CWU – PSYCHOLOGY STRATEGIC PLAN 2012-13 CORE THEME: 1. TEACHING AND LEARNING OBJECTIVE 1.1 Enhance student success by continually improving the curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs. Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Assessment Level (Criterion) Assess and improve our undergraduate and graduate curricula. Record of curriculum improvements resulting from a. reviews of standards of professional associations** b. surveys of journal articles on curriculum in psychology c. student performance on the Major Field Test. All graduate programs maintain appropriate state and professional association approval status. All courses and degree programs reviewed by appropriate department committee at least biennially. Record and implement all recommended curriculum changes Graduate Program Directors Graduate Program Directors, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC) Graduate Program Directors, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC) Ensure graduate programs meet applicable association standards Program accreditation fees, varies by program Act on recommendations of program directors and UCC No new budgetary impact expected Act on recommendations of program directors and UCC No new budgetary impact expected School Psychology: Submitted materials for renewal of NASP accreditation Mental Health Counseling: In process of preparing materials for renewal of CACREP accreditation Applied Behavior Analysis: Preparing materials for initial accreditation by BACB Received approval to move ABA to it’s own separate master’s degree Received Revised July 24, 16, p. 1 approval of curriculum changes to undergraduate program. In process of preparing curriculum request for further changes. CWU averages on MFT content areas consistent with national averages. Department Chair Identify areas of weakness on MFT and discuss possible remedies with department No new budgetary impact expected Averages on MFT slightly below national averages (48th – 49th percentiles) Survey of student estimates of course effectiveness All average ratings of course effectiveness above 4 on 7-point scale on Senior Survey Assessment Committee Identify classes with low ratings and discuss possible remedies with department No new budgetary impact expected Data not available Review of syllabi, assignments, and student learning objectives at department’s peer evaluation retreat in spring quarter One class per faculty member is reviewed at department’s annual peer evaluation retreat Faculty member Schedule department assessment retreat or direct faculty to get together in small groups for peer assessment No new budgetary impact expected 84% of faculty members had syllabi and course materials reviewed at the department’s peer evaluation retreat Revised July 24, 16, p. 2 Promote effective teaching Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEOI) administered for every class and reported in reappointment, merit, and posttenure reviews. Annual peer observation of teaching for tenuretrack (TT) probationary faculty Annual evaluation of all non tenure-track (NTT) faculty All teaching evaluations will be consistent with college and university norms Institutional Assessment Department chair will identify low SEOIs and discuss remedies with applicable faculty member(s) No new budgetary impact expected Spring 2013 SEOIs Form A: Student Learning Environment (SLE) = 71% at or above college averages. Teaching for Student Learning (TSL) = 78% at or above college averages. Form W: SLE = 72% at or above college averages. TSL = 66% at or above college averages. Personnel Committee Department chair and personnel committee will review teaching commendations and recommendations with all faculty members under review. Constructive guidance or training will be given where appropriate. No new budgetary impact expected Peer observation and feedback given to 50% of TT probationary faculty Personnel Committee Department chair and personnel committee will review teaching No new budgetary impact expected Completion of peer observation and summary for all TT probationary faculty Satisfactory performance or 100% of NTT faculty received a Revised July 24, 16, p. 3 higher for all NTT faculty Promote excellence in learning to prepare students for careers and advanced study ETS Major Field Test taken by graduating seniors Completion of portfolio by graduating majors in PSY 489 Presentation in PSY 489 on career options and/or graduate programs Graduate program committees and undergraduate advisement committee (UAC) assess advisory materials, assignment of students to advisors, CWU averages on MFT content areas consistent with national averages. Department Chair All graduating majors will submit a completed portfolio PSY 489 instructor and Assessment Committee All graduating majors will prepare and deliver a satisfactory presentation in PSY 489 PSY 489 instructor Annual review of all advisory materials, assure all students assigned to an advisor are advised at entry to major and registration hold Graduate Program Directors, UAC, Department Secretary, Faculty advisors commendations and recommendations with all faculty members under review. Constructive guidance or training will be given where appropriate. Identify areas of weakness on MFT and discuss possible remedies satisfactory evaluation No new budgetary impact expected Averages on MFT slightly below national averages (48th – 49th percentiles) (2011-12 data) Introduce students to portfolio requirement in PSY 200 No new budgetary impact expected 100% of graduating majors submitted portfolios PSY 489 instructor will provide students with guidance on how to research career and graduate school options in psychology No new budgetary impact expected 99% of graduating majors gave a satisfactory presentation in PSY 489 (2011-12 data) Communicate advising expectations to all faculty advisors No new budgetary impact expected Data not available Revised July 24, 16, p. 4 advisement at major mileposts. points. CORE THEME: 2. INCLUSIVENESS AND DIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.2 Increase faculty, staff, and student diversity by active programs of recruitment and retention for members of underrepresented groups. Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Assessment Level (Criterion) Pursue diversity goals by attracting women and minority students and faculty members and by increasing student and faculty contact with diverse populations. Number of faculty searches conforming to OEO guidelines for recruiting women and minority faculty members. All faculty searches conform to OEO guidelines Human Resources Seek advertising venues that target women and/or minorities No new budgetary impact expected Compare proportion of women and minority faculty and students with availability and university averages. Departmental proportions of women and minority faculty at least within one person of availability institutional averages, students within 5% of university averages. Institutional Research Actively recruit women and minority faculty/students to join the psychology department Cost of advertising and recruitment materials – no budget estimate available at this time All faculty searches conformed to OEO guidelines 71% of psychology majors are female; 26% are minorities. 66% of full-time faculty are female; 4% are minorities. No data available on university averages. Revised July 24, 16, p. 5 OBJECTIVE 2.3: Ensure that CWU has an inclusive and diverse curriculum. Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Performance Reporting Unit Level (Criterion) Maintain a diverse and inclusive curriculum Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Assessment Presence of cross-cultural and diversity content in psychology curriculum. Cross-cultural and diversity content in at least one required course in each degree program. UCC, Graduate Program Directors Department chair will communicate the need for cross-cultural and diversity content in psychology curriculum No new budgetary impact expected All undergraduate and graduate programs include diversity content in at least one required course. Number of faculty and/or student papers, presentations and professional activities with diversity themes. At least three papers, presentations, and professional activities per year with diversity themes within the department. Faculty, Department Chair Faculty and students will be encouraged to address diversity themes in their research No new budgetary impact expected 20 publication and presentations within the department had a diversity theme. Field placements and internships involve contact with minority or diverse populations At least half of all field placements and internships yield contact with minority or diverse populations. Graduate Program Directors, Faculty Encourage graduate program directors and faculty supervisors to locate appropriate field/internship placement sites. Cost of travel to potential field/internship sites – no budget estimate available at this time 100% of graduate student field placements/internships included contact with minority or diverse populations. Revised July 24, 16, p. 6 CORE THEME: 3. SCHOLARSHIP AND CREATIVE EXPRESSION OBJECTIVE 3.1 Increase the emphasis on and the opportunities for students, faculty and staff to participate in research, scholarship, and creative expression activities. Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Assessment Level (Criterion) Support involvement of undergraduate and graduate students in psychological research Count professional meeting papers and presentations with student authors and coauthors Count student and faculty participation in local symposia, poster sessions, SOURCE. Count student members of faculty research teams. Count student At least one third of faculty papers and presentations have student coauthors. At least five psychology students and/or faculty will participate In SOURCE or other local research presentation venues At least ten psychology majors and/or graduate students will be members of faculty research teams At least ten Faculty Encourage faculty to involve students in their research Funding for faculty and student travel to professional conferences – no budget estimate available at this time 45% of faculty papers and presentations had student co-authors. Faculty, SOURCE 10 hour service learning and/or research assistant requirement for all psychology majors Funding for student research (i.e. travel, materials, other research expenses). No budget estimate available at this time 16 psychology presentations at SOURCE; actual number of psychology participants not available. Faculty Safari 10 hour service learning and/or research assistant requirement for all psychology majors Faculty advisors can inform advisees No new budgetary impact expected 68 psychology students were members of faculty research teams No new budgetary Over 100 Revised July 24, 16, p. 7 enrollment in directed research credits Inspect Senior Portfolios for evidence of research proposal Support faculty