FACULTY RESEARCH & CREATIVE ACTIVITIES FELLOWSHIP APPLICATION PACKET The maximum amount available per ACADEMIC YEAR per individual project is $3000.00. Please check the School of Graduate Studies and Research’s (SGSR) website (cwu.edu/masters) for this year’s application deadlines. The original application must be received in the SGSR office (Barge 214; Mailstop 7510) by 5 p.m. on the appropriate deadline dates. Sponsored by the SGSR, the Faculty Development and Research Council (FDRC) has established a limited number of competitive Faculty and Creative Activities Fellowships for tenure track/tenured faculty members of Central Washington University (CWU). These competitive awards provide seed funds to faculty to support quality research and creative activities of importance to their respective disciplines as well as to the reputation of CWU in general. Eligibility: Any CWU faculty member who is employed on a full-time, continuing academic year appointment at the rank of assistant professor or higher may apply for financial assistance. The faculty member may be (a) on professional leave during the grant award period; or (b) on leave of absence with the time counting toward seniority. It is expected that the faculty member shall remain at CWU for one academic year following completion of the Faculty Research or Creative Activities project. Areas of support: Basic and applied projects in all disciplines, including scholarly and artistic projects Assistance in collecting and analyzing data Assistance in preparing manuscripts and artistic projects, excluding publication subsidy Travel justified by the nature of the project. (The award will pay for ground or air travel or lodging expenses. CWU policies and procedures related to travel will apply.) Services, supplies, materials, and equipment to start a project or supplement other research support to complete a project Student and other research assistance Areas not supported: Institutional research (e.g., internal or departmental studies) Travel to professional meetings Projects related to satisfaction of degree requirements Course development Page charges or other costs related to publication Faculty salaries, fees or other types of monetary compensation are not allowed 1 Special consideration will be made for submissions by applicants who have not received FDRC funding in the past two years. Attachments (unless they are documents included in the appendix list) are not allowable and will result in disqualification. Recommendations on proposals are made by a vote of the Council. The Council may take the following actions: Not to fund Request for further information or clarification Partially fund Fund contingent on availability of funds Fund in full All comments by the chair and dean and discussions of the applications are considered confidential. The text and approved budget of funded proposals are available to the public. For research projects involving live, vertebrate animals: Research proposals involving live, vertebrate animals must be approved in advance by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). For more information and forms, go to http://www.cwu.edu/iacuc/. The applicant MUST have submitted their project to the IACUC (i.e., pending) in order to apply for funding. No fellowships will be released until approval from the IACUC is received. For research projects involving human participants: The federal government regulates strict guidelines when human subjects are involved in research projects, including studies that use (a) data collected through interventions, interactions, or observations with human participants (e.g., surveys, interviews, testing, or observational procedures); and/or (b) existing data sets containing any personal information (e.g., medical records, educational records, voting records). For more information, go to http://www.cwu.edu/hsrc/. To receive funding for projects involving human participants, students must follow the guidelines of the Human Subjects Review Committee (HSRC). HSRC review and approval must be obtained prior to initiating your research; studies cannot be approved retroactively The applicant MUST have submitted their project to the HSRC (i.e., pending) in order to apply for funding. No fellowships will be released until approval from the HSRC is received. For research involving hazardous or dangerous animals, equipment, or supplies: 2 Standard operating procedures (SOPs) should be appended to the proposal for any procedures or substances that would be classified as hazardous in the field of study. Examples can include hazardous chemicals, working with lasers, working with venomous or aggressive animals, or working with infections microbes. These SOPs may be as long as necessary and do not count towards the page limits of the proposal. Required Post-Fellowship Reports: The faculty fellow must submit a final report to the Council no later than three months after completion of the project or the end of the academic year, whichever occurs first. The final report should summarize the project results and list any publications, exhibitions, and external grants that resulted from the award. The report must also include a final project expense statement. Failure to submit a final report will be grounds for denying future support. The report may be taken into consideration when decisions are made on future funding. If results of this project are published or otherwise performed/disseminated, it is expected that you will include in the publication/performance notice the following statement or similar: “This research/performance/show was partially supported by the School of Graduate Studies and Research, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington." 