Unit Strategic Plan 2012/2013 Outcome Assessment Report Page 1 Strategic Planning 2012/2013 Outcome Unit Report The CWU Strategic Plan is the map that guides the progress toward fulfilling our institutional mission. A large and representative group of faculty and staff, the Strategic Operations Team, collaboratively developed this plan more than two years ago. Since that time, as the fluid document it was designed to be, it has undergone several revisions. In its current form, the CWU Strategic Plan can be found at this link: http://www.cwu.edu/resources-reports/currentstrategic-plan-and-versions. Last year (2012/2013), units developed and revised Unit Strategic Plans. Unit Strategic Plans will serve as the basis of reporting progress toward achieving the mission of the institution. These reports are to be submitted to your appropriate reporting authority (Dean for academic departments, Director, Assistant/ Associate Vice President for other areas) no later than November 1, 2013. As you will see in the attachment, the format for reporting will utilize the template of your Unit Strategic Plan. You may wish to simply add a column titled “Outcome Assessment” to the Unit Strategic Plan that you submitted in December 2012, and that was subsequently approved by your reporting authority. Page 2 AY 2012/2013 Unit Strategic Planning Report Unit: Asia/Pacific Studies Program Reporting Authority: Date: Jeffrey Dippmann, Director November, 2013 A: Please complete the column titled “Outcome Assessment” on your own Unit Strategic Plan. Complete with as much detail as you can provide. Where you cannot obtain data to complete the assessment, put “Data not available.” in the space. B. Please summarize each of the University’s Five Core Themes from your Unit Strategic Plan Outcome Assessment report. The following Five Core Themes: Teaching and Learning, Inclusiveness and Diversity, Scholarship and Creative Expression, Public Service and Community Engagement, and Resource Development and Stewardship are implemented in the Strategic Plan. Toward which theme(s) did you make progress, and how are students benefitting from this? 1] Teaching and Learning: The Asian Business Certificate has been successfully revised. Specifcally, a core course on Economic History which was never developed or offered, was replaced with COM 302 (Multicultural Communication). The revision more accurately reflects the overall intent of the Certificate and provides students with a core course that is offered regularly, ensuring completion of the certificate program in a timely manner. Discussions have begun on further revisions to the Certificate, including broadening the Business offerings to address faculty concerns that the present configuration places too much emphasis on Economics, to the detriment of areas such as Finance and Supply Chain Management. Program faculty in Business point to greater student marketability as an Page 3 important factor in FSCM’s inclusion. The Program Director has also initiated discussions with faculty from the West Side concerning making the Certificate available to those students as well. 1.1.2 A dedicated Director was elected and began serving in that capacity in fall 2013. 2] Inclusiveness and Diversity A new, albeit temporary, faculty mentor/liaison has been assigned to the APIA LLC. Further work is necessary to make the LLC a more significant and visible part of the Asia/Pacific Studies Program. 3] Public Service and Community Engagement The CWU A/PS website is being maintained regularly, with program announcements, updates and quarterly schedules posted for public viewing. A new social media outlet, on Facebook, has been created and is in the process of gathering student followers. Mixed benefits are being noted, with few students showing much interest in Asia-related news as shared (based on subsequent “likes” and comments). 4] Resource Development and Stewardship A/PS majors have increased over the past year, with nineteen (19) students currently enrolled. The Program Director has also noted increased interest among incoming first year students (based on conversations and office appointments) in the program, and continues to maintain contact with them as the year progresses. Minor numbers have also reached an all-time high (in the current director’s memory [10 years] and available records at hand) at six (6). Which theme(s) deserve special attention next year? As noted on the assessment grid, much more attention must be paid to the assessment tools themselves, both programmatic and student. While we have benefited from the programmatic assessment measures, the student tool remains inadequate. Part of the difficulty lies in the inter-disciplinary nature of the program (making actual date collection on the A/PS courses scattered at best), but can also be attributed to issues related to tracking students. More attention will also be given to the minor. Despite stronger numbers, the minor needs revision. In particular, program faculty will be asked to seriously evaluate the necessity and value of requiring one year of either Chinese or Japanese language in order to complete the minor. Page 4 Student scholarship and creative presentations must be given more attention. Students will be encouraged more vigorously to present their work publically, whether at SOURCE or other venues. Part of the problem lies in the graduation dates for our majors, which vary considerably given the propensity of our students to study abroad and thereby return for graduation in the fall and winter terms. This fall (2013) the director has required that the student completing her capstone project also present it in one or more public forums. C. How do you intend to utilize the data gathered this year to assist you in developing stronger programs? As also noted, the program will be reevaluating the following: minor requirements; the Asian Business Certificate; possible on-line delivery and availability to students enrolled at the West Side campuses. Higher numbers of majors and minors also encourage us to continue our recruitment efforts and increased public visibility. 