2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report CORE THEME: 1. TEACHING AND LEARNING UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.1 Enhance student success by continually improving the curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs Outcomes 1.1.1 Students will achieve programmatic learning outcomes Indicators Student performance data and outcomes achievement as described in annual program assessment reports and standardized exams. Post-grad job and graduate school placement rates Expected Performance Level (Criterion) 100% annual program reporting Responsible Reporting Unit Key Strategies/ Initiatives Associate Provost Professional Development (e.g., teaching and assessment) 80% reported programmatic outcome attainment At or above selected peer averages on standardized major field tests Baseline to be determined Budget/Resource Analysis Release time, goods and services, and secretary costs for Coordinator of Assessment Outcome Results 100% of academic programs reported* 72% of programs report outcome attained* Did not assess standardized field testing results Dean of Student Success Cooperative Education Staff, goods and services, and secretary costs Did not assess. Results/Findings: * Reported measure is 2011-2012 data. Data is gathered December 1 to report on the previous year’s assessment outcomes. (Henderson & Smith, 2013) 4/15/20 3:05 PM 1 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.1 Enhance student success by continually improving the curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs Outcomes Indicators Expected Performance Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Level Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis (Criterion) 1.1.2 Students will First year-to80% Director of Early Alert C-Port and Student persist to graduation second year Organizational System/ Achievement Personnel with increased efficiency persistence rates Effectiveness MapWorks and rate Faculty release, Housing Graduation 4 yr – 30% Director of Living Learning staff, goods and rates 5 yr – 54% Organizational Communities services, and secretary 6 yr – 62% Effectiveness costs First Year Experience (FYE) Time-tograduation High School (FTIC) Mean: 4.6 yrs Median: 4.2 Director of Organizational Effectiveness Transfers (DTA): Mean: 2.9 yrs Median: 2.2 Credits-tograduation Percentage and number of students earning beyond 225 credits before graduating. Baseline to be determined Director of Organizational Effectiveness Learning Commons Staff, goods and services, and secretary costs Small class sizes Cost per full-time equivalent student Outcome Results 2010-2011 =76.4% 2011-2012 =71.7% 2012-2013 =72.5% Transfer (All) 2 yrs or < = 33.4% 3yrs = 53.6% 4 yrs + = 63.5% Native 4yrs or < = 31.4% 5yrs = 49.2% 6yrs = 55.2% Native (FTIC) Mean = 4.13 yrs Median = 4.0 yrs Transfer (all) Mean = 2.24 yrs Median = 2.0 yrs 526 (20.3%) students earned 225 or more credits. 109 (4.2%) student earned 225 or more credits earned only at CWU Results/Findings: (“Re_ Here You Go.eml,” n.d.)(“Grads Over 225 credits.eml,” n.d.) Fall Freshman Enrollment History 4/15/20 3:05 PM 2 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.1 Enhance student success by continually improving the curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs Outcomes Indicators Expected Performance Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Level Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis (Criterion) 1.1.3 Students and faculty will be increasingly engaged in the learning process in and outside of the classroom. Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE) results National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) results At or above selected peer averages Director of Organizational Effectiveness Cooperative Education At or above selected peer/national averages Director of Organizational Effectiveness Graduate Assistantships Center for Civic Engagement Priority Survey of Online Learning (PSOL) results 4/15/20 3:05 PM At or above selected peer/national averages Director of Organizational Effectiveness Faculty release costs, staff, goods and services, and secretary costs Center Staff, goods and services, and secretary costs Graduate assistantship costs Outcome Results Data not available. See comparison table for student/faculty data. NSSE Benchmarks: Level of LD 53% Academic UD 60%* Challenge Active & LD 40%** Collaborative UD 56%* Learning StudentLD 36%* Faculty UD 44%* Interaction Enriching LD 27% Educational UD 39% Experiences Supportive LD 61% Campus UD 57% Environment Deep LD 58%** Approaches UD 67% to Learning Strengths Registration for online courses is convenient. Program requirements are clear and reasonable. Instructional materials are appropriate for program content. Campus item: A fair and equitable learning environment exists in 3 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report Student participation in internships, teaching 4/15/20 3:05 PM Internships: 15% of total students Career Services Graduate Studies Teaching assistantships: my online course(s). Assessment and evaluation procedures are clear and reasonable. My program advisor is accessible by telephone and e-mail. Billing and payment procedures are convenient for me. Challenges Faculty are responsive to student needs. The quality of online instruction is excellent. Tuition paid is a worthwhile investment. Faculty provide timely feedback about student progress. There are sufficient offerings within my program of study. Campus item: The organization and design of my online course(s) is conducive to learning. I am aware of whom to contact for questions about programs and services. A detailed strategic plan to improve in these areas has been developed. Number of students participating coop experiences increased from 927 in 2011-12 to 4 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report assistantships, and research assistantships 135 total Research Assistantships: 40 total 973 in 2012-13 (5% increase) 104 Teaching Assistantships 16.33 Research Assistantships 25 Staff Assistants Graduate Studies is revising its offices and strategic plan. This number will be explored in greater detail next year. Results/Findings: (“NSSE12 Executive Snapshot (CWU) PAGE_1.pdf,” n.d.)(“Re_ Data Request.eml,” n.d.)(“FSSE12 Reports (CWU).xls,” n.d.)(“FSSE_NSSE_Comparison_2012.pdf,” n.d.) * CWU higher than Far West Public Institutions ** CWU lower than Far West Public Institutions Supporting Docs/PSOL 2013 (CWU vs Peers) Strategic Benchmarks.docx Online Learning Strategies (2013).docx 4/15/20 3:05 PM 5 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.1 Enhance student success by continually improving the curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs Outcomes Indicators Expected Performance Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Level Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis (Criterion) 1.1.4 Students will be National At or above selected Reported by Cultural and Programming and staff increasingly engaged in Survey of Student peer/national averages Director of Student Life costs high quality Engagement Organizational Programming and extracurricular offerings. (NSSE) results Effectiveness Speaker Series Coach, staff, goods and Recreation and services, and secretary Athletic costs Programming Outcome Results NSSE Benchmarks: Level of LD 53% Academic UD 60%* Challenge Active & LD 40%** Collaborative UD 56%* Learning StudentLD 36%* Faculty UD 44%* Interaction Enriching LD 27% Educational UD 39% Experiences Supportive LD 61% Campus UD 57% Environment Deep LD 58%** Approaches UD 67% to Learning Results/Findings: (“NSSE12 Multi-Year Benchmark Report (CWU).xlsx,” n.d.)