ART Department Strategic Plan 2014 UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 1. TEACHING AND LEARNING UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.1 Enhance student success by continually improving the curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs. Unit Outcomes Indicators 1.1.1 Faculty will demonstrate effective teaching SOURCE 1.1.2 Offer unique programs Compare to State peer institutions Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Indicator/Performance Level Reported By Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Assessment 1. Release time for mentors 2. Provide more professional development funds Three art majors presents at SOURCE in 2013. Track 10% of graduates Department 1.Professional development in teaching 2.Faculty mentoring Each degree will maintain some unique qualities Department Monitor programs at Eastern and Western Markers of student success (e.g, exhibitions, awards, employment) The only program in the State of Washington with the opportunity to study a broad range of studio arts and the traditional crafts. The only MFA graduate program in Jewelry & Metalsmithing in the state. 1.1.3 Students and faculty will be engaged in the learning process outside the classroom Percentage of students and faculty attendance at artist lectures and exhibition receptions 20% student attendance at each event 50% of faculty attendance at each event Department 1.Promotion of events 2.Direct email 1.1.4 Create a learning community for first year art students Enrollment numbers All first year art majors in art specific Univ. 101 and other art core courses Department 1.identify art majors during admissions st 2.1 year advising 1.1.5 Curriculum will reference national standards Compare to NASAD documents Progressive refinement of curriculum towards national standards Department Major curriculum revisions 1.1.6 Establish a student gallery Senior exhibitions as a required component of the senor capstone course. Senior BFA exhibitions All BFA Studio students will present a senior exhibit in their final quarter Department Convert Randall 231 into the student gallery No data available. The department is beginning to track numbers Fall 2013 . Coordinator release time $30,000 The department has a discipline specific Univ. 101 course for all incoming art students. This course is linked with an ENG 101 course for art majors and a Drawing I course. The department curriculum committee is currently working on a revised curriculum for all undergraduate degrees. Randall 231 was successfully converted into a gallery. The graduating studio art senior students mounted the first senior exhibition in Spring 2013. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.2 Enhance the effectiveness of student support services. Unit Outcomes 1.2.1 Improve advising of current and potential art majors Indicators Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Indicator/Performance Level Reported By 4 year degree plans Advisors and students are provided with 4 year plans Department Academic Advising Continue faculty professional development for advising Effectiveness of student advising 80 % of art majors will be advised by one of two department advisors Department Senior exit survey Undergraduate retention rates Establish two department faculty advisors for all art majors. One for studio majors and one for graphic design majors * Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective. Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis The department has 4-year plans for all degrees. Workload credits for the two department advisors The department established two faculty academic advisors, one for studio art majors and one for graphic design majors. UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 2. INCLUSIVENESS AND DIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.1 Enhance the environment of inclusiveness for faculty, staff, and students. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Indicator/Performance Level Reported By Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Assessment 2.1.1 The Public event 30% of Department VASE committee Funding needed department will schedule programming will programming demonstrate its focus on selection process commitment to underrepresented inclusiveness issues or groups through programming (exhibitions, visiting artists, and lectures) UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.2 Increase faculty, staff, and student diversity by active programs of recruitment and retention for members of underrepresented groups. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) See appendix A 2.2.1 Build a more diverse department community See Appendix B Department demographics (faculty & students) Increase number of faculty and students from underrepresented groups by 10% in the next 3 years Institutional assessment Admissions Human Resources 1.Ensure that job ads indicate an openness to inclusiveness 2.Work to build large and diverse applicant pools 3. Recruit in high schools with large underrepresented student populations 4. Provide diverse programming curriculum Funding needed tuition and housing waivers needed for recruitment (exhibit and speaker schedule) The department has a developed a recruitment plan that is beginning implementatio n this year. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.3: Ensure that CWU has an inclusive and diverse curriculum Unit Outcomes Improve students knowledge of human cultures and diversities Indicators Course catalog Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Department has courses that address diversity and inclusiveness Indicator/Performance Level Reported By Department * Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective. Key Strategies/ Initiatives Compile list of current courses that integrate diversity/inclusiveness Budget/Resource Analysis The department currently has 7 courses that have inclusivity clearly stated in their learning outcomes and 5 courses that may apply to an inclusivity focus. See Appendix D UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 3. SCHOLARSHIP AND CREATIVE EXPRESSION UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 3.1 Increase the emphasis on and the opportunities for students, faculty and staff to participate in research, scholarship, and creative expression activities. