History Department Strategic Plan 2012/2013 Outcome Assessment Report Strategic Planning 2012/2013 Outcome Unit Report The CWU Strategic Plan is the map that guides the progress toward fulfilling our institutional mission. A large and representative group of faculty and staff, the Strategic Operations Team, collaboratively developed this plan more than two years ago. Since that time, as the fluid document it was designed to be, it has undergone several revisions. In its current form, the CWU Strategic Plan can be found at this link: http://www.cwu.edu/resources-reports/current-strategic-plan-and-versions. Last year (2012/2013), units developed and revised Unit Strategic Plans. Unit Strategic Plans will serve as the basis of reporting progress toward achieving the mission of the institution. These reports are to be submitted to your appropriate reporting authority (Dean for academic departments, Director, Assistant/ Associate Vice President for other areas) no later than November 1, 2013. As you will see in the attachment, the format for reporting will utilize the template of your Unit Strategic Plan. You may wish to simply add a column titled “Outcome Assessment” to the Unit Strategic Plan that you submitted in December 2012, and that was subsequently approved by your reporting authority. AY 2012/2013 Unit Strategic Planning Report Unit: HISTORY DEPARTMENT Reporting Authority: CAH Date: November 1, 2013 A: Please complete the column titled “Outcome Assessment” on your own Unit Strategic Plan. Complete with as much detail as you can provide. Where you cannot obtain data to complete the assessment, put “Data not available.” in the space. B. Please summarize each of the University’s Five Core Themes from your Unit Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment report. The History Department focused on Theme 1, Teaching and Learning; Theme 2, Inclusiveness and Diversity; Theme 3, Scholarship and Creative Expression; Theme 4, Public Service and Community Engagement; Theme 5, Resource Development and Stewardship. Toward which theme(s) did you make progress, and how are students benefitting from this? The History Department made progress in all five areas, but particularly in Theme 1. The hire of two new FTTT faculty in African and East Asian history restored our full catalog of global history offerings. We improved our advising with new four-year plans and revised checklists for both teaching and non-teaching majors. We maintained our high scores on student satisfaction, as measured by SEOIs. Data from our capstone rubric shows that students are exceeding our success benchmark. Students benefit from our global approach to history because it enables them to critically analyze events and conditions in the current increasingly globalized and diverse world. They benefit from improved advising materials because they can complete their degree programs efficiently and in ways tailored to their interests. On Theme 2, the Department continues to offer its expertise to University-wide committees and interdisciplinary programs. We have also begun to actively create an environment of inclusiveness by hiring faculty from underrepresented groups, and by ensuring that all of our courses develop themes of human diversity. Five of our students studied abroad last year, to gain immediate international experience. On Theme 3, the Department continues to promote undergraduate research at internal and external venues, particularly SOURCE and the Phi Alpha Theta regional conference. This attention to research reflects the extraordinary productivity and currency of the faculty in externally disseminated scholarship. Students thus have the opportunity to work closely with faculty who are actively engaged in scholarship, and to present their own work in professional conference settings. On Theme 4, all members of the Department actively serve local, regional, and national committees, organizations, and task forces. Students are exposed to the need for and benefits of service to communities beyond the University. Theme 5 highlights progress the Department made toward ensuring adequate faculty to meet our goals for a global curriculum, in hiring two new FTTT faculty members. For the last five years, History has been seriously understaffed, limiting our ability to cover necessary courses in the global history curriculum and putting undue pressures on remaining faculty to cover these responsibilities. The students now have the opportunity to expand their connections to new faculty who are specialists in their fields, and to work with older faculty who can fully attend to their own specialties. All faculty can begin to recreate or reimagine cross-specialization and interdisciplinary ties, of great value to students in today’s more flexible and interconnected professional world. Which theme(s) deserve special attention next year? In 2013-14, The History Department will strengthen our performance in Themes 3 and 4, specifically by promoting grant writing for faculty and study abroad for students. The Department has always been quite successful in securing internal grants, but could be stronger in the number of applications for external grants. We would like to revive our past success in Faculty-Led Study Abroad, and make wider use of our scholarship fund for study abroad so that more students have an opportunity to benefit from this vital experience. C. How do you intend to utilize the data gathered this year to assist you in developing stronger programs? The data from 2013-13 is important in showing areas in which we improved, did not improve, or perhaps did not improve enough. Specifically, we hope to recruit more majors and minors, and to insure they have access to the global curriculum, service learning opportunities, and research experiences, domestically and abroad. D. Based on your learning from this first year