(“NSSE12 Executive Snapshot (CWU) PAGE_1.pdf,” n.d.) NSSE12 Student Experience In Brief (CWU).doc 4/15/20 3:05 PM 6 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.2 Enhance the effectiveness of student support services. Outcomes Indicators Expected Performance Responsible Level Reporting Unit (Criterion) 1.2.1 Increase student Participant Baseline needs to be Dean of Student use and impact of usage, impact, and calculated Success relevant and effective satisfaction survey support services. results Key Strategies/ Initiatives Math Center Writing Center SSS/WaTEP Supplemental Instruction CAMP STAR Advising Budget/Resource Analysis Programming and staff costs Director, staff, goods and services, and secretary costs Outcome Results Tutoring Usage in the ARC: Spring 2012 1169 Tutorials Spring 2013 2233 Tutorials Tutoring Usage Math – 1.16 students/hr Writing - .85 students/hr CAMP – 89% retention SSS – 96% retention STAR – 68% retention GEAR Up served 2000 students, EOC nearly 2000, and HEP nearly 150; CAMP outreached over 3000. The CAMP program successfully obtained a Dare to Dream Grant and delivered services June 2013. Between 15% and 20% of the student body participated and availed themselves to Student Development Area programs, events and activities at any given time throughout the 4/15/20 3:05 PM 7 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report academic year. Club and Academic Senates funded 90% of the student organizations and clubs that requested funds for events and activities. Results/Findings: 4/15/20 3:05 PM 8 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report CORE THEME: 2. INCLUSIVENESS AND DIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.1 Enhance the environment of inclusiveness for faculty, staff, and students Outcomes 2.1.1 Increase the ability and willingness of faculty staff, and students to participate in shared governance of the university. Indicators Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Responsible Reporting Unit Key Strategies/ Initiatives Organizational climate studies Baseline Conducted by: Chief Human Resource Officer; University committee opportunities Faculty and staff participation in University Committees, Senate Committees, and College Committees 50% of staff participate in shared governance. Director of Inclusivity & Diversity Director of Diversity and Inclusivity is collaborating with the BOD VP for equity to develop outreach to students. Student participation in student government and student clubs. Annual increase of student participation in shared governance. 85% of faculty participate in shared governance. Dean of Student Success Budget/Resource Analysis Costs of services, and study costs. Outcome Results Planned for COACHE Faculty Fall 2013. Did not assess staff. Did not assess all CWU students. Data not available. There are not enough opportunities provided to meet this criterion. < 10% participated in BOD elections (n=672) More than 172 student clubs and organizations 24 sport clubs, 654 students participating. All Student Development Programs (100%) sponsored and/or presented during the 2012-2013 academic year were inclusive and targeted a diverse student body. Student Development Programs saw only a 4/15/20 3:05 PM 9 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report 25% increase in student participation rates for students from diverse populations for the 2012-2013 academic year. (We want to see this rate at 30% participation rate which is on par with the percentage of students from diverse populations attending the university). Students from diverse populations participating in the Students for the Dream LLC increased by 40% for the 2012-2013 academic year. All graduating students from diverse populations participated in the Ethnic Student Graduation Celebrations reaching a 100% participation rate for the 2012-2013 academic year. The participation rate for students from diverse populations participating in the CLCE programs and events was 13% for the 2012-2013 academic year. (We want to see 4/15/20 3:05 PM 10 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report this rate at 30% in the future). Faculty and Staff participation data not available. Need to revise indicator to allow for better reflection of need. While fewer than 10% (672) of students participate in the election of student government (BOD members), there are over 137 student clubs and organizations for students to engage. Specifically, in examining sport clubs alone (n=24), 654 students participated on teams. FSSE revealed that faculty report the institution emphasizes that students should be encouraged to attend campus events and activities 52% of the time in their lower division classes and 54% of the time in the upper division classes; NSSE revealed students report that the institution encourages 80% of first year students and of seniors to attend campus events including cultural performances. COACHE will be administrated to faculty 2013-2014. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.2 Increase faculty, staff, and student diversity by active programs of recruitment and retention for members of underrepresented groups. Outcomes 2.2.1 Increase the number of and seniority of faculty and staff from underrepresented groups Indicators Recruitment and retention results Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Exceeds Federal Diversity reporting standards in recruitment and hiring. Faculty and staff workplace satisfaction study Increased retention of underrepresented groups in senior positions Baseline data needs to be collected to determine expected performance level Responsible Reporting Unit Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Results Chief Human Resource Officer Established OEO process to ensure compliance with federal guidelines $156,000.00 for salaries and benefits for OEO office Meets Federal guidelines. Director of Inclusivity & Diversity and the Chief Human Resource Officer None identified Not currently funded COACHE Faculty to be implemented Fall 2013 Results/Findings: 2013 Impact Ratio Analysis establishes baseline for group movement through hiring process Impact Ratio Analysis Diversity of hiring pools meets federal diversity reporting standards (http://www.opm.gov/diversityandinclusion/reports/DIAgencySpecificStrategicPlanGuidance.pdf) COACHE study implemented Fall 2013 and will establish baseline data for trend analysis for faculty satisfaction. 4/15/20 3:05 PM 11 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.2 Increase faculty, staff, and student diversity by active programs of recruitment and retention for members of underrepresented groups. Outcomes Indicators Expected Performance Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Results Level Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis (Criterion) 2.2.2 Increase diversity of students by active program recruitment and retention of underrepresented groups. Recruitment, retention, and graduation results Student satisfaction studies Annual increase in the percentage of students from underrepresented groups recruited, retained and graduated. 