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) 3.1.1 Enhance support for faculty and student research & creative activity Outcome Assessment Summer session profits Maintain at least $500 each year of summer funds for T/TT faculty research/creative activity Department Increase summer funds through summer course offerings/planning Data not available Workload plans When eligible, TT and tenured faculty will apply & receive sabbaticals, research leaves and at least 6 units of scholarship /creative work each year 1.Department 2.College Keep informed of application processes One professor received a sabbatical in 2012/13. 5% of art majors participate in 1.Department 2.SOURCE committee Yearly activity reports SOURCE or other appropriate research/creative activity Provide department resources as needed Keep faculty & students informed on SOURCE deadlines and other opportunities 80% of faculty have 6 units of scholarship in their workload form. 3 art majors presented at SOURCE in 2013 UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 3.2 Increase the external funding received for research, scholarship, and creative expression by faculty, staff, and students. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) * Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective. Outcome Assessment UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 4. PUBLIC SERVICE AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.1 Enhance the commitment and the level of cooperation between the university and external communities. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) 4.1.1 The Improve Public lecture At least 1 major Department Funding is needed department will and exhibition audience lecture and 2 schedule demonstrate its exhibitions each outreach to commitment and quarter external connection to community and the community university by providing a community variety of artist lectures, exhibitions and other cultural events & activities UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.2 Increase participation in university sponsored life-long learning opportunities. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Performance Level (Criterion) UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.3 Enhance the efforts of members of the university community to strengthen the economic base of the region and state. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Performance Level (Criterion) * Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective. Outcome Assessment See Appendix A CORE THEME: 5. RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT & STEWARDSHIP UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.1 Maximize the financial resources to the University, and assure the efficient and effective operations of the University through financial stewardship. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Perfor Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance mance Level Initiatives Analysis Level Reported By (Criterion) 5.1.1 Develop an Alumni outreach plan Alumni interactions Create a 1.Department Work with Alumni Additional staff database/listing on 2.Development relations and support 10% of art alumni officer development identifying degree, officer year, current employment in the next 3 years UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.2 Develop and implement enrollment management and marking plans that meet the enrollment objectives of the university. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Perfor Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Initiatives Analysis mance Level Performance Reported By Level (Criterion) 5.2.1 The Number of 1. 5% total increase 1.Department Department 1. Additional department will majors and each year of 2. Office of recruiting plan faculty & staff as maintain and graduate undergrads during Organizational needed increase students the next 5 years Effectiveness enrollment in all 2. increase to 12 2. Additional majors, graduate students in graduate undergraduate the next 3 years assistantships and and graduate tuition waivers as needed 1.2.1 Create a Number of CWU Department will 1. Department 1.high school $8,000 annually targeted Art students meet or exceed 2. Admissions visits by faculty for programming recruiting plan enrolled from targets office 2.College art day and travel targeted High 3. Office of tuition and Schools Enrollment housing waivers Management needed for recruitment Outcome Assessment Data not available See Appendix C Department conducted it’s first College Art Day in 2012 and the 2013 Art Day is planned. Department has a recruitment plan that includes faculty visits to high schools. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.3 Ensure the University has human resources necessary to accomplish all university objectives. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Perfor Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance mance Level Initiatives Analysis Level Reported By (Criterion) Increase majors Tenured & TT Fill all vacant Department As needed faculty numbers department faculty through recruiting 5.3.1 lines in the next 3 efforts. Continue Replace vacant faculty lines years. making the case for each studio area’s need for dedicated leadership. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.4 Provide the facility and technology infrastructure and services appropriate to meet the university objectives, while maximizing sustainability and stewardship. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Perfor Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance mance Level Initiatives Analysis Level Reported By (Criterion) Department hired two replacement faculty for 2013/14. Department is currently conducting a search for another replacement position. 5.4.1 The department equipment & facilities will be maintained and upgraded as needed The department replaced the following equipment: 2011: Laser printer for graphic design $5000 Regular inspection of equipment and facilities Equipment and facilities will remain safe and functional 1.Department 2.Facilities management Maintain an equipment replacement & maintenance list 2012: Clay mixer - $4000 (2) potters wheels $2000 5.4.2 The department will expand its technical & equipment capabilities 5.4.3 Technology Introduction of new equipment & capabilities Faculty and common area computers Instructional uses of equipment & technology that reflects contemporary practice through additional equipment purchases over the next 3 years. All department computers are replaced every 4 years. Department Faculty development funds, technology and equipment purchase Training costs Equipment purchases Department Replacing computers As needed * Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective. Department was instrumental in the acquisition of a university site license of Adobe Creative Suites, ensuring students have access to the latest software.