE/ Headcount by region as a determining factor. No additional funding identified at this time. Page 14 July 24, 16 UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.4 Provide the facility and technology infrastructure and services appropriate to meet the university objectives, while maximizing sustainability and stewardship. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Provide or maintain hardware and software technologies at centers. - Improved data collection related to program by UC region. - Technology upgrades completed at centers. -Improved CWU wireless at centers. -Improved data based decision making. -Improved communication regarding accomplishments and enrollments by region. CWU technology experience is the same regardless of campus. Queries developed Quality of information provided. Technology Services, Regional Directors, Dual Admission Liaison, Director of Operations, - Identify technology needs at each center. - Develop replacement schedule. - -- == - = - Developing queries - Defining variables - Defining outcomes to be measured - Training for staff and UC Leadership team on data mart. $15,000 in annual funding to replace technology and increase wireless access. Page 15 July 24, 16 Page 16 July 24, 16