75% of students are satisfied with their experiences at CWU. Director of Organizational Effectiveness Dean of Student Success C-Port to identify and target specific groups for recruitment. Camp, SSS, STAR advising programs that help to retain students from underrepresented groups. CDSJ collaborating with Colleges and units to increase participation in co-curricular programming. FSSE/NSSE Cost of C-Port and staff: $200,000.00 CAMP - $424,986.00 SSS $260,000.00 STAR - $365,610.00 Recruitment and retention data—Not available. See table below for completion (graduation) rates. Students 80% UD Positive relationship with: Other students 75% LD Faculty NSSE/FSSE: $10,000.00 76% LD 78% UD 60% LD 56% UD Administration Findings/Results: FSSE/NSSE data : 79% of faculty report that students in lower division classes have positive relationships with other students, 80% of students have positive relationship with faculty members, while only 38% of faculty think that students have a positive relationship with administrative personnel. The findings remain about the same with upper division courses, 81% of faculty report that students have positive relationships with other students, 80% with faculty and 44% with administrative personnel. Students also report that they have positive relationships with groups on campus, 76% of first year students report positive relationships with other students, 75% report positive relationships with faculty, and 60% report positive relationships with administrative personnel. Again, the results are similar for seniors, 80% report positive relationships with other students, 78% report positive relationships with faculty, and 56% report positive relationships with administrative personnel. NSSE12 Student Experience In Brief (CWU).doc NSSE12 Multi-Year Benchmark Report (CWU).xlsx 4/15/20 3:05 PM 12 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report 6 yr Grad Rate 2005-2006 54.6 56.7 52.3 55.6 50.5 41.1 31.6 67.9 48.7 51.0 72.2 56 Total Females Males No Pell Pell Asian Black CAMP Hispanic Non-CAMP Hispanic Multi-ethnic Native American/American Indian White CWU Total 5 Yr. Grad Rate 2005-2007 48.1 51.4 44.4 49.4 43.1 39.2 25.9 49.3 41.4 41.3 62.1 49.9 4 Yr. Grad Rate 2005-2008 26.2 30.7 21.2 27.4 21.1 18 10.6 19.1 20.8 22.2 13.2 27.9 Enrollment Gender Rank Academic Year GRAD 2010-2011 373 297 2011-2012 378 305 2012-2013 385 314 2010-2011 284 208 2011-2012 238 204 2012-2013 228 2010-2011 2011-2012 PBAC UGRD 4/15/20 3:05 PM Ethnicity African American Asian Hispanic / Latino Multi Ethnic Native American Pacific Islander White Ethnicity Unknown Military 17 46 29 30 16 1 486 45 2 1 13 52 28 32 11 504 44 6 1 15 61 21 38 7 513 45 11 15 51 17 27 5 330 47 11 1 12 46 13 25 3 311 33 15 211 2 11 49 11 35 4 1 290 40 21 5737 5683 43 342 594 680 896 69 46 8031 805 134 5689 5736 44 359 652 676 1009 58 44 7849 822 230 Females Males Gender Unknown 13 2012-2013 5695 5604 51 340 702 766 1112 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report 74 48 7497 811 336 UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.2 Increase faculty, staff, and student diversity by active programs of recruitment and retention for members of underrepresented groups. Outcomes Indicators Expected Performance Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget Outcome Results Level Reporting Unit Initiatives (Criterion) 2.2.3 Increase the number of students who have served in the military of the United States by active recruitment and retention programs. Recruitment, retention, and graduation results Student satisfaction studies Annual increase in % of veterans students, increase in retention and graduation rates Maintain status as veteran friendly campus. Director of Organizational Effectiveness Conducted by the Dean of Student Success Central Washington University has been named a military-friendly school by Victory Media in its 2013 edition of its G.I. Jobs magazine (). Central has been identified as on of the top 15 schools that provide comprehensive services to military veterans including a variety of programs aimed at veterans and their families. Staff, goods and services, and secretary costs Increased number of veterans and graduating veterans. Did not apply for Veteran- Friendly Campus. Did not single out veterans for satisfaction studies. Results/Findings: CWU had 136 Veterans and Veterans’ dependents graduate from summer 2012 to spring 2013. 68 of those graduated spring quarter 2013 Veteran Students Historical-SUM.xlsx Recruitment for the winter 2013 through summer 2013 was up 36 students from the same time frame (winter 2012 through summer 2012). Fall numbers will not be finalized until after the change of schedule period for the quarter, however it looks like we should be on target. 4/15/20 3:05 PM 14 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.2 Increase faculty, staff, and student diversity by active programs of recruitment and retention for members of underrepresented groups. Outcomes Indicators Expected Performance Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget Outcome Results Level Reporting Unit Initiatives (Criterion) 2.2.4 Increase the number of international students by active recruitment and retention programs. Recruitment, retention, and graduation results Annual increase in the percentage of international students enrolled, retained and graduated Director of Organizational Effectiveness Active recruitment of International students by the Assistant Vice President of International programs. Provided space on CDSJ website to report Bias Incidents to Director of Diversity and Inclusivity Student satisfaction studies Annual increase in International student satisfaction with CWU Decrease number of student bias complaints Dean of Students Success None defined International Student Recruiter: $54,100.00 Operating Budget: $25,000.00 Global Services & Initiatives Director Operating Budget: $25,000.00 OISP AVP Operating Budget: $25,000.00 Total: $129,100.00 per year Recruitment and retention data—Not available. See table below 2.2.2 for completion (graduation) rates. Student satisfaction studies not currently funded. None budgeted No universal assessments conducted. Results/Findings: 2012_13 International Students 2011_13 International Students 4/15/20 3:05 PM 15 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.3 Ensure that CWU has an inclusive and diverse curriculum Outcomes Indicators 2.3.1 Increase the Number of number of students and faculty students and engaged in study faculty who abroad and student engage in and faculty international exchange programs exchanges or to and from CWU experiences. Results/Findings: International engagement 2011-2 CWU Students 209 Visiting Students 19 Faculty led programs 90 Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Annual increase in the number of faculty and students who participate in exchange programs to and from CWU. Responsible Reporting Unit Reported by the AVP for International Programs Key Strategies/ Initiatives International Programs recruiting students to intern in China. Building other exchange programs. Budget/Resource Analysis $129,100.00 per year total budget Outcome Results Several challenges in the Office of International Studies and Programs prevented this from meeting expected levels. NSSE analysis 2012-2013 132 19 17 August 2012 NSSE: 3% of first year and 9% of seniors students report that they have participated in study abroad; while 37% of first year students and 9% of seniors report that they plan to participate in study abroad. 