report, what parts of your strategic plan will you modify, add to, or omit for next year? (Please attach an updated Strategic Plan with changes highlighted.) The Department is currently evaluating our recruitment strategies for majors and minors, and also our community outreach. Our strategies may include revising interval major surveys, creating Department promotional materials, locating and publicizing student internship opportunities, and initiating alumni surveys. An updated strategic plan is attached. UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 1. TEACHING AND LEARNING UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.1 Enhance student success by continually improving the curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Department will fill gaps in Asian and African history faculty Two new hires Department roster Departmental academic programs will demonstrate academic excellence in relation to teaching and learning SEOI data Higher than College and/or University Mean Student Learning Outcomes data All programs meet set criteria levels for all student learning outcomes Complete two searches for September 2013 start date Two searches completed: hired African and East Asian historians to start September 2013. Data provided by Office of Effectiveness or Assessment Department SEOI averages for FWS (all substantive questions) is 4.40; CAH is 4.41, showing that the Department is very near its goal. On student learning outcomes rubric for HIST 481 (senior capstone course), 32% exceeded expectations; 51% met expectations; and 17% did not meet expectations. These figures exceed our 80% success benchmark. Department UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.2 Enhance the effectiveness of student support services. Unit Outcomes Indicators Department will update advising tools to improve time to completion of History majors and minors Revised advising worksheet with a checklist on web and in-person meetings Expected Performance Level (Criterion) All advisees receive the new checklist Indicator/Performance Level Reported By Distribution of the new checklist Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Assessment Advising checklist updated and distributed to all students in hard copy and posted on the department webpage. Sample 4-year student course plan posted on website. UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 2. INCLUSIVENESS AND DIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.1 Enhance the environment of inclusiveness for faculty, staff, and students Unit Outcomes Department will demonstrate its commitment to inclusiveness through active participation of faculty on University-wide committees and organizations Indicators Participation on University-wide committees as indicated on faculty activities report. Expected Performance Level (Criterion) All Department faculty, as appropriate to academic rank and experience, are engaged in at least one University-wide committee or organization. Indicator/Performance Level Reported By Data provided by Office of Effectiveness or Assessment Key Strategies/ Initiatives Encouragement and self-assignment at Department faculty meeting to Universitywide committees Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Assessment All Department faculty served on at least one University-wide committee or organization. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.2 Increase faculty, staff, and student diversity by active programs of recruitment and retention for members of underrepresented groups. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Outcomes Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Department will Higher numbers Higher numbers Department major and Department recruited two increase of diverse of diverse minor statistics FTTT faculty members from diversity of students signing majors and underrepresented groups majors and up to be History minors and in global fields as first minors majors and step toward encouraging minors majors from underrepresented groups. From 2010-2013, the number of self-declared non-white students decreased from 14% to 10%, as did the number of military students (from 2% to 1%). UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.3: Ensure that CWU has an inclusive and diverse curriculum Unit Outcomes Indicators Department will maintain global curriculum with attention to diverse cultures Course offerings on diverse national and global cultures Department will expand curriculum for Asian and African history New and revised courses on Asian and African history Department will encourage an expansion of global understanding Number of students studying abroad Expected Performance Level (Criterion) All syllabi indicate attention to diverse global and national cultures Increased number of new and revised courses on Asian and African history 5% of majors will undertake student study abroad trip Indicator/Performance Level Reported By Key Strategies/ Initiatives Department course schedules History course catalog Encourage new and revised course proposals on Asian and African history OISP data Publicize study abroad opportunities Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Assessment Department hired two NTT faculty in East Asia and Africa to insure coverage in these regions. Taught 80 courses, all of which included themes related to cultural diversity. Department hired two NTT professors in East Asian and African History; completed two FTTT searches in these fields to begin in 2013-14. Five students studied abroad in 2012-13, somewhat short of our goal of 5% (7 students). UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 3. SCHOLARSHIP AND CREATIVE EXPRESSION UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 3.1 Increase the emphasis on and the opportunities for students, faculty and staff to participate in research, scholarship, and creative expression activities. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Department will Student 10% of majors Department and SOURCE Increase CWU funding Thirteen students participated continue to participation in will participate in data for student conference in SOURCE; 11 students encourage and SOURCE, Phi SOURCE, Phi participation participated in the Phi Alpha direct graduate Alpha Theta, Alpha Theta, Theta conference in Portland. and and internships and internships undergraduate research Department will Number of All tenure / Annual activity report data Reserve summer Department TT faculty continue to external tenure-track profits for faculty produced 23 external demonstrate presentations faculty will development only. publications and excellence in and publications present and Secure timely report presentations, including two faculty by faculty publish on summer profits and monographs. scholarship externally, award more research through consistent with time participation in Department external standards presentations and/or publications. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 3.2 Increase the external funding received for research, scholarship, and creative expression by faculty, staff, and students. Unit Outcomes Indicators Department will continue to seek external funding by increasing the number of external grants that are submitted and/or funded each year Number of grants submitted and funded Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Higher numbers of grant submissions and funding Indicator/Performance Level Reported By Graduate Studies and Research Office and annual activity reports Key Strategies/ Initiatives Encourage faculty to apply for more grants Budget/Resource Analysis Faculty members in the Department received two external grants. UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 4. PUBLIC SERVICE AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.1 Enhance the commitment and the level of cooperation between the university and external communities. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Department will Number of All departmental Annual activity report data Encourage faculty to Each FTTT faculty member demonstrate faculty serving tenured and seek out and accept served on at least one public and on local, tenure-track responsibility for external committee, professional regional, and/or faculty serve on service on local, organization, or task force. service through national one external regional, and/or active faculty committees, committee, national committees, participation on organizations, organization, organizations, and local, regional, and task forces and/or task task forces and/or national force, committees, appropriate to organizations, rank and and task forces. experience. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.2 Increase participation in university sponsored life-long learning opportunities. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcomes Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Outcome Assessment UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.3 Enhance the efforts of members of the university community to strengthen the economic base of the region and state. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Outcomes Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) CORE THEME: 5. RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT & STEWARDSHIP UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.1 Maximize the financial resources to the University, and assure the efficient and effective operations of the University through financial stewardship. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Level Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Outcomes Performance Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.2 Develop and implement enrollment management and marking plans that meet the enrollment objectives of the university. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Level Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Outcomes Performance Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.3 Ensure the University has human resources necessary to accomplish all university objectives. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Level Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcomes Performance Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Outcome Assessment Department will Tenured/tenureSufficient Data provided by Office of Hire Asian and African Department numbered insure the track and nonfaculty and Effectiveness or Assessment. historians six FTTT faculty appropriate tenure-track staff to meet members and three number of faculty FTE totals programmatic Replace faculty on leave FTNTT in 2012-13; two faculty and staff teaching or sabbatical new TT hires were necessary to Number of needs completed in 2013. meet graduate Increase number of Graduate assistantships programmatic assistantships teaching assistantships remained the same at 6 teaching needs students. at all instructional delivery locations UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.4 Provide the facility and technology infrastructure and services appropriate to meet the university objectives, while maximizing sustainability and stewardship. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Level Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Outcomes Performance Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Department will maintain up-todate technology in faculty offices Age and performance of computer equipment used by faculty and staff All Department computers are up-todate Department’s Ledger 1 budget report Secure CWU funding to replace computers that are out-of-date Department has maintained a four-year rotation for replacing computers, with new computer purchases for two new faculty members and one computer upgrade.