teaching, scholarship, and professional development activities. Confirm completion of a research thesis or project for graduate students. Number of graduate assistants to support faculty teaching and research Count number of applications for internal research and scholarship funding. psychology majors and/or graduate students will be enrolled in directed research credits each quarter Every graduating psychology major will have developed a research proposal about directed research options Assessment Committee Require students to develop research proposals in PSY 300 Research thesis or project (PSY 700) required for all psychology graduate degrees Every graduate student will create and complete a research thesis or project Graduate Studies Minimum of 18 full-time (20 hrs/week) graduate assistants annually Graduate Studies Fund additional graduate assistantships At least 25% of tenure and tenure-track faculty apply for internal research Faculty/Chair Inform faculty of internal research funding opportunities impact expected psychology students enrolled in directed research last year (an average of 33+ per quarter). No new budgetary impact expected No new budgetary impact expected Approximately $10,000 per graduate assistant, total additional needed = $30,000 (beyond 2011-12 allocation) 97% of graduating psychology majors developed a research proposal (2011-12 data). 100% of graduate students who graduated last year completed a research thesis/project 15 graduate assistants were funded in the department in last year. Data not available No budget resources needed for applications. Budget resources needed for actual funding of Revised July 24, 16, p. 8 and scholarship funding per year. applications are unknown. Data not available Count number of applications for external research and scholarship funding. At least 10% of tenure and tenure-track faculty apply for external research and scholarship funding in two years Count number of infrastructure (equipment, materials, facilities) requests fulfilled (internal and external sources). Highest priority infrastructure project completed with each program review cycle Count number and type of psychology faculty professional development funded by the university All tenuretrack/tenured faculty members engage in at least one activity per year funded by individual professional development fund. Monitor department staff positions All department staff positions filled Faculty/Chair Engineering Technician/Faculty Department Secretary Encourage faculty to seek external grants. Graduate studies and dean’s office informs faculty of external grant opportunities No budget resources needed for applications. Budget resources needed for actual funding of applications are unknown. Submit infrastructure priorities to dean and other administrative offices, as appropriate Budget resources needed are unknown. Inform faculty of university funding sources/amounts for professional development Fill staff vacancies as they occur Department Secretary Budget resources needed for actual funding of applications are unknown. No budget resources are currently needed. Data not available Data not available All staff vacancies were filled Revised July 24, 16, p. 9 CORE THEME: 4. PUBLIC SERVICE AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT OBJECTIVE 4.1 Enhance the commitment and the level of cooperation between the university and external communities. Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Support student participation in service learning activities that benefit the community Courses with service learning requirement or other opportunities for psychology majors. Number of undergraduate majors who participated in a service, research assistant or internship opportunity. Number of graduate students in applied programs who participate in a practica or internship opportunity Serve as a center for psychological Number of graduate Every graduating student has the opportunity to participate in a service learning opportunity. 100% of undergraduate majors will participate in a service, research assistant or internship opportunity. 100% of graduate students in applied programs will participate in a practica or internship opportunity. Faculty/Chair Department Chair Graduate Program Directors 10 hour service learning and/or research assistant requirement for all psychology majors No budget resources needed for counting courses. Budget resources needed for actual funding of new courses are unknown. 10 hour service learning and/or research assistant requirement for all psychology majors No budget resources needed. Require internships in all applied graduate programs. Cost of faculty travel to internship sites – budget amount needed varies by program and site 100% of graduate students in applied programs participated in a practica or internship opportunity. Approximately $160,000 9 MHC graduate students accepted Ensure availability of internship opportunities for graduate students Graduate Studies 12-16 MHC Outcome Assessment Reinstate two TT positions taken from 100% of graduating psychology majors had an opportunity to participate in service learning 96% of graduating psychology majors participated in a service, research assistant or internship opportunity (2011-12 data) Revised July 24, 16, p. 10 and counseling services to the community and region students in MHC admitted each year Number of graduate students per faculty supervisor enrolled in MHC practica Number of client hours per week Number of community clients served in CCPAC