4/15/20 3:05 PM 16 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.3 Ensure that CWU has an inclusive and diverse curriculum Outcomes Indicators Expected Performance Responsible Level Reporting Unit (Criterion) 2.3.2 Increase the Number and Increase in the number of Reported by inclusion and type of courses courses that include Director of General integration of reflecting international/global Education, international international/global perspectives Curriculum, and cultural integration as Program Planning perspectives in the identified by curriculum. NSSE/FSSE Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Results Developing operational definition of international cultural perspectives. The minimum average cost for these courses is 4500.50 per 5 WLU at overload rate. Class size varies from 3WLU to 5WLU. Results: In AY 20112012, CWU had 197 courses identified as including international/global perspectives. In AY 2012-2013, CWU had 262 courses identified as including international/global perspectives, increasing the number of courses by 65. NSSE/FSSE: 10,000 Results/Findings: 2012 FSSE results demonstrate that 49% of CWU faculty that teach lower division classes report that students should engage in study abroad; 40% of faculty who teach upper division courses report that students should engage in study abroad. NSSE results reflect that 3% of first year CWU students have completed study abroad and 37% plan to; while only 9% of seniors have completed study abroad and 9% report that they plan to. 4/15/20 3:05 PM 17 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.3 Ensure that CWU has an inclusive and diverse curriculum Outcomes 2.3.3: Increase the inclusion and integration of underrepresented group perspectives in the curriculum Indicators and type of courses reflecting diverse group integration. Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Integration of minor programs that focus on diverse groups under one umbrella. Responsible Reporting Unit Reported by Director of General Education, Curriculum, and Program Planning Key Strategies/ Initiatives None identified Budget/Resource Analysis Not currently funded. Increase the number of courses that include a diverse perspective on an annual basis Outcome Results Results: In AY 20112012, CWU had 363 courses identified as including a diverse perspective. In AY 20122013, CWU had 368 courses identified as including a diverse perspective, increasing the number of courses by 5. Results/Findings: The following interdisciplinary minors existed at CWU in AY 2012-2013: Africana and Black Studies Minor American Indian Studies Minor Asia/Pacific Studies Minor Ethnic Studies Minor International Studies Minor Latino and Latin American Studies Minor Women’s and Gender Studies Minor 2012-2013 80% of CWU peer institutions as identified on the CWU IR website https://www.cwu.edu/institutional-research/peer-institutions have a diversity core component (2-3 courses) in the general education program. (CWU has one course.). FSSE/NSSE August 2012 : Diverse Class Content University emphasizes contact among students from different economic, social, and racial/ethnic backgrounds In academic coursework emphasize understanding people of other racial and ethnic backgrounds Class discussions or writings that include diverse perspectives (different races, religions, genders, political beliefs etc.) 4/15/20 3:05 PM Faculty 41% LD* 44% UD 37% LD* 48% UD 44% LD* 57% UD* Students 56% LD 52% UD 52% LD 53% UD 59% LD 67% UD 18 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report Have serious conversations in courses with students of a different race or ethnicity than their own 22% LD* 52% LD 41% UD* 56% UD *Substantial differences exist between what faculty report students in their courses do, and what students report they plan to do (LD) or have done (UD) in their courses. 4/15/20 3:05 PM 19 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report CORE THEME: 3. SCHOLARSHIP AND CREATIVE EXPRESSION Objective 3.1 Increase the emphasis on and the opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to participate in research, scholarship, and creative expression. Outcomes Indicators Expected Performance Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Results Level Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis (Criterion) 3.1.1 Sustain Majority (at least 51%) of Reported by ARC SEED grants ($2,000 $16,0000 (8 awards) Awaiting Faculty 180 participation by Number and scholarship and creative (Stuart Boursma) merit-based awards data faculty, students, quality (i.e., expression peer reviewed – for faculty research and staff in quality peer reviewed) Category A). pilot programs) research, of $10,000 (to be held in scholarship, and publications, Majority (at least 51%) of Bridge funds (these reserve) creative presentations, scholarship and creative are funds used to expression. and expression disseminated sustain a faculty performances nationally and internationally. member’s research at the local, enterprise when one regional, grant ends and the national, and next one does not $0 international immediately levels. commence) Number of posters, presentations, and performances by students, faculty and staff The Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE) 4/15/20 3:05 PM % of total undergraduates; graduate students; and faculty members. Baseline still to be determined. Reported by the SOURCE Committee Chair (Kara Gabriel) Faculty travel to conference awards (see Explanation of Changes) Reported by the SOURCE Committee Chair (Kara Gabriel) $41,000 (.47 release time) 1) There were 337 total CWU-affiliated SOURCE presentations. 2) Of those 337, 16 had a faculty/staff first author, 53 had a graduate student first author, and 268 had an undergraduate first author. 3) Of those 337 presentations, there were an additional 159 listed co-authors (status unknown). 20 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report 4) In addition to the primary faculty mentor on each student presentation, there were an additional 57 listed faculty comentors. Number and amount of Internal Undergraduate and Graduate Research Fellowships awarded. Baseline is to be determined. Number of faculty members and students who utilize the services of Research and Grants We would expect that all faculty members who receive research release time (and/or who receive research seed funds from SPURS) would utilize the services of SPURS. We would expect that any student who receives research funds from GS would utilize the services of Research and Grants Dean of Graduate Studies SPURS Merit-based fellowships for research and conference travel that are reviewed by crossdisciplinary committee. Students who receive research or travel fellowships must present at SOURCE. SPURS Workshops (one per quarter) Undergraduate: 36 applied, 31 awarded. Graduate: 52 applied, 19 funded. See tables below. Ledger 1. Baseline needs to be determined. Data is not collected. ARC Faculty Development Day (SPURS presentation) Meet with all departments every year Individual meetings with faculty Individual meetings with students Results/Findings: 4/15/20 3:05 PM 21 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report Summary of 2012-2013 Undergraduate Award Activity Competition Date 10/31/2012 01/31/2013 03/01/2013 Total No. Applications 5 10 3 18 Research Amount Requested 2,074.00 4,205.45 1,482.00 7,761.45 No. Awards 3 9 2 14 Amount Awarded 1,384.00 1,815.45 