3 FACULTY RESEARCH & CREATIVE ACTIVITIES FELLOWSHIP Application Specifications Individual tenure track/tenured faculty members are eligible for a maximum amount of $3,000. The application packet MUST include the materials below. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make sure that the application has all the required elements. Please submit 1 original signed copy, 7 additional copies and email 1 pdf copy to masters@cwu.edu 1) COVER SHEET (included in packet). This sheet must be signed by your department chair and college dean. 2) Typed abstract or creative artistic statement of the project (not to exceed 200 words). 3) Typed project description of 8 pages or less (single sided, double spaced, 12-point font) that includes the following labeled sections: 4) Project goals and objectives Relationship to previous research/knowledge in the field (literature review) including relationship to your previous work Significance of the research/project Clear statement of methodology/research design Timeline of research/creative activity for successful completion of the project Anticipated results Plans for dissemination - this should also include an assessment of the potential for the project to lead to external funding. Cited literature or References (not included in 8 page limitation) Detailed budget and budget justification, (not included in the 8 page limitation) including costs of supplies and materials, equipment, and other relevant costs. All purchased equipment and unused supplies remain the property of Central Washington University. Budget templates for supplies, travel and student salaries are included in this packet. Funds CANNOT be used for financial incentives/reimbursement for human research participants. Appendix: 5) VITAE: attach curriculum vitae or resume (up to 2 pages; single-sided) emphasizing appropriate research, scholarly, or artistic achievements. 6) If applicable, include relevant documents for human/animal subjects’ clearance and for standard operating procedures involving the handling of dangerous animals, equipment, or materials. 4 FACULTY RESEARCH & CREATIVE ACTIVITIES FELLOWSHIP: SUPPLIES BUDGET INFORMATION Prioritize and explain each supply expense. Consider, if you are not fully funded, which aspects of your budget would be the most important to be funded. Include the relevance of all budget items in your justification. Limit your requests to essential items. General expense categories that are not justified may not be funded. For example, listing “miscellaneous office supplies -­­-­­ $75” would need to be further detailed, reasonable, and essential. If you are requesting equipment, indicate the estimated unit cost for each item to be purchased, and briefly justify the need for each item. If you require materials and supplies, itemize them by nature of expense. Provide the basis for cost estimates or computations (e.g., vendor quotes, photocopies of catalog pages, internet URL of catalog, prior purchase of similar or like items, etc.). If you request chemicals, be specific. Include the name of the chemical, the amount of the chemical needed, and the unit price. For example if your project requires Acetic Acid, state the chemical (Acetic Acid 0.5%), amount needed (16 oz.) and price ($23.50). Please include the basis of your price estimate (ex. Poly Scientific catalog: http://www.polyrnd.com/products_sub_details.asp?scatid=37&subname=General%20Lab oratory). All funds must be consumed within 12 months of notification of award and unused funds will revert back to the SGSR, unless otherwise specified. Please note that CWU policies regarding purchases and travel will pertain. If the recipient receives a fellowship after he/she has expended funds for a project, he/she may be reimbursed for those expenses for which they have kept receipts but those reimbursable receipts must be turned into the SGSR within two weeks of the award notification and within the same fiscal year, which runs from July 1 – June 30. Retroactive travel expenses will not apply. Refer to the Business and Financial Affairs website for full information. http://www.cwu.edu/financial-affairs/ Expenditures are limited to those items detailed in the original proposal. The dean of the SGSR must approve any significant changes to the proposed budget in advance. All items purchased by the fellowship funds become the property of the University. All equipment purchased must be placed on inventory and may receive a CWU account number according to regular University procedures before it can be used on a project. The disposition of equipment, after the completion of the project, is negotiated by the project director, the department chair, college dean and the SGSR dean. 5 FACULTY RESEARCH & CREATIVE ACTIVITIES FELLOWSHIP: SUPPLIES BUDGET TEMPLATE Applicant’s Name: _______________________________________________________________ Project Title: __________________________________________________________________ Budget Justification Describe essential items in detail. If you are requesting equipment, indicate the estimated unit cost for each item to be purchased, and briefly justify the need for each item. If you require materials and supplies, itemize them by nature of expense. Provide the basis for cost estimates or computations (e.g., vendor quotes, photocopies of catalog pages, internet URL of catalog, prior purchase of similar or like items, etc.). The chart below can be used as a template. Budget Itemization template Priority Website Description Amount Actual Cost Amount Pending/Receive d from other source(s) Amount requested from the FDRC Committee 1 http://www.carolina.com/specialtychemicals-d-l/ethanol-95-laboratorygrade