The maximum award available for a faculty member is
release time up to 12 work load units in one quarter
during the ACADEMIC YEAR. The faculty member’s home
department will receive the appropriate reimbursement
based on the CBA regulations to provide adjunct
replacement. Please check the School of Graduate Studies
and Research’s (SGSR) website (cwu.edu/masters) for this
year’s application deadlines. The original application must
be received in the SGSR office (Barge 214; Mailstop 7510)
by 5 p.m. on the appropriate deadline
Sponsored by the SGSR, the Faculty Development and
Research Council (FDRC) has established a limited number
of competitive Faculty Research and Creative Activities Appointments to assist CWU tenured/tenure
track faculty members with their research, creative and scholarly activities during an academic year.
These activities are expected to benefit the scholar(s), their respective departments, and graduate
studies in general at CWU.
The applicant must have a full-time, continuing academic year faculty appointment at the rank of
assistant professor or higher. Applicants on professional leave or unpaid leave of absence are not eligible
for academic-year appointments. It is expected that the faculty member shall return to CWU for one
academic year following completion of the Faculty Research Appointment. Appointees are faculty
employees of CWU regardless of their physical location, with the usual responsibilities pertaining to oncampus employment. Applications must be endorsed by the department chair and college dean.
1. The applicant should expect to utilize the campus of CWU as home base during the appointment
period unless appropriate justification for off-campus or CWU Center activities is provided in the
application’s methodology section.
2. No more than two appointments in a given quarter will be granted to any one department or program.
Exceptions may be made for large departments (those with fifteen or more faculty).
3. Priority will be given to applicants who have not received an appointment or fellowship through the
FDRC in the previous fiscal year. For those applicants who have received previous FDRC funding, past
performance, as judged by the quality of the final report and publications, will be a consideration.
4. A faculty member can receive no more than one appointment in a given fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).
5. Projects that are related to completion of degree requirements are not eligible
Special consideration will be made for submissions by applicants who have not received FDRC funding
in the past two years.
Attachments (unless they are documents included in the appendix list) are not allowable and will result
in disqualification.
Recommendations on proposals are made by a vote of the Council.
The Council may take the following actions:
 Not to fund
 Request for further information or clarification
 Partially fund
 Fund contingent on availability of funds
 Fund in full
All comments by the chair and dean and discussions of the applications are considered confidential. The
text of funded proposals are available to the public.
Required Post-Award Reports:
The faculty fellow must submit a final report to the Council no later than three months after completion
of the project or the end of the academic year, whichever occurs first. The final report should summarize
the project results and list any publications, exhibitions, and external grants that resulted from the
award. The report must also include any approvals by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
and/or the Human Subjects Review Committee. For research involving hazardous or dangerous animals,
equipment, or supplies, standard operating procedures (SOPs) should be appended in the report.
Failure to submit a final report will be grounds for denying future support. The report may be taken into
consideration when decisions are made on future funding.
If results of this project are published or otherwise performed/disseminated, it is expected that you will
include in the publication/performance notice the following statement or similar: “This
research/performance/show was partially supported by the School of Graduate Studies and Research,
Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington."
Faculty Research & Creative Activities - Academic Year Appointment
Application Specifications
The application packet MUST include the materials below. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to make sure that the application has all the required elements.
Please submit 1 original signed copy, 7 additional copies and email 1 pdf copy to masters@cwu.edu
COVER SHEET (included in packet). This sheet must be signed by your department chair and college
dean. It is a courtesy to submit your application to the appropriate dean for signature a week before
the deadline.
Typed abstract or creative artistic statement of the project (not to exceed 200 words).
Typed project description of 8 pages or less (single sided, double spaced, 12-point font) that includes
the following labeled sections:
Project goals and objectives
Relationship to previous research/knowledge in the field (literature review) including relationship
to your previous work
Significance of the research/project
Clear statement of methodology/research design
Timeline of research/creative activity for successful completion of the project
Anticipated results
Extramural Potential: This should be an assessment of the potential for research proposals to
lead to funding (grants) and/or dissemination (publications, exhibitions, performances) outside
of CWU. Provide information such as anticipated funding source or dissemination venue,
contacts with those sources as applicable, and likelihood for success. If portions of the project
are already being funded by other agencies, either inside or outside CWU, detail those sources
Cited literature or References (not included in 8 page limitation)
VITAE: attach curriculum vitae or resume (up to 2 pages; single-sided) emphasizing appropriate
research, scholarly, or artistic achievements.
Faculty Research & Creative Activities - Academic Year Appointment
Application Cover Sheet
Submit the original paper copy including this cover sheet and 7 additional copies and email 1 pdf copy to
Applicant’s Name:
Project Title:
Application date:
Number of workload units requested:
(The SGSR will reimburse senior lecture adjunct replacement funding up to a maximum of 12 WLUs)
Have you received support from the FDRC in the last 2 years? Yes
If yes, note the type of funding and the date the final report was submitted to the SGSR:
If, for any reason, you are unable to complete the project within the proposed time frame, you must contact The
Dean of School of Graduate Studies and Research immediately. If you require an extension in order to complete the
research or creative activity outlined in your original application, you must provide in writing the rationale for the
extension. Your request will be reviewed by the FDRC and you will be notified of the decision.
By signing below, I assume responsibility for the project activities outlined in this packet. I have read and
understand the current guidelines.
Applicant’s Signature:
By signing below, I allow the applicant to be released for the requested workload units in the quarter/year that is
Department Chair Printed Name:
Department Chair Signature of Approval:
By signing below, I allow the applicant to be released for the requested workload units in the quarter/year that is
College Dean Printed Name:
College Dean Signature of Approval:
SGSR Office Use Only: File # _________ Decision _________________________ Form updated 11.2015