982.00 4,181.45 No. Applications 3 9 6 18 Travel Amount Requested 3,202.80 10,000.00 3,471.76 16,674.56 No. Awards 3 8 6 17 Amount Awarded 2,902.80 3,990.00 2,000.00 8,892.80 Total Amount Awarded 4,286.80 5,805.45 2,982.00 13,074.25 Graduate Student Fellowship Awards 2012 - 2013 MROCAa Competition Date 11/15/12 04/15/2013 No. Applications 11 12 Total 23 Amount Requested 7,451.23 8,095.00 15,546.23 GSSRb No. Awards 5 6 11 Amount Awarded 3,500.00 3,897.00 7,397.00 No. Applications 0 29 29 Amount Requested 0 81,200.00 81,200.00 No. Awards 0 8 8 Amount Awarded 0.00 22,400.00 22,400.00 a MROCA, Master's Research or Creative Activity. b GSSR, Graduate Student Summer Research. Total Student Awards: $29,797.00 4/15/20 3:05 PM 22 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report Objective 3.1 Increase the emphasis on and the opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to participate in research, scholarship, and creative expression. Outcomes Indicators Expected Performance Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Results Level Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis (Criterion) 3.1.2 Sustain the Departments (100%) offer Reported by Director Research Methods Undetermined at this Only six academic number of courses Number and courses or components of of Academic courses within majors. time. departments do not that include type of courses courses that include research, Programs have courses that reflect research, reflecting scholarship and creative Delivery of scholarship and creative scholarship and research, expression skills as key Independent and expression creative expression scholarship, outcomes. Individual Studies skills as key and creative courses. outcomes. expression. Enrollment in these courses. Results/Findings: The following departments do not have courses that include research, scholarship and creative expression skills as key outcomes: Accounting Aviation Educational Foundations and Curriculum Finance and Supply Chain Management Geography Teaching Elementary Adolescent and Young Children UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 3.2 Increase the external funding received for research, scholarship, and creative expression by faculty, staff, and students Outcomes 3.2.1 Sustain the number of applications and total awards obtained by all academic colleges and divisions for 4/15/20 3:05 PM Indicators Number of competitive grants submitted (and on which level, local/state/region al/national/intern ational) Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Baseline needs to be determined since prior research funding numbers included fee-forservice/contract work. Responsible Reporting Unit Reported by the Director of SPURS Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis Faculty and SPRUS staff member travel to technical workshops and training meetings Start-up funds for new faculty $15,000 Grant-related subscriptions and memberships $18,000 $0 Outcome Results Grants funded during this fiscal year totaled $9,453,197. 120 grants were submitted to external funding sources (135 last year) by 65 individual faculty and staff (70 last 23 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report external funding having local, regional, national, and international impact for research, scholarship, and creative expression by faculty, staff, and students. Number of grants awarded (and by which agency [local/state/regio nal/national/inter national] and the dollar amount for each) Sponsored research for matching funds $55,000 Director of SPURS $81,548.50 Salary subvention for IRB, IACUC, and McNair. $20,000; $10,000; $10,000, respectively). year) requested a total of $13,043,075 ($14,278,650 last year). 79 funded 21 not funded 20 pending funding Results/Findings: Summary of 2012-2013 Faculty Development and Research Council Award Activity Faculty Grant Awards Competition Date Faculty Research Appointment Award Applications s Amount Applications GAPa Award s Amount Seed Award Applications s 10/15/2012 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 1 1 01/15/2013 3 2 20,000.00 0 0 0.00 1 1 03/15/2013 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 2 1 Total 3 2 20,000.00 0 0 0.00 4 3 Amount 2,000.0 0 2,000.0 0 2,000.0 0 6,000.0 0 SOARb Award Applications s Amount 0 0 0.00 1 1 8,500.00 3 2 17,000.00 4 3 25,500.00 a GAP, Getting Another Proposal. b SOAR, Scholarly Opportunities for Academic Researchers. Total Faculty Awards: $51,500.00 Graduate Student Fellowship Awards Competition Date MROCAa Applications 4/15/20 3:05 PM Award GSSRb Amount Applications Award Amount 24 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report s 11/15/12 04/15/2013 Total 11 12 23 5 6 11 s 3,500.00 3,897.00 7,397.00 0 29 29 0 8 8 0.00 22,400.00 22,400.00 Please see the report referenced below for a full and robust reporting of external funding. (Guggino, 2013) CORE THEME: 4. PUBLIC SERVICE AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT OBJECTIVE 4.1 Enhance the commitment and the level of collaboration between the university and external communities. Outcomes Indicators Expected Performance Responsible Key Strategies/ Level Reporting Unit Initiatives (Criterion) 4.1.1 Optimize the many cultural, educational, service, and recreational events, such as performances, exhibitions, and sporting events, that are available to the CWU campuses and external communities and increase campus and community participation in these events 4/15/20 3:05 PM Number of cultural, educational, service, and recreational events, such as performances, exhibitions, and sporting events, that are available to the CWU campuses and external communities Optimize the number of events in each category Reported by Managers of Events Outreach units, CLCE, Diversity and Inclusivity, Residence Life, New Student Programs, University Centers, President’s Office, SURC Scheduling, Public Affairs, Commercial Activity Council, ASCWU BOD, Chimpanzee Institute, Brooks Library, Continuing Education, Academic Colleges, Centers using Resource 25 for event scheduling (JFS) Tabulate the number of cultural, educational, service, recreational events and meetings, indicating whether the program is new, recurring or dropped. Budget/Resource Analysis Staff, goods and services, and secretary costs for offices identified as responsible for cultural, educational, service, and recreational events, such as performances, exhibitions, and sporting events. In order to develop more robust and usable data collection and analysis a central depository for data is needed. Organizational Effectiveness and Institutional Research are the departments that are intuitively the best choices as managers for University data collection and analysis. Human and financial resources need to be committed to data collection, analysis and Outcome Results Requested and getting data from Cherie Wilson. 