Course Syllabus (FIN 341) Fall 2009 Semester ADP Session I Business Finance

Course Syllabus (FIN 341)
Business Finance
Fall 2009 Semester ADP Session I
Christopher Smith
Self 200A
Office Hours:
601.925.3412 (Office); 601.953.1530 (Cell)
10:00 – 11:00 AM; 2:30 – 5:30 PM
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
10:00 – 11:00 AM
9:00 – 11:00 AM; 4:30 – 5:30 PM
10:00 – 11:00 AM
Course Description
FIN 341 is a study of the financial problems encountered in the operation and organization of
businesses. The prerequisites for this course are ACC 201 and ACC 202.
Rationale for Course
FIN 341 is a core course in the School of Business. As such, it is designed to provide students
with their first exposure to the principles of finance. In this context, all students seeking a degree
from the School of Business will learn the fundamental financial concepts that dominate the
operations of businesses.
Fundamental of Financial Management, 12th ed. by Brigham and Houston.
Upon completion of the course, each student should thoroughly understand:
the concept of time value of money and its applications to business and personal financial
the capital budgeting process and its application in financial decision making
financial statements and how to conduct a financial statement analysis to determine an
organization’s financial strengths and weaknesses
the risk-return relationship and its implications within a portfolio context
how to calculate bond prices and rates of return for fixed income securities
equity security pricing and the markets in which equity securities trade.
Accommodating Disability
In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Mississippi College does not
discriminate on the basis of handicap in admission or access to, or treatment in its programs and
activities. If students need special accommodations due to learning, physical, psychological, or
other disabilities, they should direct their inquiries to Director of the Counseling and Testing
Center, Mississippi College, Lowrey, Room 101, Telephone: 601.925.3353. For more
information, see the Mississippi College Undergraduate Catalog, Students with Disabilities
Student Responsibilities
Attend class in a punctual manner
Read chapter material before attending the related lecture
Commit of out of class time understanding assigned end of chapter problems
Complete any cell phone calls and text message conversations before class time
It is my recommendation that you go ahead and purchase an HP10BII financial calculator. This
is the calculator that I will use to teach the class. Any student who chooses to use a calculator
other than the HP10BII will be responsible for consulting the calculator’s manual to determine its
use in time value and other necessary applications.
Attendance will be taken each time the class meets. When, for any reason, a student
accumulates absences greater than 25 percent of the scheduled meetings, the student receives a
grade of “F” in the class. For this class, a grade of “F” will be recorded when the number of
absences equals or exceeds four. For an explanation of the MC class attendance policy, see the
Mississippi College Undergraduate Catalog.
If you come to class late it is your responsibility to see the instructor after class to make sure that
you are marked present. If you come to class after the quiz is given, you will not be allowed to
make up the quiz. Corrections in attendance may be made only on the day in question. If you
decide to drop the class, you should inform me and officially withdraw. Until you officially
withdraw from class, absences will be counted.
Two semester exams and a final exam will be administered during the semester. Each exam is
valued at 100 points. The final exam is merely the third exam, and is not comprehensive in
scope. Each semester exam and the final exam will consist or partially consist of the following:
true/false, multiple choice, problems, and short answer questions based on the materials
covered in class and within each assigned chapter.
On exam day, I will assign seats to you at random when you come to class. Tests will start at 5:30
and you will have two hours to complete the exam. Any accommodations for disability
should be acquired before the exam day.
You are responsible for bringing your calculator to class on exam day. Cell phone calculators will
not be permitted for use on the exam.
There will be no exemptions from the final exam in this course.
Make-Up Exams
All make up exams will be given during the class meeting before the final exam, NO MATTER THE
REASON for missing the exam. For this session, that date will be October 15, 2009. Students
taking the make-up exam forfeit any bonus points as well as any open book time that I permit
during the normal exam session. Performance on make-up exams is typically very poor, so I
encourage you to attend the exam on the day given if at all possible.
At the beginning of each class after role is called, I will administer a five question true/false quiz
worth five points. The quiz will cover the topic that is to be discussed during that class meeting.
There will be a total of twelve quizzes and two will be dropped. Your best quizzes will make up
the 50 point quiz component of your final average.
Financial Project
I will assign you two publicly traded companies that are in the same industry that you will use to
conduct a financial analysis. The report will be due the class period following the second exam. I
will give you detailed information on this project when we discuss chapter 4. The financial
project is worth 30 points and you may choose to work in groups of no more than three.
Academic Integrity
Mississippi College students are expected to be scrupulously honest. Dishonesty, such as
cheating or plagiarism, will be regarded as a serious offense subject to severe penalty including
but not limited to, loss of credit and possible dismissal. See the Mississippi College
Undergraduate Catalog or University policy 2.19 for specific information. You are expected to
work your assignments and exams individually, performing your own writing. At the completion
of each test, you will be asked to sign an honor code statement. I am available to you for any
questions and for help. Don’t let your lack of know-how lead to cheating, if you do not
understand the material, come see me.
Evaluation and Grading
There are a total of 380 points for the class. Three 100 point tests, twelve 5 point quizzes (two
drops) and one 30 point project.
341 – 380 pts
303 – 340 pts
265 – 302 pts
227 – 264 pts
< 227 pts
Students who maintain perfect attendance throughout the semester will receive a 2 point curve
on their final average. Behavior in class that I determine to be disruptive will result in the loss of
points on the final average. No extra credit will be given unless it is on a class wide basis.
Important Dates
September 7
September 22
October 5
October 7
October 19
Labor Day – NO CLASS
Last day to drop an ADP class
Fall Break – NO CLASS
Writing Proficiency Exam
Final Exam
Tentative Schedule
August 24
August 27
August 31
September 3
September 7
September 10
September 14
September 17
September 21
September 24
September 28
October 1
October 5
October 8
October 12
October 15
October 19
Chapters 1 & 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Labor Day
Chapter 5
Test #1
Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Test #2
Fall Break
Chapter 10 / Project Due
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 / Make Up Exam
Test #3