graduate students admitted annually Maximum of 4 each quarter per faculty supervisor 10 to 12 client hours/week per MHC graduate student Average of 20 community clients or more served in CCPAC in quarters when PSY 593C is offered the department in 2010-2011 and conduct successful searches for both positions MHC Program Director MHC Program Director MHC Program Director admission last year Reinstate two TT positions taken from the department in 2010-2011 and conduct successful searches for both positions Approximately $160,000 All faculty supervisors in MHC had 4 or fewer supervisees in practica each quarter Advertise availability of free counseling services to students and community members Cost of advertising unknown Advertise availability of free counseling services to students and community members Cost of advertising unknown Data not available Data not available Revised July 24, 16, p. 11 CORE THEME: 5. RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT & STEWARDSHIP OBJECTIVE 5.3 Ensure the University has human resources necessary to accomplish all university objectives. Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Ensure faculty staffing adequate to support timely delivery of all courses and programs at all locations in which we offer our programs (including our online major). Number of undergraduate psychology courses offered each quarter at each location Each core major class should be offered an average of at least three times a quarter in Ellensburg and at least once a quarter in the other locations (Des Moines and online). Institutional Research, Department Chair At least two classes from each major group should be offered each quarter in Ellensburg. At least one class from each major group should be offered each quarter in other locations (Des Moines and online) Department Chair Ensure sufficient faculty by reinstating two TT positions taken from the department in 20102011 and conduct successful searches for both positions Maintain current levels of adjunct instruction Ensure sufficient faculty by reinstating two TT positions taken from the department in 20102011 and conduct successful searches for both positions Maintain current levels of adjunct instruction Approximately $160,000 (also listed in Objective 4.1) Outcome Assessment Each core class was offered an average of 1 to 3 times per quarter in Ellensburg and 1 to 2 times a year at other locations. No new budgetary impact expected other than what is needed for across the board salary increases (if received) Approximately $160,000 (also listed in Objective 4.1) At least one class from each major group was offered each quarter in Ellensburg and at other locations. No new budgetary impact expected other than what is needed for across the board salary increases (if received) Revised July 24, 16, p. 12 Number of graduate psychology courses offered each quarter Graduate class offerings each quarter should be sufficient to allow all graduate students to maintain full-time status Graduate Program Directors Consistent with college averages: 40 in lower division classes (in person), 25 in upper division classes (in person), 25 in online classes (all undergraduate levels), and 10 in graduate classes Institutional Research Number of students on waitlists for psychology courses No waitlist should exceed more than ¼ of the course enrollment limit Institutional Research Percentage of psychology majors and graduate students who All psychology students should complete their degree within the following time Institutional Research Class sizes Ensure sufficient faculty by reinstating two TT positions taken from the department in 20102011 and conduct successful searches for both positions Ensure sufficient faculty by reinstating two TT positions taken from the department in 20102011 and conduct successful searches for both positions Maintain current levels of adjunct instruction Approximately $160,000 (also listed in Objective 4.1) All graduate students who wished to maintain full-time status were able to do so Approximately $160,000 (also listed in Objective 4.1) Data not available No new budgetary impact expected other than what is needed for across the board salary increases (if received) Data not available Ongoing academic advising by faculty; support for advising by providing appropriate Additional funding for faculty to maintain or increase the number of classes taught and also support reallocation of 47% of undergraduate psychology majors graduated in 4 or fewer years; no data Revised July 24, 16, p. 13 complete their degrees within expected time period limits: 4 years for undergraduate majors, 2 years for graduate students in MS experimental and MHC, and 3 years for graduate students in Ed.S. school psychology program Ratio of full time to part time faculty At least 80% of classes are taught by fulltime faculty Ratio of TT to NTT faculty At least 70% of classes are taught by TT faculty Institutional Research, Department Chair workload units workload units from classroom instruction to advising. Budgetary resources unknown available for individual graduate programs Ensure sufficient faculty by reinstating two TT positions taken from the department in 20102011 and conduct successful searches for both positions Approximately $160,000 (also listed in Objective 4.1) Data not available Maintain current levels of adjunct instruction No new budgetary impact expected other than what is needed for across the board salary increases (if received) Data not available Revised July 24, 16, p. 14