25 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report management within the strategic planning process to allow all units to more successfully track their progress toward goals. Results/Findings: Number of times rooms have been scheduled by organization type FY 2012-2013 S&A (ie. Student Clubs and departments funded by S&A monies) - 7766 Departments (all other departments on campus) - 12505 Conferences (conferences scheduled through the Conference Center) - 361 Off-Campus Groups (ie. community events, wedding receptions, state agencies, etc.) - 485 TOTAL - 21117 Number of times students have checked out laptops from the Information Center (Data from Sept. 01, 2012 - Aug. 30, 2013) 34,463 Number of monthly entries into the SURC (including weekends) Oct. - 336,912 Nov. - 249,620 Dec. - 136,126 Jan. - 298,615 Feb. - 267,008 Mar. - 217,882 Apr. - 326,723 Types of events put on by off-campus organizations Rodeo Royal Court Banquet Rodeo Hall of Fame Banquet CareNet Banquet Ellensburg Film Festival Anderson Hay and Grain Holiday Banquet Ellensburg High School Graduation Ellensburg High School Prom Ellensburg High School Senior Party State Solo Kittitas Valley Community Hospital Fund raiser Hope Source Banquet Various Wedding Receptions Lots of State Agencies - Fish and Wildlife, DNR, etc. Also see SURC Use Data Tables 4/15/20 3:05 PM 26 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report 4/15/20 3:05 PM 27 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report OBJECTIVE 4.1 Enhance the commitment and the level of collaboration between the university and external communities. Outcomes 4.1.2 Increase the number of collaborations and partnerships with external community entities and organizations Indicators The number of positive collaborations /partnerships with external communities entities and organizations, to build good will between the University and the communities, and serve the best interest of both. Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Increase the number of collaborations in each category. Responsible Reporting Unit Director of Continuing Education, Dean of Student Success, Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, Public Affairs, Commercial Activities Council, All Deans and Directors Provost President Key Strategies/ Initiatives In annual PDP’s, require year end reports from Deans, Directors and AVP’s to include information about how many collaborations have been forged or strengthened. Budget/Resource Analysis Staff, goods and services, and secretary costs for offices identified as responsible for cultural, educational, service, and recreational events, such as performances, exhibitions, and sporting events. In order to develop more robust and usable data collection and analysis a central depository for data is needed. Organizational Effectiveness and Institutional Research are the departments that are intuitively the best choices as managers for University data collection and analysis. Human and financial resources need to be committed to data collection, analysis and management within the strategic planning process to allow all units to more successfully track their progress toward goals. Outcome Results No data. Results/Findings: 4/15/20 3:05 PM 28 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report OBJECTIVE 4.2 Increase participation in university sponsored life-long learning opportunities between the University and external communities Outcomes 4.2.1: Increase the number of class and certificate program offerings that meet the needs and satisfaction of the CWU campuses and external communities. 4/15/20 3:05 PM Indicators Number of classes and certificate program offerings and course evaluations, location, enrollments. Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Increase number of classes and certificate program offerings, and enrollments at respective campuses. Responsible Reporting Unit Reported by the Director of Continuing Education, Library, Health Education, Career Services, Registrar All Deans and AVP’s Library Staff Student Achievement Key Strategies/ Initiatives Individual units maintain records of their class and certificate offerings by location/site and suggest areas for expansion and development. All University departments who offer classes, courses, and certificate programs must survey stakeholders for program satisfaction and to determine current/future needs and report those data annually. Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Results 45 Certificates awarded to already certified teachers that came back for a second endorsement 34 students enrolled in Ed2Go Training Programs 18 Enrolled in Ed2Go Instructor Led Courses 192 Credit Hours earned in VESi courses 29 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report Results/Findings: Certificate Completions Craft Beer Trade Certificate Wine Trade Professional Certificate Professional Sommelier Certificate AY 11-12 Completions 7 29 15 AY 12-13 Completions 9 26 6 Ed2Go Career Training Programs Course Title 3ds max Entrepreneurship: Start-Up and Business Owner Management Medical Billing and Coding + Medical Terminology Administrative Medical Specialist with Medical Billing and Coding + Medical Terminology Six Sigma Black Belt Web Design Certificate Administrative Professional with Microsoft Office Specialist 2007 Training Clinical Dental Assistant Administrative Medical Specialist with Medical Billing and Coding Cisco CCNA Certification Training Advanced Coding for the Physicians Office HVAC Technician Professional Bookkeeping with QuickBooks 2010 Management Training Professional Bookkeeping with QuickBooks 2012 Freight Broker/Agent Training Travel Agent Training Advanced Hospital Coding and CCS Prep Carpentry Microsoft Access 2007 Advanced Personal Fitness Trainer Project Management Administrative Professional with Microsoft Office Specialist 2010 4/15/20 3:05 PM AY 11-12 Enrollments 2 1 2 AY 12-13 Enrollments 0 2 1 7 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 30 Emergency Management Training for First Responders CompTIA Network+ Certification Training Microsoft Certified IT Professional: Enterprise Desktop Support Technician 7 (MCITP) Certified Mediator Certified Alternative Dispute Resolution Specialist AutoCAD 2011 With AutoCAD 3D Search Engine Marketing Digital Arts Certificate Project Management with Microsoft Project 2007 Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Certification Training Non-Profit Management Lean Mastery ICD-10 Medical Coding Paralegal Certified Bookkeeper Advanced Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) SQL Server 2008 Child Development Associate Training Microsoft Excel 2010 Certification Training Entrepreneurship: Start-Up and Business Owner Management Chartered Tax Professional 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 34 Ed2Go Instructor Lead Courses Course Title Fundamentals of Supervision and Management Introduction to PC Troubleshooting Creating Web Pages Introduction to Windows XP Introduction to CSS and XHTML Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2007 Intermediate CSS and XHTML Teaching Students With Autism: Strategies for Success Introduction to Dreamweaver CS5 Introduction to Microsoft Access 2010 Introduction to Networking Start Your Own Edible Garden 4/15/20 3:05 PM AY 11-12 Enrollments 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 AY 12-13 Enrollments 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 31 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report Explore a Career in Medical Coding Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2010 Intermediate Networking Photoshop Elements 10 for the Digital Photographer Accounting Fundamentals Administrative Assistant Fundamentals Grammar Refresher Wireless Networking Accounting Fundamentals II Introduction to PC Security Marriage and Relationships: Keys to Success 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 VESi - Teacher Professional Development Courses Course Title Clock Hour Enrollments - 9/1/12 thru 8/31/13 