STUDENT MEDICAL & COUNSELING CLINIC INSURANCE FORM (Please Print Clearly) STUDENT INFORMATION Last Name: First: Is this your legal name? Yes Mr. Mrs. Middle Initial: If not, what is your legal name? Miss Ms. Marital status (circle one) Single / Married / Divorced / Separated / Widow (Preferred name): DOB: Social Security Number : Cell Phone Number: No Age: / Current/Local Street Address: - - ( Sex: F M Other / ) Is it okay to leave a message at the above number? YES NO (Check One) We use text messaging for appointment reminders. Can we text you for all appointment reminders? YES NO Standard text messaging rates apply based on the subscriber’s plan with their mobile phone carrier. P.O. Box: City: State: Email Address: Emergency Contact: Relationship: (Check One) ZIP Code: Emergency Contact Phone No.: ( ) INSURANCE INFORMATION (Please give your insurance card(s) to the receptionist.) FAILURE TO COMPLETE FULLY MAY LEAD TO PAYMENT REJECTION Primary Insurance: Subscriber’s Name: Subscriber’s Address (if different from above): Home Phone No.: ( Occupation: Employer: Employer address: ( Spouse Patient’s relationship to subscriber: Subscriber’s SS Number: (If used as policy #) Child / ) Self Policy Number: DOB: ) Employer Phone No.: Group Number: Co-payment: / $ Secondary Insurance (if applicable): Subscriber’s Name: Subscriber’s Address (if different from above): Home Phone No.: ( Occupation: Employer: Employer address: ( Spouse Patient’s relationship to subscriber: Subscriber’s SS Number: (if used as policy #) Child / ) Self Policy Number: DOB: ) Employer Phone No.: Group Number: Co-payment: / $ METHOD OF PAYMENT There may be charges at time of service (co-pay), please indicate below your preferred method of payment. Credit/Debit Connection Card Student Account SID #: If for any reason your insurance doesn’t pay for the incurred charges, you will be held responsible to pay for those charges out of pocket. ____________ (initials) NOTICE OF PRIVACY: All Information on this form is considered confidential and will not be shared with any outside party unless consent is provided by the student to the Student Medical & Counseling Clinic. Student Medical & Counseling Clinic 400 E. University Way, Ellensburg, WA 98926-7585 Counseling (509) 963-1391 Medical (509) 963-1881 Fax (509) 963-1886 Staff Initials:________ STUDENT MEDICAL AND COUNSELING CLINIC DEMOGRAPHICS FORM (Please Print Clearly) Student ID: Name: (Last, First & Middle Initial) MEDICAL HISTORY Drug Allergies (if known): Please list significant illness, injuries, surgeries or other hospitalizations: Approximate Date(s) Medical Condition(s) Yes Do you take routine medications? No If yes, what are they? ____________________________________ ____________________________________ (Attach list if needed) ____________________________________ Yes Do you take herbal supplements? No If yes, what are they? ____________________________________ ____________________________________ (Attach list if needed) ____________________________________ Please check the following boxes if you or a close relative have or had any of the following: You Relative You Diabetes Stroke Arthritis Cancer Relative You Heart Trouble Depression Suicide Tuberculosis Relative You Anxiety Stomach Ulcers High Blood Pressure Asthma/Allergy Relative Thyroid Disease Alcohol/Drug Dependency Eating Disorder Concussion(s) Do you smoke, chew, dip or use any kind of tobacco product? Yes No How much? _______________________ Consume caffeine? Yes No How much? _______________________ Do you drink alcohol? Yes No How much? _______________________ Do you use non-prescribed or illegal drugs? Yes No How much? _______________________ Has controlling alcohol or drug use been a problem for you? Yes No The CWU Student Medical and Counseling Clinic (SMaCC) provides primary care for students enrolled at CWU. Services are limited to outpatient care. There are lab and X-ray facilities on the premises. Physicians, PA-Cs, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses and Lab and X-Ray Technicians provide services. A Medical and Counseling Clinic charge is assessed to your account each quarter for students taking more than a specific number of credit ______ hours. Those students taking less than this number of hours are assessed this charge during their first visit of each quarter. All medical information and Initials records are confidential and will be released only with your authorization or as detailed in the Notice of Privacy Practices. There are additional charges for lab tests, X-rays, certain physical exams, procedures and supplies. If you have questions, please ask the SMaCC ______ staff. You are responsible for any charges from the SMaCC. Charges will be billed to your student account, insurance, and/or appropriate responsible Initials party. ______ I certify that all of the information above is to the best of my knowledge and belief true, correct and complete. Initials CONSENT FOR TREATMENT: I consent to treatment, health care operations and responsibility for billed procedures at the CWU:SMaCC. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICE: I have received and had the opportunity to review the CWU:SMaCC Notice of Privacy Practice. Signature: ____________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________ Student Medical & Counseling Clinic 400 E. University Way, Ellensburg, WA 98926-7585 Counseling (509) 963-1391 Medical (509) 963-1881 Fax (509) 963-1886 Staff Initials:________