Ethanol Fischer Chemicals A406P-4 8L $294.56 n/a $294.56 2 www.fishersci.com/shop/products Aluminum weighing pans Case of 10/ 50 packs ea. $187.50 $45.00 (from Dept. of Chemistry) $147.50 VWR 12177305 3 4 Totals $482.06 6 $442.06 FACULTY RESEARCH & CREATIVE ACTIVITIES FELLOWSHIP: TRAVEL BUDGET TEMPLATE Applicant’s Name: _______________________________________________________________ Project Title: __________________________________________________________________ Location & Travel Dates:_________________________________________________________ As of July 1, 2015, Graduate School travel funding may be utilized for the following expenditures: ground fare, airfare and lodging. Per Diem (meals) or retro-active expenses will not be reimbursed. Estimated Expenses: Car/Shuttle/Ground Transportation: $___________ Airfare: $___________ Other costs (explain below): $___________ Lodging: Room cost per night: $ ____________ X ________________ # nights = $___________ Other (explain): $___________ Total Cost: $___________ Please explain how you have calculated each of the above expenses: Please explain any unusual costs or circumstances: Have you applied for or received any other funding for this trip? If yes, please list the source and amount requested and/or funded: Refer to the travel Web page http://www.cwu.edu/financial-affairs/travel for state regulations regarding limitations for lodging, and calculations for mileage allowance. 7 FACULTY RESEARCH & CREATIVE ACTIVITIES FELLOWSHIP: STUDENT SALARIES/ RESEARCH ASSISTANCE BUDGET TEMPLATE Applicant’s Name: _______________________________________________________________ Project Title: __________________________________________________________________ Please fill out one budget sheet per student/research assistant. Please list if this student will work during the academic year or during the summer: Salaries and Wages: # of hours per week: $ _________ # of weeks: $ _________ Rate of pay: $ _________ Benefits (List benefit rate corresponding to salary): $ _________ TOTAL COSTS: $ _________ Please explain any unusual costs or circumstances: Have you applied for or received any other funding for this project? If yes, please list the source and amount requested and/or funded: If hiring summer research assistants, you may need to include the cost of FICA taxes. Please refer to the Student Employment website for details. 8 FACULTY RESEARCH & CREATIVE ACTIVITIES FELLOWSHIP APPLICATION COVER SHEET Submit the original paper copy including this cover sheet and signature page and 7 additional copies and email 1 pdf copy to masters@cwu.edu Applicant’s Name: ____________________________________ Email: __________________________ Department: ________________________________________ Phone: _________________________ Project Title: _________________________________________ Application date: _____________________________________ Anticipated project end date: ____________________________________________________________ Reminder: All funds must be consumed within 12 months of notification of award and unused funds will revert back to the SGSR, unless otherwise specified. Please note that CWU policies regarding purchases and travel will pertain. If the recipient receives a fellowship after he/she has expended funds for a project, he/she may be reimbursed for those expenses for which they have kept receipts but those reimbursable receipts must be turned into the SGSR within two weeks of the award notification and within the same fiscal year, which runs from July 1 – June 30. Retroactive travel expenses will not apply. Refer to the Business and Financial Affairs website for full information. http://www.cwu.edu/financial-affairs/ Total amount requested from the Faculty Development and Research Council: __________ (up to $3,000) Will you be using: Animal subjects: Yes No Dangerous animals, equipment or materials: Yes Human subjects: Yes No No If you have answered yes to any of the above, have you included the approval paperwork? Yes Have you received support from the FDRC in the last 2 years? Yes No No If yes, note the date the final report was submitted to the SGSR: ____________ Please note that if you are requesting supplies, travel and/or student salaries; you must include a separate budget sheet for each category of expense. Templates for these sheets are included in this packet. 9 FACULTY RESEARCH & CREATIVE ACTIVITIES FELLOWSHIP APPLICATION COVER SHEET SIGNATURE PAGE If, for any reason, you are unable to complete the project within the proposed time frame, you must contact The Dean of School of Graduate Studies and Research immediately. If you require an extension in order to complete the research or creative activity outlined in your original application, you must provide in writing the rationale for the extension. Your request will be reviewed by the FDRC and you will be notified of the decision. By signing below, I assume responsibility for the project activities outlined in this packet. I have read and understand the current guidelines regarding expenditures related to this proposed work. Applicant’s Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: ______________ Department Chair Printed Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________ Department Chair Signature of Approval: ____________________________________ Date: ______________ Comments: College Dean Printed Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________ College Dean Signature of Approval: ________________________________________ Date: ______________ Comments: SGSR Office use only: File # _________ Decision: _______________________________ 10 ________________form updated 11.2015