Advanced Classroom Management: Children as Change Agents Attention Deficit Disorder: Information & Interventions for Effective Teaching Autism & Asperger's Disorder: Information & Effective Intervention Strategies Behavior is Language: Strategies for Managing Disruptive Behavior Child Abuse: Working with Abused & Neglected Children Drugs & Alcohol in Schools: Understanding Substance Use & Abuse Early Childhood Education: Family-Centered Services Early Childhood Education: Observation & Assessment Early Childhood Education: Program Planning Early Childhood Education: Typical & Atypical Development Educational Assessment: Assessing Student Learning in the Classroom Ethics & Safety in Education: Guidelines for Teachers & Administrators Harassment, Bullying & Cyber-Intimidation in Schools Inclusion: Working with Students with Special Needs in General Education Classrooms Infant & Toddler Mental Health: Issues & Information for Educators Learning Disabilities: Practical Information for the Classroom Teacher Reading & Writing in Content Area Reading Fundamentals #1: An Introduction to Scientifically-based Research Reading Fundamentals #2: Laying the Foundation for Effective Reading Instruction 4/15/20 3:05 PM AY 11-12 AY 11-12 AY 12-13 AY 12-13 Credit Clock Hour Credit Clock Hour Enrollments Enrollments Enrollments Enrollments 15 9 18 16 11 16 4 6 5 6 15 7 17 7 0 13 4 9 12 3 7 5 20 10 3 3 2 0 2 1 3 5 1 0 5 1 2 1 9 5 9 14 5 13 4 4 3 3 4 7 14 10 3 10 9 1 1 3 5 6 16 0 4 0 2 4 3 2 1 9 2 0 2 4 3 3 32 Reading Fundamentals #3 : The Elements of Effective Reading Instruction & Assessment Talented & Gifted: Working with High Achievers Teaching Diversity: Influences & Issues in the Classroom Teaching Elementary Math Conceptually: A New Paradigm Traumatized Child: The Effects of Stress, Trauma & Violence on Student Learning Try DI!: Planning & Preparing a Differentiated Instruction Program Understanding Aggression: Coping with Aggressive Behavior in the Classroom Violence in Schools: Identification, Prevention & Intervention Strategies Why DI?: An Introduction to Differentiated Instruction Total 4/15/20 3:05 PM 9 20 12 5 12 0 12 12 22 294 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report 3 0 3 5 9 2 1 10 1 4 5 4 4 6 1 0 8 1 9 9 4 5 1 6 12 7 106 192 93 33 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report OBJECTIVE 4.3 Enhance the efforts of members of the university community to strengthen the economic base of the region and state. Outcomes Indicators Expected Performance Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Level Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis (Criterion) 4.3.1 Increase Increase number over Reported by Include businesses in Current staffing to support for area Number of baseline Dean of Graduate university/institution compile the required economic grants and Studies; President sponsored business data is limited. development contracts with for CWU Research training opportunities; Adequate levels of local agencies Increase number over Foundation; and Collaborate with area support need to be and businesses baseline Executive Director development agencies established in order to of I4IE for speaker series; determine the ongoing AVP for Enrollment, Collaborate with area satisfaction Number of AVP Business and development agencies measurements of the businesses or Finance, Provost, for business incubation campuses and external jobs created as Increase enrollments President, Director support. communities. In order to a result of at CWU in Ellensburg and at of Continuing develop more robust efforts of the University Centers Education Sustain formal ties with and usable data members of the Ellensburg Business collection and analysis a the university Incubator, Chamber of central depository for community Commerce, EDBA, data is needed. Kittitas EDBC, and Organizational Number similar organizations by Effectiveness and of enrolled encouraging CWU Institutional Research students at employees to serve on are the departments CWU in their boards and by that are intuitively the Ellensburg and fostering development best choices as at the of mutually beneficial managers for University University projects. data collection and Centers analysis. Human and Track contractual financial resources are agreements at the needing to be University/Auxilliary committed to data Services with collection, analysis and community resources. management within the strategic planning Continue to foster process to allow all units business/university to more successfully collaborations and track their progress parnerships at the toward goals. University Centers. 4/15/20 3:05 PM Outcome Results Econcmic impact report was conducted in 2009, and again in 2014. Here is the link to the 4014 report. 34 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report Results/Findings: http://www.cwu.edu/president/sites/cts.cwu.edu.president/files/documents/economic%20impact%20brochure%20final2.pdf 4/15/20 3:05 PM 35 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report CORE THEME 5: RESOURCE DEVELOMENT AND STEWARDSHIP OBJECTIVE 5.1: Maximize the financial resources to the university, and assure the efficient and effective operations of the University through financial stewardship. Outcomes 5.1.1: Provide accurate and effective revenue and expense forecasting at the division and unit levels. 5.1.2: Maximize strategies and practices that optimize resource availability. 5.1.3: Provide effective use of university resources. 4/15/20 3:05 PM Indicators A six-year rolling balanced budget that incorporates revenues, expenses, and planned reserves as reported to by the Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs. Monthly and annual report of core, service, and ancillary revenues disaggregated by function (Instruction, Student Services, Service Unites); as compared to projections and as reported by the Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs. Monthly and annual report of core, service, and ancillary revenues disaggregated by function (Instruction, Student Services, Service Unites); as compared to projections and as reported by the Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs. Participate in and report on results of benchmark studies that are available and applicable as reported by the Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs. Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Responsible Reporting Unit Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Results CFO/VP for Business and Financial Affairs CFO/VP for Business and Financial Affairs CFO/VP for Business and Financial Affairs 36 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report OBJECTIVE 5.1: Maximize the financial resources to the university, and assure the efficient and effective operations of the University through financial stewardship. Outcomes 5.1.4: Ensure University strategies align with legislative goals. 5.1.5: Increase the amount of philanthropic support through gifts from alumni, friends, corporations, and foundations. Indicators Applicable data as reported by the appropriate university official and as reported by the Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs. Meeting gift targets as reported by the Director of university Advancement. Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Responsible Reporting Unit Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Results CFO/VP for Business and Financial Affairs Director of University Development Results/Findings: 4/15/20 3:05 PM 37 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report OBJECTIVE 5.2: Develop and implement enrollment management and marketing plans that meet the enrollment objectives of the university. Outcomes 5.2.1: Maximize revenues enrolling the optimal number and type of student (e.g., in-state, out-of-state; domesticinternational; freshman-transfer; undergraduate– graduate; residentialcenters, etc.). 5.2.2: Position CWU for increased enrollment. Indicators Meeting enrollment targets as reported by the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management. Meeting fiscal targets (cost of attendance, average financial need and average financial aid awarded accepted and dispersed), and institutional aid effectiveness targets (tuition discount rate, and cost per new and continuing FTE) as reported by the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management. Opinion surveys of key stakeholders conducted by the Director of Public Relations. Number and quality of prospects and applicants, admission selectivity and enrollment yield rates as reported by the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management. Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Responsible Reporting Unit Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Results Within +/- 1% of projected Results/Findings: 4/15/20 3:05 PM 38 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report OBJECTIVE 5.3: Ensure the University has human resources necessary to accomplish all university objectives. Outcomes Indicators 5.3.1: Ensure the University has human resources necessary to accomplish all university objectives. 1-year and 5-year forecasting reports as reported by the Chief Human Resources Officer. Variance report of forecast to actual as reported by the Chief Human Resources Officer. Monthly and annual report of performance development plans reports as reported by the Chief Human Resources Officer. 5.3.2: Establish methods and systems to measure the quality of impact by staff. 5.3.3: Establish methods and systems to provide the best HR support and guidance to staff. 5.3.4: Increased strategies and practices that obtain and retain the best human resources available. 4/15/20 3:05 PM Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Responsible Reporting Unit Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Results Monthly and annual report of programs and services as reported by the Chief Human Resources Officer. Participate in and report on results of benchmark studies as reported by the Chief Human Resources Officer. Reporting on the percentage of candidate pools that exceed basic standards as reported by the Chief Human Resources Officer. Reporting on the percentage of hiring made from top 2 applicant choices as reported by the Chief Human Resources Officer. Reporting on the reasons for separation through regular exit interviews as reported by the Chief Human Resources Officer. 39 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report 5.3.5: Enhance university constituent (e.g. students, parents, alumni, internal staff) service standards Biannual reporting on strategies to address key retention issues found through exit interviews as reported by the Chief Human Resources Officer. Results of constituent service summary as reported by the Chief Human Resource Director, Director of University Advancement, and Director of Public Affairs. Results/Findings: 4/15/20 3:05 PM 40 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report OBJECTIVE 5.4: Provide the facility and technology infrastructure and services appropriate to meet the university objectives, while maximizing sustainability and stewardship. Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Outcome Results Performance Reporting Unit Analysis Level (Criterion) Facility Expense to 5.4.1: Enhance No data. Budget Annual Financial Report financial as reported by the Assistant accountability and sustainable practices Vice President for Facilities. IT Expense to Budget No data. for construction, Annual Financial Report as maintenance, and reported by the Assistant Vice operations of CWU President for Information facility and Technology. technology infrastructure. 5.4.2: Provide facility Capital Budget Report No data. (Minor Works: Health/Lifeand technology Safety) as reported by the infrastructures that Assistant Vice President for are accessible, safe, Facilities. and secure for all Semi-Annual No data. visitors, students, Technology Resource Report faculty, and staff. (Security Indicators, EMS Test Assessment, System Availability/ Downtime, etc.) as reported by the Assistant Vice President for Information Technology. Annual Clery Report as reported by the Public Safety and Police Services. EH&S Report as reported by the Chief Human Resource Officer and the EH&S Manager. 4/15/20 3:05 PM Annual Cleary Report No data. 41 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report OBJECTIVE 5.4: Provide the facility and technology infrastructure and services appropriate to meet the university objectives, while maximizing sustainability and stewardship. Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Outcome Results Performance Reporting Unit Analysis Level (Criterion) Facility Condition Index 5.4.3: Strategically No data. as reported by the Assistant operate, preserve, Vice President for Facilities. and improve the 5,4,3,2: Annual Technology No data. functionality and Resource Report (age to values of state lifecycle, Availability of Need, physical assets, etc.) as reported by the buildings, and Assistant Vice President for infrastructure. Information Technology Bi-annual Technology 5.4.4: Provide No data. Needs Assessment Survey information (related to CWU Goals) as technology reported by the Assistant Vice infrastructure, President for Information systems, and Technology. services necessary Customer & Training No data. for all CWU Services (CaTS) Quarterly departments to Quality Feedback Report as achieve their reported by the Assistant Vice President for Information objectives and the Technology (Manager CaTS). objectives of the university. Estimated Total 5.4.5: Provide No data. Preservation Backlog as facilities, campus reported by the Assistant Vice buildings, and President for Facilities. grounds that are Facilities Condition No data. welcoming, and Index as reported by the present the best Assistant Vice President for possible physical Facilities. appearance, and Facility Services No data. that are necessary Quarterly Customer Feedback for departments to Report as reported by the Assistant Vice President for achieve their Facilities. objectives. 4/15/20 3:05 PM 42 2012-13 Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment Report References FSSE_NSSE_Comparison_2012.pdf. (n.d.). FSSE12 Reports (CWU).xls. (n.d.). Grads Over 225 credits.eml. (n.d.). Guggino, J. (2013, September). 2012-2013 Report of Annual Grant Activity. Graduate Studies and Research. Retrieved from http://www.cwu.edu/masters/sites/cts.cwu.edu.masters/files/documents/ogsr_grants_2012_2013.pdf.pdf Henderson, T., & Smith, B. P. (2013, September 6). Yearly Review. Associate Provost Yearly Review. Retrieved November 21, 2013, from https://www.cwu.edu/associate-provost/yearly-review NSSE12 Executive Snapshot (CWU) PAGE_1.pdf. (n.d.). NSSE12 Multi-Year Benchmark Report (CWU).xlsx. (n.d.). Re_ Data Request.eml. (n.d.). Re_ Here You Go.eml. (n.d.). 4/15/20 3:05 PM 43