Study Guide for Test 4 Biology 103 Define the endocrine system

Study Guide for Test 4
Biology 103
Chapter 15
Define the endocrine system
What is the difference between endocrine and exocrine?*
What are hormones?
Steroid hormones?*
List the major glands of the endocrine system*
What does the hypothalamus regulate?*
What two hormones does the posterior pituitary release?*
What is ADH?
What is oxytocin?
List the hormones regulated by the anterior pituitary
Describe pituitary dwarfism*
Describe the thyroid gland
What does it produce?
What is a goiter?
Describe hypothyroidism*
Describe hyperthyroidism*
What do thyroid hormone and calcitonin do?*
What do the parathyroid glands produce?*
What does PTH regulate?
Where are the adrenal glands?
Describe the two parts of the adrenal gland
What does the adrenal medulla produce?*
What does the adrenal cortex produce?*
What is Addison’s disease?
What is Cushing’s disease?*
Where is the pancreas found?
What does it produce?*
What does insulin do?*
What does glucagon do?*
Describe the difference between Type I and Type II diabetes*
What are the risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy?
What happens in the thymus?*
What does the pineal gland produce?
What is leptin responsible for?
What drugs block prostaglandins?
What do prostaglandins cause?*
Chapter 16
How many people have HIV and where do most of them live?
When did AIDS/HIV originate?
When did it come to the US?
When we HIV and AIDS linked together?
When does HIV become AIDS?*
What kind of virus is HIV?*
How does one prevent the spread of HIV?*
Describe the “window period”… when the HIV test is negative but a person may still
have the virus*
Is there an HIV vaccine?*
Describe the bioethical issues associated with HIV
Chapter 17
•What is fertilization?
•Describe the steps in fertilization.
Where is the site of fertilization?
Where are eggs formed and stored?
Implantation of the fertilized egg occurs where?
What part of the sperm has enzymes that digest its way through the cells that
surround the egg?
What chemical is detected in home pregnancy tests?
What implants in the uterine wall?
When the egg and sperm unite, what is the first cell formed?
•What is cleavage? Growth? Morphogenesis? Differentiation?
•What are the 4 extraembryonic membranes?
•Be familiar with what happens during pre-embryonic development, fetal development
and development after birth.
•Follow the path of fetal circulation.
•What determines the sex of an individual? Be sure to understand the 3 hormones
involved and the SRY gene.
•What are two conditions in which sex determination is ambiguous and 2 conditions in
which there are abnormal development of the sex organs?
•What are the 3 stages of birth?
•What can you do to help prevent birth defects?
•What are the 3 hypotheses of aging?
•What is the effect of aging on the body?