2 and 4 year plans need to be devised and distributed to students ( There appears to be a gender imbalance among our majors and minors, with female students far outnumbering males nearly three to one most years. There is also a persistent trend toward a predominance of “white” students as well. Program faculty will be engaged in discussions concerning both of these anomalies. D. Based on your learning from this first year report, what parts of your strategic plan will you modify, add to, or omit for next year? (Please attach an updated Strategic Plan with changes highlighted.) will be omitted as a Director has been elected. must be implemented. will be added, to include the exploration of further research and collaborative opportunities for students. will be added, to include the exploration of further research and collaborative opportunities for faculty. Major and minor numbers will be increased by 10%, rather than being sustained. will be added, to include implementing outreach programs to the local high schools and community colleges. Page 5 UNIT STRATEGIC PLAN ASSESSMENT REPORT Asia/Pacific Studies Program 2012-2013 UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 1. TEACHING AND LEARNING UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.1 Enhance student success by continually improving the curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) 1.1.1 Maintain high quality academic programs Annual Assessment Report of Student Learning Outcomes Implement programmatic changes to address issues raised by assessment info and program review suggestions Signature/unique status in state or region Maintain the program’s unique and signature character as compared to peer institutions in the state and region Asia/Pacific Studies Program Maintain a sound assessment plan linked to new university plan Asia/Pacific Studies Program Monitor counterparts at peer institutions; improve A/PS website to highlight program’s signature/unique status Outcome Assessment Faculty are in the process of reevaluating the programmatic assessment instruments in light of this year’s strategic plan. As it is the first year, and our student numbers are relatively low in this assessment cycle, we are looking forward to more substantive data in the coming year. The program’s joint venture with COB, the Asian Business certificate, has been fully implemented (unique contribution) as of fall 2013. The program’s website has been revamped to Course Offerings 1.1.2 Stabilize Program leadership Improve the linkage of classes to student interests Asia/Pacific Studies Program include information concerning both the certificate and current course offerings. Discussions have begun taking place between the newly elected full-time director and program faculty about new and innovative course offerings, as well as potential revisions to the Asian Business Certificate based on market and pedagogical reflections. The election of a single dedicated Director took place in spring 2013 and implemented in fall 2013. Mentoring with diverse program faculty; Improve communication between diverse departments Program Director Position Stabilize APS Asia/Pacific Elect a dedicated Program Studies Program Program leadership with faculty; Director(s) in the appointment of CAH Dean coming academic long-term year (2013) director(s) UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.2 Enhance the effectiveness of student support services. Unit Outcomes 1.2.1 Improve advising of current and potential CAH students Indicators Programmatic 2 and 4-year plans and career information handouts Expected Performance Level (Criterion) All program advisors will be furnished with 2 and 4-year plans as well as career information handouts Responsible Reporting Unit Asia/Pacific Studies Program Key Strategies/ Initiatives Quarterly program faculty meetings will emphasize the need to provide students with key career information; APS website will Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Assessment Quarterly meetings have once again begun, starting in fall 2013. Website forms are not yet available. 2 and 4 year plans have downloadable forms for students and faculty More dedicated advising by a variety of program faculty Student advising spread among more diverse group of program faculty Asia/Pacific Studies Program are being revised and will be available to program faculty this academic year. Director has had discussions with student success advisors and made appropriate advisors aware of the program options and availability. Work with student success so advisers send students to program faculty for advising * Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective. UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 2. INCLUSIVENESS AND DIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.1 Enhance the environment of inclusiveness for faculty, staff, and students Unit Outcomes 2.1.1 Build a more diverse college community Indicators Continued participation in Asian Pacific Islander American House Living/ Learning Community Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Student numbers will remain constant within the LLC Responsible Reporting Unit Asia/Pacific Studies Program faculty Key Strategies/ Initiatives Maintain student interest in the LLC and expand campus wide activities Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Assessment Student interest remains high in the LLC. A change in faculty advisor/mentor has been implemented in fall 2013 and efforts are under way to get the new mentor familiarized with the LLC and its goals. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.2 Increase faculty, staff, and student diversity by active programs of recruitment and retention for members of underrepresented groups. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.3: Ensure that CWU has an inclusive and diverse curriculum Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Responsible Reporting Unit Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis * Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective. UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 3. SCHOLARSHIP AND CREATIVE EXPRESSION UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 3.1 Increase the emphasis on and the opportunities for students, faculty and staff to participate in research, scholarship, and creative expression activities. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) 3.1.1 Enhance support for student research and creative activity Student scholarship and creative work presentations, on and off campus At least 5% of its majors participating each year in research/creative work presentations SOURCE Committee; Asia/Pacific Studies Program Integrate SOURCE into as many classes as possible; emphasize that student Capstone projects should aim at being SOURCE presentations; ensure that students are aware of opportunities to present, perform, exhibit on campus and off Outcome Assessment Students doing capstone projects were informed of SOURCE opportunities, but not required to participate. Combined with lack of student interest in presenting, no A/PS projects were included in last year’s SOURCE. This is a priority for 2013-2014 3.1.2 Enhance support for faculty research and creative activity Program faculty will engage in professional development activities Program faculty will be involved in conference presentations and Asian Studies related activities Asia/Pacific Studies Program Director Continue practice of supporting faculty by providing supplemental funding for professional development activities 3.1.2 Enhance support for faculty research and creative activity Program faculty will engage in professional development activities Program faculty will be involved in conference presentations and Asian Studies related activities Asia/Pacific Studies Program Director 3.1.2 Enhance support for faculty research and creative activity Program faculty will engage in professional development activities Program faculty will be involved in conference presentations and Asian Studies related activities Asia/Pacific Studies Program Director 3.1.2 Enhance support for faculty research and creative activity Program faculty will engage in professional development activities Program faculty will be involved in conference presentations and Asian Studies related activities Asia/Pacific Studies Program Director Improve strategies for advertising Asian Studies related conferences, such as those associated with the Nat’l ASDP, AAS, and Asia/Network Improve strategies for advertising Asian Studies related professional development opportunities such as ASDP and ARCAS sponsored grant programs Institute periodic gatherings, such as Brown Bag Lunches, to encourage the sharing of research One faculty member participated in a six-week summer program through ASDP/ARCAS infusing Southeast Asian culture/politics, etc. into his professional background Regular notices were sent out to all program faculty Regular notices were sent out to all program faculty Not implemented 2012-13 UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 3.2 Increase the external funding received for research, scholarship, and creative expression by faculty, staff, and students. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) * Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective. UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 4. PUBLIC SERVICE AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.1 Enhance the commitment and the level of cooperation between the university and external communities. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) 4.1.1 Improve visibility of the Asia/Pacific Studies Program Website content and design APS website is informative, userfriendly, error free, and up to date; Asia/Pacific Studies Program Ensure that program directors have up-to-date and adequate training in the new web content management system and continue to monitor web maintenance UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.2 Increase participation in university sponsored life-long learning opportunities. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Outcome Assessment Program Director has been trained and is implementing regular changes on the program’s website. A Facebook (social media) page has also been created and is actively seeking student participants. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.3 Enhance the efforts of members of the university community to strengthen the economic base of the region and state. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) * Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective. UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 5. RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT & STEWARDSHIP UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.1 Maximize the financial resources to the University, and assure the efficient and effective operations of the University through financial stewardship. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Outcome Assessment UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.2 Develop and implement enrollment management and marketing plans that meet the enrollment objectives of the university. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) 5.2.1 APS Program will sustain or grow enrollments, depending on resources and capacity Numbers of majors, minors, and student FTE APS will sustain and increase major numbers by 10% over the next three years Asia/Pacific Studies Program Develop and maintain a recruitment and retention plan; outreach to high schools and community colleges will expand Major numbers have risen to 19, their highest in several years. Recruitment has taken place at major fairs and incoming student events; new strategies for further outreach are being developed. Increase the number of minors Program faculty review the requirements for the minor Implement the Asian Business Certificate Asian Business Asia/Pacific Certificate program Studies Program will be available for Director student enrollment by fall 2013 Asia/Pacific Studies Program faculty Review minor requirements and reevaluate whether program goals and students needs are being met by current plan, especially language requirement; revise accordingly Revise the certificate to reflect new configuration of program faculty & desired outcomes UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.3 Ensure the University has human resources necessary to accomplish all university objectives. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.4 Provide the facility and technology infrastructure and services appropriate to meet the university objectives, while maximizing sustainability and stewardship. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) * Only list unit outcomes where applicable to a university related objective. Number of minors has improved to the highest level in several years (6). More work needs to be done, and faculty are discussing requirements and potential revisions. Students pursuing Asia Business Certificates will be evaluated as to potential interest in minoring. Certificate revision successfully passed Curriculum process and implemented fall 2013